CC - 1976-78 - American Lupus Society Fund Raising WeeekCity Of psemead- ~1ab 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 (213) 2886671 RESOLUTION 76-78 o6 the City Couneit o6 the City o5 Rosemead deeeati.ng the week o6 November 15 aA AMERICAN LUPUS SOCIETY FUND RAISING WEEK WHEREAS, the American Lupus Society was bounded in Deeembex 1973 to 6.iLe an expressed need to support neseatch into the cause and tAeatJnent o6 the tutee undens,tood disease Lupws Erythematosus; and WHEREAS, this organization was es.tabt (shed also to pn.epare and dEStti,bute titenatu&e about the disease which woued be hetn6u2 to phyb.ie.i.ans, their patients: and 6amilies; and WHEREAS, the boon-to-be ntabZished branch o6 the Society in the gneateA San Gabni.e2 Vattey witZ as,5,ist the patent organization in genehating addi ti.ona2 .inteAn t and conceAn 6o,, people in out communities s L6beting 6rom this c.atasttoph.ie disease; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Couneie o6 the City ob Rosemead heiLeby joins members o6 the American Lupus Society, Greatet Los Angetes Area, in hopes that the bat-reacking work o6 the Society w.iU bene4it an even greateA numbeA o6 pehsons a6b2ieted with this disease though a continued extended x.ezea[ch'pnogtam and the provision o6 the necessary 6unds to bona 6.ide ipmtituti,o)w and peuonnee. 1 J: MAYOR: OR PRO TEIA: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ROBERTA V. TRUJILLO GARY A. TAYLOR MARVIN J. CICHY HERBERT R. HUNTER JAY T. IMPERIAL