CC - 1976-18 - Commending Tom Fransend adn KHJ-TV~ t G f m 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 (213) 2886671 R E S 0 LUTI ON 6-18 os the City Councie o5 the City o5 Rosemead commending and thanking TOM FRANDSEN and KHJ-TV - - WHEREAS, we, the members y5 the City Counca os the City o6 Rosemead, Aepteseting ate o6 this community, wish to expAe6s OuA gratitude 5on..the oppontun'ty assoaded ouA Mayon Roberta TAu1,iUo o6 paAtic%pating in youh-unique and h,ighty Ae6pected teeev.i,6.ion p)LogAam, "Meet the Mayonh;" and WHEREAS, we commend Tom FAand6eni and Station KHJ-TV Son. peAjonming what toe beZi.eve to be a vaeaabZe and LoeU-conceived. pubti.c senv.i.ce pnomntixg good citizen- . goveAnment Aeeati.ons;. and WHEREAS, we betieve "Meet the Mayon" to be the hind o6 TV show which can help Glee citizens to become moAe a aAe o6 and undef&stand betteA the Sunctiom os theme city goveAment, .indeed, goveAnment at County, State and FedeWX teveeh;. THEREFORE, we, the City Couneie o6 .the City o6 Rosemead do heAeby.cong4atu.Cate Tom FAand6en and KHJ-TV So& theih eont)ribution towaAd pnomot.ing pubtic awahenehs theKeby peApetuating ouA 4oAn1 o6 government. DONE THIS 31zt DAV OF MARCH, 1976 ti ayoA Ro uhta V. Auj o . bayoA PAO run airy ay oA Coun an an.v.Ln_ . C.cc y Coun an eA eat R. unteA Coun an ay . Impeuae