CC - 1976-45 - Commending Isabel Brownelli i R E S 0 L U T 1 0 N ,6-'j o6 the City Councit o6 the City o6 Rosemead hononing and -thanking MRS. ISABEL BROWNELL` WHEREAS, the City Councit o6 the City o6 Rosemead tecognizes Vie dedication o6 blu. Isabel BnowneU, a dUfigen.t wonkeA in the community, serving as Chaihpeuon o6 the Human Re6ouAces Commission since its e6tabZahment in 1975; and WHEREAS, this eoyaR, hand-wonk,i.ng citizen has genelwu6Py eonVi,ibuted here time and tatent6 to city goveAnnent, other agencies and community g4oup6 toward the goat-o6 achieving good city-citizen neeati.ons and unden- standi.ng; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Bnownett's attention We eonstantty been diteeted .toward meeting community as we U as .i,ndi.v.i duae. needs; and WHEREAS, she hah responded to the goats o6 the Human Resoutces Commission i such a manner as to earn the %espect and admi4ation o6 aZt membeAs o6 city goeennment and fine entih.e citizenry o6 Rosemead; NOW, THEREFORE, We, the City Couneit o6 the City o6 Rosemead, do hereby commend M4A. BnowneU as hem. tehm comes to an end, and thank hen bon heA dedication to heA city and its people. DONE THIS 30TH DAY OF JULY, 1976 4 yon 10 . nu.J ~ ADOPTED AUGUST 24, 1976 Mayon ro em any ay n CCooun an 6 v.u1 y o ai en unteA our an ay Impe4iat