CC - 1975-69 - Miss rosemead• i RESOLUTION ;715-- hono&big Atlas Kim NevboZd 'F.tilss Rosemead' 1976 WHEREAS, rim Newbold ha6 been sefeeted 'Ati6s Rosemead' to Aeign oven Rosemead Chambe'c. o6 CorrrincAce'.6 event6 Got 1976, and WHEREAS, ;dti6 young lady o6 Rosemead a±tU Aep,z. e"# .the Ros,^.reead Ja.cfcet6 at 3Jte Cat i.6mn.i.a Junim Miss competi.,iion in Santa Rosa in Jc vi=j o6 next yeat, and WHEREAS. A1i.es NewboZ.d waa awaAded the coveted .t;-ae on Vie ba6i6 o6 heA pub Cie. service, beauty and talent, and WHEREAS, rim iz zat ng a wai4ewoAthy ex,;;mpee to aZi o6 today's yowrg pcopZe; NOW, THEREFORE, We tfte members o6 the Cit! Counoif o6 the City o6 Rosemead do hereby commend .th.td youth6uf citiz?i, and mush 6or,. /,PA a sueceu6rta yeas a6 'Alias Roaomead' DONE THIS 25th DAY OF NOVEMBER 1973 T RobeA,% V.~AU! MayoA TjFD7-T em ~rno~3 C. JGn?e'csea, 4wte Unctn A aAui n Cir-hy, owic man