CC - 1976-10 - Commending Results0 RESOLUTION 76-10 o6 the City Counc a o6 the City o6 Rosemead hono4ing and thanking KEYTH DURHAM WHEREAS, the City o6 Rosemead and .tt6 citizens have come to know and Aeapeet.the peuon o6 Keyth Dunham, who box oven a year has aeAved this City as Assistant City ManageA; and WHEREAS, this 4e6peeted pAo6ess.aonae is teav.ing 6Aiend6 and business associates to puuue a degue o6 DoetoA o6 Ph.iP.oaophy towaAd 6uZ6iMxg a dAeam as a uni.veAs.ity pno6e6soA in his chosen 6ietd; and WHEREAS, Rosemead citizens and city o66.icfae6 hold this depaxti,ng young man in deep a66ecti.on and esteem, adm.Lcing his quiet Atnength, his gAacious manneA, ea.Zmness and thotoughnesa, and knowtedge o6 his pao6ess.i.on; and WHEREAS, the City o6 Rosemead .i,a gAate6uZ bon his assistance in aft phases o6 city management and paAti.euta&Zy 6oA his untihing e65oAts in eatabtish- .ing and sexvdng the Human RezouAcu Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, WE the City Council o6 the City o6 Rosemead do hereby recognize Keyfih Dunham as a 6Aiend who wi.Zt indeed be missed and wiah"60i,-,him gheat 6ueee66 in his eaAeeA. DONE THIS 23RD DAY OF MARCH, 1916 lt - yoA o IXUJAX" Mayo& Ao em any ay A our an vcn y . our our an ay Impe&iaZ