CC - 1976-62 - Welcoming Officials Visitors from Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico' .53b sozl~ _ ;rte t~ a. cif9y psemoi rd 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770. (213) 288.6671 RESOLUTION 76-62 o6 the City Counci o6 Rosemead Welcoming 066.ic.ial visito" 6aom Zapopan, Ja Z6co, Mexico WHEREAS," the City Cowtcit o5 the City o6 Rosemead, and att citizens, join membeu o6 the Rosemead SizteA City Committee in gheet%ng the o66.inial paAty 6Aom Zapopan, Ja Z6co, Mexico; and WHEREAS, we aae ptiviteged to have these v.ihdtons 6nom ouUL S.isteA City in owL midst bon a bAie6 time and extend to them ouA hospitcdity and best wishes du)Ling their stay; and WHEREAS, the citizens o6 Rosemead cute paoud.o6 this SisteA City Pkogtam which ds an a66uunati.on o6 one people's basic "goodwill towoAd anotheA people; and WHEREAS, it is hoped .that, thAough this tong-anticipated visit ou)L peoples might grow even eloseAin 6n,iend6hi.p, tespect.and undet6tanding; NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the membehs o6 the City Couneit o6 the City o6 Rosemead; do o66ieiaUy extend ou)L heaA#6 and hands in welcome and hope that when our 6,tiends netunn to the%A homeland they w.i,P.2 ecuuLy with theln an intensi4 ed heeling o6 6n,iend6fAp and goodw.i.lY. DONE THIS 28th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1976. aa, *r ?y t ayon Ro uta V. T4u1 " o ayon no ern Ncy ay on oun "man Ma,,Lvin J. C.iczy Counc,Uj an HetbeAt R. Hu;Lt,?A Cowlci unan Jay T. ImpeP,&L MAYOR: I MAYOR PRO TEM: COUNCIL MEP,IBERS: ROBERTA V. -IRUJILLO GARY A. TAYLOR MARVIN J. CICHY HERBERT R. HUNTER JAY T. IMPERIAL