CC - 1976-71 - Reverend Jack PrestonCi Of 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA' 91770 (213) 288-6671 R E S v L u T I 0 N o6 the City Council o6 the City o6 Rosemead I honohing THE REVEREND JACK PRESTON WHEREAS, The Rev. Jack P2es.ton has been an outstanding and dedicated minis ten to a talLge numbeA o6 people in Rosemead SoA many yeau, having built, Aemarkably, the membetlsh,ip at Rosemead Community Methodist ChuAch whexe he .inzpilLed membehs, with special phoghnms Sox youths as well as adults, causing the good he accomplished to be Sett throughout this community; and WHEREAS, The Rev. Ptceston was one os the .initi.atohs o6 the annual PAayeA Bheaksast in Rosemead, which creates a spik t o6 unity and bhothetch00d among au Ae igious denominations; and WHEREAS, he seAved on the Rosemead Coacdinating Council Son most os its yeahs o~ existence, thus assisting many peuons and otcgavuzations in this city; and WHEREAS, the Sate heaehing essects os his Ch4izt.i.an ministry and concern Son atl people w.iU continue to be Sett by atZ those who knew him; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council os the City os Rosemead hereby exptcesses Sox aU Rosemead citizens deep appheeiat%on San, the wo&k os this Stine m.inisteA; Son his positive .in4Zuence in the community; and extend wishes Soit his continued success and happiness in the endeavohs that take him away Shom Rosemead. DONE THIS 25th DAY OF OCTOBER, o Mayotc o err to V. ut j o our nan ay T. finpeftiat MAYOR: MAYOR PRO TEM: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ROBERTA V. TRUJILLO GARY A. TAYLOR MARVIN J. CICHY HERBERT R. HUNTER JAY T. IMPERIAL