CC - 1976-76 - Honoring Miss RosemeadOf a. ' - fim .33 i)J 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 (i)3)288-6671 RESO LUTI ON 6-76 o6 the City Councie o4 the City ob Rosemead, hono i.ng "K 66 Rosemead; 1976-17" DIANA MARIE GRIEGO WHEREAS, zhe City o6 Rosemead .i6 ptoud to be teptesented by DIANA MARIE GRIEGO a6 "MiA6 Rosemead", she having been selected 4tom 6eventeen contestants and citowned in speciae ceAemonie6 6pon6oted by the Rosemead Jaycees and Rose- mead ChainbeA aj CommeAce on NOvemben 5, 1916; and WHEREAS, the conte6t to.name "Miss Rosemead" caU-6 into account not only appearance, but scholastic achievement, community 6env.ice and peh6onat character - in which Miss Griego excels; and WHEREAS, Rosemead City Council membeu and Rosemead citizens ate honored to have Mizz Gxiego as this City's youthful good w.(U ambG6sadoA.and wish her we t in aeptesenting the City in a my-tiad oU events that await het du,c,btg heA Reign a6 "bliss Rosemead"; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council congnatueates Miss G)Li.ego on having won thiA distinction and encowtages all Rosemead citizens to 5uppott hen to make this yeah a happy and memortable one UoA hell. DUNE THIS 23Rd DAY OF NOVEMBER; 1976. at or Ro eAta V. Auk o ffa-yo-jt Au em Gaty ay or Coun an hH v.cn . CCC y MAYOR: ROBERTA V. TRUJILLO MAYOR PRO TEM: GARY A. TAYLOR Court an et ert R. ureter . Coun an ay . Impe COUNCIL MEMBERS: MARVIN J. CICHY HERBERT R. HUNTER JAY T. IMPERIAL