CC - Item 5A - Post Retirement Healthcare FundingROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL
DATE: MAY 26, 2009
The Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued GASB Statement 45 in June
2004 which requires all government agencies to evaluate and adopt a funding plan for Other
Post Employment Benefits (OPEB). GASB 45 mandates that public agencies with annual
budgets between $10 million and $100 million adopt an implementation plan in the fiscal year
beginning after December 31, 2007. For the City of Rosemead, the requirement is for
implementation in the 2008 -09 fiscal year.
City staff requested that a valuation (Attachment A) be performed in accordance with GASB 45
by Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) as they currently perform similar services for the
City's supplemental retirement plan. Based upon the valuation, which utilizes payroll and
demographic information as of January 1, 2008, it was determined that the City has an actuarial
unfunded liability of $2.66 million. City staff in conjunction with PARS staff have developed four
possible funding scenarios to account for and fund this benefit and actuarial liability.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the City Council approve funding option 4 to fully fund the liability over
five (5) years and budget accordingly for annual contributions. Furthermore, staff recommends
that the City Council adopt Resolution 2009 -24 (Attachment B), the Adoption Agreement
(Attachment C), Trust Agreement (Attachment D), and Administrative Services Agreement
(Attachment E), and authorize the Acting City Manager to execute the necessary documents to
establish an Irrevocable Medical Benefit Trust with PARS.
This City currently has three benefits that require actuarial valuations for OPEB: CalPERS,
Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS), and retiree medical. CalPERS for retirement
benefits and PARS for supplemental retirement benefits are existing plans already included in
the City's annual financial statements and no new work is required under GASB 45. The third
Present Value of
Future Benefits
Actuarial Accrued
Unfunded Liability
Total Annual
30 Years
1 — Pay as you Go
Not Applicable
2 — Irrevocable Trust - 1 Year
3 — Irrevocable Trust — 3 Year
4 — Irrevocable Trust — 5 Year
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends that the City Council approve funding option 4 to fully fund the liability over
five (5) years and budget accordingly for annual contributions. Furthermore, staff recommends
that the City Council adopt Resolution 2009 -24 (Attachment B), the Adoption Agreement
(Attachment C), Trust Agreement (Attachment D), and Administrative Services Agreement
(Attachment E), and authorize the Acting City Manager to execute the necessary documents to
establish an Irrevocable Medical Benefit Trust with PARS.
This City currently has three benefits that require actuarial valuations for OPEB: CalPERS,
Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS), and retiree medical. CalPERS for retirement
benefits and PARS for supplemental retirement benefits are existing plans already included in
the City's annual financial statements and no new work is required under GASB 45. The third
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program offered by the City which does require new reporting is the City's retiree medical
benefit. Prior to GASB 45, public agencies were not required to perform actuarial valuations or
report the liability of such plans as part of the financial statements.
Prior to July 1, 2007, the City of Rosemead provided retiree medical benefits to all full -time team
members who retired from the City. Staff presented a GASB 45 actuarial valuation to the City
Council on June 12, 2007 which reported that the Present Value of Future Benefits for this plan
was $9,850,614 with an Actuarial Accrued Liability of $5,547,615. In order to reduce this liability
the City Council authorized staff to negotiate with the Rosemead Employee Association which
resulted in the reduction of future retiree medical benefits. The City Council and Rosemead
Employee Association subsequently approved a Memorandum of Understanding which
eliminated retiree medical benefits to team members hired after July 1, 2007 and implemented
minimum years of service requirements for those hired prior to July 1, 2007. The anticipated
result was a significant reduction in future costs and liability for the benefit.
City staff contacted PARS and requested a valuation for the current benefits since they had
completed the previous valuation and had been working on a valuation for the City's
Supplemental Retirement Plan. PARS offered to combine the valuations in order to save the
City money as most of the data involved is the same. The valuation was completed and several
funding options have been developed.
Option 1
Under GASB 45, a public agency may choose to report the actuarial liability as part of the
annual financial statements, but make no plans to pre -fund the obligation and continue on a
pay -as- you -go basis. Under this scenario the City would continue with past practice of
budgeting the annual retiree medical payments. Most agencies and public finance officials have
discouraged the pay -as- you -go method as it passes on the previous liability to current and
future budgets indefinitely. The annual benefit payments are currently budgeted at $140,820
and are projected to increase each year. Annual payments for subsequent years are estimated
as follows:
Fiscal Year
Estimated Benefit
Fiscal Year
Estimated Benefit
Options 2 through 4
These options establish an irrevocable medical benefit trust for the funding of OPEB. An
irrevocable trust is similar to what the City currently utilizes for its CalPERS and PARS plans.
Funds are deposited based upon the actuarial valuation each year with the long term goal of
funding the plan at 100 %. The contributions include funds for the annual cost which is referred
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to as the "Normal Cost" and amortization payments to pay down the actuarial accrued liability.
Irrevocable plans are maintained by a third -party administrator who collects the funds, manages
the investments and distributes payments to retirees. Irrevocable trusts traditionally require
lower annual Normal Cost payments and amortization payments as the investments are pooled
with other similar plans generating a higher interest rate return. PARS recommends using an
interest rate assumption of 7.5% for this type of plan which is similar to what is used by
CalPERS and PARS for retirement programs.
The annual cost differences in options 2 through 4 display various funding options between one
year and five years. As with any unfunded liability or debt, the earlier the liability is paid down,
the more money is saved in interest payments. A thirty year cost projection has been attached
(Attachment F) for your reference.
Irrevocable Medical Benefit Trusts
Under GASB 45, an irrevocable trust may be established for the funding and payment of post
employment retiree healthcare. In California two large trusts have been created that are being
utilized by most government agencies, PARS and CalPERS. City staff is recommending the
PARS plan due to the pre- existing relationship and the fact that there is no specific requirement
regarding health plan provider. Under the CalPERS trust, the City would be required to keep
CalPERS as the health plan provider indefinitely and since the City has previously considered
using outside insurance brokers, the PARS plan would allow the City to keep this option.
Under the proposed plan the City will contract with PARS to act as trustee and administrative
manager of the irrevocable medical benefits trust. The purpose of the trust is to accumulate,
hold, and distribute medical benefit plan assets for the exclusive benefit of retirees and
beneficiaries within the meaning of the IRS Code Section 115 and in conformance with the
accounting standard.
A second agreement will be executed with Union Bank, who will actively manage plan assets
consistent with long -term investments to achieve the assumed actuarial rate of return. The City
currently invests using the Balanced /Moderately Aggressive Strategy for the Retirement
Enhancement Plan, however, staff is recommending the Moderate Strategy Plan for this
Medical Benefit Trust. The Moderate Plan is slightly less aggressive while still maintaining the
reasonable ability of earning the assumed 7.5% rate of return over the long term. The individual
trust account of the City, known as an agency account, will be part of a larger master trust
administered by PARS however; the trustee will provide the City with monthly or quarterly
statements of the City's agency account.
The following separate agreements are necessary to create the medical benefits trust
• Adoption Agreement - Required for the official adoption of the Master Plan Document
(Attachment C).
• Trust Agreement - Sets forth the employer's plan administrator (Attachment D).
Consistent with other benefits plans, the City Manager and /or designee shall
administer the plan. The plan administrator has overall responsibility for the plan
including selection of the plan's asset investment approach.
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• Administrative Services Agreement - Outlines the services provided and the billing
practices of PARS as the trust administrator (Attachment E).
This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process.
Submitted by:
Mattliew E. Hawkesworth
Acting City Manager
Attachments: A — Actuarial Valuation
B — Resolution 2009 -24
C - Adoption Agreement
D — Trust Agreement
E — Administrative Services Agreement
F — Thirty Year Cost Projections
April 14, 2008
Mr. Dennis Yu, CEBS
Vice President, Consulting
Public Agency Retirement Services
5141 California Avenue, Suite 150
Irvine, CA 92617 -3069
Attachment A
1921 Gallows Road
Suite 900
Vienna, VA 22182
Tel +1 703 917 0163
Fax +1 703 827 9266
Re: January 1, 2008 Actuarial Valuation for the City of Rosemead
Post - Retirement Health Care Plan
Dear Dennis:
As requested, we have completed our valuation of the post - retirement healthcare plan
as of January 1, 2008 for the City of Rosemead. The purpose of the valuation is to
estimate the potential liabilities and expense under the GASB 45 amounting rules for
post employment benefits other than pensions.
This letter - report summarizes our results in aggregate for all employee and retiree
groups. Our report is separated into the following seven sections:
1. Summary of Results
2. Ten Year Projection of Pay -as- you -go Cost
3. Participant Data as of January 1, 2008
4. Participant Reconciliation as of January 1, 2008
5. Schedule of Funding Progress
6. Plan Provisions
7. Actuarial Assumptions
8. Actuarial Methods
As requested, we show the results under 4.50% and 7.50% interest rate assumptions.
In general, the interest rate assumption would be a best estimate of the expected long-
term rate of return on assets, which is largely driven by your current and future
investment mix. If the plan has no assets, the assumption would be based on the rate
of return of the City's assets. The demographic assumptions used in the calculations
are consistent with those that were used in the January 1, 2008 supplemental pension
valuation. We used employee and retiree data as of January 1, 2008, and the health
plan premiums effective January 1, 2008.
As requested, we determined the results at an interest rate of 7.50% for the scenario in
which assets would be set aside in an irrevocable trust to fund retiree health benefits.
This work product was prepared solely for Public Agency Retirement Services and the City of Rosemead for the purposes described
herein and may not be appropriated to use for other purposes. Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability
to other parties who recelm this work.
Offices io Principal Cities Worldwide
Mr. Dennis Yu, CEBS
April 14, 2008
Page 2
If the assets are not in an irrevocable trust, GASB 45 does not consider them plan
assets and the results would be based on the rate of return of the employer's assets.
For the latter scenario in which health assets are part of the City's general assets, we
have used an interest rate of 4.50 %. We show the results under both asset
classification approaches.
The City has been funding the benefits since its inception on a pay -as- you -go basis.
We have not adjusted the costs for any liability the City may have on their financial
statement for these benefits. If the City is carrying a liability for these benefits, it may be
appropriate to reduce the costs to take into account the liability the City has already
In preparing this report, we relied, without audit, on information (some oral and some in
writing) supplied by PARS and the City's staff. This information includes, but is not
limited to, statutory provisions, employee data, and financial information. In our
examination of these data, we have found them to be reasonably consistent and
comparable with data used for other purposes. Since the valuation results are
dependent on the integrity of the data supplied, the results can be expected to differ if
the underlying data is incomplete or missing. It should be noted that if any data or other
information is inaccurate or incomplete, our calculations may need to be revised.
On the basis of the foregoing, we hereby certify that, to the best of our knowledge and
belief, this report is complete and accurate and has been prepared in accordance with
generally recognized and accepted actuarial principles and practices which are
consistent with the actuarial standards of Practice promulgated by the Actuarial
Standards Board and applicable Guides to Professional Conduct, amplifying Opinions,
and supporting Recommendations of the American Academy of Actuaries.
We further certify that all costs, liabilities, rates of interest, and other factors for the Plan
have been determined on the basis of actuarial assumptions and methods which are
individually reasonable, taking into account the experience of CalPERS and reasonable
expectations. Nevertheless, the emerging costs will vary from those presented in this
report to the extent actual experience differs from that projected by the actuarial
Actuarial computations under GASB Statement No. 45 are for purposes of fulfilling
financial accounting requirements. The calculations in the enclosed report have been
made on a basis consistent with our understanding of GASB 45. Determinations for
purposes other than meeting those requirements may be significantly different from the
results contained in this report. Accordingly, additional determinations may be needed
for other purposes.
This work product was prepared solely for Public Agency Retirement Services and the City or Rosemead for the purposes described
herein and may not be appropriated to use for other purposes. Offirnan does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability
to other parties who raceiwe this work.
Mr. Dennis Yu, CEBS
April 14, 2008
Page 3
Milliman's work product was prepared exclusively for the management of the City of
Rosemead and PARS for a specific and limited purpose. It is a complex, technical
analysis that assumes a high level of knowledge concerning the City of Rosemead
operations, and uses City of Rosemead data, which Milliman has not audited. It is not
for the use or benefit of any third party for any purpose. Any third party recipient of
Milliman's work product who desires professional guidance should not rely upon
Milliman's work product, but should engage qualified professionals for advice
appropriate to its own specific needs.
We respectfully submit the following report, and we look forward to discussing it with
you at your convenience. I, John C. Muehl, am a consulting actuary for Milliman, Inc. I
am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the Qualification
Standards of the American Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion
contained herein.
Please call me at your convenience with any questions about this letter or to discuss
study results.
Milliman, Inc.
Jenny Fung
Actuarial Analyst
l ohs C. Muehl, FSA, EA, MAAA
/ Conjulting Actuary
Cc: ' Kevin Murphy
Robert Dezube
P.IPHHVR08 wdR200812008GASB -dm
This work product was prepared solely for Public Agency Rebrement Services and the City of Rosemead for the purposes described
herein and may riot be appropriated to use for other purposes. Milkman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability
to other parties who receive this work.
1. Summary of Results
1. Present Value of Future Benefits
a. Actives
b. Terminated Vesteds
c. Retirees
d. Total
2. Present Value of Future Normal Costs:
a. Actives
b. Terminated Vesteds
c. Retirees
I Total
3. Actuarial Liability [(1.) - (2.)]:
a. Actives
b. Terminated Vesteds
c. Retirees
d. Total
4. Actuarial Value of Assets:
5. Unfunded Actuarial Liability [(3d.) - (4.)]:
6. Annual Required Contribution
a. Normal Cost
b. Amortization of Unfunded Actuarial Liability'
c. Total
7. Estimated Benefit Payments
Mr. Dennis Yu, CEBS
April 14, 2008
Page 4
1/1/2008 Valuation
Health Plan Assets in Health Plan Assets in
Irrevocable Trust General Rosemead
7.50% 4.50%
$218,870 $527,343
0 0
0 0
$218,870 $527,343
$809,597 $1,249,358
0 0
1,850 960 2.441.618
$2,660,557 $3,690,976
$0 $0
$2,660,557 $3,690,976
1 Based on a 30 -year amortization period, with level payments.
$33,482 $67,941
209,556 216.837
$243,038 $284,778
$140,820 $140,820
This work product was prepared solely for Public Agency Retirement Services and the City of Rosemead for the purposes described
herein and may not be appropriated to use for other purposes. Millman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability
to other parties who receive this work.
Mr. Dennis Yu, CEBS
April 14, 2008
Page 5
2. Ten Year Projection of Pay- as- you-ao Cost
Year Beginning January 1
Estimated Benefit Payments
$254 029
3. Participant Data as of January 1. 2008
a. Active Participant Counts:
Males 15
Females 15
Total 30
b. Overall Active Average Age: 46.0
c. Average Service (years): 9.8
d. Retired Participant Counts:
Retirees Associated Spouses
Males 12 0
Females 2 8
Total 14 8
e. Average Annual Retiree Benefit: $6,211
(Includes Spouses):
nds wok Pedud was papered sokdy for Public Aperky ft&wmrd services end the tats of Rosemead for me purposes described
herein and may not be apP rmftd to use for Wier pmpoaea M07w does rat kiWW to bem6t and assumes m duty or 6abb*
to other parbas who receive this work.
Mr. Dennis Yu, CEBS
April 14, 2008
Page 6
Active Participants
Years of service
Under 5
5 to 9
10 to 14 15 to 19
20 to 24
25 to 29
30 to 34
35 to 39 40 ti up
Under 25
0 0
0 0
25 To 29
0 0
0 0
30 To 34
0 0
0 0
35 To 39
0 0
0 0
40 To 44
1 0
0 0
45 To 49
1 0
0 0
50 To 54
1 0
0 0
55 To 59
2 0
0 0
60 To 64
2 0
0 0
65 To 69
0 0
0 0
70 d Up
0 0
0 0
7 0
0 0
4. Participant Reconciliation as of January 1, 2008
5. Schedule of Funding Progress1
In accordance with Statement No. 45 of the Government Accounting Standards Board.
Participant Count as of
UAL as
New Hires
Terminated without a benefit
Participant Count as of
5. Schedule of Funding Progress1
In accordance with Statement No. 45 of the Government Accounting Standards Board.
UAL as
a % of
"Based on investment return assumption of 4.5%
This work product was prepared solely for Public Agency Retirement Services and the City of Rosemead for the purposes described
herein and may not be appropriated to use for other purposes. Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability
to other parties who receive this work.
Mr. Dennis Yu, CEBS
April 14, 2008
Page 7
6. Current Plan Provisions
a. Health Plan Eligibility
Miscellaneous employees, City Council Members and City Attomey must
separate from City employment and concurrently retire under CalPERS.
Retirees are eligible to choose one of the following health plans through
CalPERS. Shown below are 2008 sample rates for employees only.
Employee Only Employee Only
Pre -65
Post -65
Blue Shield (HMO)
Kaiser Permanente (HMO)
PERS Choice (PPO)
PORAC (Association Plan)
b. Health Plan Benefit
Retired participants
For employees who retired prior to July 1, 2007, the City will pay the retired
employee's entire monthly medical premium which may include his /her spouse
and /or dependents, up to the maximum rate for PERSCare family coverage
($1,814.46 for 2008). The benefit in future years will be adjusted based on the
cost of coverage for the PERSCare option. The spouse of a retiree can continue
coverage after the death of the retiree.
Active participants
For active employees who were hired prior to July 1, 2007 and retire with 20 or
more years of service, the City will pay up to $1,000 per month for healthcare
benefits for the retiree and family. The retiree pays the rest of the premium.
For active employees who were hired prior to July 1, 2007 and retire with 12 to
19 years of service, the City will pay up to $500 per month for healthcare benefits
for the retiree and family. The retiree pays the rest of the premium.
For active employees who were hired prior to July 1, 2007 and retire with less
than 12 years of service, no beneM is provided.
For active employees who were hired July 1, 2007 and later, no benefit is
This work product was prepared solely for Public Agency Retirement Services and the City or Rosemead for the purposes described
herein and may not be appropnatetl to use for other purposes. Milliman does hot intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability
to other parties who receive this work.
Mr. Dennis Yu, CEBS
April 14, 2008
Page 8
c. Benefit Service
Benefit service is credited from the date of hire in full -time employment with the
d. Vesting Service
Vesting service is credited from the date of hire in full -time employment with the
e. Employee Contributions
f. Disability Retirement Benefit
The Plan does not include a special disability benefit.
g. Death Benefit
The Plan does not include a special pre- retirement death benefit.
h. Withdrawal Benefit
The Plan does not include a special withdrawal benefit.
Benefit Changes Since the Prior Valuation
The City of Rosemead reduced benefits for employees who retire July 1, 2007 or later
as described in item b. above. The City eliminated benefits for employees hired July 1,
2007 or later.
This work product was prepared solely for Public Agency Retirement Services and the City of Rosemead for the purposes described
herein and may not be appropriated to use for other purposes. Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability
to other parties who receive this work
7. Actuarial Assumptions
a. Valuation Date:
b. Investment Return:
c. Medical Trend:
d. Coverage Elections:
Mr. Dennis Yu, CEBS
April 14, 2008
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January 1, 2008
4.50% and 7.50%
Increases based on the following table:
January 1,
e. Pre - Retirement Mortality:
and later 5.00%
100% of new retirees elect coverage based on
current elections. 40% of new retirees elect
single coverage and 60% of new retirees elect
dependent coverage.
RP -2000 Combined Healthy mortality tables for
males and females, with a 5 -year setback.
Sample rates are as follows:
This work product was prepared solely for Public Agency Retirement Services and the City of Rosemead for the purposes described
herein anal may not be appropriated to use for other purposes. Wman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability
to other parties who recv" this work.
Mr. Dennis Yu, CEBS
April 14, 2008
Page 10
f. Post - Retirement Mortality: RP -2000 Combined Healthy mortality tables for
males and females. Sample rates are as
Years of Service - Males
Hire Age
Male Female
0.21% 0.17%
0.67% 0.51%
2.22% 1.67%
6.44% 4.59%
18.34% 13.17%
34.46% 23.75%
100.00% 100.00%
g. Withdrawal: Sample select and ultimate rates for participants are as follows:
Years of Service - Males
Hire Age
Under 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
Years of Service - Females
Hire Age
For participants with more than ten years of service:
This work product was prepared solely for Public Agency Retirement Services and the City of Rosemead for the purposes described
herein and may not be appropriated to use for other purposes. Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability
to other parties who receive this work.
Mr. Dennis Yu, CEBS
April 14, 2008
Page 11
h. Retirement: For miscellaneous employees and the contract City Attorney:
Retirement rate of 20% at ages 60 and older with between 10
and 20 years of service, and retirement rate of 30% at ages 55
and older with more than 20 years of service.
For City Council members: Retirement rates of 30% per year
after attaining age 55.
L Disability: Sample rates are as follows:
j. Maximum Benefits: The maximum benefit for retirees as of July 1, 2007 is
equal to the cost of the PERSCare family coverage
increased each year by the medical trend.
k. Expenses: None are assumed.
I. Entry Age: Age at hire in full -time employment with City.
This work product was prepared solely for Public Agency Retirement Services and the City of Rosemead for the purposes described
herein and may not be appropriated to use for other purposes. Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no" or liability
to other parties who receive this work.
Mr. Dennis Yu. CEBS
April 14, 2008
Page 12
8. Actuarial Methods
Funding Method
The cost method for valuation of liabilities used for this valuation is the entry age
normal method. This is one of a family of valuation methods known as projected
benefits methods. The chief characteristic of projected benefits methods is that the
actuarial present value of all plan benefits is determined as of the valuation date
and then allocated between the period before and after the valuation date. The
present value of plan benefits earned prior to the valuation date is called the
actuarial liability. The present value of plan benefits to be earned after the
valuation date is called the present value of future normal costs.
Under the entry age normal actuarial cost method, an individual entry age normal
cost ratio is determined for each participant by taking the value, as of his entry age
in the plan, of the participant's projected future benefits (assuming the current plan
benefit provisions had always been in existence), and dividing it by the value, as of
the participant's entry age, of his expected future years of service. This ratio for
each participant is then multiplied by the present value, as of the valuation date, of
the participant's future years of service. The sum of these values for all active
participants is the plan's present value (as of the valuation date) of future normal
costs. The excess of the present value of all plan benefits over the present value
of future normal costs is the actuarial liability. The difference between the actuarial
liability and the value of the plan assets as of the valuation date is the unfunded
actuarial liability.
The unfunded actuarial liability is amortized over a period of 30 years from
January 1, 2007, with payments increasing by a payroll growth assumption of
3.25% per annum. Payments are assumed to be made throughout the year.
Subsequent gains and losses and benefit improvements will be amortized over the
same remaining period.
Asset Valuation Method
The plan is currently funded on a pay -as- you -go basis, and has no assets.
This work product was prepared solely for Public Agency Rebrement Services and the City of Rosemead for the purposes described
herein and may not be appropriated to use for other purposes. Milliman does not intend to benefit and assumes no duty or liability
to otherparties who receive this work.
Attachment B
RESOLUTION: 2009 -24
WHEREAS, it is determined to be in the best interest of the City of Rosemead
(the "City ") to participate in the PARS Public Agencies Post - Retirement Health Care Plan
Trust (the "Program ") to fund post - employment benefits for its employees as specified in
the City's policies and /or applicable collective bargaining agreements; and
WHEREAS, the City is eligible to participate in the Program, a tax - exempt trust
and plan performing an essential governmental function within the meaning of Section
115 of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the Regulations issued thereunder,
and is a tax - exempt trust under the provisions of the relevant statutory provisions of the
State of California.
The City Council hereby adopts the PARS Public Agencies Post - Retirement
Health Care Plan Trust, including the PARS Public Agencies Post - Retirement
Health Care Plan, as part of the City Retirement Program, effective June 1,
2009; and
2. The City Council hereby appoints the City Manager, or his successor of his
designee as the City's Plan Administrator for the Program; and
3. The City's Plan Administrator is hereby authorized to execute the PARS legal
documents on behalf of the City and to take whatever additional actions are
necessary to maintain the City's participation in the Program and to maintain
compliance of any relevant regulation issued or as may be issued; therefore,
authorizing him to take whatever additional actions are required to administer
the City's PARS plan(s).
(See next page for signatures)
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of May 2009.
Gloria Molleda
City Clerk
Attachment C
No euaranty that payments or reimbursements to employees, former employees or retirees
will be tax -free. The Trust has obtained a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service
concerning only the federal tax treatment of the Trust's income. That ruling may not be
cited or relied upon by the Employer whatsoever as precedent concerning any matter
relating to the Employer's health plan(s) (including post - retirement health plans). In
particular, that ruling has no effect on whether contributions to the Employer's health
plan(s) or payments from the Employer's health plan(s) (including reimbursements of
medical expenses) are excludable from the gross income of employees, former employees or
retirees, under the Internal Revenue Code. The federal income tax consequences to
employees, former employees and retirees depend on the terms and operation of the
Employer's health plan(s).
By executing this Adoption Agreement, the Employer specified in Section 11 of this Adoption
Agreement adopts:
(1) the Public Agencies Post - Retirement Health Care Plan Document (the "Master
Plan Document ") integrated with the variable provisions contained within this
Adoption Agreement, and
(2) the Public Agencies Post - Retirement Health Care Plan Trust Agreement (the
"Trust Agreement ").
Defined terms shall have the meanings attributed to such terms in the Master Plan Document or
the Trust Agreement.
The Employer hereby selects the following Plan specifications:
Section I
Plan and Trust Information
A.1.1 FULL NAME OF TRUST: Public Agencies Post - Retirement Health Care Plan Trust
A.1.2 FULL NAME OF PLAN: Public Agencies Post - Retirement Health Care Plan, as adopted
by (name of Employer):
A.1.3 EFFECTIVE DATE OF PLAN: If this is a restatement of an existing plan, the
restatement became effective:
Section II
Employer Information
A.2.1 EMPLOYER INFORMATION: (See Section 2.1 of Master Plan Document):
ADDRESS: (Street):
(City, State Zipcode):
(Phone Number):
A.2.4 EMPLOYER'S FISCAL YEAR means the 12 consecutive month period:
Commencing on (month, day)
Ending on (month, day)
Section III
Eligible Employees and Eligible Dependents
A.3.1 ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE: The determination of Eligible Employees and Eligible
Dependents is finally and conclusively made by the Employer according to its applicable
policies and collective bargaining agreements, and without reference to this Plan.
Section IV
A.4.1 INVESTMENT APPROACH: (See Section 6.1 of the Master Plan Document): The
Employer shall select either a discretionary or a directed approach to investment.
a. Discretionary Investment Approach
If the Discretionary Investment Approach is selected, the Employer hereby directs the
Trustee to invest the Assets of the Employer's Agency Account pursuant to one of the
investment strategies listed on the accompanying Investment Strategy Selection and
Disclosure Form or another investment strategy as mutually agreed upon by the
Employer and the Trustee.
b. Directed Investment Approach
If the Directed Investment Approach is selected, the Employer must attach its investment
policy and retain its own Registered Investment Advisor. The Employer shall be
permitted to direct investments of its Agency Account pursuant to the terms of the Trust
Execution and Adoption of Plan and Related Documents
By executing this Adoption Agreement, the Employer hereby adopts and agrees to he
bound by the Master Plan Document and the Trust Agreement, and hereby ratifies, confirms and
approves the appointment of Union Bank of California, N.A. as the Trustee and the appointment
of Public Agency Retirement Services as the Trust Administrator as of the Effective Date.
The Employer understands and agrees that the Trust Agreement may be amended from
time to time by a vote of the Employers as set forth in the Trust Agreement.
This Adoption Agreement is hereby executed and effective as of this day of
EMPLOYER (specify):
Plan Administrator
Trust Administrator: Phase lI Systems, dba Public Agency Retirement Services
Trustee and Investment Fiduciary: Union Bank of California, N.A.
By: Title:
By: Title:
(non - binding list set forth to facilitate administration)
Attachment D
(amended and restated as of May 16, 2007)
"Adoption Agreement" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section 2.3.
"Agency Account" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section 2.4.
"Agreement for Administrative Services" shall mean the agreement executed
between the Employer and the Trust Administrator which authorizes the Trust
Administrator to perform specific duties of administering the Agency Account of
"Assets" shall have the meaning given to such term in Section 2.5.
"Effective Date" shall mean November 1, 2005, the date the Trust was
established, and with respect to each Employer, the Effective Date shall be the
date on which the Employer executes the Adoption Agreement.
"Eligible Dependent" shall mean any dependent of an Eligible Employee who is
entitled to health care and welfare benefits after the termination of such Eligible
Employee's employment with the Employer pursuant to the Employer's policies
and/or applicable collective bargaining agreements.
"Eligible Employee" shall mean any employee of the Employer who is entitled to
post - employment health care and welfare benefits pursuant to such Employer's
policies and/or applicable collective bargaining agreements. Unless the context
otherwise requires, the term "Eligible Employee" as used herein shall include any
Eligible Dependents.
"Employer" shall mean a public agency that executes the Adoption Agreement,
thereby adopting the provisions of this Trust Agreement, provided that such
agency is a state, a political subdivision of a state, or an entity the income of
which is excludible from gross income under Section 115 of the Code.
"GASB" shall mean the Governmental Accounting Standards Board
purposes only, to aggregate the balances of the Assets credited to the Agency
Accounts. The Trust Administrator shall maintain and reconcile, at the Agency
Account level, the investments of the Agency Accounts and will provide reports
to the Plan Administrator with respect to such investments. The Trustee will
maintain a record of the aggregate balance (principal and earnings) for all Agency
Accounts. The Trust Administrator will in the ordinary course of business
maintain a record of the name, address, taxpayer identification number, account
number and amount of funds, including earnings, of each Employer. On periodic
valuation dates (no less frequently than monthly) to be established by the Trust
Administrator, the Trustee and Trust Administrator will reconcile the aggregate
balance information maintained by the Trustee with the Agency Account level
records maintained by the Trust Administrator pursuant to this Trust Agreement.
1.13 "OPEB shall mean "other post - employment benefits," such as medical, dental,
vision, life insurance, long -term care and other similar benefits provided to
retirees, other than pension benefits.
1.14 "OPEB Obligation" shall mean an Employer's obligation to provide post -
employment health care and welfare benefits to its Eligible Employees as
specified in such Employer's policies and/or applicable collective bargaining
1.15 "Plan" shall mean the Public Agencies Post - Retirement Health Care Plan,
adopted by each Employer as a separate Plan for that Employer upon the
execution of an Adoption Agreement and the satisfaction of certain other
requirements contained herein.
1.16 "Plan Administrator" shall mean the individual designated by position of
employment at the Employer to act on its behalf in all matters relating to the
Employer's participation in the Trust.
1.17 "Trust" shall mean the Public Agencies Post - Retirement Health Care Plan trust
1.18 "Trust Administrator" shall mean Public Agency Retirement Services or any
successor trust administrator appointed by the Employers as provided herein. The
Trust Administrator shall serve as trust administrator to the Trust established
pursuant to this Trust Agreement until such Trust Administrator resigns or is
removed as provided in Article III.
1.19 "Trust Agreement" shall mean this Public Agencies Post - Retirement Health
Care Plan trust document adopted by each Employer upon execution of an
Adoption Agreement, as amended from time to time.
1.20 "Trustee" shall mean Union Bank of California, N.A., or any successor trustee
appointed by the Employers as provided herein. The Trustee shall serve as trustee
of the Trust established pursuant to the provisions of this Trust Agreement until
such Trustee resigns or is removed as provided in Article III.
2.1 Multiple Employer Trust
The Trust is a multiple employer trust arrangement established to provide
economies of scale and efficiency of administration to public agencies that adopt
it to hold the assets used to fund its OPEB Obligation. The Trust is divided into
Agency Accounts to hold the Assets of each Employer as described in Section
2.2 Purpose
The Trust is established with the intention that it qualify as a tax - exempt trust
performing an essential governmental function within the meaning of Section 115
of the Code and any regulations issued thereunder and as a tax - exempt trust under
the provisions of the relevant state's statutory provisions of each Employer. This
Trust Agreement shall be construed and the Trust shall be administered in a
manner consistent with such intention. The fundamental purpose of the Trust is to
fund post - employment benefits (other than pension benefits), such as medical,
dental, vision, life insurance, long -term care and similar benefits, offered by the
Employer to its employees as specified in each Employer's policies and/or
applicable collective bargaining agreements. It is intended that adopting
Employers retain an interest in the underlying securities held in the Trust on their
behalf, rather than in the Trust itself.
2.3 Employers
Any public agency may, by action of its governing body in writing accepted by
the Trustee, adopt the provisions of the Trust Agreement. Executing an adoption
instrument for the Trust ( "Adoption Agreement "), in the form attached hereto as
Exhibit "A" (or such other form as may be approved by the Trustee), shall
constitute such adoption, unless the Trustee requires additional evidence of
adoption. In order for such adoption to be effective, the public agency must also
execute an Agreement for Administrative Services with Public Agency
Retirement Services, the Trust Administrator, pursuant to section 3.6 of this Trust
Agreement. Such adopting Employer shall then become an Employer of the
Each such Employer shall, at a minimum, furnish the Trust Administrator with the
following documents to support its adoption of the Trust:
(a) a certified copy of the resolution(s) of the governing body of the Employer
authorizing the adoption of the Trust Agreement and the appointment of the Plan
Administrator for such Employer;
(b) an original of the Adoption Agreement executed by the Plan Administrator
or other duly authorized Employer employee;
(c) an original of the Agreement for Administrative Services with Public
Agency Retirement Services executed by the Plan Administrator or other duly
authorized Employer employee and Public Agency Retirement Services;
(d) an address notice; and
(e) such other documents as the Trustee may reasonable request.
(f) Any action taken by the Plan Administrator for an Employer shall be
deemed to have been taken by such Employer. Any notice given to or delivered
by the Plan Administrator for an Employer shall be deemed to have been given to
or delivered by such Employer.
2.4 Agency Accounts
Upon an Employer's adopting the Trust Agreement, as provided in Section 2.3, a
separate "Agency Account" shall be established under the Trust for that
Employer, and all Assets of the Trust attributable to that Employer shall be held
in that Employer's Agency Account. The Assets of the Trust that are held in an
Employer's Agency Account shall be available only to pay post - employment
health care and welfare benefits of Eligible Employees of that Employer
(including reimbursement of the Employer for payments to health care providers
with respect to such benefits) and shall not be available to pay any obligations
incurred by any other Employer as provided in Section 2.8.
2.5 Assets of Agency Account
The assets held in an Agency Account shall consist of all contributions and
transfers received by the Trust on behalf of the Employer, together with the
income and earnings from such contributions and transfers, and any increments
accruing to them, net of any investment losses, benefits, expenses or other costs
( "Assets "). All contributions or transfers shall be received by the Trustee in cash
or in other property acceptable to the Trustee. The Trustee shall manage and
administer the Assets held in Agency Accounts without distinction between
principal and income. The Trustee and the Trust Administrator shall have no duty
to compute any amount to be transferred or paid to the Agency Account by the
Employer, and the Trustee and the Trust Administrator shall not be responsible
for the collection of any contributions or transfers to the Agency Account.
2.6 Aggregate Balance for Investment and Administration
The balances of the Assets of more than one Agency Account may be aggregated
by the Trustee in one or more Omnibus Accounts for investment and
administrative purposes, to provide economies of scale and efficiency of
administration to the Agency Accounts. The responsibility for Plan and Agency
Account level accounting within this Omnibus Account(s) shall be that of the
Trust Administrator.
2.7 Trustee Accounting
The Trustee shall be responsible only for maintaining records and maintaining
accounts for the aggregate assets of the Trust. The responsibility for Plan level
accounting for each Agency Account, based upon the Omnibus Account(s), shall
be that of the Trust Administrator.
2.8 No Diversion of Assets
The Assets in each Agency Account shall be held in trust for the exclusive
purpose of providing post - employment health care and welfare benefits to the
Eligible Employees of the Employer for which such Agency Account was
established and defraying the reasonable administrative and actuarial expenses of
such Employer's participation in the Trust. The Assets in each Agency Account
shall not be used for or diverted to, any other purpose, including, but not limited
to, the satisfaction of any other Employer's OPEB Obligation.
2.9 Type and Nature of Trust
Neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of each Employer is pledged
to the distribution of benefits hereunder. Except for contributions and other
amounts hereunder, no other amounts are pledged to the distribution of benefits
hereunder. Distributions of benefits are neither general nor special obligations of
any Employer, but are payable solely from the Assets held in such Employer's
Agency Account, as more fully described herein. No employee of any Employer
or beneficiary may compel the exercise of the taxing power by any Employer.
Distributions of Assets from any Agency Account are not debts of any Employer
within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation or restriction.
Such distributions are not legal or equitable pledges, charges, liens or
encumbrances, upon any of an Employer's property, or upon any of its income,
receipts, or revenues, except amounts in the accounts which are, under the terms
of each Plan and the Trust set aside for distributions. Neither the members of the
governing body of any Employer nor its officers, employees, agents or volunteers
are liable hereunder.
2.10 Loss of Tax- Exempt Status as to Any Employer
If any Employer participating in the Trust receives notice from the Internal
Revenue Service that the Trust as to such Employer fails to satisfy the
requirements of Section 115 of the Code, or if any Employer consents to the
Internal Revenue Service's determination that the Trust fails to meet such
requirements, Assets having a value equal to the funds then held in such
Employer's Agency Account shall be segregated and placed in a separate trust by
the Trustee for the exclusive benefit of such Employer's Eligible Employees
within a reasonable time after the Trust Administrator notifies the Trustee of the
Internal Revenue Service's determination. Each Employer participating in the
Trust agrees to immediately notify the Trust Administrator upon receiving such
notice or giving such consent. The separate trust provided for in this Section 2.10
shall thereafter be considered as a separate trust containing all of the provisions of
this Trust Agreement until terminated as provided in this Trust Agreement.
3.1 Appointment of Trustee
The Employers may, with the approval of two- thirds (2/3) or more of the
Employers then participating in the Trust, act to appoint a bank, trust company,
retirement board, insurer, committee or such other entity as permitted by law, to
serve as the trustee of this Trust. Such action must be in writing. Upon the
written acceptance of such entity it shall become the Trustee of the Trust. If the
Trustee is removed or resigns pursuant to Section 3.2, the Employers shall appoint
a successor Trustee in accordance with the voting requirements set forth in this
Section 3.1.
3.2 Resignation or Removal of Trustee
The Employers may act to remove the Trustee, provided that such action must
satisfy the voting requirements set forth in Section 3.1 and notice of such action
must be promptly delivered to the Trust Administrator, the Trustee and each Plan
Administrator. The Trustee may also resign at any time by giving at least ninety
(90) days prior written notice to the Trust Administrator and to the Plan
Administrator of each Employer that has adopted the Trust Agreement and not
terminated its participation in the Trust; provided, however, that the Trustee may
resign immediately upon the earlier of the approval date or the effective date of
any amendment of the Trust Agreement by the Employers that would change or
modify the duties, powers or liabilities of the Trustee hereunder without the
Trustee's consent. The Trustee shall, upon the appointment and acceptance of a
successor trustee, transfer and deliver the Assets and all records relating to the
Trust to the successor, after reserving such reasonable amount as it shall deem
necessary to provide for its fees and expenses and any sums chargeable against
the Trust for which it may be liable. The Trustee shall do all acts necessary to
vest title of record in the successor trustee.
3.3 Withdrawal of Employer
An Employer may elect to withdraw from the Trust by giving at least ninety (90)
days prior written notice to the Trustee and the Trust Administrator. If an
Employer so elects to withdraw, Assets having a value equal to the funds held in
such Employer's Agency Account shall be segregated by the Trustee and, as soon
as practicable, shall be transferred to a trust established by the Employer,
provided that (i) such trust shall satisfy the requirements of Section 115 of the
Code, and (ii) all assets held by such trust shall qualify as "plan assets" within the
meaning of GASB Statement No. 45, in each case as reasonably determined by
the Employer and certified in writing by the Employer to the Trust Administrator.
The Employer shall appoint a trustee for the such Employer's separate trust, and
such appointment shall vest the successor trustee with title to the transferred
Assets upon the successor trustee's acceptance of such appointment.
3.4 The Plan Administrator
The governing body of each Employer shall have plenary authority for the
administration and investment of such Employer's Agency Account pursuant to
any applicable state laws and applicable federal laws and regulations. Each
Employer shall by resolution designate a Plan Administrator. Unless otherwise
specified in the instrument the Plan Administrator shall be deemed to have
authority to act on behalf of the Employer in all matters pertaining to the
Employer's participation in the Trust and in regard to the Agency Account of the
Employer. Such appointment of a Plan Administrator shall be effective upon
receipt and acknowledgment by the Trustee and the Trust Administrator and shall
be effective until the Trustee and the Trust Administrator are famished with a
resolution of the Employer that the appointment has been modified or terminated.
3.5 Failure to Appoint Plan Administrator
If a Plan Administrator is not appointed, or such appointment lapses, the
Employer shall be deemed to be the Plan Administrator. As used in this
document the term "Plan Administrator" shall be deemed to mean "Employer"
when a Plan Administrator has not been appointed for such Employer.
3.6 Delegatee
The Plan Administrator, acting on behalf of the Employer, may delegate certain
authority, powers and duties to a Delegatee to act in those matters specified in the
delegation. Any such delegation must be in a writing that names and identifies
the Delegatee, states the effective date of the delegation, specifies the authority
and duties delegated, is executed by the Plan Administrator, is acknowledged in
writing by the Delegatee, and is certified as required in Section 3.7 to the Trust
Administrator. Such delegation shall be effective until the Trustee and the Trust
Administrator are directed in writing by the Plan Administrator that the delegation
has been rescinded or modified.
3.7 Certification to Trustee
The governing body of each Employer, or other duly authorized official, shall
certify in writing to the Trustee and the Trust Administrator the names and
specimen signatures of the Plan Administrator and Delegatee, if any, and all
others authorized to act on behalf of the Employer whose names and specimen
signatures shall be kept accurate by the Employer acting through a duly
authorized officer or governing body of the Employer. The Trustee and the Trust
Administrator shall have no liability if they act upon the direction of a Plan
Administrator or Delegatee that has been duly authorized, as provided in Section
3.6, if that Plan Administrator or Delegatee is no longer authorized to act, unless
the Employer has informed the Trustee and the Trust Administrator of such
3.8 Directions to Trustee
All directions to the Trustee from the Plan Administrator or Delegatee must be in
writing and must be signed by the Plan Administrator or Delegatee, as the case
may be. For all purposes of this Trust Agreement, direction shall include any
certification, notice, authorization, application or instruction of the Plan
Administrator, Delegatee or Trustee appropriately communicated. The above
notwithstanding direction may be implied if the Plan Administrator or Delegatee
has knowledge of the Trustee's intentions and fails to file written objection.
The Trustee shall have the power and duty to comply promptly with all proper
directions of the Plan Administrator or Delegatee, appointed in accordance with
the provisions of this Trust Agreement. In the case of any direction deemed by
the Trustee to be unclear or ambiguous the Trustee may seek written instructions
from the Plan Administrator, the Employer or the Delegatee on such matter and
await their written instructions without incurring any liability. If at any time the
Plan Administrator or the Delegatee should fail to give directions to the Trustee,
the Trustee may act in the manner that in its discretion seems advisable under the
circumstances for carrying out the purposes of the Trust and/or the applicable
Agency Account which may include not taking any action. The Trustee may
request directions or clarification of directions received and may delay acting
until clarification is received. In the absence of timely direction or clarification,
or if the Trustee considers any direction to be a violation of the Trust Agreement
or any applicable law, the Trustee shall in its sole discretion take appropriate
action, or refuse to act upon a direction.
3.9 Appointment of Trust Administrator
The Employers may, with the approval of two - thirds (2/3) or more of the
Employers then participating in the Trust, act to appoint a bank, trust company,
retirement board, insurer, committee or such other entity as permitted by law, to
serve as Trust Administrator of the Trust. Such action must be in writing. Upon
the written acceptance of such entity it shall become the Trust Administrator of
the Trust. If the Trust Administrator is removed or resigns pursuant to Section
3.13, the Employers shall appoint a successor Trust Administrator in accordance
with the voting requirements set forth in this Section 3.9.
3.10 Trust Administrator
The Trust Administrator's duties involve the performance of the following
services pursuant to the provisions of this Trust Agreement and the Agreement for
Administrative Services:
(a) Performing periodic accounting of each Agency Account and reconciling
such Agency Account balances with the Trust/Omnibus Account;
(b) Directing the Trustee to make distributions from the applicable Agency
Account to health care providers (or to the Employer for reimbursement of
payments made to health care providers) for post - employment health care and
welfare benefits;
(c) Allocating contributions, earnings and expenses to each Agency Account;
(d) Directing the Trustee to pay the fees of the Trust Administrator and to do
such other acts as shall be appropriate to carry out the intent of the Trust;
(e) Such other services as the Employer and the Trust Administrator
may agree in the Agreement for Administrative Services pursuant to Section 2.3.
The Trust Administrator shall be entitled to rely on, and shall be under no duty to
question, direction and/or data received from the Plan Administrator, or other
duly authorized entity, in order to perform its authorized duties under this trust
agreement. The Trust Administrator shall not have any duty to compute
contributions made to the Trust, determine or inquire whether contributions made
to the Trust by the Plan Administrator or other duly authorized entity are adequate
to meet an Employer's OPEB Obligation as may be determined under GASB
Statement Nos. 43 and 45 and any future GASB pronouncements; or determine or
inquire whether contributions made to the Trust are in compliance with the
Employer's policies and/or applicable collective bargaining agreements. The
Trust Administrator shall not be liable for nonperformance of duties if such
nonperformance is directly caused by erroneous, and/or late delivery of, directions
or data from the Plan Administrator, or other duly authorized entity.
3.11 Additional Trust Administrator Services
The Plan Administrator may at any time retain the Trust Administrator as its
agent to perform any act, keep any records or accounts and make any
computations which are required of the Employer or the Plan Administrator by
this Trust Agreement or by the Employer's policies and/or applicable collective
bargaining agreements. The Trust Administrator shall be separately compensated
for such service and such services shall not be deemed to be contrary to the Trust
N B I :657192.8
3.12 Trust Administrator's Compensation
As may be agreed upon from time to time by the Employer and Trust
Administrator, the Trust Administrator will be paid reasonable compensation for
services rendered or reimbursed for expenses properly and actually incurred in the
performance of duties with respect to such Employer's Agency Account and to
the Trust
3.13 Resignation or Removal of Trust Administrator
The Employers may act to remove the Trust Administrator, provided that such
action must satisfy the voting requirements set forth in Section 3.9 and notice of
such action must be promptly delivered to the Trust Administrator, the Trustee
and each Plan Administrator. The Trust Administrator may also resign at any
time by giving at least one hundred and twenty (120) days prior written notice to
the Trustee and to the Plan Administrator of each Employer that has adopted the
Trust Agreement and not terminated its participation in the Trust; provided,
however, that the Trust Administrator may resign immediately upon the earlier of
the approval date or the effective date of any amendment of the Trust Agreement
by the Employers that would change or modify the duties, powers or liabilities of
the Trust Administrator hereunder without the Trust Administrator's consent.
The Trust Administrator shall, upon the appointment and acceptance of a
successor trust administrator, transfer all records relating to the Trust to the
4.1 Powers and Duties of the Trustee
Except as otherwise provided in Article V and subject to Article VI, the Trustee
shall have full power and authority with respect to property held in the Trust to do
all such acts, take all proceedings, and exercise all such rights and privileges,
whether specifically referred to or not in this document, as could be done, taken or
exercised by the absolute owner, including, without limitation, the following;
(a) To invest and reinvest the Assets or any part hereof in any one or more
kind, type, class, item or parcel of property, real, personal or mixed, tangible or
intangible; or in any one or more kind, type, class, item or issue of investment or
security; or in any one or more kind, type, class or item of obligation, secured or
unsecured; or in any combination of them (including those issued by the Trustee
of any of its affiliates, to the extent permitted by applicable law), and to retain the
property for the period of time that the Trustee deems appropriate;
(b) To acquire and sell options to buy securities ( "call" options) and to acquire
and sell options to sell securities ( "put" options);
(c) To buy, sell, assign, transfer, acquire, loan, lease (for any purpose,
including mineral leases), exchange and in any other manner to acquire, manage,
deal with and dispose of all or any part of the Trust property, for cash or credit
and upon any reasonable terms and conditions;
(d) To make deposits, with any bank or savings and loan institution, including
any such facility of the Trustee or an affiliate thereof provided that the deposit
bears a reasonable rate of interest;
(e) To invest and reinvest the Assets, or any part thereof in any one or more
collective investment trust funds, including common and group trust funds that
consist exclusively of assets of exempt pension and profit sharing trusts and
individual retirement accounts qualified and tax exempt under the Code, that are
maintained by the Trustee or an affiliate thereof. The declaration of trust or plan
of operations for any such common or collective fund is hereby incorporated
herein and adopted into this Trust Agreement by this reference. The combining of
money and other assets of the Trust with money and other assets of other non-
qualified trusts in such fund or funds is specifically authorized. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary in this Trust Agreement, the Trustee shall have full
investment responsibility over assets of the trust invested in such commingled
funds. If the plan and trust for any reason lose their tax exempt status, and the
Assets have been commingled with assets of other tax exempt trusts in Trustee's
collective investment funds, the Trustee shall within 30 days of notice of such loss
of tax exempt status, liquidate the Trust's units of the collective investment
fund(s) and invest the proceeds in a money market fund pending investment or
other instructions from the Plan Administrator. The Trustee shall not be liable for
any loss or gain or taxes, if any, resulting from said liquidation;
(f) To place uninvested cash and cash awaiting distribution in one or more
mutual funds and/or commingled investment funds maintained by or made
available by the Trustee or any of its affiliates, and to receive compensation from
the sponsor of such fimd(s) for services rendered, separate and apart from any
Trustee's fees hereunder. The Trustee or its affiliate may also be compensated for
providing investment advisory services to any mutual fund or commingled
investment funds;
(g) To borrow money for the purposes of the Trust from any source with or
without giving security; to pay interest; to issue promissory notes and to secure
the repayment thereof by pledging all or any part of the Assets;
(h) To take all of the following actions: to vote proxies of any stocks, bonds
or other securities; to give general or special proxies or powers of attorney with or
without power of substitution; to exercise any conversion privileges, subscription
rights or other options, and to make any payments incidental thereto; to consent to
or otherwise participate in corporate reorganizations or other changes affecting
corporate securities and to delegate discretionary powers and to pay any
assessments or charges in connection therewith; and generally to exercise any of
the powers of an owner with respect to stocks, bonds, securities or other property
held in the Trust;
(i) To make, execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all documents of
transfer and conveyance and any and all other instruments that may be necessary
or appropriate to carry out the powers herein granted;
0) To raze or move existing buildings; to make ordinary or extraordinary
repairs, alterations or additions in and to buildings; to construct buildings and
other structures and to install fixtures and equipment therein;
(k) To pay or cause to be paid from the Trust any and all real or personal
property taxes, income taxes or other taxes or assessments of any or all kinds
levied or assessed upon or with respect to the Trust;
(1) To exercise all the further rights, powers, options and privileges granted,
provided for, or vested in trustees generally under applicable federal or state laws,
as amended from time to time, it being intended that, except as herein otherwise
provided, the powers conferred upon the Trustee herein shall not be construed as
being in limitation of any authority conferred by law, but shall be construed as
consistent or in addition thereto.
4.2 Additional Trustee Powers
In addition to the other powers enumerated above, the Trustee in any and all
events is authorized and empowered:
(a) To invest funds pending required directions in any type of interest - bearing
account, including, without limitation, time certificates of deposit or interest -
bearing accounts issued by the Trustee, or any mutual fund or short term
investment fund ( "Fund "), whether sponsored or advised by the Trustee or any
affiliate thereof); the Trustee or its affiliates may be compensated for providing
such investment advice and providing other service to such Fund, in addition to
any Trustee's fees received pursuant to this Trust Agreement;
(b) To cause all or any part of the Trust to be held in the name of the Trustee
(which in such instance need not disclose its fiduciary capacity) or, as permitted
by law, in the name of any nominee, and to acquire for the Trust any investment
in bearer form, but the books and records of the Trust shall at all times show that
all such investments are a part of the Trust and the Trustee shall hold evidences of
title to all such investments;
(c) To serve as custodian with respect to the Trust Assets;
NB 1:657192.8
(d) To employ such custodians, agents and counsel as may be reasonably
necessary in managing and protecting the Assets and to pay them reasonable
compensation from the Trust; to employ any broker- dealer or other agent,
including any broker - dealer or other agent affiliated with the Trustee, and pay to
such broker - dealer or other agent, at the expense of the Trust, its standard
commissions or compensation; to settle, compromise or abandon all claims and
demands in favor of or against the Trust; and to charge any premium on bonds
purchased at par value to the principal of the Trust without amortization from the
Trust, regardless of any law relating thereto;
(e) In addition to the powers listed herein, to do all other acts necessary or
desirable for the proper administration of the Trust, as though the absolute owner
(i) To prosecute, compromise and defend lawsuits, but without obligation to
do so, all at the risk and expense of the Trust; and to tender its defense to the
Employer in any legal proceeding where the interests of the Trustee and the
Employer are not adverse;
(g) To exercise and perform any and all of the other powers and duties
specified in this Trust Agreement or the Plan;
(h) To permit such inspections of documents at the principal office of the
Trustee as are required by law, subpoena or demand by a United States agency;
(i) To comply with all requirements imposed by applicable provisions of law;
0) To seek written instructions from the Plan Administrator or other fiduciary
on any matter and await their written instructions without incurring any liability.
If at any time the Plan Administrator or the fiduciary should fail to give directions
to the Trustee, the Trustee may act in the manner that in its discretion seems
advisable under the circumstances for carrying out the purposes of the Trust;
(k) To compensate such executive, consultant, actuarial, accounting,
investment, appraisal, administrative, clerical, secretarial, medical, custodial,
depository and legal firms, personnel and other employees or assistants as are
engaged by the Plan Administrator in connection with the administration of the
Plan and to pay from the Trust the necessary expenses of such firms, personnel
and assistants, to the extent not paid by the Plan Administrator;
(1) To act upon proper written directions of the Plan Administrator or
Delegatee, including directions given by photostatic transmissions using facsimile
signature, and such other forms of directions as the parties shall agree;
(m) To pay from the Trust the expenses reasonably incurred in the
administration of the Trust as provided in the Plan;
(n) To maintain insurance for such purposes, in such amounts and with such
companies as the Plan Administrator shall elect, including insurance to cover
liability or losses occurring by reason of the acts or omissions of fiduciaries but
only if such insurance permits recourse by the insurer against the fiduciary in the
case of a breach of a fiduciary obligation by such fiduciary.
5.1 Discretionary Versus Directed Investment
The Employer shall elect either a discretionary or directed investment approach.
If the Employer elects a discretionary investment approach, the Employer shall
further elect between the various investment strategies offered and the Trustee, in
accordance with Article IV, shall have absolute discretion over the investment of
the Assets held in such Employer's Agency Account. if the Employer elects a
directed investment approach, the Trustee shall direct the investment of the Assets
of such Employer's Agency Account in accordance with the direction provided by
such Employer.
5.2 Trustee Fees
As may be agreed upon, in writing, between the Plan Administrator and Trustee,
the Trustee will be paid reasonable compensation for services rendered or
reimbursed for expenses properly and actually incurred in the performance of
duties with respect to the applicable Agency Account or the Trust.
5.3 Contributions
Eligible Employees are not permitted to make contributions to the Trust. The
Plan Administrator shall, on behalf of the Employer, make all contributions to the
Trustee. Such contributions shall be in cash unless the Trustee agrees to accept a
contribution that is not in cash. All contributions shall be paid to the Trustee for
investment and reinvestment pursuant to the terms of this Trust Agreement. The
Trustee shall not have any duty to determine or inquire whether any contributions
to the Trust made to the Trustee by any Plan Administrator are in compliance with
the Employer's policies and/or collective bargaining agreements; nor shall the
Trustee have any duty or authority to compute any amount to be paid to the
Trustee by any Plan Administrator, nor shall the Trustee be responsible for the
collection or adequacy of the contributions to meet an Employer's OPEB
Obligation, as may be determined under GASB Statement No. 45. The
contributions received by the Trustee from each Employer shall be held and
administered pursuant to the terms hereof without distinction between income and
5.4 Records
(a) The Trustee shall maintain accurate records and detailed accounts of all
investments, receipts, disbursements and other transactions hereunder at the Trust
level. Such records shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection by the
Trust Administrator. The Trustee shall, at the direction of the Trust
Administrator, submit such valuations, reports or other information as the Trust
Administrator may reasonably require.
(b) The Assets of the Trust shall be valued at their fair market value on the
date of valuation, as determined by the Trustee based upon such sources of
information as it may deem reliable; provided, however, that the Plan
Administrator shall instruct the Trustee as to valuation of assets which are not
readily determinable on an established market. The Trustee may rely
conclusively on such valuations provided by the Plan Administrator and shall be
indemnified and held harmless by the Employer with respect to such reliance. If
the Plan Administrator fails to provide such values, the Trustee may take
whatever action it deems reasonable, including employment of attorneys,
appraisers or other professionals, the expense of which will be an expense of
administration of the Trust. Transactions in the account involving such hard to
value assets may be postponed until appropriate valuations have been received
and Trustee shall have no liability therefore.
5.5 Statements
(a) Periodically as specified, and within sixty days after December 31, or the
end of the Trust's fiscal year if different, Trustee shall render to the Trust
Administrator as directed, a written account showing in reasonable summary the
investments, receipts, disbursements and other transactions engaged in by the
Trustee during the preceding fiscal year or period with respect to the Trust. Such
account shall set forth the assets and liabilities of the Trust valued as of the end of
the accounting period.
(b) The Trust Administrator may approve such statements either by written
notice or by failure to express objections to such statements by written notice
delivered to the Trustee within 90 days from the date the statement is delivered to
the Trust Administrator. Upon approval, the Trustee shall be released and
discharged as to all matters and items set forth in such statement as if such
account had been settled and allowed by a decree from a court of competent
5.6 Wire Transfers
The Trustee shall follow the Plan Administrator's, Delegatee's, or Trust
Administrator's wire transfer instructions in compliance with the written security
procedures provided by the party providing the wire transfers. The Trustee shall
perform a telephonic verification to the Plan Administrator, Trust Administrator,
or Delegatee, or such other security procedure as selected by the party providing
wire transfer directions, prior to wiring funds or following facsimile directions as
Trustee may require. The Plan Administrator assumes the risk of delay of transfer
if Trustee is unable to reach the Plan Administrator, or in the event of delay as a
result of attempts to comply with any other security procedure selected by the
directing party.
5.7 Exclusive Benefit
The Assets of an Employer's Agency Account shall be held in trust for the
exclusive purpose of providing post - employment health care and welfare benefits
to the Eligible Employees of the Employer pursuant to the Employer's policies
and/or applicable collective bargaining agreements, and defraying the reasonable
expenses associated with the providing of such benefits, and shall not be used for
or diverted to any other purpose. No party shall have authority to use or divert the
Assets of an Agency Account of an Employer for the payment of post -
employment health care and welfare benefits or expenses of any other Employer.
5.8 Delegation of Duties
The Plan Administrator, Delegatee, or Trust Administrator, may at any time retain
the Trustee as its agent to perform any act, keep any records or accounts and make
any computations that are required of the Plan Administrator, Delegatee or Trust
Administrator by this Trust Agreement or by the Plan. The Trustee may be
compensated for such retention and such retention shall not be deemed to be
contrary to this Trust Agreement.
5.9 Distributions
The Trustee shall, from time to time, upon the written direction of the Plan
Administrator or Delegatee, make distributions from the Assets of the Trust to the
insurers, third party administrators, health care and welfare providers or other
entities providing Plan benefits or services, or to the Employer for reimbursement
of Plan benefits and expenses paid by the Employer in such manner in such
form(s), in such amounts and for such purposes as may be specified in such
In no event shall the Trustee have any responsibility respecting the application of
such distributions, nor for determining or inquiring into whether such
distributions are in accordance with the Employer's policies and/or applicable
collective bargaining agreements.
6.1 More Than One Fiduciary Capacity
Any one or more of the fiduciaries with respect to the Trust Agreement or the
Trust may, to the extent required thereby or as directed by the Plan Administrator
pursuant to this Trust Agreement, serve in more than one fiduciary capacity with
respect to the Trust Agreement and the Trust.
6.2 Fiduciary Discharge of Duties
Except as otherwise provided by applicable law, each fiduciary shall discharge
such fiduciary's duties with respect to the Trust Agreement and the Trust:
(a) solely in the interest of the Eligible Employees and for the exclusive
purpose of providing post - employment health care and welfare benefits to
Eligible Employees, and defraying reasonable administrative and actuarial
expenses associated with providing such benefits; and
(b) with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then
prevailing that a prudent man acting in a like capacity and familiar with such
matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of like character and with like
6.3 Limitations on Fiduciary Responsibility
To the extent allowed by the laws of the state of each Employer
No fiduciary shall be liable with respect to a breach of fiduciary duty by any other
fiduciary if such breach was committed before such party became a fiduciary or
after such party ceased to be a fiduciary.
No fiduciary shall be liable for a breach by another fiduciary except as provided
by law.
No fiduciary shall be liable for carrying out a proper direction from another
fiduciary, including refraining from taking an action in the absence of a proper
direction from the other fiduciary possessing the authority and responsibility to
make such a direction, which direction the fiduciary in good faith believes to be
authorized and appropriate.
6.4 Indemnification of Trustee by Employer
The Trustee shall not be liable for, and Employer shall (to the extent allowed by
the laws of the state of each Employer) indemnify, defend (as set out in 6.8 of this
Trust Agreement), and hold the Trustee (including its officers, agents, employees
and attorneys) and other Employers harmless from and against any claims,
demands, loss, costs, expense or liability imposed on the indemnified party,
including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred by the indemnified party,
arising as a result of Employer's active or passive negligent act or omission or
willful misconduct in the execution or performance of its duties under this Trust
6.5 Indemnification of Employer by Trustee
The Employer shall not be liable for, and Trustee shall (to the extent allowed by
the laws of the state of each Employer) indemnify, defend (as. set out in 6.8 of this
Trust Agreement), and hold the Employer (including its officers, agents,
employees and attorneys) and other Employers harmless from and against any
claims, demands, loss, costs, expense or liability imposed on the indemnified
party, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred by the indemnified
party, arising as a result of Trustee's active or passive negligent act or omission or
willful misconduct in the execution or performance of its duties under this Trust
6.6 Indemnification of Trustee by Trust Administrator
The Trustee shall not be liable for, and Trust Administrator shall (to the extent
allowed by the laws of the state of each Employer) indemnify and hold the
Trustee (including its officers, agents, employees and attorneys) harmless from
and against any claims, demands, loss, costs, expense or liability imposed on the
indemnified party, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred by the
indemnified party, arising as a result of Trust Administrator's active or passive
negligent act or omission or willful misconduct in the execution or performance
of its duties under this Trust Agreement.
6.7 Indemnification of Trust Administrator by Trustee
The Trust Administrator shall not be liable for, and Trustee shall (to the extent
allowed by the laws of the state of each Employer) indemnify and hold the Trust
Administrator (including its officers, agents, employees and attorneys) harmless
from and against any claims, demands, loss, costs, expense or liability imposed on
the indemnified party, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred by
the indemnified party, arising as a result of Trustee's active or passive negligent
act or omission or willful misconduct in the execution or performance of its duties
under this Trust Agreement.
6.8 Indemnification Procedures
Promptly after receipt by an indemnified party of notice or receipt of a claim or
the commencement of any action for which indemnification may be sought, the
indemnified party will notify the indemnifying party in writing of the receipt or
commencement thereof. When the indemnifying party has agreed to provide a
defense as set out above that party shall assume the defense of such action
NB 1:657192.8
(including the employment of counsel, who shall be counsel reasonably
satisfactory to such indemnitee) and the payment of expenses, insofar as such
action shall relate to any alleged liability in respect of which indemnity may be
sought against the indemnifying party. Any indemnified party shall have the right
to employ separate counsel in any such action and to participate in the defense
thereof, but the fees and expenses of such counsel shall not be at the expense of
the indemnifying party unless (i) the employment of such counsel has been
specifically authorized by the indemnifying party or (ii) the named parties to any
such action (including any impleaded parties) include both the indemnifying party
and the indemnified party and representation of both parties by the same counsel
would be inappropriate due to actual or potential differing interest between them.
The indemnifying party shall not be liable to indemnify any person for any
settlement of any such action effected without the indemnifying party's consent.
The indemnification procedures of this Trust Agreement shall survive the
termination of the Trust, any Employer's participation in the Trust and /or this
Trust Agreement.
6.9 No Joint and Several Liability
This document is not intended to and does not create any joint powers agreement
or any joint and several liability. No Employer shall be responsible for any
contributions, costs or distributions of any other Employer.
7.1 No Obligation to Continue Trust
Participation in the Trust and continuation of the Employer's policies and/or
applicable collective bargaining agreements that provide post - employment health
care and welfare benefits are not assumed as a contractual obligation of the
7.2 Amendment of Trust
(a) The Trust Agreement may be amended only by the approval of two -thirds
(2/3) or more of the Employers then participating in the Trust. Any such
amendment by the Employers shall be set forth in an instrument in writing and
shall be delivered to the Trustee, the Trust Administrator and all Plan
Administrators not less than one hundred and eighty (180) days before the
effective date of such amendment; provided, however, that any party may waive
in writing such 180 -day requirement with respect to any amendment (and such
waiver shall not constitute a waiver with respect to any other amendment); and
provided, further, that a waiver in writing of such 180 -day requirement by two -
thirds (2/3) or more of the Plan Administrators of the Employers participating in
the Trust as of the date the amendment is adopted shall constitute a waiver of such
180 -day requirement by all of the Employers then participating in the Trust. In
addition, the Trust Administrator or the Trustee shall have the right to amend this
Trust Agreement from time to time (without the requirement of a vote of
Employers) solely for the purpose of keeping the Trust Agreement in compliance
with the Code and applicable state law. Any such amendment by the Trust
Administrator or the Trustee shall be set forth in an instrument in writing and
shall be delivered to the Trustee, the Trust Administrator and all Plan
Administrators promptly as each is made.
(b) Any amendment of the Trust Agreement may be current, retroactive or
prospective, provided, however, that no amendment shall:
(1) Cause the Assets of any Agency Account to be used for or diverted
to purposes other than for the exclusive benefit of Eligible Employees of
the applicable Employer or for the purpose of defraying the reasonable
expenses of administering such Agency Account.
(2) Permit the Assets of any Agency Account to be used for the benefit
of any other Employer.
7.3 Termination of Employer's Obligation to Provide OPEB
A termination of the Employer's obligation to provide OPEB pursuant to its
policies and/or applicable collective bargaining agreements for which the
Employer's Agency Account was established shall not, in itself, effect a
termination of the Agency Account. Upon a termination of the Employer's
obligation to provide OPEB pursuant to its policies and/or applicable collective
bargaining agreements, the Assets of the Agency Account shall be distributed by
the Trustee when directed by the Plan Administrator in accordance with this
Section 7.3. From and after the date of such termination and until final
distribution of the Assets, the Trustee shall continue to have all the powers
provided herein as are necessary or expedient for the orderly liquidation and
distribution of such Assets, and the Agency Account shall continue until the
Assets have been completely distributed. Such Assets shall be used first to satisfy
any remaining obligations of the Employer to provide OPEBs pursuant to its
policies and/or applicable collective bargaining agreements (to the extent that
such distribution constitutes the exercise of an "essential governmental function"
within the meaning of Section 115 of the Code) and to satisfy any of such
Employer's obligations under this Trust Agreement. Any Assets remaining in the
Agency Account after giving effect to the foregoing sentence shall be paid to the
Employer to the extent permitted by law and consistent with the requirements of
Section 115 of the Code.
7.4 Fund Recovery Based on Mistake of Fact
Except as hereinafter provided or in accordance with Section 7.3, the Assets of
the Trust shall never inure to the benefit of the Employer. The Assets shall be
held for the exclusive purposes of providing post - employment health care and
welfare benefits to Eligible Employees and defraying reasonable expenses of
administering the Trust. However, in the case of a contribution which is made by
an Employer because of a mistake of fact, that portion of the contribution relating
to the mistake of fact (exclusive of any earnings or losses attributable thereto)
may be returned to the Employer, provided such return occurs within two (2)
years after discovery by the Employer of the mistake. If any repayment is
payable to the Employer, then, as a condition to such repayment, and only if
requested by Trustee, the Employer shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to the
Trustee its written undertaking, in a form satisfactory to the Trustee, to indemnify,
defend and hold the Trustee harmless from all claims, actions, demands or
liabilities arising in connection with such repayment.
7.5 Termination of Trust
The Trust and this Trust Agreement may be terminated only by the unanimous
agreement of all Employers. Such action must be in writing and delivered to the
Trustee and Trust Administrator. Upon a termination of the Trust, the Assets of
each Agency Account under the Trust shall be distributed by the Trustee when
directed by the Plan Administrator for that Agency Account in accordance with
this Section 7.5. From and after the date of such termination and until final
distribution of the Assets, the Trustee shall continue to have all the powers
provided herein with respect to each Agency Account as are necessary or
expedient for the orderly liquidation and distribution of the Assets of such Agency
Account, and the Agency Account shall continue until the Assets have been
completely distributed. The Assets of each Agency Account shall be used first to
satisfy any remaining obligations of the applicable Employer to provide OPEBs
pursuant to its policies and /or applicable collective bargaining agreements (to the
extent that such distribution constitutes the exercise of an "essential governmental
function" within the meaning of Section 115 of the Code) and to satisfy any of
such Employer's obligations under this Trust Agreement. Any Assets remaining
in such Agency Account after giving effect to the foregoing sentence shall be paid
to the Employer to the extent permitted by law and consistent with the
requirements of Section 115 of the Code. In no case will the assets of the Trust be
distributed on termination to an entity that is not a state, a political subdivision of
a state or an entity the income of which is excluded from gross income under
Section 115 of the Code.
8.1 Nonalienation
Eligible Employees do not have an interest in the Trust. Accordingly, the Trust
shall not in any way be liable to attachment, garnishment, assignment or other
process, or be seized, taken, appropriated or applied by any legal or equitable
process, to pay any debt or liability of an Eligible Employee or any other party.
Trust Assets shall not be subject to the claims of any Employer or the claims of its
8.2 Saving Clause
In the event any provision of this Trust Agreement is held illegal or invalid for
any reason, said illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remaining parts of the
Trust Agreement, but this instrument shall be construed and enforced as if said
provision had never been included.
8.3 Applicable Law
This Trust Agreement and the Trust shall be construed, administered and
governed under the Code and the law of the State of California. To the extent any
of the provisions of this Trust Agreement are inconsistent with the Code or
applicable state law, the provisions of the Code or state law shall control. In the
event, however, that any provision is susceptible to more than one interpretation,
such interpretation shall be given thereto as is consistent with the Trust
Agreement being a tax - exempt trust within the meaning of the Code.
8.4 Joinder of Parties
In any action or other judicial proceedings affecting this Trust Agreement, it shall
be necessary to join as parties only the Trustee, the Plan Administrator or
Delegatee. No participant or other persons having an interest in the Trust or any
Agency Account shall be entitled to any notice or service of process unless
otherwise required by law. Any judgment entered in such a proceeding or action
shall be binding on all persons claiming under this Trust Agreement; provided,
however, that nothing in this Trust Agreement shall be construed as to deprive a
participant of such participant's right to seek adjudication of such participant's
rights under applicable law.
8.5 Employment of Counsel
The Trustee may consult with legal counsel (who may be counsel for the Trustee,
the Trust Administrator or any Employer) with respect to the interpretation of this
Agreement or the Trustee's duties hereunder or with respect to any legal
proceedings or any questions of law and shall be entitled to take action or not to
take action in good faith reliance on the advice of such counsel and charge the
Trust and, as applicable, one or more Agency Accounts.
8.6 Gender and Number
Words used in the masculine, feminine or neuter gender shall each be deemed to
refer to the other whenever the context so requires; and words used in the singular
or plural number shall each be deemed to refer to the other whenever the context
so requires.
8.7 Headings
Headings used in this Trust Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference
only and any conflict between such headings and the text shall be resolved in
favor of the text.
8.8 Counterparts
This Trust Agreement may be executed in an original and any number of
counterparts by the Plan Administrator (executing an Adoption Agreement), the
Trust Administrator and the Trustee, each of which shall be deemed to be an
original of the one and the same instrument.
* * * * * * ** Signature Page Follows * * * * * * **
N B 1 :657192 .8
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Plan Administrator (by executing the Adoption
Agreement), the Trustee and the Trust Administrator have executed this restated Trust
Agreement by their duly authorized agents on the dates set forth below their names, to be
effective on May 16, 2007.
Typed or printed name
Its: Vtrce
Typed or printed name
Date: /°2 /Zoo
NB 657192.8
"Trust Administrator"
Daniel Johnson
Typed or printed name
Its: President
Date: 6125 60 7
Attachment E
This agreement ( "Agreement") is made this day of , 2009, between Phase 11
Systems, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, doing
business as Public Agency Retirement Services (hereinafter "PARS ") and the City of
Rosemead ( "Agency ").
WHEREAS, Agency has adopted the PARS Public Agencies Post - Retirement Health Care
Plan (the "Plan"), and is desirous of retaining PARS, as Trust Administrator to the PARS
Public Agencies Post - Retirement Health Care Plan Trust, to provide administrative services;
NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree:
Services. PARS will provide the services pertaining to the Plan as described in the
exhibit attached hereto as "Exhibit IA" ( "Services ") in a timely manner, subject to the
further provisions of this Agreement.
2. Fees for Services. PARS will be compensated for performance of the Services as
described in the exhibit attached hereto as "Exhibit 1 B ".
3. Payment Terms. Payment for the Services will be remitted directly from Plan assets
unless the Agency chooses to make payment directly to PARS. In the event that the
Agency chooses to make payment directly to PARS, it shall be the responsibility of the
Agency to remit payment directly to PARS based upon an invoice prepared by PARS and
delivered to the Agency. If payment is not received by PARS within thirty (30) days of
the invoice delivery date, the balance due shall bear interest at the rate of 1.5% per
month. If payment is not received from the Agency within sixty (60) days of the invoice
delivery date, payment plus accrued interest will be remitted directly from Plan assets,
unless PARS has previously received written communication disputing the subject
invoice that is signed by a duly authorized representative of the Agency.
4. Fees for Services Beyond Scope. Fees for services beyond those specified in this
Agreement will be billed to the Agency at the rates indicated in the PARS' standard fee
schedule in effect at the time the services are provided and shall be payable as described
in Section 3 of this Agreement. Before any such services are performed, PARS will
provide the Agency with written notice of the subject services, terms, and an estimate of
the fees therefore.
5. Information Furnished to PARS. PARS will provide the Services contingent upon the
Agency's providing PARS the information specified in the exhibit attached hereto as
"Exhibit IC" ( "Data "). It shall be the responsibility of the Agency to certify the
accuracy, content and completeness of the Data so that PARS may rely on such
information without further audit. It shall further be the responsibility of the Agency to
deliver the Data to PARS in such a manner that allows for a reasonable amount of time
for the Services to be performed. Unless specified in Exhibit IA, PARS shall be under
no duty to question Data received from the Agency, to compute contributions made to the
Plan, to determine or inquire whether contributions are adequate to meet and discharge
liabilities under the Plan, or to determine or inquire whether contributions made to the
Page 1
Plan are in compliance with the Plan or applicable law. In addition, PARS shall not be
liable for non performance of Services if such non performance is caused by or results
from erroneous and/or late delivery of Data from the Agency. In the event that the
Agency fails to provide Data in a complete, accurate and timely manner and pursuant to
the specifications in Exhibit 1C, PARS reserves the right, notwithstanding the further
provisions of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement upon no less than ninety (90)
days written notice to the Agency.
6. Records. Throughout the duration of this Agreement, and for a period of five (5) years
after termination of this Agreement, PARS shall provide duly authorized representatives
of Agency access to all records and material relating to calculation of PARS' fees under
this Agreement. Such access shall include the right to inspect, audit and reproduce such
records and material and to verify reports furnished in compliance with the provisions of
this Agreement. All information so obtained shall be accorded confidential treatment as
provided under applicable law.
7. Confidentiality. Without the Agency's consent, PARS shall not disclose any
information relating to the Plan except to duly authorized officials of the Agency, subject
to applicable law, and to parties retained by PARS to perform specific services within
this Agreement. The Agency shall not disclose any information relating to the Plan to
individuals not employed by the Agency without the prior written consent of PARS,
except as such disclosures may be required by applicable law.
g. Independent Contractor. PARS is and at all times hereunder shall be an independent
contractor. As such, neither the Agency nor any of its officers, employees or agents shall
have the power to control the conduct of PARS, its officers, employees or agents, except
as specifically set forth and provided for herein. PARS shall pay all wages, salaries and
other amounts due its employees in connection with this Agreement and shall be
responsible for all reports and obligations respecting them, such as social security,
income tax withholding, unemployment compensation, workers' compensation and
similar matters.
9. Indemnification. PARS and Agency hereby indemnify each other and hold the other
harmless, including their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and attorneys,
from any claim, loss, demand, liability, or expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees
and costs, incurred by the other as a consequence of PARS' or Agency's, as the case may
be, acts, errors or omissions with respect to the performance of their respective duties
10. Compliance with Applicable Law. The Agency shall observe and comply with federal,
state and local laws in effect when this Agreement is executed, or which may come into
effect during the term of this Agreement, regarding the administration of the Plan.
PARS shall observe and comply with federal, state and local laws in effect when this
Agreement is executed, or which may come into effect during the term of this
Agreement, regarding Plan administrative services provided under this Agreement.
Page 2
11. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of California. In the event any party institutes legal
proceedings to enforce or interpret this Agreement, venue and jurisdiction shall be in any
state court of competent jurisdiction.
12. Force Majeure. When a party's nonperformance hereunder was beyond the control and
not due to the fault of the party not performing, a party shall be excused from performing
its obligations under this Agreement during the time and to the extent that it is prevented
from performing by such cause, including but not limited to: any incidence of fire, flood,
acts of God, acts of terrorism or war, commandeering of material, products, plants or
facilities by the federal, state or local government, or a material act or omission by the
other party.
13. Ownership of Reports and Documents. The originals of all letters, documents, reports,
and data produced for the purposes of this Agreement shall be delivered to, and become
the property of the Agency. Copies may be made for PARS but shall not be furnished to
others without written authorization from Agency.
14. Designees. The Plan Administrator of the Agency, or their designee, shall have the
authority to act for and exercise any of the rights of the Agency as set forth in this
Agreement, subsequent to and in accordance with the written authority granted by the
Governing Body of the Agency, a copy of which writing shall be delivered to PARS.
Any officer of PARS, or his or her designees, shall have the authority to act for and
exercise any of the rights of PARS as set forth in this Agreement.
15. Notices. All notices hereunder and communications regarding the interpretation of the
terms of this Agreement, or changes thereto, shall be effected by delivery of the notices
in person or by depositing the notices in the U.S. mail, registered or certified mail, return
receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed as follows:
(A) To PARS: PARS; 5141 California Avenue, Ste. 150; Irvine, CA 92617; Attention:
(B) To Agency: City of Rosemead; 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, CA 91770;
Attention: [Plan Administrator]
Notices shall be deemed given on the date received by the addressee.
16. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the period beginning
, 2009 and ending , 2012 ( "Term "). This Agreement may
be terminated at any time by giving ninety (90) days written notice to the other party of
the intent to terminate. Absent a ninety (90) day written notice to the other party of the
intent to terminate, this Agreement will continue unchanged for successive twelve month
periods following the Term.
17. Amendment. This Agreement may not be amended orally, but only by a written
instrument executed by the parties hereto.
Page 3
18. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including exhibits, contains the entire
understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter set forth in this Agreement.
In the event a conflict arises between the parties with respect to any term, condition or
provision of this Agreement, the remaining terms, conditions and provisions shall remain
in full force and legal effect. No waiver of any term or condition of this Agreement by
any party shall be construed by the other as a continuing waiver of such term or
19. Attorneys Fees. In the event any action is taken by a party hereto to enforce the terms of
this Agreement the prevailing party herein shall be entitled to receive its reasonable
attorney's fees.
20. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and in
that event, each counterpart shall be deemed a complete original and be enforceable
without reference to any other counterpart.
21. Headings. Headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be used to
interpret or construe its provisions.
22. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be effective on the date first above written, and
also shall be the date the Agreement is executed.
Page 4
[Plan Administrator]
PARS will provide the following services for the City of Rosemead PARS Public Agencies
Post- Retirement Health Care Plan:
1. Plan Installation Services:
(A) Meeting with appropriate Agency personnel to discuss plan provisions,
implementation timelines, actuarial valuation process, funding strategies, benefit
communication strategies, data reporting and contribution submission requirements;
(B) Providing the necessary analysis and advisory services to finalize these elements of
the Plan;
(C) Providing the documentation needed to establish the Plan for review by Agency legal
2. Plan Administration Services:
(A) Monitoring the receipt of Plan contributions made by the Agency to the trustee of the
PARS Trust Program ( "Trustee "), based upon information received from the Agency
and the Trustee;
(B) Performing periodic accounting of Plan assets, reimbursements and investment
activity, based upon information received from the Agency and/or Trustee;
(C) Coordinating the processing of reimbursement payments pursuant to authorized
direction by the Agency, and the provisions of the Plan, and, to the extent possible,
based upon Agency - provided Data;
(D) Coordinating actions with the Trustee as directed by the Plan Administrator within
the scope this Agreement;
(E) Preparing and submitting a monthly report of Plan activity to the Agency, unless
directed by the Agency otherwise;
(F) Preparing and submitting an annual report of Plan activity to the Agency;
(G) Facilitating actuarial valuation updates and funding modifications for compliance
with GASB 45;
(H) Coordinating periodic audits of the Trust;
(I) Monitoring Plan and Trust Compliance with federal and state laws.
3. PARS is not licensed to provide and does not offer tax, accounting, legal, investment or
actuarial advice. In providing the services specified above, PARS will retain qualified
professional service providers at its cost as it deems necessary if the service lies outside
its area of expertise.
Page 5
PARS will be compensated for performance of Services, as described in Exhibit I A based
upon the following schedule:
(A) An annual asset fee paid from Plan assets based on the following schedule:
For Plan Assets from: Annual Rate:
$0 to
$10,000,001 to
$15,000,001 to
$50,000,001 and
Annual rates are subject to a monthly minimum equal to $400.00. Annual rates are
prorated and paid monthly. The annual asset fee shall be calculated by the following
formula [Annual Rate divided by 12 (months of the year) multiplied by the Plan
asset balance at the end of the month]. Trustee and Investment Management Fees
are not included.
(B) A fee equal to the out of pocket costs charged to PARS by an outside contractor for
formatting contribution data on to a suitable magnetic media, charged only if the
contribution data received by PARS from the Agency is not on readable magnetic
media ( "Data Processing Fee ").
Page 6
PARS will provide the Services under this Agreement contingent upon receiving the
following information:
1. Contribution Data — Completed Contribution Transmittal Form signed by Plan
Administrator (or authorized Designee) which contains the following information:
(A) Agency name
(B) Contribution amount
(C) Signed certification of reimbursement from the Plan Administrator, or authorized
2. Reimbursement Data — Completed Payment Reimbursement Form signed by the Plan
Administrator (or authorized Designee) which contains the following information:
(A) Agency name
(B) Payment reimbursement amount
(C) Applicable statement date
(D) Copy of applicable premium statement
(E) Signed certification of reimbursement from the Plan Administrator (or authorized
3. Executed Legal Documents:
(A) Certified Resolution
(B) Adoption Agreement to the PARS Public Agencies Post - Retirement Health Care
(C) Trustee Investment Forms
4. Other information requested by PARS and Actuarial Provider
Page 7
City of Rosemead
GASB 45 Funding Strategies
30 Year Funding Projection
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 1
(1 Year Funding)
(3 Year Funding)
(5 Year Funding)
(Pay as You Go)
Normal Cost
Normal Cost
Normal Cost
$ 2,660,557
$ 1,009,182
$ 1,042,664
$ 644,548
$ 678,030
$ 1,009,182
$ 1,043,752
$ 644,548
$ 679,118
$ 1,009,182
$ 1,044,876
$ 644,548
$ 680,242
$ 36,854
$ 644,548
$ 681,402
$ 38,051
$ 644,548
$ 682,599
$ 39,288
$ 39,288
$ 40,565
$ 40,565
$ 41,883
$ 41,883
$ 43,245
$ 43,245
$ 44,650
$ 44,650
$ 46,101
$ 46,101
$ 47,599
$ 47,599
$ 49,146
$ 49,146
$ 50,744
$ 50,744
$ 52,393
$ 52,393
$ 54,096
$ 54,096
$ 55,854
$ 55,854
$ 57,669
$ 57,669
$ 59,543
$ 59,543
$ 61,478
$ 61,478
$ 63,476
$ 63,476
$ 65,539
$ 65,539
$ 67,669
$ 67,669
$ 69,869
$ 69,869
$ 72,139
$ 72,139
$ 74,484
$ 74,484
$ 76,905
$ 76,905
$ 79,404
$ 79,404
$ 81,985
$ 81,985
$ 84,649
$ 84,649
$ 2,660,557
$ 3,027,546
$ 4,686,570
$ 3,222,740
$ 4,881,764