2400 - State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)3zt STATE OF CALIFORNIA— BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY EDMOND G BROWN JR., Go emo, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, 100 SOUTH MAIN STREET, 2ND M LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 ,' b AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPE AREA WITHIN STATE HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY Permit No. 711-NLF-0954 Location: 07 -LA -10-26.33%26.75 This Agreement is made and executed effective this 23th day of May, 2011 by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, District 7, located at 100 South Main Street, Los Angeles, California 90012, hereinafter referred to as "STATE", and City of Rosemead located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770 hereinafter referred to as "PERMITTEE". A. RECITALS: The parties desire to provide that PERMITTEE may install and maintain State Highway improvements which shall include landscape (planting and irrigation) along the LA -10 freeway at Rosemead Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue freeway slopes and ramps in City of Rosemead referred to herein as "PROJECT", as are shown on the attached Exhibit. PERMITTEE is willing to fund one hundred (100%) of all design, capital outlay, maintenance, and staffing costs. B. AGREEMENT: In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, PERMITTEE agrees as follows: 1. PERMITTEE will submit plans, prepared and signed by a licensed Landscape Architect to the Office of Permits for review and approval and will obtain all necessary encroachment permits prior to the start of any work within STATE'S right of way, 2. After installation of project and to the satisfaction of STATE, PERMITTEE shall apply for an annual maintenance permit (NLM) in accordance with STATE'S standard permit procedures. PERMITTEE shall obtain aforesaid encroachment permit through the Caltrans, District 7, Office of Permits at (213) 897-3631. 3. PERMITTEE may contract with others to install, and thereafter to maintain the PROJECT per Section 6. A separate encroachment permit is required for any sponsored third party which shall be issued at no cost. In addition, a letter is required from PERMITTEE stating that authorization has been granted to a third party to perform such ,.. o,mwFCS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY EDMOND G BROWN JR., Gwemor STATE. Ot I A" DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7 Go SOUTH AIN STREET. 2' n. ANG s and of this eement, or any maintenance work. It i hereof, with understood that exception to Sectionconditions 7 hall not be not or interest herein, or any portion delegated to third parties. 4. Damage to PROJECT resulting from accident, storm, neglect or other causes beyond the control of the STATE are the responsibility of the PERMITTEE. 5. STATE will maintain all highway signs, paved drainage structures, and other non landscape highway appurtenance with exception to those items listed in Section "A", Recitals and as shown on the attached Exhibit. 6. In addition to designing and installing these permitted landscape items, PERMITTEE agrees to: a) Provide and maintain all Fater and irrigation systems including utility costs for Project. Irrigation system will be maintained and operated to avoid slope damage, excessive water flooding, or spraying onto the pavement. b) Replace unhealthy or dead plantings as they are observed. c) Keep entire PROJECT free of litter, debris and deleterious material. d) Control rodents and pests. e) Control weed growth before weeds exceed 6 inches in length. weed control Any performed by chemical weed sprays (pesticides) shall comply with all laws, rules, and regulations established by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. f) Maintain the landscaping, paving or other implanted areas along the roadside within the limits of the Project, exclusive of paved drainage facilities, so as not to obstruct the flow of water. g) All plantings shall be maintain in such condition that they do not interfere with n the free flow of traffic, includes the maintenance of adequate sight distances and visibility of signs, signals, and pedestrians• ntrol h) prune shrubs and tree plantings necessary aessay accepted standards ieous growth. manner shall be pruned using the high professionally velopment while preserving their health, structure, and that will encourage good de shrub pruning for sign or building visibility is not natural appearance. Tree permitted. i) Maintain sidewalks in a safe and barrier -free condition. owth plants j) Adequately water and fertilize all plantings to maintain a healthy g shall be fertilized 3 times a year. 7. It is understood that for any reason PERMITTEE decides not to renew its maintenance permit required herein, or if the planting is not maintained to the minimum standards specified herein, STATE shall provide ERpsita written notice. hll ITTEE shall respond within thirty (30 days of aid Said response shall • EDMOND G BROW1R., Gowmor STATE OF CALIFORNIA — BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY N DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, 100 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 2'm fl. 3 LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 EE to bring ected areas ck nto describe the action eteo be taken by PERMITTEE does not provide 'tsuch response and takelany T will be compliance. I terminated. acttio n, t ion Gf a b ll,4foNa11 °sts incurred by STATE forces o`r a1STATE contractor to reimburse STATE, n P PROJECTrand to pave over or otherwise restore the area to a maintain or remove th condition satisfactory �t 8. All work performed for or by PERMITTEE within the PROJECT will be done at no cost to the STATE. d which 9. Various modification t all ra portion of PROJECT. Any replacement eplacmentllrandscaping including arid/or irrigation facilities may be PERMITTEE' S responsibility. Upon completion of work, e prepared an which affects the limits of maintenance, a revised original shown on the original ed to STATE for review. Exhibit will supersede the original permit plans. 10. Changes to PROJECT affecting public safety or public convenience, alldesignano g ( PPin specification changes and all major changes including removal, severe runing) or addition of either planting or irrigation shall be approved by STATE in advance of Unless otherwise directed by STATE'S representative, changes performing work., an encroachment permit. Failure to notify STATE of such authorized will r changes shall result in the immediate removal of PROJECT or portions of PROJECT at PERMITTEE'S expense. C. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Nothing in this provision of this AGREEMENT is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not paa�d of s to this agreement, fire respecting the affects the legal liability of either party by imposing any construction, and maintenance of STATE highway right of way different from the standard of care imposed by law. 2. It is understood and agreed that neither STATE, nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by PERMITTEE under or in connection with any work performed by PERMITTEE under this agreement. It is further understood and agreed that, pursuant to E shall defend, indemnify and hold Government Code Section 895.4, PERMITTEor harmless the STATE, and all of its officers and employees from all claims, suits, f injuries to actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on accountdone or omitted too be death of any person or damage to property resulting from o anything donby done by PERMITTEE under or in connection with any performed PERMITTEE under this agreement. il EDMOND G BROWN 1R., G-' 01 • STATE OF CALIFORNIA- BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, 100 SOUTH MAIN STREET, 2ND fl. LOS ANGELES, CA 90012% 3. PERMITTEE waives any and all rights to any type of express, implied and comparative indemnity against STATE, its officers and employees arising from any work performed by PERMITTEE under this agreement. 4. Upon termination of this agreement, ownership and title to all materials, equipment and appurtenances installed inside STATE'S right of way will automatically be vested in STATE. Those materials and equipment installed outside of the STATE'S right of way will automatically and immediately be vested in PERMITTEE, and no further agreement will be necessary to transfer ownership. D. TERM OF AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT shall become effective upon execution and shall remain in full force in perpetuity until terminated. Failure to comply with provisions set forth in Section B, Article 7 would be grounds for Notice of Tem-dnation by STATE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT in duplicate as of the day and year stated above. PERMITTEE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Signature: Print Name:- S- ame: ✓ °rny j} Co7j- JEFFREYA. YUEN Title: �L bliC scP✓ Cc) SKpeP/h7u�( LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATE Phone: �J jG /�— 'z z 6�j (213) 897-6381 Date: 0 yo -73 ,STATE OF CALIFORNIA - BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY ARNOLD SCH WARZENEGGER, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, 100 SOUTH MAIN STREET, 2NO fl. _ LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 S; AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPE AREA WITHIN STATE HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY Permit No. 709 -NLF -1961 Location: 07- LA- 10- 26292 This Agreement is made and executed effective this 7th day of January, 2010 by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, District 7, located at 100 South Main Street, Los Angeles, California 90012, hereinafter referred to as "STATE ", and City of Rosemead located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, 91770, hereinafter referred to as "PERMITTEE ". A. RECITALS: The parties desire to provide that PERMITTEE may install and maintain State Highway improvements which shall include planting vines and installing irrigation system along the eastbound Route 10 at Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue in City of Rosemead, referred to herein as "PROJECT ", as are shown on the attached Exhibit. PERMITTEE is willing to fund one hundred (100 %) of all design, capital outlay, maintenance, and staffing costs. B. AGREEMENT: In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, PERMITTEE agrees as follows: 1. PERMITTEE will submit plans, prepared and signed by a licensed Landscape Architect to the Office of Permits for review and approval and will obtain all necessary encroachment permits prior to the start of any work within STATE'S right of way, 2. After installation of project and to the satisfaction of STATE, PERMITTEE shall apply for an annual maintenance permit (NLM) in accordance with STATE'S standard permit procedures. PERMITTEE shall obtain aforesaid encroachment permit through the Caltrans, District 7, Office of Permits at (213) 897 -3631. 3. PERMITTEE may contract with others to install, and thereafter to maintain the PROJECT per Section 6. A separate encroachment permit is required for any sponsored third party which shall be issued at no cost. In addition, a letter is required from PERMITTEE stating that authorization has been granted to a third party to perform such STATE OF CALIFORNIA — BUSINESS AND'1'RANSPORTATION AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, 100 SOUTH MAIN STREET, 2- E. LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 ry\ compliance. In the event PERMITTEE does not provide such response and take any action, this AGREEMENT will be terminated. PERMITTEE will reimburse STATE, on presentation of a bill, for all costs incurred by STATE forces or a STATE contractor to maintain or remove the PROJECT and to pave over or otherwise restore the area to a condition satisfactory with STATE. 8. All work performed for or by PERMITTEE within the PROJECT will be done at no cost to the STATE. 9. Various future STATE projects may be implemented which will require removal and/or modification to all or a portion of PROJECT. Any replacement landscaping including irrigation facilities may be STATE'S responsibility. Upon completion of work, which affects the limits of maintenance, a revised Exhibit will be prepared and delivered to PERMITTEE'S for review. Exhibit will supersede the original limits shown on the original permit plans. 10. Changes to PROJECT affecting public safety or public convenience, all design and specification changes and all major changes including removal, severe pruning (topping), or addition of either planting or irrigation shall be approved by STATE in advance of performing work. Unless otherwise directed by STATE'S representative, changes authorized will require an encroachment permit. Failure to notify STATE of such changes shall result in the immediate removal of PROJECT or portions of PROJECT at PERMITTEE'S expense. C. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Nothing in this provision of this AGREEMENT is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not parties to this agreement, or affects the legal liability of either party by.imposing any standard of care respecting the design, construction, and maintenance of STATE highway right of way different from the standard of care imposed by law. 2. It is understood and agreed that neither STATE, nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by PERMITTEE under or in connection with any work performed by PERMITTEE under this agreement. It is further understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, PERMITTEE shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the STATE, and all of its officers and employees from all claims, suits, or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by PERMIT FEE under or in connection with any work performed by PERMITTEE under this agreement. STATE OF CALIFORNIA— BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, 100 SOUTH MAIN STREET, 2N° fl. LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 3. PERMITTEE waives any and all rights to any type of express, implied and comparative indemnity against STATE, its officers and employees arising from any work performed by PERMITTEE under this agreement. 4. Upon termination of this agreement, ownership and title to all materials, equipment and appurtenances installed inside STATE'S right of way will automatically be vested in STATE. Those materials and equipment installed outside of the STATE'S right of way will automatically and immediately be vested in PERMITTEE, and no further agreement will be necessary to transfer ownership. D. TERM OF AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT shall become effective upon execution and shall remain in full force in perpetuity until terminated. Failure to comply with provisions set forth in Section B, Article 7 would be grounds for Notice of Termination by STATE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT in duplicate as of the day and year stated above. PERMTITEE Signature.-A) Print Name: L(7/fL//Md t • 01211P-44;:5- Title :,khlie. i Phone: ISC✓ --' -I STATE OF CALIFORNIA FREY YUEN LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATE (213 ) 897 -6381 Date: 1 - 93 ` &0 10 1- 1?- o2o1() 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION, AND HOUSING AGENCY ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, Govemor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, 100 SOUTH MAIN ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 -3606 u- 211.897.6381 Office 213.897.0420 fax January 20, 2010 Mr. William M. Ornelas 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Ornelas. 709 -NLF -1961 07- LA -10- 26.292 Enclosed is a copy of the fully executed Landscape Maintenance Agreement for the proposed planting of vines and installing irrigation system along the eastbound Route 10 at Walnut Grove Ave. and Hellman Ave. in City of Rosemead for the city's use and Information. 'If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call at (213) 897 -6381. Unc l EY .YUEN Landscape Associate, Office of Permits ELECTRICAL FACILITY COST SHARING AGREEMENT CITY OF ROSEMEAD THIS AGREEMENT is made effective this-;, ,; - day of /,6wy - , 200L, by and between Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to asaa"STATE ", and the City of Rosemead hereinafter referred to as "CITY". 1. This Agreement shall supersede any previous Agreement and/or amendments thereto for sharing STATE - incurred costs with CITY relative to the identified flashing beacons, traffic signals, traffic - signal systems, safety lighting, and sign lighting, hereinafter referred to as "Electrical Facilities ", which are listed in the attached Exhibit "A ", which by this reference, is made a part of this Agreement. II. The cost of operating and maintaining those Electrical Facilities presently placed at the intersection of any State highway route and any CITY street/road shall be shared as shown in Exhibit "A ". II1. Basis for Billing: A. It is agreed that the State will submit to the City monthly billings for flashing beacons, traffic signals, and traffic- signal systems. Systems shall be based on actual intersection costs, which shall include the following: • Operations, maintenance, repairs, and replacement. - Labor including overhead assessment - Other expenses - Equipment - Materials - Miscellaneous expenses • Electrical energy B. It is agreed that monthly billings for safety lighting and sign lighting shall be based on calculated unit costs derived by averaging STATE's District -wide costs each month, which costs shall include the following: • Operations, maintenance, repairs, and replacement. - Labor including overhead assessment - Other expenses - Equipment - Materials - Miscellaneous expenses • Electrical energy Rev. 3/24/04 1 Rosemead IV. Exhibit "A" will be amended as necessary by written concurrence of both parties to reflect any future c- hanges to the described Electrical Facilities and the power system. V. STATE costs and expenses assumed under the terms of this Agreement are conditioned upon the passage of the annual State of California Budget by the Legislature, the allocation of funding by the California Transportation Commission as appropriate, and the encumbrance of funding to the District Office of STATE to pay anv CITY billings. V"I. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until amended by the mutual consent of the parties or terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days' notice to the other party. Rey-. 3/24/04 2 Rosemead Ilv' WITNESS «HEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seal the day and year first above written. "Approved as to forth and procedure: Attorney Department of Transportation CITY Attorney CITY of Rosemead By�� > G✓� �C CITY. aecutive CITY C erk STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTNIENT OF TRANSPORTATION TONY V. HARRIS, Acting Director of Transportation By iDirector . "Approval by STATE's Attorney is not required unless changes are made to this form, in which case the draft will be submitted for Headquarters' review and approval by STATE'S Attomey as to foram and procedures. Rev. 3/24/04 3 Rosemead EXHIBIT "A" TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND LIGHTING AGREEMENT Caltrans and City of Rosemead BASIS OF COST DISTRIBUTION Effective 6C1 ' a2 � )- 6 ,C'X State -Owned and Maintained Billed by the State Notes: • * Signal under design/construction. • Signals at Rosemead BI at Whitmore St, and Rosemead BI at Telstar Av are maintained by State under a 100 /100 Agreement with El Monte. LM 03 -23 -04 JT . 03 -23 -04 Rev. 3/24/04 5 Rosemead Signal % Cost Post Signs Type Distribution No Route Mile Location Description Lights Code Units State /City Signal El 532 P 1 10 26.340 10 Fwy EB at 7- 132w(snb) G 14.0 20 80 Walnut Grove/Hellman/Ramona 9- 200w(hps) E 4.5 Signal E1204 P 2 60 8.300 60 Fwy EB at 4- 132w(snb) G 8.0 50 50 Montebello /Town Center 6- 200w(hps) E 3.0 Signal E0744 P 3 60 8.540 60 Fwy VJB at 2- 132w(snb) G 4.0 50 50 San Gabriel BI 6- 200w(h s) E 3.0 Signal E0743 P 4 1 60 8.560 60 FAy EB at 4- 132w(snb) G 8.0 50 50 San Gabriel/Town Center 8- 200w(hps) E 4.0 Signal E0673 P 5 164 5.740 Rosemead BI at 4- 132w(snb) G 8.0 75 25 Glendon Wy 6- 250w(hps) E 3.0 Signal E0641 P 6 164 5.800 Rosemead BI at 4- 132w(snb) G 8.0 50 50 Marshall St 4- 200w(hps) E 2.0 Signal E0674 P 7 164 6.190 Rosemead BI at 4- 132w(snb) G 8.0 50 50 Valley BI 4- 200w,(hps) E 2.0 Signal E0675 P 8 164 6.431 Rosemead BI at 4- 132w�(snb) G 8.0 50 50 Mission Dr 4- 200w(h s) E 2.0 Signal E0677 P 9 164 6.640 Rosemead Bl at 4- 132w(snb) G 8.0 67 33 Lower Azusa Rd 4- 250w(h s) E 2.0 Notes: • * Signal under design/construction. • Signals at Rosemead BI at Whitmore St, and Rosemead BI at Telstar Av are maintained by State under a 100 /100 Agreement with El Monte. LM 03 -23 -04 JT . 03 -23 -04 Rev. 3/24/04 5 Rosemead RESOLUTION NO. 2004 -16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR COST - SHARING OF ELECTRICAL FACILITIES ON STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of Transportation has presented an Agreement for cost sharing of the State highway in the City of Rosemead effective as of its date of execution, and to remain in effect until amended or terminated. WHEREAS, the City Council has read said Agreement in full, and is familiar with the contents thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Said Agreement for Cost - Sharing of the STATE highway in the City is hereby approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF APRIL 2004. ATTEST: CITY CLERK /law"a L C t-4, � MAYOR I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolutio No. 2004 -16 was duly and regularly adopted by the Rosemead City Council at a regular meetin held on the 27th day of April 2004, by the following vote: Yes: Clark, Vasquez, Imperial, Taylor, Alarc No: None, Absent: None, Abstain: None City Cle k STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS. CITY OF ROSEMEAD ) I, Nancy Valderrama, City Clerk of the City of Rosemead, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2004 -16 being: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR COST - SHARING OF ELECTRICAL FACILITIES ON STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD was duly and regularly approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 27h day of April, 2004, by the following vote to wit: - YES: ALARCON, CLARK, VASQUEZ, IMPERIAL, TAYLOR NO: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE Nancy Va de ama, CMC City Clerk February 12, 2002 Cheryl Pedinoff City of Malibu Public Works Department 23555 Civic Center Way Malibu, CA 90265 Re: Maintenance of State Highways in Rosemead Dear Ms. Pedinoff: Per your request, enclosed is a copy of the City of Rosemead's Resolution No. 84 -21 approving the Agreement for maintenance of the State Highway in the City. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 626 5619 -2171. Sincerely, NANCY VALDERRAMA City of Rosemead City of Rosemead Encl. ,S4 OFMALf City of Malibu Department of Public Works ® as 23555 Civic Center Way - Malibu, CA 90265 °po �eiby6 Tuesday, December 11, 2001 City of Rosemead Bill Young, Public Works Director 8838 East Valley Blvd. Rosemead California 91770 Re: Median Maintenance Agreement on a State Highway Dear Director Young: The City of Malibu is interested in improving and maintaining a landscaped median on State Highway -1 that traverses the City. We understand that your City may have a similar agreement in place with the State. We are asking for your assistance in obtaining a copy of your agreement with the State regarding maintaining medians on a State Highway. Please forward a copy to: City of Malibu Public Works Department 23555 Civic Center Way, Malibu California 90265. Attn.: Cheryl Pedinoff If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please call ( 310) 456 -2489 ext.254. CHARLES BERGSOP Public Works Director Cc: Ken Rukavina, City Engineer K: \Public W orks\ Subject\ state .medim.request.ci.RO.L01.wpd STATE OF CALIFORNIA— BUSINESS, TR DEPARTMENT OF TRAP DISTRICT 7,120 SO. SPRING ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 900123606 (213) 8970362 November 2, 2000 Mr. Ken Rukavina City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard P.O. Box 399 Rosemead Ca 91770 Dear Mr. Rukavina: ON AND H( ATION Govemor NO This letter is in response to discussions I've had with Ms. Jane Freij, of your staff, regarding the City of Rosemead's delegated maintenance agreement with the State Department of Transportation ( Caltrans). As we stated in our letter dated October 25`I', Caltrans is rewriting and re- negotiating agreements that are more then seven (7) years old. The present agreement with the City of Rosemead was developed in 1984, and thus is in need of revision. In an effort to outline the work to be performed by the City under the new agreement, I would like to schedule a meeting with your staff, and our maintenance staff who is responsible for the oversight of the services performed by the City of Rosemead. I have attached a copy of the agreement that is presently in force; along with the "boilerplate" we will be utilizing to develop a new agreement. This will give you the opportunity to have it reviewed by your legal staff. Please call me to schedule this meeting, or if you have any questions regarding this matter. I can be reached at (213) 897 -5646. Sincerely, RACHEL PARTIDA Maintenance Agreement Coordinator °o AGREEMENT FOR .o OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD THIS AGREEMENT, made and executed in duplicate this day of Q5F4- by and between the State of Caliamia, acting by and through thODepartment of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "STATE" and the CITY of ROSEMEAD hereinafter referred to as "CITY" W I T N E S S E T H: A. RECITALS: The Parties desire to provide for the CITY to perform particular r maintenance functions on the State highway within the CITY as provided in Section 130 of the Streets and Highways Code. B. AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall supersede any previous AGREDENT MR MAINT"'YENCE OF STATE HIGffgAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD and /or AMENDMENTS thereto with the CITY. -1- 2/34 D6 In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, it is agreed: The CITY will perform such maintenance work as is specifically delegates to it, on the State highway routes or portions hereof all as hereinafter described under Section H hereof or as said section may be subsequently modified with the consent of the parties hereto acting by and through their authorized representative. C. MAINTENANCE DE?INID: Maintenance is defined in Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code as follows: Sec.'27. "(a) The preservation and keeping of rights of way, and each type of roadway, structure, safety convenience or device, planting, illumination equipment and other facility, in the safe and usable condition to which it has been improved or constructed, but does not include reconstruction, or other improvement." "(b) operation of special safety conveniences and devices, and illuminating equipment." -2- 2/94 D6 T ` v- "(c) The special or emergency maintenance or repair necessitated by accidents or by storms or other weather conditions, slides, settlements or other unusual or unexpected damage to a roadway structure or facility." D. DEMEE OF MAINT"'gANCE: The degree or extent of maintenance work to be performed and the standards therefore shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code, as set forth in the current edition of the State Maintenance Manual (a copy of which has been provided to the CITY), or as may be prescribed from time to time by the District Director. "District Director" as used herein, means the District Director of the Department of Transportation assigned to the territory in which the CITY is located, or his authorized representative. The STATE reserves the option to check at random all areas of STATE HIG -MYS maintained by the CITY to assure conformance to maintenance levels. Failure of the crry to carply with the maintenance levels would be reason to terminate this Agreement as specified under Section K "Term of Agreement." However, this random check does not preempt the CITIES maintenance resgdhi iities as spelled out in the Agreement. -3- 2/34 D6 '.:An encroachment permit will be required for third parties when maintenance work is redelegated. Such redelegated work shall be performed to the same levels of service as spelled out herein and will be subject to the same random checks as provided for work performed directly by CITY forces. The level of service of maintenance in each of the programs delegated to -the CITY'has been considered in setting authorized total and route dollar amounts. The CITY may perform additional work if desired but the STATE will not reimburse the CITY for any work in excess.of authorized dollars. The District Director may authorize adjustments needed because of inflation or changes in program emphasis. F. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: i4othing in the provisions of the Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not parties to this contract or affect the legal liability of either party to the contract by imposing any standard of care respecting the maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. It is understood and agreed that neither STATE, nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in -4- 2/94 D6 • 0 connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the City under this Agreement for Maintenance. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, CITY shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the State of California, all officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or in account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this Agreement except as otherwise provided by Statute. The CITY waives any and all rights arising from activities under this Agreement to any type of express and implied indemnity against the STATE, its officers or employees. It is the intent of the parties that the CITY will indemnify and hold harmless the STATE, its officers or employees from any and all claims, suits or actions as set forth above under this Agreement regardless of the existence or degree of fault or negligence, whether active or passive, primary or secondary, on the part of the STATE. -5- 2/34 D6 F.. MAIWMENANCE FUNCTIONS: The CITY shall perform only those maintenance functions delegated, as identified, in Section H (DEL ATION OF MANP :]ANCE) of this Agre�:ent. A brief description of those maintenance functions delegated to the CITY are included in this section. The functions are identified by the Caltrans HM Program Codes. G. MMENDITJRE AUTHORIZATION: The STATE will reimburse the CITY for actual cost of all routine maintenance work performed by CITY as delegated under Section H of this Agrewent, but it is agreed that during any fiscal year, the maximum ,I expenditure on any route shall not exceed the amount as shown on Section H of this Agreement, unless such expenditure is revised by an amended Agreanent or otherwise adjusted or modified as hereinafter prd'vided for: -6- 2/84 D6 0 0 A new "DEIMAPION OF NIAM TFrNIMCE" sheet (Section H) will be provided annually by the STATE for the ensuing fiscal year, if necessary to ensure equitable annual cost. The expenditure per route for routine maintenance work as referred to above may be increased or decreased, redistributed between routes, or additional expenditures for specific projects costing $5,000 or less :nay be made when such adjustment of P_xpenditures for routine maintenance or such specific work is authorized in writing by the District Director or his authorized representative. Expenditures for specific projects costing in excess of the above amount may be made when such specific work is authorized in writing by the District Director with prior approval from the Chief, Division of Maintenance at Headquarters. Additional expenditures or adjustment of expenditures thus authorized shall apply during the fiscal year designated therein and shall not be deemed to permanently modify or change the basic mmaxi=rexpenditare per route as hereinafter specified. An adjustment of the said maximum expenditure, either increase or decrease, shall not affect other terms,of the Agreement. -7- 2/64 D6 B. DELWATION OF MAINTENANCE: The specific maintenance functions indicated below are hereby delegated to the CITY. !.This delegation of maintenance function set forth herein does not include areas and functions of which the control and maintenance rest with the local authority under the terns of Freeway Agreements and /or Freeway Maintenance Agreements. 1 0.M` • • '.• 1 MAXIMUM, ANNUAL PROGRAM, AUTHORIZID: DELEGATED 711 }•• 7t 11 ROS34FAD BOULEVARD from the south HM -22 city limits approx. 200 feet south of Whitmore St. (PM 5.03) to north city limits at south right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad (PM 6.88), a length of approx. 1.85 miles, of which half width from south city limits to centerline of San Bernardino Freeway (PM 5.63), a length of approx. 0.60 miles lies within the city. NOTE: City will sweep full width of roadbed on above Route. $ 8,000 TOTAL AUIHMIZEO EXPENDITURE $ 8,000 -8- 2/84 D6 I. SUBMISSION OF BILSS: 0- The CITY shall submit bills in a consistent periodic sequence (monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually). Bills for less than $500 shall not be submitted more than once each quarter. Bills must be submitted promptly following close of corresponding billing period and should be coded according to the Caltrans HM Program Code as outlined in this Agreement. Bills submitted for periods prior to the last fiscal year will be deemed waived and not be honored. Equipment shall be charged at mutually acceptable rental rates and labor and material at actual cost. The CITY will be allowed to recover overhead and administrative costs only to the extent that such charges include applicable expenses incurred by the C=f in the execution of the work. Said factors and method shall be subject to approval by the STATE. Maintenance services provided by contract or on a unit -rate basis with overhead costs included shall not have these above- mentioned charges added again. An actual handling charge for processing this type of bill will be allowed by the City. -9- 2/34 D6 • Emergency and storm repairs performed by the CITY will be paid for only with prior approval of the STATE'S Highhay Superintendent of that specific area. In addition, the CITY should immediately notify the STATE'S Area Superintendent for the area of any storm damage or other emergency condition affecting the STATE highway. The CITY shall maintain, on a generally accepted accounting basis complete and accurate records that support all billings. These records shall be made available to STATE representatives for review during normal business hours for a period of three (3) years after part of said billings. J. TERM OF AGRE 4ENT: This Agreement shall become effective %11 A0 3 and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or terminated. This Agreement may be acrosdad or t rminat d at any time upon mutual consent of the parties thereto. This Agreement may also be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days' notice to the other _arty. -10- 2/94 D6 9 IN WITNESS tC=F, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. City Attorney 0 CITY OF R0SE,%TAD mayor- _( STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IZ:) ' .MBATORE Diractor of Transoortation S nior t4aintenance gineer -11- 2/94 D6 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 84 -21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of Transportation has presented an Agreement for maintenance of the STATE highway in the City of Rosemead effective as of April 24, 1984, and to remain in effect until amended or terminated. WHEREAS, the City Council has heard and read said Agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof: THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Rosemead that said Agreement for Maintenance of the STATE highway in the City is hereby approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City. ADOPTED this 24th ATTEST: �Cl ty Clerk day of April , 1984. I,.A. l 000W • O Attachment 1 WFDITEN- PNCE FUNCTION Dmmip'rImm HNIll - FL - I.E ROADBEDS This provides for patching, sealing, and maintaining the surface and base ccurses.of roadways, including asphalt.surfacd shoulders. H:421 cRAL'IFt,E AND SLOPES This provides for cleaning, maintaining, and rerXZiring culverts, ditches, drains, structures, fences, curbs, sidewalks, and other appurtenances between the roadb and the outer highway right of way boundary 4: line.;. H:422 - ROMWAY LST!"3t MD DEBRIS This provides Ecr r.�rcval of :litter and d-bris f-rcm roadway surfaces and roadsides. $ VFX MTION CON'ML NON- PLANTED AR&%S ) This provides for weed and brush control by chemical, biological or mchanical rmthods, trimming and removal of trees, and pest control. 2/84 D2 • O Attachn--rt 1 (cont'd) M25 - PL - *= AMAS T.nis provides for watering, fertilizing, remval of shrubs, and control of wa_eds'in. planted arraas. Includes tricmninca, r.c .noval, and spraying of trees,: replacement or plants, shrub-, and trL : ?s, " ?_7Cf pest control in pDmtw areas. HM31 -. PRIDGE AND PUtiP MALINTENNNCE This provides for repairs, cleaning and ruintinq or bridge :rd sutmnP structures. Includes electrical and ;rechanical maintenance of trid"ge and 7= equir^Ant. ID441 -P%=--vi DELD7ENTION Chis nrovi -des "Cr the repainting of traffic stripes a i markings, and the cleaning, r^_ ^cr.al and replacement of rais d pavrrjlt markers. HM42 - SIGNS This provides for cleaning, replacanynt, and aeneral maintenance of signs and supports, including support structures for overhead signs. . - U Att _ctmnnt 1 MAICIM -U%NCE FU'CTION DESCRIPTIONS ID143 EL=11CAL This includes maintenance work performed on highway electrical facilitilies including flashin4 beacons, traffic signals, traffic - signal systems, safety lighting and sign lighting. It also includes the electrical energy for these itans. Timing sequence of traffic signals shall be- determined after consultation with `he (CIT'1 /COL?ITY); however, the decision of the District Director oL Transp- r- -3tlon shall be final. Maintenance of the "designed" timing is the n2ssrcnsibility of the (CITY /COUNTY). Timing records shall be kept in both Maintenance and Traffic Branches. EM'W4GEVCY O ?II2t {iZCV yr ?"2AFFIC SIG,,IAIS DURING EQUIPI—KIT FAI GRE A written "Contingency Plan" for operation of traffic signals should be prepared for emergency operation of each signalized intersection. Copies of the plan shall be kept in the controller cabinet and in the I.1,9.ntenance and Traffic Branches of Ott (CITY/COUNTY). • O atac!im nt 1 (cont'd) a. The plan shall be prepared after consultation with the (cITY /COUNTY); however, the decision of the District Director of Transportation shall be final. �i ,1 'i- b. „.The.plan shall detail the method of restoring a tralfuncticning traffic signal to service as £allows: (1) Place the signals in the flashing mode of operation. (2) Replace defective units. (3) if 'first replacEvent of defective units cannot be waL2:a i. ma:iately, place the signals under control of an c:ir_rgencv rapl.:cz_rent controller. c. :lashing :;_oration shall be considered as the "primary unergencf mode of cxration at all intersections”. The plan shall sow i °y tre r, color each phase will display during flashing operation. Red/'[ello:.a or, all red may be used. d. The plan shall specify the timing of each interval of an emrgency ieplaeearmt controller. e. The "Contingency Plan" for an intersection may be changed at any times to meet changii:g conditions following the procedure above. Attachrr2nt 1 (cont'd) f. Docamentation of the engineering reasons for selecting a particular plan for a specific location shall be kept on file in the (CITY /CC(NTY) Branches. The goal shall be to provide the safest emergency mode of operation. The same plan may be applicable for a large number of intersections. Every effort shall be made to restore Yt= operation of the intersection to normal operation as scon as possible. F' Httachaunt 1 AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE "CITY" OF ROSEMEAD THIS AGREEMENT is made effective this day of 20 _, by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as " STATE ", and CITY OF ROSEMEAD hereinafter referred to as "CITY". I. The Parties desire that "CITY" perform specific maintenance functions on those portions of the State highways identified herein which are located within CITY's jurisdiction, all as is authorized in Section 130 of the Streets and Highways Code. II. This Agreement shall supersede any previous agreement for maintenance of the same identified portion of these State highways of and/or amendments thereto interred into with "CITY". III. "CITY" will perform such maintenance work as is specifically delegated to it, on these identified State highway routes, or portions thereof, all as hereinafter described under Exhibit A hereof, or as said Exhibit may be subsequently modified with the consent of the parties hereto, acting by and through their authorized representatives. IV. The degree or extent of maintenance work to be performed, and the standards therefore, shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code and the then current edition of the State Maintenance Manual (a copy of which has been provided to "CITY"), or as may be prescribed from time to time in writing by the District Director and agreed to by "CITY" in writing. "District Director," as used herein, means the District Director of the Department of Transportation assigned to the territory in which "CITY" is located, or an authorized representative. V. The functions and levels of maintenance service delegated to "CITY" in the attached Exhibit A, "Delegation of Maintenance," has been considered in setting authorized total dollar reimbursement amounts. "CITY" may perform additional work if desired, but STATE will not reimburse "CITY" for any work in excess of the authorized dollar limits established herein or for the performance of any work not described in said Exhibit A. VI. A. STATE will reimburse "CITY" for the actual cost of all routine maintenance work performed by "CITY" as delegated under Exhibit A to this Agreement. It is agreed that during any fiscal year, the maximum expenditure on any designated route shall not exceed the amount as shown available for that route in Exhibit A to this Agreement unless such expenditure is revised by an amended Agreement or otherwise adjusted or modified as hereinafter provided. • o The cost of operating and maintaining utility -owned and maintained lighting now in place at the intersection of any State highway route and any "CITY" street/road shall be shared as shown in Exhibit B. B. The expenditure per designated route for routine maintenance work, as referred to above, may be increased or decreased, redistributed between routes, or additional expenditures for specific projects may be made, when such adjustment of expenditures for routine maintenance or such specific work is authorized in writing by the District Director or an authorized representative and is accepted by "CITY" as an amendment to Exhibit A. C. Additional expenditures, or an adjustment of expenditures, once authorized shall apply only during the fiscal year designated therein and shall not be deemed to permanently modify or change the basic maximum expenditure per route as hereinafter specified. An adjustment of any said maximum expenditure, either an increase or decrease, shall not affect other terms of this Agreement. VII. A new Exhibit A, DELEGATION OF MAINTENANCE, will be provided annually by STATE for each ensuring fiscal year, if necessary, to ensure an equitable annual cost allocation. VIII. A. "CITY" will submit bills in a consistent periodic sequence (monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually in arrears). Bills for less than $500 shall not be submitted more than once each quarter. Bills must be submitted promptly following the close of STATE's fiscal year on each June 30a' and should be coded according to the Caltrans HM Program Code as outlined in this Agreement. Bills submitted for work performed in periods prior to any preceding fiscal year will be deemed waived and will not be honored. B. Maintenance services provided by contract or on a unit -rate basis with overhead costs included shall not have these above- mentioned charges added again. An actual handling charge by "CITY" for the direct cost of processing this type of bill will be allowed. IX. Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not parties to this contract or to affect the legal liability of either party to the contract by imposing any standard of care respecting the maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. X. It is understood and agreed that neither STATE nor any of its officers or employees are responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by "CITY" under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to "CITY" under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, "CITY" shall defend, indemnify and save harmless STATE and all of its officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every • o name, kind and description brought for or in account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by "CITY" under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to "CITY" under this Agreement. XI. It is understood and agreed that neither "CITY" nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to STATE under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, STATE shall defend, indemnify and save harmless "CITY" and all of its officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to STATE under this Agreement. XII. Costs and expenses authorized to be incurred by STATE under the terms of this Agreement are conditioned upon the passage of the annual State of California Budget by the Legislature, the allocation of funding by the California Transportation Commission as appropriate, and the encumbrance of funding to the District Office of STATE to pay billings by "CITY ". XIII. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effective until amended by the mutual consent of the parties thereto or terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the other party. • o IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. *Approved as to form and procedure: Attorney Department of Transportation "CITY" Attorney LM "CITY" of 0 "CITY" Executive "CITY" Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JEFF MORALES Director of Transportation sy District Director * Approval by STATE's Attorney is not required unless changes are made to this form, in which case the draft will be submitted for Headquarters' review and approval by STATE's Attorney as to form and procedures. 1t • O EXHIBIT "A" DELEGATION OF MAINTENANCE The specific maintenance function indicted below (and on "EXHIBIT B ") is hereby delegated to CITY /COUNTY. This delegation of maintenance function set forth herein does not include the control and maintenance areas and functions which rest with CITY /COUNTY under the terms of executed Freeway Agreements and/or Freeway Maintenance Agreements. Route Length No. Miles Description of Routine TOTAL AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE: Article VII details the method and frequency of billing by the City for work performed. Bills will be paid once work has been verified by the Caltrans Maintenance Superintendent for the area. Maximum Annual Program Authorized Dele ag ted Exnenditure TOTAL AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE: Article VII details the method and frequency of billing by the City for work performed. Bills will be paid once work has been verified by the Caltrans Maintenance Superintendent for the area. • o EXHIBIT "B" LIGHTING AGREEMEMT Caltrans and "CITY" of In Accordance with Maintenance Agreement Effective BASIS OF COST DISTRIBUTION Maintenance and Operation of Utility -Owned and Maintained Lighting by the "CITY" of for Caltrans "CITY" to Bill State for Expenses Location/Intersection Type of Cost Distribution Route & PM Description Facility . State County VCr+wS .r NA`s��1� RESOLUTION NO. 84 -21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD r WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of Transportation has presented an Agreement for maintenance of the STATE highway in the City of Rosemead effective as of April 24, 1984, and to remain in effect until amended or terminated. WHEREAS, the City Council has heard and read said Agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof: THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Rosemead that said Agreement for Maintenance of the STATE highway in the City is hereby approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City. ADOPTED this ATTEST: City Cler day of aC MAYOR 1984. ¢y AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD THIS AGREEMENT, made and executed in duplicate this /at— day of 19M, by and between the State of California, acting by and through t Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "SPATE" and the CITY of ROSEMEAD hereinafter referred to as "CITY" W I T N E S S E T H: A. RECITALS: The Parties desire to provide for the CITY to perform particular maintenance functions on the State highway within the CITY as provided in Section 130 of the Streets and Highways Code. This Agreement shall supersede any previous AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENENCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD and /or AMENDMENT'S thereto with the CITY. -1- 2/84 D6 .. Q In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, it is agreed: The CITY will perform such maintenance work as is specifically delegated to it, on the State highway routes or portions hereof all as hereinafter described under Section H hereof or as said section may be subsequently modified with the consent of the parties hereto acting by and through their authorized representative. C. MAINTENANCE DEFINED: Maintenance is defined in Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code as follows: Sec. 27. "(a) The preservation and keeping of rights of way, and each type of roadway, structure, safety convenience or device, planting, illumination equiiarent and other facility, in the safe and usable condition to which it has been improved or constructed, but does not include reconstruction, or other improvement." "(b) operation of special safety conveniences and devices, and illuminating equipment." -2- 2/84 D6 "(c) The special or emergency maintenance or repair necessitated by accidents or by storms or other weather conditions, slides, settlements or other unusual or unexpected damage to a roadway structure or facility." D. DEGREE OF MAINTaiANCE: The degree or extent of maintenance work to be performed and the standards therefore shall -be in accordance with the provisions of Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code, as set forth in the current edition of the State Maintenance Manual (a copy of which has been provided to the CITY), or as may be prescribed from time to time by the District Director. "District Director" as used herein, means the District Director of the Departmnt of Transportation assigned to the territory in which the CITY is located, or his authorized representative. The STATE reserves the option to check at random all areas of STATE, HIGHWAYS maintained by the CITY to assure conformance to maintenance levels. Failure of the CITY to comply with the maintenance levels would be reason to terminate this Agreement as specified under Section K "Term of Agreement." However, this random check does not preempt the CITIES maintenance responsibilities as spelled out in the Agreement. -3- 2/34 D6 0 0 An encroachment permit will be required for third parties when maintenance cork is redelegated. Such redelegated work shall be performed to the same levels of service as spelled out herein and will be subject to the same randau checks as provided for work performed directly by CITY forces. The level of service of maintenance in each of the program delegated to the CITY has been considered in setting authorized total and route dollar amounts. The CITY may perform additional work if desired but the STATE will not reimburse the CITY for any work in excess of authorized dollars. The District Director may authorize adjustments needed because of inflation or changes in program emhasis. E. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Nothing in the provisions of the Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not parties to this contract or affect the legal liability of either party to the contract by imposing any standard of care respecting the maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. It is understood and agreed that neither STATE, nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or .liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in -4- 2/94 D6 0 0 connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the City under this Agreement for Maintenance. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, CITY shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the State of California, all officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or in account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this Agreement except.as otherwise provided by Statute. The CITY waives any and all rights arising from activities under this Agreement to any type of express and implied indemnity against the SPATE, its officers or employees. It is the intent of the parties that the CITY will indemnify and hold harmless the STATE, its officers or employees from any and all claims, suits or actions as set forth above under this Agreement regardless of the existence or degree of fault or negligence, whether active or passive, Primary or secondary, on the part of the STATE. -5- 2/84 D6 0 F. MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS: W The CITY shall perform only those maintenance functions delegated, as identified, in Section H (DELEGATION. OF MAINMNANCE) of this Agreem-ant. A brief description of those maintenance functions delegated to the CITY are included in this section. The functions are identified by the Caltrans HM Program Codes. G. EXPENDITME AUTHORIZATION: The STATE will reimburse the CITY for actual cost of all routine maintenance irk performed by CITY as delegated under Section H of this Agreement, but it is agreed that during any fiscal year, the maxiimm expenditure on any route shall not exceed the amount as shown on Section H of this Agreement, unless such expenditure is revised by an amnded Agreement or othenaise adjusted or modified as hereinafter provided for. -6- 2/34 D6 o � o A new "DELEGA'ITON OF MALNTaWCE" sheet (Section H) will be provided annually by the STATE for the ensuing fiscal year, if necessary to ensure equitable annual cost. The expenditure per route for routine maintenance work as referred to above may be increased or decreased, redistributed between routes, or additional expenditures for specific projects costing $5,000 or less may be made when such adjustment of expenditures for routine maintenance or such specific work is authorized in writing by the District Director or his authorized representative. Expenditures for specific projects costing in excess of the above amunt may be made when such specific work is authorized in writing by the District Director with prior approval from the Chief, Division of Maintenance at Headquarters. Additional expenditures or adjustment of expenditures thus authorized shall apply during the fiscal year designated therein and shall not be deemed to permanently modify or change the basic maximum expenditure per route as hereinafter specified. An adjustment of the said maximum expenditure, either increase or decrease, shall not affect other terms of the Agreement. -7- 2/84 D6 f 0 DELEGATION OF MAINTENANCE: The specific maintenance functions indicated below are hereby delegated to the CITY. This delegation of maintenance function set forth herein does not include areas and functions of which the control and maintenance rest with the local authority under the terms of Freeway Agreements and /or Freeway Maintenance Agreements. ROUTE LENGTH NO. MILES DESCRIPTION OF ROUTING fi'hfTJ ANNUAL PROGRAM •• 1 D ET )GATED EXPENDITUR 164 1.85 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD from the south HM -22 city limits approx. 200 feet south of Whitmore St. (RM 5.03) to north city limits at south right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad (PM 6.88), a length of approx. 1.85 miles, of which half width from south city limits to centerline of San Bernardino Freeway (PM 5.63), a length of approx. 0.60 miles lies within the city. NOTE: City will sweep full width of roadbed on above Route. . 111 TOTAL AUIHORIZED EXPENDITURE $ 8,000 -8- 2/84 D6 Attach-Tent 1 M SNTI-7NANCE FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS EL•111 - L'I F CIBL ROADBEDS This provides for patching, sealing, and maintaining the surface and base courses of roadways, including asphalt surfaced shoulders. HI421 - CRA 7F�3E iIND SLOPES This provides for cieanina, maintaining, and repairing culverts, ditches, drains, structLLres, fences, curbs, sidewalks, and other appurtenances bet,,,een the roadbed and the outer highway right of way boundary line. H2,122 — f:OID"n'AY LI7i°,32 ND DZBRIS Th4S pro'.iides «.4 _ei? val of litter and debris f :-cm roadway surfaces and roaisides. EM .3 - VBGEPNTION CCNIMOL (`.YON -PI UNTLD ARi;M) This provides for weed and brush control by chemical, biological or mechanical m=thods, triirmirg and removal of trees, and pest control. 2/84 D2 • o A}tachr,Cnt 1 (cont'd) 25 - PUVTFD "P%E:\S T:nis provides for Watering, fertilizing, reTloval of shrubs, and control of !o;ecds in planted areas. Includes tri[irrling, reiroval, and spraying of trees, replacecront of plants, shrubs, and trees, =md past control in nlantad areas. rM31 - ERIDGE NNI) PUM? MAINTr WNCE `i.'his provides for repaiLs, cleaning and C ;ntlnq of bridge and sum 7unp structures. includes electrical and ur--chanicai maintenance of trige and ium equirrT:ent. F,r 41 - DELIiv&'1TION This pLGV: ^.eS' i:OC the repainting of traffic �— 9es and i;iarkinc3, and the cleaning, _._.w`.,a1 and replacer2!li= of rai- l p3vem.-nt markers. H7442 - SIGNS this provides for cl:aaning, replacomant, a d general maintenance of signs and supports, including support structures for overhead signs. • o i kLNTF_N;PNCE F- UICTION DESCRIPTIONS Iu143 - EL=ICAL Attactu-,T 1 This includes maintenance work performed on highway electrical facilitilies including flashing Ix--a(cns, traffic signals, traffic- signal systems, safety lighting and sign lighting. It also includes the electrical energy for these it2,vs. Timing sequence of traffic signals shall be determined after consultation with the (C:CTY /COWTY); however, the decision of the District Director of Transi:3rtation shall be final. maintenance of the "designed" timing is the reS=zisibilicy of the (CITY /COUNTY). Timing records shall be kept in both (CI'T'Y /COUNTY) Kaintenance and Traffic Branches. aMERGENCY OP=IION OF ` RMFIC SIGNALS DURING FQUIPMENT FAIL'U'RE A written "Cent_ingency Plan" for operation of traffic signals should be prepared for urgency operation of each signalized intersection. Copies of the plan shall be kept in the controller cabinet and in the :R,i.nta�anc and Traffic Branches of 111,ta (CIT`i /^0(.M). Attrc>>m_nt 1 (cont'd) a. The olan shall be prepared after con_-nitation -aiLh the (CI'I ^I /(DOUVT_'); however, the decision of the District Director of Transportation shall be final. b. The plan shall detail the method of restoring a malfunctioning traffic signal to service as follows: (1) Place the signals in the flashing mode of operation. (2) Reole:_e defectiae units. t reDiace -rent of de feet ive uni is c?tlnot ? .imp- :i.ately, place the signals under control of an einlrgencv renl..cc =:,ent controller. c. i''a hing ^_ration shall i:e considered as the "primary t+neraencf i- ood -`: of opera =ioa at all intersections ". The plan shall specify the color each phase will display during flashing operation. 2ed/Iellua or all rci may he us -9. d. 'rhe plan shall specify the timing of each interval of an em =rgency replaceia =_nt controller. e. The "Contingency Plan" for m intersection may be changed at an•,7 tii� to meet changing conditions following the procedi.Ire Above. • o Attachment 1 (cont'd) f. Docam- ntation of the engineering reasons for selecting a particular plan for a specific location shall be kept on file in the (CTTY1CC'U,=) Branches. The goal shall he to provide the safest emer -jency mode of operation. The sam _nlan may be applicable for a large number of intersections. Every effort shall be made to restore the om._raticn of the intersection to normal operation as soon as possible. B ArtacYu;ent 1 x,;144 -- 9.RAFezC SAF= r:ENICES This includes guide marker, guardrail, median barrier, vehicle energy att:nuator, replace and rer]air. 0 I. SUBMISSION OF BILLS: 9 The CITY shall submit bills in a consistent periodic sequence (monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually). Bills for less than $500 shall not be submitted more than once each quarter. Bills must be submitted promptly following close of corresponding billing period and should be coded according to the Caltrans HM Program Code as outlined in this Agreement. Bills submitted for periods prior to the last fiscal year will be deemed waived and not be honored. F,Juipment shall be charged at mutually acceptable rental rates and labor and material at actual cost. The CITY will be allowed to recover overhead and administrative costs only to the extent that such charges include applicable expenses incurred by the CITY in the execution of the work. Said factors and method shall be subject to approval by the STATE. Maintenance services provided by contract or on a unit -rate basis with overhead costs included shall not have these above- mentioned charges added again. An actual handling charge for processing this type of bill will be allowed by the City. -9- 2/94 D6 Emergency and storm repairs performed by the CITY will be paid for only with prior approval of the STATE'S Highway Superintendent of that specific area. In addition, the CITY should immediately notify the STATE'S Area Superintendent for the area of any storm damage or other emergency condition affecting the STATE highway. The CITY shall maintain, on a generally accepted accounting basis complete and accurate records that support all millings. These records shall be made available to STATE representatives for review during normal business hours for a period of three (3) years after payment of said billings. J. TEMM OF AvRE&%ffNT: This Agreement shall became effective / and shall remain in full force and effect til 4ed r terminated. This Agreement may be amended or terminated at any tim=e upon mutual consent of the parties thereto. This Agreement :nay also be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days' notice to the other party. -10- 2/34 D6 IN WITNESS WHERIIDF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. City Attorney CITY OF ROS By �/ ,or �/ � City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LBO TRO,MBATORE Director of Tr so rtation Sen or Maintena ce Engineer -11- 2/84 D6 +� � • TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAG`9975�" DATE: APRIL 19, 1984 RE: AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Attached for your review and consideration is the revised Agreement for Main- tenance of State Highways between the City and the California Department of Transportation. This agreement is similar to one entered into by the City and CalTrans in January of 1980. The primary purpose of renewing this agreement.is to increase the reimbursement rate from the State to the City for maintenance of state highways in the City from $7,600 to $8,000. Additionally, Section E, Legal Relations and Responsibilities, has been revised to reflect amendments negotiated by the League of California Cities and CalTrans. As the City's contract with the street sweeping firm of R.F. Dickson includes a hold harmless clause, the revision in legal responsibilities represents no change in the City's legal.responsibility. Lastly, the authority to issue encroachment permits on state highways continues to rest with CalTrans. Traditionally, we have deferred issuance of encroachment permits on state highways to CalTrans, therefore this revision has no impact upon �t the City. Since the revised agreement for maintenance of state highways.in the City repre- sents no increase in the City's responsibility or liability and does provide for increased reimbursement for maintenance, it is recommended that the City Council approve the attached agreement by adopting Resolution 84 -21. FGT:jr COUNCIL AGENDA APR 2 4 1984 ITEM No.=— A— RESOLUTION NO. 84 -21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF'ROSEMEAD WHEREAS, the State of.California, through its Department of Transportation has presented an Agreement for maintenance of the STATE highway in the City of Rosemead effective as of April 24, 1984, and to remain in effect until amended or terminated. WHEREAS, the City Council has heard and read said Agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof: THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Rosemead that said Agreement for Maintenance of the STATE highway in the City is hereby approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City. ADOPTED this ATTEST: City Clerk day of ; 1984. IWRI 90 AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY THIS AGREEMENT, made and executed in duplicate this day of 19 by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "STATE" and the CITY of ROSEMEAD hereinafter referred to as "CITY ". W I T N E S S E T H: A. RECITALS: The Parties desire to provide for the CITY to perform particular maintenance functions on the State highway within the CITY as provided in Section 130 of the Streets and Highways Code. This Agreement shall supersede any previous AGRE MENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD and /or AMENDMENTS thereto with the CITY. -1- 2/84 D6 In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, it is agreed: The CITY will perform such maintenance work as is specifically delegated to it, on the State highway routes or portions hereof all as hereinafter described under Section H hereof or as said section may be subsequently modified with the consent of the parties hereto acting by and through their authorized representative. C. MAINTENANCE DEFINED: Maintenance is defined in Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Cade as follows: Sec. 27. "(a) The preservation and keeping of rights of way, and each type of roadway, structure, safety convenience or device, planting, illumination equipment and other facility, in the safe and usable condition to which it has been improved or constructed, but does not include reconstruction, or other improvement." "(b) Operation of special safety conveniences and devices, and illuminating equipment." -2- 2/64 D6 "(c) The special or emergency maintenance or repair necessitated by accidents or by storms or other weather conditions, slides, settlements or other unusual or unexpected damage to a roadway structure or facility." D. DBM2EE OF MAINTENANCE: The degree or extent of maintenance work to be performed and the standards therefore shall be.in. accordance with the provisions of Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code, as set forth in the current edition of the State Maintenance Manual (a copy of which has been provided to the CITY), or as may be prescribed from time to time by the District Director. "District Director" as used herein, means the District Director of the Department of Transportation assigned to the territory in which the CITY is located, or his authorized representative. The STATE reserves the option to check at random all areas of STATE HIGHWAYS maintained by the CITY to assure conformance to maintenance levels. Failure of the CITY to cocply with the maintenance levels would be reason to terminate this Agreement as specified under Section K "Term of Agreement." However, this random check does not preempt the CITIES maintenance responsibilities as spelled out in the Agreement. -3- 2/34 D6 An encroachment permit will be required for third parties when maintenance work is redelegated. Such redelegated work shall be performed to the same levels of service as spelled out herein and will be subject to the same random checks as provided for work performed directly by CITY forces. The level of service of maintenance in each of the programs delegated to the CITY has been considered in setting authorized total and route dollar amounts. The CITY may perform additional work if desired but the STATE will not reimburse the CITY for any work in excess of authorized dollars. The District Director may authorize adjustments needed because of inflation or changes in program emphasis. E. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Nothing in the provisions of the Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations. to or rights in third parties not parties to this contract or affect the legal liability of either party to the contract by imposing any standard of care respecting the maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. It is understood and agreed that neither STATE, nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in -4- 2/34 D6 connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the City under this Agreement for Maintenance. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, CITY shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the State of California, all officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or in account of injuries to or death of any person or damage to property resulting from anything done or omitted to be done by the CITY under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the CITY under this Agreement except as otherwise provided by Statute. The CITY waives any and all rights arising from activities under this Agreement to any type of express and inplied indemnity against the STATE, its officers or employees. It is the intent of the parties that the CITY will indemnify and hold 'harmless the STATE, its officers or employees from any and all claims, suits or actions as set forth above under this Agreement regardless of the existence or degree of fault or negligence, whether active or passive, primary or secondary, on the part of the STATE. -5- 2/84 D6 F. MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS: The CITY shall perform only those maintenance functions delegated, as identified, in Section H (DELEGATION OF MAINTENANCE) of this Agreement. A brief description of those maintenance functions delegated to the CITY are included in this section. The functions are identified by the Caltrans HM Program Codes. G. EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION: The STATE will reimburse the CITY for actual cost of all routine maintenance work performed by CITY as delegated under Section H of this Agreement, but it is agreed that during any fiscal year, the maximum expenditure on any route shall not exceed the amount as shown on Section H of this Agreement, unless such expenditure is revised by an amended Agreement or otherwise adjusted or modified as hereinafter provided for. I -6- 2/84 D6 A new "DELEGATION OF MAINT NINNCE" sheet (Section H) will be provided annually by the STATE for the ensuing fiscal year, if necessary to ensure equitable annual cost. The expenditure per route for routine maintenance work as referred to above may be increased or decreased, redistributed between routes, or additional expenditures for specific projects costing $5,000 or less may be made when such adjustment of expenditures for routine maintenance or such specific work is authorized in writing by the District Director or his authorized representative. Expenditures for specific projects costing in excess of the above amount may be made when such specific work is authorized in writing by the District Director with prior approval from the Chief, Division of Maintenance at Headquarters. Additional expenditures or adjustment of expenditures thus authorized shall apply during the fiscal year designated therein and shall not be deemed to permanently modify or change the basic maximum expenditure per route as hereinafter specified. An adjustment of the said maximum expenditure, either increase or decrease, shall not affect other terms of the Agreement. -7- 2/84 D6 H. DELEGATION OF MAINTENANCE: The specific maintenance functions indicated below are hereby delegated to the CITY. This delegation of maintenance function set forth herein does not include areas and functions of which the control and maintenance rest with the local authority under the terms of Freeway Agreements and /or Freeway Maintenance Agreements. ROUTE LENGTH NO. MILES DESCRIPTION OF ROUTING MAXIMUM ANNUAL PROGRAM AUTHORIZED DELEGATED EXPENDITURE 164 1.85 ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD from the south HM -22 City, }units approx. 200 feet south of re St. (PM 5.03) to north city limits at south right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad (PM 6.88), a length of approx. 1.85 miles, of which half width from south city limits to centerline of San Bernardino Freeway (PM 5.63), a length of approx. 0.60 miles lies within the city. NOTE: City will sweep full width of roadbed on above Route. $ 8,000 TOTAL AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURE $ 8,000 -8- 2/84 D6 Attachment 1 MAINTE!IANICE FUNCTION DffiCRrPTIONS IAlll - Fr=IB.LE.ROADBEDS This provides for patching, sealing, and maintaining the surface and base courses of roadways, including asphalt surfaced shoulders. HM21 - DRADNAIM AND SLOPES This provides for cleaning, maintaining, and repairing culverts, ditches, drains, structures, fences, curbs, sidewalks, and other appurtenances between the roadbed and the outer highway right of may boundary line. HM22 - ROADWAY LITTER AJD DEBRIS This provides for removal of litter and debris from roadway surfaces and roadsides. HM23 - VEGETATION CONTROL MN- PLANTED AREAS) This provides for weed and brush control by chemical, biological or mechanical methods, trijmdng and removal of trees, and pest control. 2/84 D2 Attachment 1 (cont'd) 0 HIM25 - PLANTED AREAS This provides for watering, fertilizing, removal of shrubs, and control of weeds in planted areas. Includes trimming, removal, and spraying of trees, replacement of plants, shrubs, and trees, and pest control in planted areas. HM31 - BRIDGE AID PUMP MAINTENANCE This provides for repairs, cleaning and painting of bridge and .sump punp structures. Includes electrical and mechanical maintenance of bridge and punp equipment. 1-1M41 - PAVEME2,Vr DELINEATION This provides for the repainting of traffic stripes and markings, and the cleaning, -removal and replacement of raised pavement markers. HM42 - SIGNS This provides for cleaning, replacement, and general maintenance of signs and supports, including support structures for overhead signs. Attachm=_nt 1 N MAIT =TbNCE FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS HM43 - ELECTRICAL This includes maintenance work performed on highway electrical facilitilies including flashing beacons, traffic signals, traffic - signal systems, safety lighting and sign lighting. It also includes the electrical energy for these items. Timing sequence of traffic signals shall be determined after consultation with the (CITY /COUNTY); however, the decision of the District Director of Transportation shall be final. Maintenance of the "designed" timing is the responsibility of the (CITY /COUNTY) . Timing records shall be kept in both (CITY /00UNTY) :Maintenance and Traffic Branches. EMERGENCY OPIRATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL DMING EWIPMENT FAILURE A written "Contingency Plan" for operation of traffic signals should be prepared for erergency operation of each signalized intersection. Copies of the plan shall be kept in the controller cabinet and in the Pta?.:tenance and Traffic Branches of th (CITY /CO(LNTY). Attachment 1 (cont'd) C a. The plan shall be prepared after consultation with the (CITY /OJUNTY); however, the decision of the District Director of Transportation shall be final. b. The plan shall detail the method of restoring a malfunctioning traffic signal to service as follows: (1) Place the signals in the flashing mode of operation. (2) Replace defective units. (3) if direct replacement of defective units cannot be made immediately, place the signals under control of an emrergency replacerrent controller. C. Flashing operation shall be considered as the "primary emergency mode of operation at all intersections ". The plan shall specify the color each phase will display during flashing operation. Red/Yellow or all red may be used. d. The plan shall specify the timing of each interval of an urgency replacement controller. e. The "Contingency Plan" for an intersection may be changed at any tim to meet changing conditions following the procedure above. Attachment 1 (cont'd) c f. Dooimentation of the engineering reasons for selecting a particular plan for a specific location shall be kept on file in the (CITY /COUNTY) Branches. The goal shall be to provide the safest emergency mode of operation. The same plan may be applicable for a large number of intersections. Every effort shall be made to restore the operation of the intersection to normal operation as soon as possible. Attachment 1 0 MAINTENANCE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION HM44 - TRAFFIC SAFETY DEVICES u This includes guide marker, guardrail, median barrier, vehicle energy. attenuator, replace and repair. I. SUBMISSION OF BASS: 0 The CITY shall submit bills in a consistent periodic sequence (monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually). Bills for less than $500 shall not be submitted more than once each quarter. Bills must be submitted promptly following close of corresponding billing period and should be coded according to the Caltrans HM Program Code as outlined in this Agreement. Bills submitted for periods prior to the last fiscal year will be deemed waived and not be honored. Equipment shall be charged at iTutually acceptable rental rates and labor and material at actual cost. The CITY will be allowed to recover overhead and administrative costs only to the extent that such charges include applicable expenses incurred by the CITY in the execution of the work. Said factors and method shall be subject to approval by the STATE. Maintenance services provided by contract or on a unit -rate basis with overhead costs included shall not have these above - mentioned charges added again. An actual handling charge for processing this type of bill will be allowed by the City. 4Z 2/94 D6 0 Emergency and storm repairs performed by the CITY will be paid for only with prior approval of the STATE'S Highway Superintendent of that specific area. In addition, the CITY should immediately notify the STATE'S Area Superintendent for the area of any storm damage or other emergency condition affecting the STATE highway. The CITY shall maintain, on a generally accepted accounting basis conplete and accurate records that support all billings. These records shall be made available to STATE representatives for ! review during normal business hours for a period of three (3) years after payment of said billings. J. TERM OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall become effective and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or terminated. This Agreement may be aannded or terminated at any tine upon mutual consent of the parties thereto. This Agreement may also be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days' notice to the other party. -10- 2/84 D6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. City Attorney LE CITY OF ROSDEAD Mayor City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LBD TROMBATORE Director of Transportation B Senior Maintenance Engineer -11- 2/84 D6 0 AGREEMENT FOR SHARING COST OF UTILITIES CITY OF ROSEMEAD THIS AGREEMENT, made and executed in duplicate this day of I ,19 , by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "STATE' and the CITY OF ROSEMEAD hereinafter referred to as RCITY W I T N E S S E T H: 4 This agreement shall supersede any previous AGREEMENT FOR SHARING COST IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD and /or AMENDMENTS thereto with the CITY. V_fD7jg, This includes all STATE operation and maintenance work performed on highway electrical facilities including flashing beacons, traffic signals, traffic - signal systems, safety lighting and sign lighting. Basis for billing: It is agreed that monthly billings for flashing beacons, traffic signals and traffic - signal systems shall be established as follows: o Labor (plus overhead assessment), other expense, and electrical energy will be based on actual intersection cost. o Equipment and Materials will be made on a pro rate basis by type of installation; flashing beacons; fixed -time signals; traffic- actuated signals. It is agreed that monthly billings for safety lighting and sign lighting shall be established as follows: o Labor (plus overhead assessment), other expense, and electrical energy will be based on calculated unit costs. o Equipment and materials will be based on calculated unit costs. It is agree] that monthly billings for utility-owned and maintained lighting will be based on calculated unit costs derived from utility company billings. The cost of operating and maintaining flashing beacons, traffic signals, traffic - signal systems, safety lighting, and sign lighting now in place at the intersection of any State highway route and any CITY street /road shall be shared as shown on Exhibit A. Exhibit A will be amended as necessary to reflect changes to the systan. 1 Rev. 4/83 D15 m r,: SIGNAL E 0744 60R 60 Fwy. W/B Type "P" 33.3 66.7 8.54 San Gabriel SAFETY LIGHTS -- 60R 60 Fwy. at 3 lights (400 W - MVi 1.0 34 66 8.60 San Gabriel Blvd. 2 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Effective F.i•FY^rarCAL FACILITIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST T Billed and Maintained by the STATE "E "Number Type of Units Cost Distr Post Mi. Rte Location Facility (Acct) State /City SAFETY LIGHTS -- 10 10 Fwy. at 1 light (400 W - MV) 1.0 66.7 33.3 24.80 New Ave. SAFETY LIGHTS -- .10 10 Flay. at 5 lights (400 W - MV) 1.0 50 50 25.38 Del Mar 1 light (250 W - MV) 0.5 50 50 SAFETY LIGHTS - -- 10 10 Fwy. at 4 lights (400 W - MV) 1.0 50 50 25.80 San Gabriel 1 light (250 W - MV) 0.5 50 50 SAFETY LIGHTS -- 10 10 Flay at 3 lights (400 W - MV) 1.0 50 50 26.37 Walnut Grove 1 light (250 W - MV) 0.5 _ 50 50 SIGNAL E 0744 60R 60 Fwy. W/B Type "P" 33.3 66.7 8.54 San Gabriel SAFETY LIGHTS -- 60R 60 Fwy. at 3 lights (400 W - MVi 1.0 34 66 8.60 San Gabriel Blvd. 2 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ROSEMEAD Effective ELECTRICAL FACILITIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST DISTRIBUTION Billed and Maintained by the STATE "E "Number Type of Units Cost Distr Post Mi. Rte Location Facility (Acct) State /City SIGNAL E 0673 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 75 25 5.74 Glendon Way SAFETY LIGHTS 6 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 75 25 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G -S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 75 25 SIGNAL E 0641 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 50 50 5.80 Marshall SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 50 50 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G-S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 50 50 SIGNAL E 0674 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 50 50 6.19 Valley SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 50 50 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G-S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 50 50 3 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ROSEMEAD ELECTRICAL FACILITIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE BL Billed and Maintained by the STATE Effective "E" r Type of Units og st�ii- Rte Location Facility (Acct) SIGNAL E 0675 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 6.43 Mission SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G-S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 SIGNAL E 0676 164 Rosemead and Type "P- 6.64 Lower Azusa SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G-S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 4 Cost Distr State /City 50 50 50 50 50 50 66.7 33.3 66.7 33.3 66.7 33.3 This Agreement shall become effective and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or terminated. The Agreement as above may be amended or terminated at any time upon nmtual consent of the parties thereto. This Agreement may also be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days' notice to the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Mayor City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANS] LEO TROMBATORE Director of Transportation By City Attorney Chief, Maintenance Engineering Branch By 5 � ! • RESOLUTION NO. Resolution of the City Council of the CITY OF ROSEMEAD approving agreenent FOR COST- SHARING OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of Transportation has presented an Agreement for cost sharing of the STATE highways in the CITY of ROSEMEAD effective as of and to remain in effect until amended or terminated. WHEREAS, the City Board of Directors has heard /read said agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof: THEREFORE, be it resolved by City Council of the CITY of ROSEMEAD that said Agreement for Cost Sharing of the STATE highways in the CITY is hereby approved and the Mayor and the CITY Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said CITY. ADOPTER this day Mayor Attest: City Clerk E I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Board of Directors of the CITY of ROSEMEAD at a regular meeting thereof held 119_ City Clerk E STATE OF CALIFORNIA— BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, P.O. BOX 2104, LOS ANGELES 90051 February 6, 1984 cmr CITY OF PosRmpan P.O. BOX 399 Rosemead, California 91770 RE: Bill No. 07 -45428 Dear Sirs: As the adverse party causing the damage to the Traffic Signal located at Rosemead Blvd. - Valley Blvd., North Center Island was listed as "Unknown on the Traffic Accident Report or as there was no report made, the City is responsible for their share of repair costs under the Agency Participation Agreement. Our original bill was mailed to you on Nov. 9, 1983 As of this date, we have received no.payment or response. Very truly yours, 4 / G. T. GRIFFITH Agent (213) 620 -2904 .. • BILL .. PLEASE MAKE CHECK' '. STATE OF CALIFORNIA - PAYABLE TO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION BOX 2304 1bID - Mail ChecI{ p to 'TERMINAL ANNEX - LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90051 CURRENT DOC. NO: • [, AREA CODE 213- 620 -2904 BILL - SHOW BILL NUMBER - ON REMITTANCE' 140.07 -45428 F Nov. 9, 83 CITY. OF ROSEMEAD (Date( 19 P. O. Box 399 LR: 208117 — . Rosemead, Calif. 91770 Cost of'repairing and replacing State Highway Property damaged as a result of an accident on or about June 23, 1983: - DAMAGE: Traffic Signal installation LOCATION: Rosemead.Blvd. - Valley Blvd., North,Center Island, • (CITY OF ROSEMEAD) ADVERSE PARTY: Unknown MATERIAL: $ 1,230.09 LABOR: 244.73, EQUIPMENT: 50.17 , TOTAL: $ 1,524.99 AGENCY PARTICIPATION SHARE: 50% $762.50 M •I STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY GEORGE DEUKra EJIAN. Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, P.O. BOX 2304, LOS ANGELES 90051 (213) 620 -3818 September 14, 19.83 Mr. Robert T. Dickey Director of Public Works City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. P.O. Box No. 399 . Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mr. Dickey: Attached are two copies of an agreement for sharing cost of utilities between the City and State on a pro -rata basis. Please note that Section E. Legal Relations and Responsibilities has been deleted from this agreement with the concurrence of the State's attorneys. Please have the City officials-execute their portion of the agreaTent and adopt a resolution approving the agreement. Upon completion, please return both copies of the agreement to the District for final processing. When the agreement has been signed by the State, we will return a fully executed copy for your files. If you have any questions please contact Alex Morelan of my staff at (213) 620 -3818. This agreement will supercede portions of the Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways effective July 1, 1974. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, R. W. ROCKWOOD, Chief Maintenance Engineering Branch District 7 Attach. q AGREEMENT FOR SHARING COST OF UTILITIES CITY OF ROSEMEAD THIS AGREEMENT, made and executed in duplicate this day of ,19 , by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "STATE' and the CITY OF ROSEMEAD hereinafter referred to as "CITY ". W I T N E S S E T H: AGREEMENT This agreement shall supersede any previous AGREEMENT FOR SHARING COST IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD and /or AMENDMENTS thereto with the CITY. ELECTRICAL This includes all STATE operation and maintenance work performed on highway electrical facilities including flashing beacons, traffic signals, traffic- signal systems, safety lighting and sign lighting. Basis for billing: It is agreed that monthly billings for flashing beacons, traffic signals and traffic - signal systems shall be established as follows: o Labor (plus overhead assessment), other expense, and electrical energy will be based on actual intersection cost. o Equipment and Materials will be made on a pro rate basis by type of installation; flashing beacons; fixed -time signals; traffic- actuated signals. It is agreed that monthly billings for safety lighting and sign lighting shall be established as follows: o Labor (plus overhead assessment), other expense, and electrical energy will be based on calculated unit costs. o Equipment and materials will be based on calculated unit costs. It is agreed that monthly billings for utility -owned and maintained lighting will be based on calculated unit costs derived from utility conpany billings. The cost of operating and maintaining flashing beacons, traffic signals, traffic - signal systems, safety lighting, and sign lighting now in place at the intersection of any State highway route and any CITY street/road shall be shared as shown on Exhibit A. Exhibit A will be amended as necessary to reflect changes to the system. 1 Rev. 4/83 D15 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ROSEMEAD Effective EIBCTRICAL FACILITIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST DISTRIBUTION Billed and Maintained by the STATE "E "Number Type of Units Cost Distr ohs M`i.— Rte Location Facility (Acct) State /City SAFETY LIGHTS -- 10 10 Fwy. at 1 light (400 W - MV) 1.0 66.7 33.3 24.80 New Ave. SAFETY LIGHTS -- 10 10 Fwy. at 5 lights (400 W - MV) 1.0 50 50 25.38 Del Mar 1 light (250 W - MV) 0.5 50 50 SAFETY LIGHTS - - -- 10 10 Fwy. at 4 lights (400 W - MV) 1.0 50 50 25.80 San Gabriel 1 light (250 W - MV) 0.5 50 50 SAFETY LIGHTS -- 10 10 Fwy at 3 lights (400 W - MV) 1.0 50 50 26.37 Walnut Grove 1 light (250 W - MV) 0.5 _ 50 50 SIGNAL E 0744 60R 60 Fwy. W/B Type "P" 33.3 66.7 8.54 San Gabriel SAFETY LIGHTS - -- 60R 60 Fwy. at 3 lights (400 W - MV) 1.0 34 66 8.60 San Gabriel Blvd. 1014. 1- 3 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Effective ELECIRICAL FACILITIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST DISTRIBUTION Billed and Maintained by the STATE "E "Number Type of Units Cost Distr Pos Mi. Rte Location Facili (Acct) State /City SIGNAL E 0673 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 75 25 5.74 Glendon Way SAFETY LIGHTS 6 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 75 25 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G -S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 75 25 SIGNAL E 0641 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 50 50 5.80 Marshall. SAFELY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 50 50 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G -S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 50 50 SIGNAL E 0674 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 50 50 6.19 Valley SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 50 50 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G -S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 50 50 3 SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 66.7 33.3 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G-S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 66.7 33.3 4 • • EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ROSEMEAD Effective ELECTRICAL FACILITIES OPERATION AND MAIN MANCE COST D MBUT N Billed and Maintained by the STATE "E "Number Type of Units Cost Distr oossti. Rte Location Facility (Acct) State /City SIGNAL E 0675 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 50 50 6.43 Mission SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5. 50 50 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G-S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 50 50 SIGNAL E 0676 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 66.7 33.3 6.64 Lower Azusa SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 66.7 33.3 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G-S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 66.7 33.3 4 This Agreement shall become effective and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or terminated.. The AgreeTent as above may be amended or terminated at any time upon mutual consent of the parties thereto. This Agreement may also be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days' notice to the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. City Attorney 5 CITY OF ROSEMEAD By Mayor City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANS. LEO TROMBATORE Director of Transportation By Chief, Maintenance Engineering Branch RESOLUTION NO. Resolution of the City Council of the CITY OF ROSEMEAD approving agreement FOR OJST- SHARING OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of Transportation has presented an Agreement,for cost sharing of the STATE highways in the CITY of ROSEMEAD effective as of and to remain in effect until amended or terminated. WHEREAS, the City Board of Directors has heard /real said agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof: THEREFORE, be it resolved by City Council of the CITY of ROSEMEAD that said Agreement for Cost Sharing of the STATE highways in the CITY is hereby approved and the Mayor and the CITY Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said CITY. Attest: City Clerk day of Mayor 19 I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Board of Directors of the CITY of ROSEMEAD at a regular meeting thereof held ,19_ Ll City Clerk - )M- M -150ab . r, Page 7 of 23 Extraordinary expense, such as for repair or replacement extensive damage, shall be assessed directly against the installation involved. Billings for such costs shall be as to materials, including service and expense, salaries and equipment rental. of particular itemized and wages, DM- M -150ac : Page of 23 • EX111 R f 1 "A" Effective ELECTRICAL FACILITIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST DISTRIBUTION Billed and Maintained by the STATE Type of Cost Distribution Route Location Facility Units State City/County SIGNALS FLASHERS LIGHTS UTILITY OWNED - BILLED BY THE STATE D14-M -15 Of (9 -79) Page 9 of 23. -08 - 'ELECTRICAL PROGRAM- Delegated HM -43 I This program includes all maintenance work performed on high- I way electrical facilities used to control flashing beacons, traf- fic signals and traffic signal systems, provide safety and sign lighting. STATE will not pay for the maintenance, installation, repair, servicing, nor power for ordinary street lighting; however, light- ing at intersections, which qualifies as safety lighting under warrants approved /accepted by the STATE, will be paid for when approved and specifically authorized by the District Director. Where such lighting has been specifically authorized at an inter- section, the maintenance and operating costs thereof shall be shared between the STATE and'-the (CITY /OD ) on a pro -rata basis in the same ratio as the number of legs in the intersection under each jurisdiction bears to the total number of legs. _ The cost of maintaining and operating traffic signals or other electrically operated traffic control devices now in place or those which may hereafter be installed at the intersection of any STATE highway route and any (CITY /COLSiOZ).street /road shall be shared between the STATE and the (CITYA73'Oi:=) on a pro -rata basis in the same ratio as the number of legs in the intersection under each jurisdiction bears to the.total number of legs. The same principle of cost distribution shall apply to freeway inter- changes. The participation ratio shall be based on the ratio of the number of legs of the respective agencies to the total number of legs of the interchange. Timin of traffic signals shall be the responsibility of the STATE. Timing shall be determined after consultation with the local agency; however, the decision of the District Director of Transportation shall be final. Maintenance of the "designed" tim- ing is the responsibility of the (CITYX). Timing records shall be kept in both the STATE and (CITY /(Xaff 'SSSi) maintenance and traffic branches. NOTE: Cost of electrical energy charges will be charged separately. DM- M -150g {.0-79) Page lo of 23 EMERGENCY OPERATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS DURING EQUIPMENT FAILURE A written "Contingency Plan" for operation of traffic signals should be prepared for emergency operation of each signalized intersection. Copier of the plan shall be kept in the controller cabinet and in the Maintenance and Traffic Branches of STATE and (CITY /COUNTY). a._ The plan shall be prepared by the STATE with the concurrence of the (CITY/}LY0 . b. The plan shall detail the method of restoring a malfunctionina traffic signal to service as follows: (1) Place the signals in the flashing mode of operation. (Z) Replace defective units. (3) If direct replacement of defective units cannot be made immediately, place the signals under control of an emergency replacement controller. C. Flashing operation shall be considered as the "primary shallespeciEyethe color teach aphase willy display s duringe plan flashing operation. Red /Yellow or all red may be used. d. The plan shall specify the timing of each interval of an emergency replacement controller. e. The "Contingency Plan" for an intersection may be changed at any time to meet changing conditions f above. ollowing the procedure f. Documentation of the engineering reasons for selecting a particular plan for a specific location shall be kept on file in the STATE and (CITY r M) Branches. The goal shall be to provide the safest emergency mode of operation: The same plan may be applicable for a large number of intersections. Every effort shall be made to restore the operation of the intersection to normal operation as soon as possible. f 17 DM- M -15Oh (9 -79) Pagell of23 STANDARDS FOR DELEGATED ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE The level of maintenance work to be performed on highway elec- trical facilities.is listed below. These levels become the "Degree of Maintenance" specified or prescribed under Section D of this Agreement. Damaged or malfunctioning electrical installations which ser- iously affect public safety or capital investment should be promptly repaired or temporary corrections made until perma- nent repairs can be scheduled. Repair of inoperative or damaged electrical installations which do not seriously affect public safety should be coordi- nated with routine maintenance operations. A routine surveillance of electrical facilities shall be made in an effort to observe and correct potential deficiencies before serious problems develop. To insure a minimum standard of operation, highway lighting, sign illumination, and flashing beacons shall be routinely inspected during hours of darkness. Important illuminated signs, require prompt attention on noti- fication of a blackout or extensive burnout. Signals A detailed check for proper operation, including inspection and necessary replacement of auxiliary equipment such as re- lays, contactors, etc., shall be made at intervals of approximately 30 (thirty) days. Fixed- time .electro- mechanical controllers shall be overhauled approximately once a year. Traffic - actuated, electro- mechanical controller units shall be overhauled in the shop approximately once every year. Traffic signal lamps shall be group replaced on a planned schedule based on rated lamp life. All signal maintenance inspections or repairs shall be logged and records maintained in the control cabinet. Signal standards and control cabinets shall be maintained in a presentable manner. • DM -M -1505 " C9 -79) Page 12 of 23 Flashing Beacons Flashing beacons shall be routinely inspected for proper oper- ation approximately once every 6 (six) months. Electro- mechanical flasher mechanisms shall be removed, clean- ed and adjusted and excessively worn parts replaced, approxi- mately once a year. Flashing beacons shall be relamped on the same schedule as outlined above for traffic signal lamps. Highway Lighting and Sign Illumination Luminaires and fixtures for illuminated signs shall be inspected and cleaned in-conjunction with scheduled relamping; more frequent cleaning should be performed when .required. Lamps shall be replaced on a planned schedule based on the rated life of the lamps currently in use. The STATE reserves the option to check at random all traffic signals maintained by the (CITY /CSZN,= ) on STATE highways to assure conformance to the electrical maintenance levels. Failure of the (CITYK�) to comply to the electrical maintenance levels would be reason to terminate this Agreement as specified under Section L, "Term of Agreement ". Re- delegation of traffic signal maintenance to third parties shall be done only upon specific written approval of the District Director of Transportation. Such re- delegated work shall be per- formed to the same levels of service as spelled out herein and will be subject to the same random checks as provided for work performed directly by (CITY /QQNNIX) forces. If the District Director of Transportation determines the third party is failing to comply with the specified levels, the (CITY/C,,VU3RM shall, within 30 days of notice, terminate the third party agreement and resume maintenance by (CITY /LDUNTY) forces or terminate this agreement as specified under Section L, "Term of Agreement ". *09 - TRAFI- SAFETY DEVICES PROGRAM HM -44 Work performed u er this program includ ep acel ment of guide posts or markers; d the repai eplacement, cleaning . and /or painting of guard ra so included are the repair of median barrier cable, c n—l-in fence, and portland cement con- crete walls; the re _4i_r and mainte ce of energy dissipators such as water type b ers,'sand traps or o er devices installed for the purpos absorbing vehicle energy. AGREEMENT FOR SHARING COST OF UTILITIES CITY OF ROSEMEAD THIS AGREMENT, made and executed in duplicate this day of ,19 , by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "STATE' and the CITY OF ROSEMEAD hereinafter referred to as "CITY ". W I T N E S S E T H: This agreement shall supersede any previous AGRE34ENT FOR SHARING COST IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD and /or AMENDMENTS thereto with the CITY. ELECTRICAL This includes all STATE operation and maintenance cork performed on highway electrical facilities including flashing beacons, traffic signals, traffic- signal systems, safety lighting and sign lighting. Basis for billing: It is agreed that monthly billings for flashing beacons, traffic signals and traffic-signal systems shall be established as follows: o Labor (plus overhead assessment), other expense, and etrical energy will be based on actual intersection cost. o Z4W! went and Materials will be made on a pro rate basis by type of-installation; flashing beacons; fixed -tine signals; traffic- actuated signals. It is agreed that monthly billings for safety lighting and sign lighting shall be established as follows: o Lahr (plus overhead assessment), other expense, and electrical energy will be based on calculated unit costs. o �pmment and materi_, ,will be based on calculated unit 66Sts. It is agreed that monthly billings for utility -owned and maintained lighting will be based on calculated unit costs derived from utility company billings. The cost of operating and maintaining flashing beacons, traffic signals, traffic - signal systems, safety lighting, and sign lighting now in place at the intersection of any State highway route and any CITY street /road shall be shared as shown on Exhibit A. Exhibit A will be amended as necessary to reflect changes to the system. 1 Rev. 4 /83 ,1c 0 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ROSEMEAD ELECTRICAL FACILITIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST DISTRIBUTION Billed and Maintained by th STATE 0 Effective "E "Number Type of Units Cost Distr o -osY Rte Location Facility (Acct) State /City SAFETY LIGHTS -- 10 10 Fwy. at 1 light (400 W - NIV) 1.0 66.7 33.3 24.80 New Ave. SAFETY LIGHTS -- 10 10 Fwy. at 5 lights (400 W - MV) 1.0 50 50 25.38 Del Mar 1 light (250 W - MV) 0.5 50 50 SAFETY LIGHTS - - -- 10 10 Fwy. at 4 lights (400 W - MV) 1.0 50 50 25.80 San Gabriel 1 light (250 W - MV) 0.5 50 50 SAFETY LIGHTS -- 10 10 Fwy at 3 lights (400 W - MV) 1.0 50 50 26.37 Walnut Grove 1 light (250 W - MV) 0.5 50 50 SIGNAL E 0744 60R 60 Fwy. W/B Type "P" 33.3 66.7 8.54 San Gabriel SAFETY LIGHTS -- 60R 60 Fwy. at 3 lights (400 W - MV) 1.0 34 66 8.60 San Gabriel Blvd. 2 0 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ROSEMEAD ELECTRICAL FACILITIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST B Billed and Maintained by the STATE U Effective "E "Number Type of Units oP- Rte Location Facility (Acct) SIGNAL E 0673 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 5.74 Glendon Way SAFETY LIGHTS 6-lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G -S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 SI&NAL E 0641 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 5.80 Marshall SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G -S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 SIGNAL E 0674 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 6.19 Valley SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G -S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 3 Cost Distr State /City 75 25 75 25 75 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 4 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ROSEMEAD Effective ELECTRICAL FACILITIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE BUT Billed and Maintained by the STATE "E "Number Type of Units Cost Distr oFsf—Mi- Rte Location Facility (Acct) State /City SIGNAL E 0675 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 50 50 6.43 Mission SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 50 50 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G-S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 50 50 SIGNAL E 0676 164 Rosemead and Type "P" 66.7 33.3 6.64 Lower Azusa SAFETY LIGHTS 4 lights (250 W - SV) 0.5 66.7 33.3 ILLUMINATED SIGNS 4 Type G -S signs (132 W - SNB) 2.0 66.7 33.3 4 0 This Agreement shall become effective and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or terminated. The Agreement as above may be amended or terminated at any time upon mutual consent of the parties thereto. This Agreement may also be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days' notice to the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. CITY OF ROSEMEAD 0 Mayor City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LBO TROMBATORE Director of Transportation By City Attorney Chief, Maintenance Engineering Branch By 5 Y 11 RESOLUTION NO. Resolution of the City Council of the CITY OF ROSEMEAD approving agreenent FOR OJST- SHARING OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of Transportation has presented an Agreement for cost sharing of the STATE highways in the CITY of ROSEMEAD effective as of and to renain in effect until amended or terminated. WHEREAS, the City Board of Directors has heard /read said agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof: THEREFORE, be it resolved by City Council of the CITY of ROSEMEAD that said Agreement for Cost Sharing of the STATE highways in the CITY is hereby approved and the Mayor and the CITY Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said CITY. ADOPTED this day of Attest: Citv Clerk Mayor 19 I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Board of Directors of the CITY of ROSEMIEAD at a regular meeting thereof held ,19 City Clerk � s STATE OF CALIFORNIA — BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, P.O. BOX 2304, LOS ANGELES 900 July 30, 1974 07 -LA- Rosemead Mr. C. Leland Gunn City_Manager City of Rosemead P 0 Box 399 Rosemead, California 91770 .Dear Mr. Gunn: Attached is your copy of the execu Maintenance of State Highways =n This new Agreement was effective July 1, 1974. Very truly yours, M C. E. SHEARER CHIEF,,MAINTENANCE BRANCH Attach ✓ AGREEMENT FOR INTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYPIN THE CITY OF ROSEN = THIS AGREEMENT, made and executed in duplicate this _30 r~ day of i kA , 197, by and between the Department of Transportation of the State of California hereinafter called the "Department" and the City of ROSEWAD hereinafter referred to as "City". W I T N E S S E T H: 1. RECITALS: The parties desire to provide for the maintenance of State highway routes within the City as provided in Section 130 of the Streets and Highways Code, and to arrange herein for the particular maintenance functions to be performed by the City and those to be performed by the Department and to specify the terms and conditions under which such work will be performed. 2. AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall supersede any previous AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF ROSMEAD and /or AMENDMENTS thereto with the City. In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, it is agreed: The City will perform such maintenance work as is specifically delegated to it, and the Department will perform those particular functions of maintenance not otherwise assigned to the City on the State highway routes or portions thereof all as hereinafter de- scribed under Sections 8 and 9 hereof or as said sections may be subsequently modified with the consent of the parties hereto acting by and through their authorized representative. Form HM -59 - 1 - DEC 73 REV s 3. MAINTENANCE DAD: Maintenance is derined in Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code as follows: Sec. 27. "(a) The preservation and keeping of rights -of -way, and each type of roadway, structure, safety convenience or device, planting, illumination equipment and other facility, in the safe and usable condition to which it has been improved or constructed, but does not include reconstruction or other improvement. (b) Operation of special safety conveniences and devices, and illuminating equipment. (c) The special or emergency maintenance or repair necessitated by accidents or by storms or other weather conditions, slides, settlements or other unusual or unexpected damage to a roadway, structure or facility. The degree and type of maintenance for each highway, or portion thereof, shall be determined in the discretion of the authorities charged with the main- tenance thereof, taking into consideration traffic requirements and moneys available therefor." 4. DEGREE OF MAINTENANCE: The degree or extent of maintenance work to be performed and the standards therefor shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code and the provisions of this Agreement as hereinafter specified or as may be prescribed from time to time by the District Director. "District Director ", as used herein, means the District Director of the Department of Transportation assigned to the territory in which the city is located, or his authorized representative. 5. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to affect the legal liability of either party to the contract by imposing any standard of care respecting the maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. 2 - Form HM -59 DEC 73 REV r It is understood and agreed that neither the Mate, the Department, no.r any officer or employee. thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done o^ omiLuc u to.be done by the City under or in.connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the City under this Agreement for Maintenance. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895:4, City shall fully indemnify and hold State harmless from any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by City under or in connection with any work, authority or juris- diction delegated to City under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that neither City, nor any officer or employee thereof, is responsible for any damage or liability occurring_by.reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the.Department under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction not delegated to the City under this Agreement for Maintenance. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4; Department shall full indemnify and hold City harmless from any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by Department under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction not delegated to City under this Agreement. 6. MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS: Certain maintenance functions may be delegated to the City as indicated under Section 9 of this Agreement. The City shall not perform any of these maintenance functions unless specifically delegated.under said Section 9. The various maintenance functions or duties -are defined and described by the following programs: -3- Form HM =59 MAR 73 Rev O1 - ROADBED MAINTOANCE PROGRAM • This covers the maintenance required for the restoration and repair of both the surface and base within the.roadbed area. Roadbed means that area of highway extending from curb.line to curb line or shoulder line to shoulder line. 03 ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Roadside shall be described as that area between the roadbed and the outer highway right of way boundary line. Maintenance of roadside includes the cleaning of culverts, ditches, natural water channels and gutters, restoring side slopes, removal of drifted material, drift prevention, erosion control work, and maintenance of walls, cribs or bank protection facilities, sidewalks and curbs, and other roadside facilities. o4"- ROADWAY LITTER AND DEBRIS PROGRAM This program includes all work concerning roadbed and roadside cleanup operations to Insure that the highway presents a neat, clean and attractive appearance. Sweeping and cleaning shall be limited to the removal of dirt or litter normally coming onto the roadbed from,the action of traffic or from natural causes. The Department will not under- take nor pay for picking up or disposing of rubbish or debris swept into or otherwise placed on the highway from abutting property. The extent of sweeping and cleaning on the State highways shall not be greater than customarily done on compar- able city streets. The sweeping activities covered in this program pertain to the sweeping of paved medians, curbed city street sections Form HM -59 .MAR 73 Rev and curbed or rol9d gutter types.on other hlways. 05 - VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM, Vegetation control refers to the maintenance treatment of all vegetative material.growing native within the non- landscaped highway rights of way. Included is treatment by chemical means and cutting and trimming by hand and mechanical means. Vegetation shall include brush and trees. Routine tree maintenance shall be limited to minor trimming as required to improve sight distance or to the occasional removal of dead or low overhanging limbs. Extensive tree reconditioning work, spraying or removal are not routine maintenance operations and will not be paid for unless such work is specifically authorized by the Department. The above, when delegated to the City, shall not be construed as restrict- ing, prohibiting or otherwise relieving the City of the respon- sibility for inspection and upkeep of trees in a manner that will insure maximum safety to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. 06 - PAVEMENT DELINEATION PROGRAM The pavement delineation program involves all work necessary to maintain distinctive roadway markings on the traveled way. This includes layout, removal of old stripe, painting of existing stripe, replacement and /or removal of raised pavement marker: including cleaning of such markers and the use of thermoplastic, tape or raised bare for pavement markings. All work and materials shall conform to the Standards established by the Department. Except for the red "No parking" zones at the approach to and -5- rm HM-59 MAR 73 Rev exit from intersectons controlled by trafficfignals, the Department will.not pay for curb painting_.or parking lines as may otherwise be required for the regulation of parking. The ccL; i maintaining pedestrian crosswalks at intersections shall be shared between the Department and City in the same ratio as the number of intersecting roads:.or streets under jurisdiction of the respective agencies bears to the total number of intersecting City Streets, State Highways and County Roads within the particular intersection; for example, a 50 -50 basis will apply to the regular cross street intersection wherein a County Road is not a factor.. 07 - SIGN PROGRAM The sign program includes all work performed on signs placed, or to be placed, on State Highways for the purpose of warning, or regulating traffic. The work consists of replacement of existing signs and the repair, cleaning and painting of signs. All signs shall conform to the specifications adopted by the Department, or as otherwise specifically authorized by the Department. Positioning of such signs shall conform to standards adopted by the Department. Unless specifically authorized, the Department will not main- tain or pay for maintenance of Regulatory Signs installed for the purpose of stopping vehicular traffic at pedestrian or ^chool crossings nor the Regulatory Signs installed for the prohlbLtion or the regulation of parking. 08 - ELECTRICAL PROGRAM This program includes all maintenance work performed on highway Form HM -59 MAR 73 Rev electrical facil.ifes used to control. traft'1;_1.11• ­Ignal systems, provide safety and sign lighting, generate standby power, operate bridges, pumps and automatic watering systems. In addition, certain navigational. lighting installed on bridges and bridge fenders or piling are included in this program. The Department will not pay for the maintenance, installation, repair, servicing, nor power for ordinary street lighting; however, lighting at intersections, when required for the safety of persons using the streets, roadways or highways, will be paid for when approved and specifically authorized by the District Director. Where such lighting has been specifically authorized at an intersection, the maintenance and operating costs thereof' shall be shared between the Department and the City on the basis of the number of intersecting streets to the intersection in the same manner specified for pedestrian cross- walks under the 06 Program above. The cost of maintaining and operating traffic signals or other electrically operated traffic control devices now in place or those which may hereafter be installed at the intersection of any State Highway .route and any City street shall be shared between the Department and the City on the basis of the number of intersecting streets in the same manner specified for cross- walks as described above. 09 - TRAFFIC SAFETY DEVICES PROGRAM Work performed under this program includes replacement of guide posts or markers; and the repair, replacement, cleaning and /or painting of guard rails. Also included are the repair of median Form HM -59 7 DEC 73 REV barrier cable, chain link fence, and portland cement concrete walls; the repair and maintenance of energy dissipators such as water type bumpers, sand traps or other devices installed for t', Purpose of absorbing vehicle energy. 12. LANDSCAPE PROGRAM: This program refers to the treatment, maintenance and replacement of all vegetative material planted within the landscaped State Highway right of way. Work includes watering, fertilizing, plant replacement, weed control by hand and mechanical means, tree trimming and or removal, chipping and miscellaneous work such as pest control and inhibitor spray. NOTE: There are several activities that are duplicated.in the 05 Vegetation Control Program; for this reason, care should be exercised when reporting, that the proper program prefix is used. The Department will not pay for the maintenance of any landscaped areas, ornamental plantings or trees installed by means of Encroachment permits. . 13. BRIDGE AND PUMP MAINTENANCE PROGRAM: The Bridge and Pump Maintenance Program includes work performed on all structures which provide for passage of highway traffic over, through or under obstacles and /or qualify for bridge numbers as assigned by the Bridge Department. Work under this program consists of structure repair, maintenance, painting and cleaning, electro- mechanical equipment and sump pump maintenance, repair or cleaning. Storm inspection of sump pumps is also included in this program. -8- Form HM -59 .MAR.73 Rev 0 Bridges, as defined above will be investigated by a representative of the Department's bridge engineering staff once each year and more often, if considered necessary. In addition to such annual investigation, routine maintenance to be performed under provi- sions of the Agreement shall include monthly inspection of each bridge by qualified personnel and immediate repair of the minor defects when the cost does not exceed $500. The District Director shall be immediately notified of major defects as are hereinafter defined. Bridge repair work costing in excess of $500 on a single structure shall be considered as being a major repair project. Except in the case of emergency, such major repair projects shall conform to the methods and procedure to be recommended by the Department. Major bridge repair is not a routine maintenance. operation and will require specific authorization. 15. PERMITS: Provides for the processing and enforcement of transportation permits, and preliminary engineering and processing of encroach- ment permits. ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: When authority to issue Encroachment Permits is delegated to the City, the authority shall pertain to all parts of the highway throughout the particular length of streets indicated under Section 8 of this Agreement. Permits shall be issued on a form provided by the Department and the City will furnish a copy of each permit to the Department. The -9- Form HM -59 DEC 73 REV City agrees to Olow such general State pories regarding encroachments as specified by the District Director. Routine permits shall be handled by the City without approval, hiat prior approval of the District Director shall be secured before any permit is issued for the original installation of any utility line, including underground utilities, commercial drive- way, or other major encroachment within the highway right -of -way. No sign or marquee shall be permitted to be installed within or project beyond a line 18 inches back of curb line, and no sign of any kind except warning signs at railroad crossings shall be permitted to be suspended over the roadway. Marquees or signs extending over the sidewalk area shall conform to the City's Building Code and shall be maintained in a good appearing and structurally safe condition at all times. An existing sign or marquee suspended or projecting over the State highway that constitutes a hazard shall be immediately repaired or removed. If the City by ordinance or other regulation imposes more restrictive regulations and requirements regarding signs and marquees than above set forth, nothing in these provisions shall be construed to prevent the City from enforcing such restrictive regulations in the granting or refusing of permits with respect to any State highway. The Department will pay for the cost of inspection of such sit >ns, marquees, and other encroachments as a part of maintenance, provi, led that the City shall comply with its usual policy with respect to coLlecting costs from permitter:^ in such cases as -10- Form HM -59 DEC 73 REV fees of charges is made by the City for simer work on City streets. Any amount so collected by the City with respect to any State highway shall be credited against the charges made by the City fore -such work. TRANSPORTATION PERMITS: Transportation permits will be required for all vehicles and their loads which exceed the limitations specified under Division 15 of the California Vehicle Code. Where authority to issue Transportation Permits is delegated to the City, such authority shall pertain only to travel that originates and.�t.erminates within the corporate limits and it shall not apply•.to through haul transportation.. In issuing such permits, the City shall follow the policies and regulations established by the Department for the issuance of transportation permits as set forth in the Departments Maintenance Manual in effect at the time such permits are issued, including, specifically, limitations upon the crossing of bridges and overcrossings detailed therein. 7. GENERAL GUIDES: Maintenance of warning and regulatory signs, traffic control devices, and highway lighting facilities as hereinbefore referred to shall include upkeep and repair of the supports, as well as such other items which are an integral part of the installation. Maintenance work to be performed within the area designated as roadsides shall include such sidewalk inspection and action towards repair of sidewalks, curbs or other facilities as is -11- Form HM -59 MAR 73 Rev necessary to keep them in a reasonably safe condition. The City shall follow the same policy and procedure generally..followed by it with respect to City streets in the matter of requiring sidewalk repairs and control of vegetation to be made by or at the expense of abutting owners who are under legal obligation to perform such work. Those facilities as defined under programs 06, 07, 0$, and 09 above, which are installed subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, shall become subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement upon notice to the City from the Department of the completion of any such installation. -12- Form HM -59 MAR '73 Rev 8. ROUTE DESCRIPTION ROUTE LENGTH • NO. MILES DESCRIPTION OF ROUTING San Bernardino Freeway from west city limits 10 2.52 at centerline of.Del Afar Avenue, PM 25.33, to east city limits at ttd west right of way of Eaton Wash, PM 27.85, a length of 2.52 miles, of which half width from centerline Rosemead Boule- vard, PM 26.86, to east city limits, a length of 0.99 mile lies within the city.. 60 0.28 Pomona Freeway from city limits 990 feet west of the west line of San Gabriel Boulevard OC, PM 88.320 (R8.36=R8.39E) to city limits at west line of San Gabriel Boulevard OC, PM 8.54, a length of 0.19 mile for this portion; also, Freeway from city limits 500 feet east of San' Gabriel Boulevard OC, PM 8.65, to city limits 1,000 feet east of San Gabriel Boulevard OC, PM 8.74, a length of 0.09 mile for this portion. A total length of 0.28 mile. 164 1.85 Rosemead Boulevard from south city limits approximately 200 feet south of Whitmore Street, PM 5.03, to north city limits at south right of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad, PM 6.88, a length of approximately 1.85 miles, of which half width from south city limits to centerline of San Bernardino Freeway, PM 5.63, a length of approximately 0.60 mile_ lies within the city. Note: City will sweep full width of roadbed on above route... -13- Form HM -59 MAR 73 Rev 9. DELEGATION OF 40INTENANCE: The delegatio*bf.maintenance t set forth herein does:not include areas and functions of k ' s which the control and maintenance rest with ,the local authority under the terms of Freeway Agreements and /or Freeway Maintenance Agreements:. MAINTENANCE AGENCY TO PERFORM WORK „ ITEM NO. FUNCTION Route No. Route No. ' Route No. Route No. j 10 60 164 - •rl N •rl N •H N •r1 N Ol: Roadbed Maintenance., X X - OY' 'Roadside 'Maintenance 8 g' X 04 Roadway Litter & Debris X (1) X 2) X (3) (4) 05' Vegetation Control X X 06`` Pavement Delineation X '` )( g) 07.., Signs. X,,.. X, g., 01 Electrical. g, X X.: 09 Traffic Safety Devices :'_ X. pi X'• :12' ,Landscaping 'X',,, ;,X 13 Bridges & Pump Maint X X X s X X X 15 Permits (1) Length of street to be cleaned0.00 Curb miles.. (2) n �. rr v n it tt rr,'..r{.- rr n m n It n 2-i00 - if n (4) n r, ",. . rr it it ��. tt }',rm HM -59 MAR 73 Rev 10. EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION: 6A The Department will reimburse the City for actual cost of all maintenance work performed by City as delegated under Section 9 of this agreement, but it is agreed that during any fiscal year, the maximum expenditure on any route shall not exceed the amount as shown on page 16 of this Agreement, unless such expenditure is revised by an amended Agreement or otherwise adjusted or modified as hereinafter provided for. The expenditure per route for routine maintenance work as referred to.above may be increased or decreased, redistributed between routes, or additional expenditures for specific projects costing $5,000 or less may be made when such specific work or adjustment of expenditures for routine maintenance is authorized in writing by the District Director or his authorized representative. Expenditures for specific projects costing in excess of $5,000 may be made when such specific work is authorized in writing by the State Highway Engineer or his authorized representative. Additional expenditures or adjustment of expenditures thus authorized shall apply during the fiscal year designated therein and shall not be deemed to permanently modify or change the basic maximum expenditure per route as.hereinafter specified. An adjustment of the said maximum expenditure, either increase or decrease, shall not affect other terms of the Agreement. -15- Form HM -59 DEC 73 REV -16- Form IIM -59 MAR73,Rev. i 11. SUBMISSION OF BILLS: The City shall submit bills monthly, provided; however, that no bill for less than $100 shall be submitted, except once each quarter. Equipment shall be charged at mutually acceptable rental rates and labor and material at actual cost. The City will be allowed to recover overhead and administrative.costs only to the extent that such-charges include applicable expenses incurred by the City in the execution of the work. Said factors and method shall be subject to approval by the•Department. Maintenance services provided by contract or.on a unit -rate basis with overhead costs included shall not have these above mentioned charges added again. An actual handling charge for processing this type of bill will be allowed the City. Bills` submitted to the City for work performed by the Department under Programs 06, and 08 of this Agreement will also include overhead and administrative costs in accordance with the State Administrative Manual. 12. TERM OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall become effective July 1, 1974 and shall remain in full force and effect until amended or terminated. The Agreement as above may be amended or terminated at any time upon mutual consent of the parties thereto. This Agreement may also be terminated by either party upon thirty days' notice to the other party. Form HM -59 MAR 73 Rev -17- r • j • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written Approved as to form and procedure: (See note below) Attorney Department of Public Works City Attorney I CITY OF RC)SEDM By yor Cit Cle e !- STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION r By A. L. H3MELHOCH Deputy District Director Systems Operation Note: Approval by State's Attorney is not required unless changes are made to this form, in which case, the , draft will be submitted for Headquarters' review and approval by State's Attorney as to form and procedure. MOON Form HM -59 DEC 73 REV .` RESOLUTION N0. r' ,*,,,.,,T,, „RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RngRPARAD APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ROSR.WM WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of. Transportation, has presented an Agreement for Maintenance of the State highway in the City of RO effective as of 10 19" and to remain in effect until amended or terminated. WHEREAS, the City Council has heard read said Agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of that said Agreement for Maintenance of the State highway in the City is hereby approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City. ADOPTED this day of 191/ ,,,myor of zne uiwy� ROSS Attest: l/ CIA/v Cle of the C 4 Y I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City Council of the City of at a regular meeting thereof held 19' Clerk f the ity of ROSE" -19- Form HM -59 DEC 73 REV STALE OF CALIFORNIA — BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY( EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Gove mor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION T� DISTRICT 7, P.O. BOX 2304, LOS ANGELES 90051 (213) 620 -3539 August 21, 1980 0'7 -LA -10 Mr. Frank G. Tripepi City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 917%0 Dear Mr. Tripepi: This confirms a telephone conversation your Mr. Burbank had with Mr.. Moseley of my staff regarding the Walnut Grove Avenue Inter- change on the San Bernardino Freeway. The documents recently forwarded to your City indicate that Walnut Grove Avenue was relinquished to the City in 1963. Also the property on the easterly side of Walnut Grove was sold as excess in 1956- From the above it is apparent that the State no longer has respon- sibility for the slopes on the east side of Walnut Grove Avenue. I am at a loss as to why our forces maintained these slopes until about three years ago. However, at that time we experienced a turnover in personnel in charge of that area. Their research led them to the same conclusion that they had no.responsibility for these slopes. If there are any questions, please contact Mr. Moseley at (213) 620 -2033. Sincerely, A. A. SMITH, Chief Maintenance Branch �s T I R�l r E y • ��v Il q Kosemead 1 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 (213) 288-6671 TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: ROBERT T. DICKEY, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER11%e- DATE: JANUARY 4, 1980 RE: AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF ROSEMEAD BLVD. Attached for your review and consideration is an agreement with the Department of Transportation for the State of California and the City of Rosemead for maintenance of Rosemead Boulevard. This agreement is similar to the one entered into by the City and CalTrans effective July 1, 1974. The purpose of renewing this agreement is to revise the reimbursement from the State to the City for sweeping Rosemead Boulevard. On Page 4 of the document, Section 04, entitled ROADWAY LITTER AND DEBRIS PROGRAM, delineates the requirements of CalTrans and the level of sweeping service for that roadway. The contract with Modern Service Company is for a rate of $9.00 per curb mile, with the total miles on Rosemead Boulevard to be swept at 14.56 miles per week. This is an annual cost of $6,814.08, which, by the terms of this agreement, will be reimbursed from the State for sweeping the State Highway. It is recommended that the Council take action to approve the attached agreement, which is effective December 1, 1979, the same date as the sweeping contract with Modern Service Company. encl. RTD :jg MAYOR: GARY A. TAYLOR MAYOR PRO TEM: MARVIN J. CICHY COUNCILMEN: HERBERT R. HUNTER JAY T. IMPERIAL LOUIS TORY, JR. C4 Co I tA STATE OF CALIFORNIA — BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, P.O. BOX 2304, LOS ANGELES 90051 0 November 15, 1979 Mr. Frank G. Tripepi Director of Public Works City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, California 91770 Dear Mr. Frank G. Tripepi: Attached for your approval is a copy of the revised Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways, between the ,City of Rosemead and the State of California, Department of Transportation. This revised agreement reflects increased allotments to cover cost of energy and the increasing cost of labor and equipment. Please have the City execute their portion of this agreement and return it to State of California, Department of Transportation, 120 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA. 90012, Attention: Mr. Alex Morelan, Room 128Ge We will then formally execute this agreement with the District Director of Transportation's signature. Upon formal execution we will forward a copy to the City of Rosemead. Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions regarding said agreement, please.contact Mr. Morelan at (213) 620 -3946. Sincerely, . •S Ae A. SMI , Chief Maintenance Branch Attach. JTW:sgr b• �1 v 1 ^re .}•Y 1. � fY osmcad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 (213)288.6671 TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: ROBERT T. DICKEY, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER' l^-- DATE: JANUARY 4, 1980 RE: AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF ROSEMEAD BLVD. Attached for your review and consideration is an agreement with the Department of Transportation for the State of California and the City of Rosemead for maintenance of Rosemead Boulevard. This agreement is similar to the one entered into by the City and CalTrans effective July 1, 1974. The purpose of renewing this agreement is to revise the reimbursement from the State to the City for sweeping Rosemead Boulevard. On Page 4 of the document, Section 04, entitled ROADWAY LITTER AND DEBRIS PROGRAM, delineates the requirements of CalTrans and the level of sweeping service for that roadway. The contract with Modern Service Company is for a rate of $9.00 per curb mile, with the total miles on Rosemead Boulevard to be swept at 14.56 miles per week. This is an annual cost of $6,814.08, which, by the terms of this agreement, will be reimbursed from the State for sweeping the State Highway. It is recommended that the Council take action to approve the attached agreement, which is effective December 1, 1979, the same date as the sweeping contract with Modern Service Company. encl. RTD: j MAYOR: GARY A. TAYLOR MAYOR PRO TEM: MARVIN J. CICHY COUNCILMEN: HERBERT R. HUNTER JAY T. IMPERIAL LOUIS TORY, JR. `1 r $!ATE OF CALIFORNIA— BUSINESS AND TRAN�POR TATION AGENCY EDMUND G. BROWN Jil, Goer �f DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, P.O. BOX 2704, LOS ANGELES 90051 O November 15, 1979 Mr. Frank G. Tripepi Director of Public Works City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, California 91770 Dear Mr, Frank G. Tripepi Attached for your approval is a copy of the revised Agreement for Maintenance of State Highways, between the City of Rosemead and the State of California, Department of Transportation. This revised agreement reflects increased allotments to cover cost of energy and the increasing cost of labor and equipment. Please have the City execute their portion of this agreement and return it to State of California, Department of Transportation, 120 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA. 90012, Attention: Air. Alex Morelan, Room 128G. We will then formally execute this agreement with the District Director of Transportation's signature. Upon formal execution we will forward a copy to the City Of Rosemead. Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions regarding said agreement, please.contact Mr. Morelan at (213) 620 -3946. Sincerely, G .1. A , 411, A. Chief Maintenance Branch Attach. JTW: sgr 0 RESOLUTION NO. 80 -3 n A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING AGREE14ENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of Transportation has presented an Agreement for maintenance of the STATE highway in the City of Rosemead effective as of December 1, 1979, and to remain in effect until amended or terminated. WHEREAS, the City Council has heard and read said Agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof: THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Rosemead that said Agreement for Maintenance of the STATE highway in the City is hereby approved and the Mayor and the City Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City. ATTEST: ADOPTED this je4 C ty Clerk day of 90 , 1980. h.v / ' — MAYOR DM- M -150a (9 -79) Page 1 of 23 AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE (CITY/EONNTY) OF ROSEMEAD THIS AGREEMENT, made and executed in duplicate this % day of , 192�, by and between the State of California, acting by and through the Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "the STATE" and the (CITY /CDN=.j of R-OSE14EAD hereinafter referred to as "(CITY /3MN=X) ". W I.T N E S S E T H: A. RECITALS: The Parties desire to provide for the (CITY /CQMTX) to perform particular maintenance functions on the State highway within the (CITY/)CW as provided in section 130 of the Streets and _ Highway code. B. AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall supersede any previous AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN THE (CITY /CONNTX) OF ROSET;EAD and /or AMENDMENTS thereto with the (CITY /EGUNTn . In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, it is agreed: The (CITY/2CMUM will perform such maintenance work as is specifically delegated to it, on the State highway routes or portions hereof all as herinafter described under Sections I and J hereof or as said sections may be subsequently modified with the consent of the parties hereto acting by and through their authorized representative. C.. MAINTENANCE DEFINED: Maintenance is defined in Section 27 of the.Streets and Highways Code as follows: Sec. 27. "(a) The preservation and keeping of rights -of -way, and each type of roadway, structure; safety convenience or device, planting, illumination equipment and other facility, in the safe-and usable condition to which it has been improved or constructed, but does not include reconstruction, or other improvement. DM- M -150b (9 -79 ) 0 Page 2 of 23 "(b) Operation of special safety conveniences and devices, and illuminating equipment. "(c) The special or emergency maintenance or repair necessitated by accidents or by storms or other weather conditions, slides, settlements or other unusual or unexpected damage to a roadway, struc- ture or facility." D. DEGREE OF MAINTENANCE: The degree or extent of maintenance work to be performed and the standards therefore shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 27 of the Streets and Highways Code and the provisions of this Agreement as hereinafter specified or as may be prescribed from time to time by the District Director. "District Director ", as used herein, means the District Director of the Department of Transportation assigned to the territory in which the (CITY /. )WW= is located, or his authorized representative. A guide to the proper degree of maintenance in specific pro- grams is set forth in`the current edition of the State Maintenance Manual, a copy of which has been provided to the (CITYTA'). The level of service of maintenance in each of the programs delegated to the (CITY /9( TXI has been considered in setting authorized total and route dollar amounts. The (CITY/)MIUM M may perform additional work if desired by the STATE but the STATE will not reimburse the (CITY /0QQ=) for any work in excess of autho- rized dollars. The District Director may authorize adjustments needed because of inflation or changes in program emphasis. E. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties not parties to this contractor affect the legal liability of either party to the contract by imposing any standard of care respecting the maintenance of State Highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. It is understood and agreed that neither STATE, nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by the (CITY/XXKX4W) under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to the (CITY /V%9N%Y) under this Agreement for Maintenance. It is also understood and agreed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4 (CITY /CbMV) shall defend and fully indemnify and hold STATE harmless for. any • 4 DM- M -150c (9 -79) Page 3 of 23 damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by (CITY/X= under or in connection with any work authority or jurisdiction delegated to (CITY /0110=) under this Agreement. MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS: Certain maintenance functions (CITY /i&MMIX) as indicated under (CITY /E01=) shall not perform a unless specifically delegated and MAINTENANCE). may be delegated to the Section J of this Agreement. The ny of these maintenance functions er said Section J (DELEGATION OF The various maintenance functions or duties are defined and described by the following programs. The numbers without prefix relate to the Maintenance Management System (MMS) Program and the numbers with the prefix HM relate to Caltrans budgetary codes. - *01 and *02 - FLEXIBtiE AND'RIGID ROAD MAINTENANCE'PROGRAM HM -11 HM -12 This covers the maintenance required for the restoration and repair of both the surface and base within the roadbed area. . Roadbed means all surface and subsurface structures of the trav- eled way, parking banks and shoulders. *03 - ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM HM -21 Roadside shall be described as that area between the roadbed and the outer highway right -of -way boundary line. Maintenance of roadside includes the 'cleaning of culverts, ditches, natural water channels and gutters, restoring side slopes, removal of drifted material, drift prevention, erosion control work, and maintenance of walls, cribs or bank protection facilities, curbs and side- walks, and other roadside facilities. Maintenance work to be performed within the area designated as. roadside maintenance shall include such sidewalk and curb inspec- tion and action toward repair of sidewalks, curbs-and other facil- ities as is necessary to keep them in a reasonably safe condition._ Joint inspection should be on a biannual basis. The STATE will not pay for maintenance of any sidewalks. The (CITY /00MUM shall follow the same policy and procedures generally followed by it with respect to (CITY/7MMM) streets in the matter of requiring sidewalk repairs and control of vegetation to be made by or at the expense of abutting owners who are under legal obligation to perform such work. It is agreed that reasonable diligence will be exercised by DM- M -150d (9 -79) Page 4 of 23 the (CITY /.Lbttfl'Y) in performance of required sidewalk repair and control of vegetation as outlined in this portion of the agreement. '04 - ROADWAY LITTER AND DEBRIS PROGRAM HM -22 This program includes all work concerning roadbed and roadside cleanup operations to insure that the highway presents a neat, clean and attractive appearance. Sweeping and cleaning shall be limited to the removal of dirt or litter normally coming onto th,� roadbed from the action of traffic or from natural causes. STATE will not undertake nor pay for picking up or disposing of rubbish or debris swept into or otherwise placed on the highway from abutting property. The ex- tent of sweeping and cleaning on Lite State highways shall not be greater than customarily done on comparable (CITYXCQUNTX) streets. 'Level of service for sweepint-, and lttter pickup shall not exceed ti-.ice weekly. The sweeping activities covered in this program pertain to the sweeping of paved medians, curbed (CITY /COUNTYI street sections and curbed or rolled gutter types on other highways. "05 - VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAM HM -23 Vegetation control refers to the maintenance treatment of all vegetative material growing native within the non - landscaped high- way rights -of -way. Included is treatment by chemical means and cutting and trimming by hand and mechanical means. Vegetation includes brush control and tree trimming. Routine tree maintenance shall include care necessary to main- tain trees in a healthy growing condition. Tree trimming shall be limited to the occasional removal of dead or low overhanging limbs. Extensive tree reconditioning work, spraying or removal are not routine maintenance operations and will not be paid for unless such work is specifically authorized by the STATE. The above, when delegated to the (CITY/ Lifk'a y, shall not be construed as restricting, prohibiting or otherwise relieving the (CITY/ COUNTY.) of the responsibilities for inspection and upkeep of trees in a manner that will insure maxirium safety to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The STATE will not pay for maintenance of landscaping or trees which the (CrrY /COUNTY) planted or which were planted under authorization of an encroachment permit and the (CITY /CQU241"1Z0- is responsible for maintenance. DM- M -150e (9 -79) Page 5 of 23 *06 - PAVEMENT DELINEATION PROCRAM HM -41 The pavement delineation program involves all work necessary to maintain distinctive roadway markings on the traveled way. This includes, but not limited to layout, removal, cleaning and /or replacement of existing delineation and roadway markings. All work shall conform to the Standards established by the STATE. Except for the red "No parking" zones at the approach to and exit from intersections controlled by traffic signals, the STATE will not pay curb painting or parking lines as may otherwise be required for the regulation of parking. The cost of maintaining pedestrian crosswalks at intersections shall be shared between the STATE and (CITY /rJD.U2= in the same ratio as the number of intersecting roads or streets under juris- diction of the respective agencies bears to the total number of intersecting (CITY /IX010 Y) street, STATE highways and COUNTY roads within the particular intersections; for example, a 50 -50 basis will apply to the regular cross street intersection wherein a COUNTY road is not.a factor (City only). State reserves the option to check at random all the pavement delineation program maintained. by the (CITY/J91n= ) to assure conformance to the pavement delineation maintenance levels. Failure of the (CITY /WaNTY) to comply to the pavement delineation maintenance levels should be reason to terminate this agreement as specified under Section L, "Term,of Agreement ". *07 - SIGN PROGRAM HM -42 The sign program includes all maintenance work performed on signs placed or to be placed, on STATE highways for the purpose of warning, or regulating traffic. 'I'he work consists of replacement of existing signs and the repair, cleaning.and "painting of these signs. Upgrading of existing signs or installation of new signs is not a part of this program. All signs shall conform to the specification's adopted by the STATE, or as otherwise specifically authorized by the STATE. Positioning of such signs shall conform to standards adopted by the STATE. Unless specifically authorized, the State will not maintain or pay for maintenance of regulatory Signs installed for the purpose of stopping vehicular traffic at pedestrian or school crossings nor the regulatory Signs installed for the prohibition or the regulation of parking. DM- M -150aa a Page 6 of 23 *08 - ELECTRICAL PROGRAM - NOT DI:IaiGATI:D YIM- 43 This program includes all state operati.on and maintenance work performed on highway electrical Cacilities used to control flashing beacons, traffic signals and traffic signal systems, and safety lighting. STATE will not pay for the maintenance, installation, repair, servicing, nor power for ordinary street lighting; however, lighting at intersections, which qualifies as safety lighting under warrants approved /accepted by the STATE, will be paid for when approved and specifically authorized by the District Director. Where such lighting has been specifically authorized at an intersection, the maintenance and operating costs thereof shall be shared between the STATE and the (CITY / on a prorata basis in the same ratio as the number of legs in the intersection under each jurisdiction bears to the total number.of legs. The (CITY /CE1 TN) will furnish service for or perform such- maintenance work as specifically delegated to it in other sections of this agreement, and the STATE will furnish service for or perform the work`not otherwise assigned to the (CITY /(K(a fBX). It is agreed that estimated monthly rates, applicable to the intersection involved, shall be• established for the operation and maintenance of the traffic signals and other electrically operated traffic.control devices based on a cost per unit. This rate shall include overhead and other indirect expenses incurred by the STATE in these specific operations. It is further agreed that estimated monthly rates shall be revised or adjusted as of June 30 each year. The cost of operating and maintaining traffic signals or other electrically operated traffic control devices now in place at the intersection of any STATE highway route and any (CITY /Z-O>8?XX street /road identified in Exhibit "A" shall be shared between the STATE and the. (CITY /d=VX)X on a prorata basis in. the same ratio as the number.of legs in the intersection under each jurisdiction bears to the total number of legs. The same principle of cost distribution shall apply to freeway interchanges. The participation ratio shall be based on the ratio of the number of legs of the respective agencies -.to the total number of legs of the interchange. The percentage of costs to be borne by the STATE and (CITY/)CM= } shall be shown on Exhibit "A The STATE will submit bills for operation and routine maintenance as defined above semiannually on December 31 and June 30 of each year. Bills shall be in accordance with that shown on Exhibit "A" ;"DM- M -150ab • Page 7 of 23 Extraordinary expense, such as for repair or replacement of extensive damage, shall be assessed directly against the particular installation involved. Billings for such costs shall be itemized as to materials, including service and expense, salaries and wages, and equipment rental. i DM- M -150ac • Page of 23 EXII I I; I f "A" Effective, ELECTRICAL FACILITIES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST DISTRIBUTION Route Location Billed and Maintained by the STAT Type of Facility Units SIGNALS FLASHERS LIGHTS Cost Distribution State City /County UTILITY OWNED - BILLED BY THE STATE I DM- M -15Of (9 -79) *08 - ELECTRICAL PROGRAM- Delegated HM -43 Page 9 of zg This program includes all maintenance work performed on high- way electrical facilities used to control flashing beacons, traf- fic signals and traffic signal systems, provide safety and sign lighting. STATE will not pay for the maintenance, installation, repair, servicing, nor power for ordinary street lighting; however, light- ing at intersections, which qualifies as safety lighting under warrants approved /accepted by the STATE, will be paid for when approved and specifically authorized by the District Director. Where such lighting has been specifically authorized at an inter- section, the maintenance and-operating costs thereof shall be shared between the STATE and the (CITY /ADDNWX) on a pro -rata basis in the same ratio as the number of legs in the intersection under each jurisdiction bears to the total number of legs. The cost of maintaining and operating traffic signals or other electrically operated traffic control devices now in place or those which may hereafter be installed at the intersection of any STATE highway route and any (CITY /C)_street /road shall be shared between the STATE and the (CITY/YCOMM) on a pro -rata basis in the same ratio as the number of legs in the intersection under each jurisdiction bears to the.total number of legs. The same principle of cost distribution shall apply to freeway inter- changes. The participation ratio shall be based on the ratio of the number of legs of the respective agencies to the total number of legs of the interchange. Timing of traff16,signals shall be the responsibility of the STATE. Timing shall be determined after consultation with the local agency; however, the decision of the District Director of Transportation shall be final. Maintenance of the "designed" tim- ing is the responsibility of the (CITY). Timing records shall be kept in both the STATE and (CITY /QOffW Z) maintenance and traffic branches. NOTE: Cost of electrical energy charges will be charged separately. 0 DM -M -1506 ;0-79) Page 10 of 23 EMERGENCY OPERATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS DURING.EQUIPMENT FAILURE A written "Contingency Plan" for operation of traffic signals should be prepared for emergency operation of each signalized intersection. Copies of the plan shall be kept in the controller cabinet and in the Maintenance and Traffic Branches of STATE and (CITY /COUNTY). a.- The plan shall be prepared by the STATE with the concurrence of the (CITY/0. b. The plan shall detail the method of restoring a malfunctioning traffic signal to service as follows: (1) Place the signals in the flashing mode of operation. (2) Replace defective units. (3) If direct replacement of defective units cannot be made immediately, place the signals under control of an emergency replacement controller. C. Flashing operation shall be considered as the "primary emergency mode of operation at all intersections ". The plan shall specify the color each phase will display during flashing operation. Red /Yellow or all red may be used. d. The plan shall specify the timing of each interval of an emergency replacement controller. e. The "Contingency Plan" for an intersection may be changed at any time to meet changing conditions 'following the procedure above. f. Documentation of the engineering reasons for selecting a particular plan for a specific location shall be kept on file in the STATE and (CITY )X) Branches. The goal shall be to provide the safest emergency mode of operation. The same plan may be applicable for a large number:of intersections. Every effort shall be made to restore the operation of the intersection to normal operation as soon as possible. 8 ., i • DM- M -150h (9 -79) Pagell of23 STANDARDS FOR DELEGATED ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE . The level of maintenance work to be performed on highway elec- trical facilities is listed below. These levels become the. "Degree of Maintenance" specified or prescribed under Section D of this Agreement. Damaged or malfunctioning electrical installations which ser- iously affect public safety or capital investment should be promptly repaired or temporary corrections made until perma- nent repairs can be scheduled. Repair of inoperative or damaged electrical installations which do not seriously affect public safety should be coordi- nated with routine maintenance operations. A routine surveillance of electrical facilities shall be made in an effort to observe and correct potential deficiencies before serious problems develop. To insure a minimum standard of operation, highway lighting, sign illumination, and flashing beacons shall be routinely inspected during hours of darkness. Important illuminated signs, require prompt attention on noti- fication of a blackout or extensive burnout. . Signals A detailed check for proper operation, including inspection and necessary replacement of auxiliary equipment such as re- lays, contactors, etc., shall be made at intervals of approximately 30 (thirty) days. Fixed -time electro- mechanical controllers shall be overhauled approximately once a year. Traffic - actuated, electro- mechanical controller units shall be overhauled in the shop approximately once every year. Traffic signal lamps shall be group replaced on a planned schedule based on rated lamp life. All signal maintenance inspections or repairs shall be logged and records maintained in the control cabinet. Signal standards and control cabinets shall be maintained in a presentable manner. DM- M -150i �(9 -79) Page 12 Of 23 Flashing Beacons Flashing beacons shall be routinely inspected for proper oper- ation approximately once every 6 (six) months. Electro- mechanical flasher mechanisms shall be removed, clean- ed and adjusted and excessively worn parts replaced, approxi- mately once a year. Flashing beacons shall be relamped on the same schedule as outlined above for traffic signal lamps. Highway Lighting and Sign Illumination Luminaires and fixtures for illuminated signs shall be inspected and cleaned in conjunction with scheduled relamping; more frequent cleaning should be performed when required. Lamps shall be replaced on a planned schedule based on the rated life of the lamps currently in use. The STATE reserves the option to check at random all traffic signals maintained by the (CITY /CNNZX =) on STATE highways to assure conformance to the electrical maintenance levels. Failure of the (CITY) to comply to the electrical maintenance levels would be reason to terminate this Agreement as specified under Section L, "Term of Agreement ". Re- delegation of traffic signal maintenance to third parties shall be done only upon specific written approval of the District Director of Transportation. Such re- delegated work shall be per- formed to the same levels of service as spelled out herein and will be subject to the same random checks as provided for work performed directly by (CITY /1ZQNp)TX) forces. If the District Director of Transportation determines the third party is failing to comply with the specified levels, the (CITY/JQ0 shall, within 30 days of notice, terminate the third party agreement and resume maintenance by (CITY /UDINTY) forces or terminate this agreement as specified under Section L, "Term of Agreement ". *09 - TRAFFIC SAFETY DEVICES PROGRAM HM -44 Work performed under this program includes replacement of guide posts or markers; and the repair, replacement, cleaning and /or painting of guard .rails. Also included are the repair of median barrier cable, chain link fence, and portland cement con- crete walls; the repair and maintenance of energy dissipators such as water type bumpers,'sand traps or other devices installed for the purpose of absorbing vehicle energy. DM- M -15Oj 1(9 -79) Pagel3 of 23 Energy dissipators (crash cushions) must be repaired within 48 hours after being hit. The (CITY /t43MJ" shall maintain sufficient inventory of the necessary parts approved by the STATE needed to accomplish the repairs within this time limit. Sand, used to fill.certain types of energy dissipators, shall meet STATE requirements. *12 - LANDSCAPE PROGRAM HM -25 This program refers to the treatment, maintenance and replace- ment of all vegetative material planted within the landscaped STATE highway right -of -way. Work includes watering, pruning, fer- tilizing, plant replacement, weed control by hand and mechanical means, tree trimming and /or removal, chipping and miscellaneous work such as pest control and inhibitor spray. Repairs to the electric portion of automatic controls is covered in this 12 -Land- scape Program. NOTE: There are several activities that are duplicated in, the 05 Vegetation Control Program; for this reason, care should be exercised when reporting, that the proper program is cited. The STATE will only pay for the maintenance of landscaped areas, ornamental plantings of trees installed by the STATE at STATE expense or other areas specifically designated by the District Director. *13 - BRIDGE AND PUMP MAINTENANCE PROGRAM HM -31 The Bridge and Pump Maintenance Program includes work perform- ed on all structures which provide for passage of highway traffic over, through or under obstacles and /or qualify for bridge number as assigned by the State Office of Structures. Work under this program consists of structure repair, mainte nance, painting and cleaning, electro- mechanical equipment and sump pump maintenance, repair or cleaning, and navigational light repair. Storm inspection of sump pumps is also included in this program. Bridges, as defined above, will be investigated by a repre- sentative of the State's bridge engineering staff once each year and more often, if considered necessary. In addition to such annual investigation, routine maintenance to be performed under provisions of the Agreement shall include monthly inspection of each bridge by qualified personnel and immediate repair of the minor defects when.the cost does not exceed $500. The District Director shall be immediately notified of major defects as are hereinafter defined. 0 DM- M -15Ok 19-79) Page 14 of 23 Bridge repair work costing in excess of $500 on a single structure shall be considered as being .a major repair project. Except in the case of emergency, such major repair projects shall conform to the methods and procedure to be recommended by the STATE. Major bridge repair is not a routine maintenance operation and will require specific authorization. *15 - PERMITS HM -47 .. This section provides for the processing and enforcement of transportation permits by the (CITY /COUNTY) and preliminary engineering, processing and inspection of encroachment permits Ly the (CITY /) where authorized to perform this work. ENCROACHMENT PERMITS When authority to issue Encroachment Permits is delegated to the (CITY /QZMM) by the District the authority shall pertain to all parts of the highway throughout the particular length of streets indicated under Sections I and J of this Agreement. Permits shall be issued on a form provided by the STATE and the (CITY) will furnish a copy of all permits to the STATE. The (CITY /GGMffTX).agrees that all permits issued by CITIES/ ODUNMMW shall be made out in conformance with STATE - authorized encroachment policies and standards. STATE standards of design are to be used, except in cases where (CITY/M11M ) standards, covered by ordinance, are more restrictive than STATE require- ments, in which case (CITY /C0XNT3U standards of design will be honored. All STATE policy questions should be referred to the Caltrans District Permit Engineer. Routine minor permits shall be handled by the (CITY without STATE prior approval. Routine minor permits consist of: awnings, marquees, canopies, advertising signs,.residence drive- ways, roof drains, concrete sidewalks, temporary construction safety fences, installation or repair of utility service connec- tions behind curb line and maintenance of existing pipeline within STATE right -of -way. area. Prior approval of the Caltrans District Permit Engineer shall be secured before any permit is issued for major encroachments within the highway. right -of -way. DM- M -150L '(3 -'79) Pagel 5 of 23 Major encroachments include, but are not limited to all other work not included under routine permits such as: 1. Banners - Special Non - profit Events. 2. Bus Stops. 3. Christmas Decorations within Right -of -Way. 4. Commercial Driveways. 5.. Curb and Gutter. 6. Curb Zones - Parking Restrictions. 7. Drainage from Private Property, other than Roof Drains. 8. Drainage Structure Extensions, Replacements, etc._ 9. Electrolysis Test Stations or Anode Beds. 10. Fences. 11. Flashing Signs. 12. Landscaping - Planting, Maintenance, Removal. 13. Median openings. 14. Memorial Markers - Historical and Recreational sites. 15. Motion .Picture Photography within Highway Right -of -Way. 16. Parades and Public Gatherings on Highway Right -of -Way. 17. School Signs, Safety Devices-, and Crossings. 18. Seismograph Work within Right -of -Way. 19. Street Connections. 20. Striping.- Lanes, X- walks, Detours. 21. Traffic Signals Flashing Beacons and Street Lighting - Installation, modification. 22. Utility and other Substructures - except service connections back of curb. 23. Utility Poles, Anchors, and Aerial Cable. 24. Work in existing manholes requiring closure of traffic lanes. DM- M -150m {g 79) Page16 of23 Authority to issue encroachment permits for the following items is not delegated to the CITY and COUNTY and the request for an encroachment.permit shall be submitted to the Caltrans District Permit Engineer. 1.. Any Work within limits of State Highway Contract. 2. Cooperative Agreement Projects. 3. County Flood Control Projects. 4. Prehistoric Artifacts - Excavation, Salvage, etc. 5. Railroad Grade Xings - Repairs, Construction. 6. Any encroachment requiring additional or revised ease- ments or other Right -of -Way documents. Qualified (CITY /ADDUNM) personnel shall be assigned for the review, construction and final acceptance of both MINOR and MAJOR encroachment permits issued by the (CITY /COMITY). The STATE will perform cursory inspection of all (CITY / NTY$ written STATE highway permits and the STATE assigned field engineer shall be notified as required under the terms of all major encroachment permits. Upon satisfactory completion of the work authorized under any (CITY /CaUND= administered State Highway Permit, the (CITY /CWT must send a completion notice to the STATE including. As -Built Plans. Where there is a discrepancy between the permit plans and the as -built plans and where the encroachment is an underground utility it is of particular importance to have this information to plot on the State's Utility Maps. STATE will pay for the cost of inspection of encroachments as a part of maintenance, only when the (CITY /aMMIX) complies with its usual policy with respect to collecting costs from permittees in such cases as fees or charges are made by the (CITY / &3QXNn ) for similar work on (CITY/Amunam streets. Any amount so collected by the (CITY/QPgt1jM with respect to any STATE highway shall be credited against the charges made by the (CITY /V00=J for such . work. TRANSPORTATION PERMITS Transportation permits will be required for all vehicles and their loads which exceed the limitations specified under Division 15 of the California Vehicle Code. Where authority to issue I)INt -M -15011 (9 -79) • Page 17 of 23 Transportation Permits is delegated to the (CITY /10GUNYAY) such authority shall pertain only to travel that originates and terminates within their corporate limits and it shall not apply to through haul transportation. In issuing such permits, the (CITY/1CiPI}, shall follow the policies and regulations established by the STATE for the issuance of transportation permits as set forth in the State's Maintenance Manual in effect at the time such permits are issued, including, specifically, limitations upon the crossing of structures. All STATE policy questions should be referred to the Caltrans District Permit Engineer.. *16 - OPERATIONS PROGRAM HM-46 This program includes, electrical energy required to energize overhead lights, signals and other electrical facilities. G. GENERAL GUIDES: I Maintenance of warning and regulatory signs, traffic control devices, and highway lighting facilities as hereinbefore referred shall include upkeep and repair of the supports, as well as such other items which are an integral part of the installation. Those facilities as defined under programs 06, 07, 08 and 09 above, which are installed subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, shall become subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement upon notice to the (CITY /(KOM=)_ from the STATE of the completion of any such installation. H. EXPENDITURE AUTHORIZATION: The STATE will reimburse the (CITY /aQCM) for actual cost of all routine maintenance work performed by (CITY /0W_N7)O as dele- gated under Section J of this Agreement, but it is agreed that during any fiscal year, the maximum expenditure on any route shall not exceed the amount as shown on Section I of this Agreement, unless such expenditure is revised by an amended Agreement or otherwise adjusted or modified as hereinafter provided for. A new "ROUTE DESCRIPTION AND AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES" sheet (Section I).will be provided annually by the STATE for the ensuing fiscal year if necessary to insure equitable annual cost. The expenditure per route for routine maintenance work as referred to above may be increased or decreased, redistributed between routes, or additonal expenditures for specific projects 9 0 ' DM -M -1500 (9 -79) Pagel$, of 23 costing $5,000 or less may be made when such adjustment of expend- itures for routine maintenance or such specific work is authorized in writing by the District Director or his authorized representa- tive. Expenditures for specific projects costing in excess of the above-amount may be made when such specific work is authorized in_ writing by the District Director with prior approval from the Chief, Office of Highway Maintenance at Headquarters. Additional expenditures or adjustment of expenditures thus authorized shall apply during the fiscal year designated therein and shall not be deemed to permanently modify or change the basic maximum expenditure per route as hereinafter specified. An adjustment of the said maximum expenditure, either increase or decrease, shall not affect other terms of the Agreement. DM- M -150P (9-79) Page19 of 23 I. ROUTE DESCRIPTION AND AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES ANNUAL MAXIMUM ROUTE LENGTH EXPENDITURE NO. MILES DESCRIPTION OF ROUTING AUTHORIZED 10 2.52 San Bernardino Freeway from west city limits at centerline of Del. Mar Avenue, PM 25.33, to east city limits at the west right of way of $ 0.00 Eaton Wash, P, 27.85, a length of 2.52 miles, of which half width from centerline Rosemead Blvd., PM 26.86, to east city limits, a length of 0.99 mile lies within the city. 60 0.28 Pomona Freeway from city limits 990 feet west of the west line of San Gabriel Blvd. OC, PM R8.32, (88.36- R8.39E) to city limits at west line of San Gabriel Blvd. OC, PM 8.54, a $ 0.00 length of 0.19 mile for this portion; also, Freeway from city limits 500 feet east of San Gabriel Blvd. OC, P19 8.659 to city limits 1,000 feet east of San Gabriel Blvd. OC, PM 8.74, a length of 0.09 mile for this portion. A total length of 0.28 mile. 164 1.85 Rosemead Boulevard from south city limits approximately 200 feet south of Whitmore Street, PM 5.03, to noi-th city limits at south right of way of $ 7,600. the Southern Pacific Railroad, PM 6.88, a length of approximately 1.85 miles, of which half width from south city limits to centeiine of San Bernardino Freeway, PM 5.63, a length of approximately_O.bO mile lies within the city. Note: City will sweep full width of roadbed on above route. TOTAL AUTHORIZED EXPEND. $-7.600. 1 J DM- M -150q (9-79) Page 20 of 23 J. DELEGATION.OF MAINTENANCE The specific maintenance activity indicated below is hereby delegated to the (CITY/�1' )2). This delegation of maintenance activity set forth herein does not include areas and functions of which the control and maintenance rest with the local authority under the terms of Freeway Agreements and /or Freeway Maintenance Agreements. Caltrans Budgeting Codes (HM) Maintenance Management Program NO. (01 -ETC) Maintenance Function ROUTE NO.10 ROUTE NO. 60 Miles 0. PqMi les Flex.& Rigid Rd. Maint. Prg. Specific Activity: - - oadside maintenance Specific Activity: (3) - - 04 Roadside Litter a ris Specific Activity: (1) (2) - - 05 Vegetation ontro Specific Activity: - - 06 Pavement a neation Specific Activity: - - Signs S ecific Activt - - ecitr ca . Specific Activity - - ra c a ety Devices S ecific Activit - - n scap ng S ecific Activit - - ri ges & Pump Maint. S ecific Activity: --47 - erm is Specific Activity: - - 16 Elec�trical Energy Specific Activity: Footnotes: (1) Length of street to be cleaned 0.00 curb miles. (2) Length of street to be cleaned 0,00 curb miles. (3)" (CITY/M M ) will maintain sidewalks and - shall be responsible for any costs therein. *Level of service for sweeping and litter pickup .shall not exceed twice weekly. Page 2U of 23 DM-l'-150q (9-19) J. DELEGATION OF MAINTENANCE The specific maintenance activity indicated below is hereby delegated to the (CITY /22b[H55f). This delegation of maintenance activity set forth herein does not include areas and functions of which the control and maintenance rest with the local authority under the terms of Freeway Agreements and /or Freeway Maintenance Agreements. Caltrans Budge.ting Codes (HM) Maintenance Management Program NO. (01 -ETC) Maintenance Function ROUTE NO. 16 ROUTE NO. 1,8 Miles Miles Flex.& Rigid Rd. Maint. Prg. Specific Activity: - - oadside Maintenance Specific Activity: (3) - 04 Roadside Litter e- r s Specific Activity: X (1) (2) ;- - eS @tat on Control Specific Activity: - - avement Delineation Specific Activity: Signs S ecific Activity: - - t ectr ca Specific Activity- - - 09 Traffic batety ev ces Specific Activity: rJ7 -. - an scap ng Specific Activity: - - 13 dridges & Pump n . S e- Activit : m - is Specific t - :Activio - rical Energy Specific-Activity: Footnotes: (1) Length of street to be cleaned 7 4n curb miles. (2) Length of street to be cleaned curb miles. (3) (CITY /aGUNTX) will maintain sidewalks and shall be responsible for any costs therein. *Level of service for sweeping and litter pickup shall not exceed twice weekly. DM- M -15Or (9_79) Page 21 of 23 K. SUBMISSION OF BILLS: (The,(CITY /730]ONTX). shall submit bills monthly.) or (The (CITYXWUNTX) may submit bills monthly except that no bill for less than $100 shall be submitted more than once each quarter). Bills must be submitted promptly following close of corresponding billing period and should be coded according to the Caltrans program or Budgetary Code as outlined in this Agreement. Equipment shall be charged at mutually acceptable rental rates and labor and material at actual cost. The (CITY qlM) will be allowed to recover overhead and administrative costs only to the extent that such charges include applicable expenses incurred by the (CITY /'.) in the execution of the work. Said factors and method shall be subject to approval by the STATE. Maintenance services provided by.contract or on a unit -rate basis with overhead costs included shall not have these `'above mentioned charges added again. An actual handling charge for processing this type of bill will be allowed the (CITY /WMTX). Bills sub- mitted to the (CITY /x R ) for work performed by this Agreement will also - include overhead and administrative costs in accordance with the State Administrative Manual. Emergency and storm repairs performed by the (CITY /.CDN7TX) would be paid for only with prior approval of the State's Highway Superintendent of that specific area. In addition the f(CITY/ XWt,14 should immediately notify the State's Highway Superin- tendent for the area of any storm damage or other emergency condition affecting the STATE highway. The (CITY /CUNTY]f shall- maintain, on a generally accepted accounting basis complete, and accurate records that support all billings. These records shall be made available to STATE representatives for review during normal business hours for a period of.three (3) years after payment of said billings. L. TERM OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall become effective and shall remain in full force and effect until amended-or termi- nated. The- Agreement as above may be amended or terminated at any time upon mutual consent of the parties thereto. This Agreement may also be terminated by either party upon thirty days notice to the other party. �+ DM- M -l5Os (9 -79) Page22 of 23 ** IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Approved as to form and procedure: Attorney Department of Transportation City/)CjgZ Attorney X- * May be deleted if not applicable. (CITY /.44i}N= OF ROSEMEAD By Mayor /County Executive City /,M'i1�f U4 & Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADRIANA GIANTURCO Director of Transportation By . District Director ** Approval by State's Attorney is not required unless changes are made to this form; in which case the draft will be submitted for Headquarters' review and approval by State's Attorney as to form and procedure. DM- M- l50t(§'_79) Page 23 of 23 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL /BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE (CITY /J�M gOF g0S APPROVING AGREEMENT OR MAINTEN— ANZE OF ,,.STATE HIGHWAY IN THE (CITY/Asci(iWW)X OF ROSEMEAD WHEREAS, the State of California, through its Department of Transportation has presented an Agreement for maintenance of the STATE highway in.the (CITY /,CoGUM of ROSEMEAD . effective as of and to remain in effect until amended or terminated. WHEREAS, the City Council /Board of Supervisors has heard read said Agreement in full and is familiar with the contents thereof: THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council /Board of Supervisors of the (CITY /2COCUM of ROSEMEAD that said Agreement for Maintenance of the STATE highway in the (CITY /-CDEN= pis hereby approved and the Mayor /County Executive and the (CITY /.CXXIN9= Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said (CITY /.00IZN= ADOPTED this day of Attest: City Clerk , 19_ Mayor /County Executive I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly passed by the City council /Board of Supervisors of the (CITY/:CU of ROSEMEAD at a regular meeting thereof held , l 9—. Clerk_ of the City /9_QNpXT(pf a. i Y �a.L..6a l�siF+1f4L.ar— Z`K�+�iX+�w✓ iR Of jf mer4ead " t 4 (1 f -, 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 (213) 2886671 July 25, 1974 MEMORANDUM OF TRANSMITTAL TO: C. E. SHEARER CHIEF, MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, P.O. BOX 2304 LOS ANGELES, CA. 90054 FROM: CITY OF ROSEMEAD DOCUMENT: AGREEMENTS (ORIGINAL•& DUPLICATE) FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN CITY OF ROSEMEAD Please forward a fully executed copy..... MAYOR: PAUL S. TAYLOR 9 MAYOR PRO TEM: COUNCIL MEMBERS: CITY MANAGER: ARNOLD C. ANDERSEN KENNETH M. PIKE - C. LELAND GUNN GARY A. TAYLOR ROBERTA V. TRUJILLO . t w4't ".".{I .XV.•' -:: �'' l.;17 :�i Y�.i�y ),�t'+:'�e «�a t'!: -•l FJV '1�.: ^P ,- (( ' rp F3,54 btt OWN ISO 00% Y !"M is •.;!.. j f_:,f•s... t6...; 1 1�:al a.. ..� � -: °.;y �• r^ 1 { s, i;.• . • X +, 11 1 -RA. rovy 03 u4jur!1 ..{ x of . }tr pMl1-.. r. 4..isitn Ar .r`;._, 5 .r Z tan-vi I In f 'i: F, t s A -)-.I '-1_J `(`.'i •i= �St.,;;./r� i ^..`rn.. L� .it'3, i ''- Ils4 "L !'�• .L i-t�! `(i13�«• ifa'S' t'••E'M1':"= `ifT'`7 C.: i:. -'Y ". .. `S:i Teo W V, ter. T, .. v.!r�,• i�u:� :SC�f•ij, s eiS «r yY 8.A � o. .� '�/'� +ri .L• s v . r - .. city . -' >s ,fir -',� .iry ^�. • r w Page Two CC Minutes 7/23/74 6. RESOLUTION NO. 74 -56. APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH STATE DEPARTMENT. OF TRANSPORTATION. r; Attorney Watson presented Resolution 74 -56 by title. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Andersen to waive further reading and adopt Resolution 74 -56. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Andersen, Pike, G. Taylor, P. Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None 7. ORDINANCE NO. 383. RELATING TO RELOCATION APPEALS BOARD. Attorney Watson presented Ordinance No. 383 by title and explained the Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROVIDING FOR A RELOCATION. APPEALS BOARD TO HEAR APPEALS RELATING TO RELOCATION ASSISTANCE, ESTABLISHING RULES THEREFOR, AND AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL, CODE. It was moved by Councilman Andersen, secondby Councilman G. Taylor to waive further reading and Introduce Ordinance No. 383. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Andersen, Pike, G. Taylor, P. Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None Y; 8. HEARING OFFICER'S REPORT: "HOBO JOES" - DANCING & ENTERTAINMENT City Manager Gunn presented this report dated July 16, 1974 wit* the recommendation that the license be granted subject to condi ions as agreed upon by the applicant. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Andersen that licenses be granted subject to conditionsin the Hearing Officer's report. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Andersen, Pike, G. Taylor, P. Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None 9. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS - COMMUNITY CENTER SITE. City Manager Gunn presented the report on bid results received Friday, July 12, 1974 and recommended that the Council accept the high bid in each case. It was moved by Councilman Pike, second by Councilman Andersen to accept the high bid as recommended with the stipulation that salvageable items be removed within 30 days; and that the City Manager be authorized to dispose of miscellaneous remaining items as offers are received. Roll Call Vote as follows: AYES: Andersen, Pike, G. Taylor, P. Taylor, Trujillo NOES: None ABSENT: None ,r r 'ir r .. J "�• ':i^ ^,•. 1�:.. `i .l �.. r .. r Y- ': J�:1 '. $i \ ',1 `,1 {. ... ,.. i �CJiTYA.fi CN,LL1 .MNN "] :. l 4v EP - �^I'm+ .' b1a ✓.:�w.rlw.ti'Fa••+1.1IM?..1 =' Da, �w �,`'str -.• �T C:i�.� 111 'if �.v[lif %A� =`) c. iIfr '. e e riled Mail to OF CAT IFORNIA 7p„ OF HIGHWAYS RE I� 1 �I. Ixq*... n, �r:.+ oy+✓ w' . n..: cxh_ �G. ,»;•.rwav!.J:nJ'YFi�',.RS'Rr.A. ss4.. `� pp �n a . ?KR 1�'1 M6 I Pnsted by C.H.C. IY'.U�Y 2 3 1963 .� f CORDED IN OFFI 2; .,)4 ermir: !! Annex Qr l.O$ i90 'I E& 6. RECORD$ 1.- ir;e.l.eM 84, Calif o:niaNTZ GILIF. 24 2 F'�» JUN 4 1963 FREF II Aj RAY E LEE. County Recorde, Ale I- 22 7 RELINQUISHMENT OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD f ROAD VII- L.A- 26 -Remd IHEREAS, the California Highway Commission on September 29, .., 1';31 and on August 23, 1951, adopted resolutions declaring cer- ta in sections of State highway Route 26 in the County of Los Angeles between Aliso Street and Syracuse Avenue, road VII -L.A- ' 26- LA,D,A1h,MonP,E,EMte,B, to be a freeway; and WHEREAS, the State of California has acquired rights of way for and has relocated, reconstructed and altered certain roads, and has constructed frontage roads and connecting roads inn th- City of "Rosemead (formerly County of Los Angeles), be- e, cn W'� :'..nut. Grove Avenue and Baldwin Avenue, road VII- L,A -26- 7hrr., in connection with said freeway; and IXYgREAS, by fully executed freeway agreement dated June 12, .u53, and by executed modification of freeway agreement dated L' ce-aber• 1, 1955, between the County of Loa Angeles and the State of California, the County agreed to accept control and rrw:.nt -nance of said relocated, reconstructed or altered County roads, frontage roads and connecting roads, upon relinquishment R;he,crjf to said County by the State of California; and 4lEERLAS, portions of said relocated, reconstructed or al.tered.. roads, frontage roads and connecting roads formerly lyiag within the County of Los Angeles now lie within. the City of Fioseriead.; and =� rt. ssFt_ZEAS, this Commission has found and determined, and does tt bex~eby f1nd and determine, that it is desirable and in the public f i.ntereet that said relocated, reconstructed or altered roads, f roa^:tage roads and connecting roads be relinquished to the City of Rosemead for use as city streets; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS VOTED by the California Highway Com- mission that it relinquish, and it does hereby relinquish to the City of Rosemead, effective upon the recordation of a certified cop,N hereof with the Recorder of Los Angeles County, those cer- tain relocated, reconstructed or altered roads, frontage roads and connecting roads, in said City of Rosemead, together with the right of way and appurtenances thereof, described as follows: r: r� 5 � I a y, r 't Ky 555y�y,i,1 1 x ! f 1 1 I .. r "•, r: r� 5 � I a y, r 't Ky 555y�y,i,1 1 C ♦ f 1 1 r: r� 5 � I a 1 E 8 I a b.. R id i 5� O G562 .r That certain portion of State highway, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, as now located and constructed, Southerly of the San Bernardino Freeway, upon, over and across those portions of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Tract No. 3752, as shown on map recorded in Book 40, page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; and that portion of Govern- ment Lot 2, Fractional Section 19, T. 1 S., R. 11 W. according to the official .plat of the survey of said land on file in the office of the Bureau of Land Management; and that portion of Block K of the Freer Tract, as shown on map recorded in Book 39, page 82 of Miscellaneous Records in said office; and those por- tions of Hellman Avenue, Burton Avenue, 40.00 feet wide and Walnut Grove Avenue, described as a whole as follows; Beginning at the southeasterly corner of said Block K of the Freer Tract; thence along the southerly prolongation of the east- erly line of said Block K, S. 0° 08' 05" E., 24.96 feet, said easterly line being also the westerly line of said Section 19; thence S. 890 46t 45" E., 214,48 feet; thence N. 1° 051 -'40" W , 154,12 feet to'the northerly line of said Lot 4; thence along said northerly line, S. 89° 11, 40" W.; 2.14 feet; thence N. 0° 291 25" E., 240.81 feet to a tangent curve, concave East- erly and having a radius of 490.00 feet; thence Northerly along said curve, through an angle of 20 151 06" an arc distance of 19,26 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 2; thence along said northerly line of Lot 2, S. 890 ill 40" W., 3.00 feet to is curve concave Easterly and having,a radius of 493.00 fee.`..; thence from a tangent bearing N. 20 431 13" E., Northerly along this latter curve through an angle of 130 14, 42" an arc distance of 113,97 feet; thence tangent N. 15 °'57' 55" E., 55.71 feet to a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 128.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along last said curve, through an angle of 630 40l 25" an arc distance of 142.25 feet to the west- erly line of said Lot 1; thence along said westerly line of Lot 1, S. 00 08, 05" E., 0,53 feet; thence N. 840 35' 40" E., 39 <24 feat; thence S. 560 471 13" E „'23;92 feet to the easterly line of sai:d Lot 1; thence N. 89° 11, 40"'E., 20.00 feet to the center line of said - Burton Avenue; thence along said center line, N. 10 05, 40” W „ 52.45 feet; thence S, 860.02' 54" W., 70.11 feet to a tangent curve, concave Southerly and having a radius of 165.50 feet; thence Westerly along this latter curve, through an angle of 130 00' 00" an are distance of 37.55 feet to a point in a no'n- tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 180;;00 feet, a radial line'of said non - tangent curve, through said point bears N. 120 39' 13° W.; thence Southwesterly, along this non - tangent curve through an angle of 230'11' 32" an arc distance of 72.86 feet to a point in a non - tangent curve concave ra I t 4. p: n4x 4 + Aal�' i I ri a¢ f I • y, fl 444 tj a I , E 8 I a b.. R id i 5� O G562 .r That certain portion of State highway, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, as now located and constructed, Southerly of the San Bernardino Freeway, upon, over and across those portions of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Tract No. 3752, as shown on map recorded in Book 40, page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; and that portion of Govern- ment Lot 2, Fractional Section 19, T. 1 S., R. 11 W. according to the official .plat of the survey of said land on file in the office of the Bureau of Land Management; and that portion of Block K of the Freer Tract, as shown on map recorded in Book 39, page 82 of Miscellaneous Records in said office; and those por- tions of Hellman Avenue, Burton Avenue, 40.00 feet wide and Walnut Grove Avenue, described as a whole as follows; Beginning at the southeasterly corner of said Block K of the Freer Tract; thence along the southerly prolongation of the east- erly line of said Block K, S. 0° 08' 05" E., 24.96 feet, said easterly line being also the westerly line of said Section 19; thence S. 890 46t 45" E., 214,48 feet; thence N. 1° 051 -'40" W , 154,12 feet to'the northerly line of said Lot 4; thence along said northerly line, S. 89° 11, 40" W.; 2.14 feet; thence N. 0° 291 25" E., 240.81 feet to a tangent curve, concave East- erly and having a radius of 490.00 feet; thence Northerly along said curve, through an angle of 20 151 06" an arc distance of 19,26 feet to the northerly line of said Lot 2; thence along said northerly line of Lot 2, S. 890 ill 40" W., 3.00 feet to is curve concave Easterly and having,a radius of 493.00 fee.`..; thence from a tangent bearing N. 20 431 13" E., Northerly along this latter curve through an angle of 130 14, 42" an arc distance of 113,97 feet; thence tangent N. 15 °'57' 55" E., 55.71 feet to a tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 128.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along last said curve, through an angle of 630 40l 25" an arc distance of 142.25 feet to the west- erly line of said Lot 1; thence along said westerly line of Lot 1, S. 00 08, 05" E., 0,53 feet; thence N. 840 35' 40" E., 39 <24 feat; thence S. 560 471 13" E „'23;92 feet to the easterly line of sai:d Lot 1; thence N. 89° 11, 40"'E., 20.00 feet to the center line of said - Burton Avenue; thence along said center line, N. 10 05, 40” W „ 52.45 feet; thence S, 860.02' 54" W., 70.11 feet to a tangent curve, concave Southerly and having a radius of 165.50 feet; thence Westerly along this latter curve, through an angle of 130 00' 00" an are distance of 37.55 feet to a point in a no'n- tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 180;;00 feet, a radial line'of said non - tangent curve, through said point bears N. 120 39' 13° W.; thence Southwesterly, along this non - tangent curve through an angle of 230'11' 32" an arc distance of 72.86 feet to a point in a non - tangent curve concave ra I t 4. p: n4x 4 + Aal�' i I ri a¢ 0 Southeasterly and having a radius of 172.00 feet, a radial line of this latter non - tangent curve through said point bears N. 41° 37' 00" W.; thence Southwesterly, along last mentioned non - tangent curve, through an angle of 27° 39' 54" an are dis- tance of 83.05 feet; thence N. 820 48' 581, W•, 85.71 feet; thence N. 0° 48' 20" W., 48,54 feet; thence at right angles N, 89° 11' 40" E., 18,3 feet; thence N. 0° 48' 20" W.,_ °30.00 feet; thence " 89° 11' 40" W., 60.00 feet; thence N, 0 48 20" WA, 10.00 feet' thence S. 89° 11' 40" W., 76.00 feet to a point in a curve concave Westerly and having a radius of 1,262,00 feet; thence from a tangent bearing S. 0° 48' 20" E.; Southerly, along said curve through an angle of 6° 05' 35 ", an arc distance of 134,21 feet; thence tangent, S. 5° 17' 15" W., 183,65 feet; thence-S. 840 42' 45" EA, b.00 feet;- thence S. 5° 17' l;5" W -, 170,00 feet; thence N, 84° 42' 45" W•, 8.00 feet; thence, S 50 17' 15" W., 149;57 feet to a tangent curve concave North- of and having a radius of 19.00 feet; thence Southwe,- erly along this latter curve, through an angle o {1844 2.'x25 ,�0 an arc distance of 28,01 feet; thence S. 0 15 feet to the southerly line of said Block K; thence along this latter southerly line,,N, 890 44' 19" E., 72,73 feet to the Point of Beginning. Beginning at a point in the northerly line of sai83 Lot.eN ". of 'tract No. 3752 distant thereon N. 89. 11 from the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence 11, 1 °4 '" E., 130,45 feet;. thence N. 150 20' 09" E., 65,68 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Southerly 10.00 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line hayin 'a 481 58 oF+ , 85,71 feet; thence along said parallel line, S, 84,24 feet to a curve concave Easterly and having a radius of 170,00 feet;' thence Southerly along said curve, through an angle of l° 28, 10" an are distance of 4,36 feet; thence tangent S. 150 57'' 55" W., 53,56 feet to a tangent curve, concave mast- erly and having a radius of 538.00 feet; thence southerly along last said curve through an angle of 15 28 3 0 of ,145 31 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Westerly 48,00 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 240,81 feet; thence,�tangent to last said curve and along said parallel line S. 0 29 25 W., 299.29 fet to a tangent curve, concave Northwesterly and having a radiurs of 40,00 feet; thence Southwesterly along this curve, throughan angle of 89° 14' 54" an are distance of 62.31 feet; thence: gent, S. 890 44' 19" W•; 80.02 feet; thence feet °t51, the 011 of 80.98 feet; thence N. 7 Beginning. LO,L_ �f r cAil I i fl ';�ac • ��' q. 1; 1_ i sti „ s i P Southeasterly and having a radius of 172.00 feet, a radial line of this latter non - tangent curve through said point bears N. 41° 37' 00" W.; thence Southwesterly, along last mentioned non - tangent curve, through an angle of 27° 39' 54" an are dis- tance of 83.05 feet; thence N. 820 48' 581, W•, 85.71 feet; thence N. 0° 48' 20" W., 48,54 feet; thence at right angles N, 89° 11' 40" E., 18,3 feet; thence N. 0° 48' 20" W.,_ °30.00 feet; thence " 89° 11' 40" W., 60.00 feet; thence N, 0 48 20" WA, 10.00 feet' thence S. 89° 11' 40" W., 76.00 feet to a point in a curve concave Westerly and having a radius of 1,262,00 feet; thence from a tangent bearing S. 0° 48' 20" E.; Southerly, along said curve through an angle of 6° 05' 35 ", an arc distance of 134,21 feet; thence tangent, S. 5° 17' 15" W., 183,65 feet; thence-S. 840 42' 45" EA, b.00 feet;- thence S. 5° 17' l;5" W -, 170,00 feet; thence N, 84° 42' 45" W•, 8.00 feet; thence, S 50 17' 15" W., 149;57 feet to a tangent curve concave North- of and having a radius of 19.00 feet; thence Southwe,- erly along this latter curve, through an angle o {1844 2.'x25 ,�0 an arc distance of 28,01 feet; thence S. 0 15 feet to the southerly line of said Block K; thence along this latter southerly line,,N, 890 44' 19" E., 72,73 feet to the Point of Beginning. Beginning at a point in the northerly line of sai83 Lot.eN ". of 'tract No. 3752 distant thereon N. 89. 11 from the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence 11, 1 °4 '" E., 130,45 feet;. thence N. 150 20' 09" E., 65,68 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Southerly 10.00 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line hayin 'a 481 58 oF+ , 85,71 feet; thence along said parallel line, S, 84,24 feet to a curve concave Easterly and having a radius of 170,00 feet;' thence Southerly along said curve, through an angle of l° 28, 10" an are distance of 4,36 feet; thence tangent S. 150 57'' 55" W., 53,56 feet to a tangent curve, concave mast- erly and having a radius of 538.00 feet; thence southerly along last said curve through an angle of 15 28 3 0 of ,145 31 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Westerly 48,00 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 240,81 feet; thence,�tangent to last said curve and along said parallel line S. 0 29 25 W., 299.29 fet to a tangent curve, concave Northwesterly and having a radiurs of 40,00 feet; thence Southwesterly along this curve, throughan angle of 89° 14' 54" an are distance of 62.31 feet; thence: gent, S. 890 44' 19" W•; 80.02 feet; thence feet °t51, the 011 of 80.98 feet; thence N. 7 Beginning. LO,L_ �f r cAil I i fl ';�ac 0 0 5. I , r kt in t .. . + rye, ' d lug f.MAiN.7a - -d RRK � ��OPCj6� r ALSO EXCEPTING and RESERVING to the State of California any and all rights of ingress to and egress from the highway hereby relinquished in and to the adjacent freeway lying Northerly of said relinquished highway, except at such points as now are or may be established by resolution of this Commission, The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 0,321 of a mile. That certain portion of State highway, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, as now located and constructed, Northerly of the San Bernardino Freeway, upon, over and across those portions of Government Lots 1 and 2 of Section 19, T. 1 S., R. 11 W.`,- S.B.B. & M.; and that portion of Block K of the Freer Tract, as shown on map recorded in Book 39, page 82 of Mlsrella- neous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said ( County; and that portion of Walnut Grove Avenue, 40.00 feet wide, described as a whole as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of said i Block K with the new center line of Walnut Grove Avenue, as de- scribed in Parcel 4 of deed to the State of California, recorded in Book 17881, page 372, of Official Records, in said office, distant along said northerly line, S. 890 31' 30" W.,, 0.33 feet from the northeasterly corner of said Block K; thence continui.nzg along said northerly line S. 890 31' 30" W., 65.26 feet to a curve concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 15,00 feet; thence Southeasterly along said curve, through an angle of I 900 57' 51" an.arc distance of 23.81 feet to a line parallel. with and distant, Westerly 50.00 feet, measured at right angles from said new center line of Walnut Grove Avenue; thence tangent and along said parallel line, S. 00 29' 21" W., 203.39 feet; thence at right angles, S. 890 30' 39" E., 20.00 feet to a lime parallel with and distant, Westerly 30,00 feet, measured at ( right angles from said new center line of Walnut Grove Avenue; 1 thence along this latter parallel line, S. 00 29' 21" W., 15.52 feet to a tangent curve concave Easterly, and having a radius of i 2,030,00 feet; thence Southerly along last mentioned curve, through an angle of 70 58' 27" an arc distance of 282.45 feet; thence tangent S. 70 281,58" E., 96.78 feet; thence S. 820",1102" W., 8.00 feet to a curve concave Westerly and having a radius of 1,162.00 feet; thence from a tangent bearing S. 70 28' 58" E,, Southerly, along said curve through an angle of 60 31' 15" an arc distance of 132.25 feet; thence S. 860 O1' 55" E., 200,38 feet; thence N, 890 11' 40" E., 10.82 feet to a curve concave Portheasterly and having a radius of 36,00 feet; thence North - westerly along last said curve, through an angle of 91 017'41" an .Y , Y �s t '',• h np � ' ;s., RRK � ��OPCj6� r ALSO EXCEPTING and RESERVING to the State of California any and all rights of ingress to and egress from the highway hereby relinquished in and to the adjacent freeway lying Northerly of said relinquished highway, except at such points as now are or may be established by resolution of this Commission, The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 0,321 of a mile. That certain portion of State highway, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, as now located and constructed, Northerly of the San Bernardino Freeway, upon, over and across those portions of Government Lots 1 and 2 of Section 19, T. 1 S., R. 11 W.`,- S.B.B. & M.; and that portion of Block K of the Freer Tract, as shown on map recorded in Book 39, page 82 of Mlsrella- neous Records in the office of the County Recorder of said ( County; and that portion of Walnut Grove Avenue, 40.00 feet wide, described as a whole as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of said i Block K with the new center line of Walnut Grove Avenue, as de- scribed in Parcel 4 of deed to the State of California, recorded in Book 17881, page 372, of Official Records, in said office, distant along said northerly line, S. 890 31' 30" W.,, 0.33 feet from the northeasterly corner of said Block K; thence continui.nzg along said northerly line S. 890 31' 30" W., 65.26 feet to a curve concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 15,00 feet; thence Southeasterly along said curve, through an angle of I 900 57' 51" an.arc distance of 23.81 feet to a line parallel. with and distant, Westerly 50.00 feet, measured at right angles from said new center line of Walnut Grove Avenue; thence tangent and along said parallel line, S. 00 29' 21" W., 203.39 feet; thence at right angles, S. 890 30' 39" E., 20.00 feet to a lime parallel with and distant, Westerly 30,00 feet, measured at ( right angles from said new center line of Walnut Grove Avenue; 1 thence along this latter parallel line, S. 00 29' 21" W., 15.52 feet to a tangent curve concave Easterly, and having a radius of i 2,030,00 feet; thence Southerly along last mentioned curve, through an angle of 70 58' 27" an arc distance of 282.45 feet; thence tangent S. 70 281,58" E., 96.78 feet; thence S. 820",1102" W., 8.00 feet to a curve concave Westerly and having a radius of 1,162.00 feet; thence from a tangent bearing S. 70 28' 58" E,, Southerly, along said curve through an angle of 60 31' 15" an arc distance of 132.25 feet; thence S. 860 O1' 55" E., 200,38 feet; thence N, 890 11' 40" E., 10.82 feet to a curve concave Portheasterly and having a radius of 36,00 feet; thence North - westerly along last said curve, through an angle of 91 017'41" an .Y , Y I� fi ,I i i a i I i t i I I , I i are distance of 57.36 feet; thence tangent N. 0° 29' 21" E., 138.23 feet to a curve concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 35.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along said curve through an angle of 27° 05' 0411 an are distance of .16.55 fee: to a point of compound curve concave Southerly and having a. radius of 35.00 feet,•a radial line of said compound curve through said point bears N. 480 06' 15" E.; thence Northwest- erly, Westerly and Southwesterly along said compound curve, through an angle of 105° 02' 14" an are distance of 64,16 feet to the end of said compound curve; thence along the northwest- erly prolongation of a radial line passing through said end, N. 560 55' 5911 w., 8.01 feet; thence N. 50 55' 25" W., Oa,,61 feet to a curve concave Easterly and having a radius of 65,00• feet; thence Northerly along last said curve through an angle of 210 341 0011 an are distance of 24.47 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Easterly 50.00 feet, measured at right from said new center line of Walnut Grove Avenue; thence tz;ngent to last said curve and along last said parallel line, N. 0 °29121" E., 217.60 feet to a tangent curve, concave Southeasterly and having, a radius of 15.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along this latter curve, through an angle of 89° 26' 19" an arc disance of 23.41 feci: to the southerly line of Marshall Street, 1110,00 feet wide, as described in deed recorded in Book 5712, page 19 of Deeds, in said office; thence along the westerly poolong401t tion of said southerly line of Marshall Street, N. 89 55 ° 64.69 feet to said new center line of Walnut Grove Avenue; thence along said new center line, S. 0° 29' 21" W., 14.j:!. fc'tC to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPTING and RESERVING to the State of California any and all rights of ingress to and egress from the highway hereby re- linquished in and to the adjacent freeway lying Southerly of , said relinquished highway, except at such points as now are or may be established by resolution of this Commission. The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 0.165 of a mile. 'Ij. _ , ' That certain frontage road, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, as now located and constructed, Southerly of the San Bernardino Freeway, upon, over and across those portions of i,ots 6, 10 and 15 of Tract No. 3752, as shown on map recoj,ded'in Book 40, page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder 8 of said County; and those portions of Lots A, 1, 2, 3, 2 of Tract No. 4778, as shown on map recorded in Book 53, pages and-93 of Maps in said office; and those portions of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Tract No. 13972, as shown on map recorded in Book 3521 S f I 4 I i' I r�� J J J t 1 •. .. t2`M t .. t ...;a.$.:. ^ �.� � .KYi t,. .n:'�'� -th��. �..AS. av+�.y�.i`•4inif.`l '�^�'e�:+..n ii�G'it- ie�if� �,1.:. «�.1Y '�cAit�'I....�+T/"i�.' i i a i I i t i I I , I i are distance of 57.36 feet; thence tangent N. 0° 29' 21" E., 138.23 feet to a curve concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 35.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along said curve through an angle of 27° 05' 0411 an are distance of .16.55 fee: to a point of compound curve concave Southerly and having a. radius of 35.00 feet,•a radial line of said compound curve through said point bears N. 480 06' 15" E.; thence Northwest- erly, Westerly and Southwesterly along said compound curve, through an angle of 105° 02' 14" an are distance of 64,16 feet to the end of said compound curve; thence along the northwest- erly prolongation of a radial line passing through said end, N. 560 55' 5911 w., 8.01 feet; thence N. 50 55' 25" W., Oa,,61 feet to a curve concave Easterly and having a radius of 65,00• feet; thence Northerly along last said curve through an angle of 210 341 0011 an are distance of 24.47 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Easterly 50.00 feet, measured at right from said new center line of Walnut Grove Avenue; thence tz;ngent to last said curve and along last said parallel line, N. 0 °29121" E., 217.60 feet to a tangent curve, concave Southeasterly and having, a radius of 15.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along this latter curve, through an angle of 89° 26' 19" an arc disance of 23.41 feci: to the southerly line of Marshall Street, 1110,00 feet wide, as described in deed recorded in Book 5712, page 19 of Deeds, in said office; thence along the westerly poolong401t tion of said southerly line of Marshall Street, N. 89 55 ° 64.69 feet to said new center line of Walnut Grove Avenue; thence along said new center line, S. 0° 29' 21" W., 14.j:!. fc'tC to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPTING and RESERVING to the State of California any and all rights of ingress to and egress from the highway hereby re- linquished in and to the adjacent freeway lying Southerly of , said relinquished highway, except at such points as now are or may be established by resolution of this Commission. The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 0.165 of a mile. 'Ij. _ , ' That certain frontage road, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, as now located and constructed, Southerly of the San Bernardino Freeway, upon, over and across those portions of i,ots 6, 10 and 15 of Tract No. 3752, as shown on map recoj,ded'in Book 40, page 69 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder 8 of said County; and those portions of Lots A, 1, 2, 3, 2 of Tract No. 4778, as shown on map recorded in Book 53, pages and-93 of Maps in said office; and those portions of Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Tract No. 13972, as shown on map recorded in Book 3521 S f I 4 I i' 0 i tS BKR I J�OPG5'616 i ( pages 10 and 11 of Maps, in said office; and those portions of Burton Avenue, 40.00 feet wide; Bartlett Street, 40.00 feet wide; Muscatel Avenue, 40.00 feet wide; Ivar Avenue, 50.00 feet wide, described as a whole as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of said Lot of Tract No. 3752, distant thereon S. 10 05' 40" E., 95.00 fe"t . from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 6; thence S. 88'54'20" E., 20.00 feet to the center line.of said Burton Avenue; thence along said center line, N. 10 05' 40" W., 55.15 feet; thence N. 860 02' 54" E., 161.89 feet to.a tangent curve, concave Southerly and having a radius of 1,033.50 feet; thence Easterly along said curve through.an angle of 30 08' 46" an are distance of 56,75 feet; thence tangent, N. 89° 11' 40" E., 478.71 feet; thence N. 89° 10' 10" F.., 709.41 feet; thence at right angles S. o° 49' 50" E., 2.00 feet to a curve concave Southerly having a- radius of 2,003,00 feet; thence from a tangent Lc".; zrivlz j N, 89° 10' 10" E., Easterly along last said curve, through an angle of 6° 08' 40" an are distance of 214.80 feet to the end of this curve, a radial line passing through said end bears N. 5° 18' 50" E.; thence along the northerly prolongation ,, ^f said radial line, N. 50 18' 50" F.., 2.00 feet; thence S. E,, 173,02 feet; thence at right angles S. 50 18! 50" 'A., 53.:;1 feet to the northeasterly line of Lot A of said Tract No. 4'78; thence N. 84° 44' 58" W., 170.35 feet; thence N, 67° 14' 39" `4•, 1 41,94 feet; thence N. 870 48' 14" W., 81,51 feet; thence i S. 44° 17' 55" W„ 20.95 feet to the easterly line of Basal. Iv7 ?. Avenue; thence N, 860 15' o6" 'ter„ 50.14 feet to the westeS`0-°j line of said Ivar Avenue; thence N. 550 45' 17" ., 24.36 Pep, to a line parallel with and distant Southerly 40,50 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 709.41 feet; thence along said parallel line, S. 89° 10' 10" W., 410.63 feet; thence S. 520 12' 16" W•, 24.9 feet to the easterly line of said Muscatel Avenue; thence I S. 580 04' 19" W., 28.91 feet to the easterly line of said Lot 15 of Tract No. 3752; thence N. 520 19' 28" w., 48,18 feet; thence S. 89° 10' 10" W-, 398.85 feet; thence S. 52° 12' 11" W.I. 24,94 feet to the easterly line of said Bartlett Street; thetsc:": S. 89° 12' 28" w., 40,00 feet to the westerly line of sal..d i Bartlett Street; thence N. 540 02' ?1" W., 25.06 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Southerly 40.50 feet, measurer.; at right angles from the above described line having a lengt;7 of 1178,71 feet; thence along this latter parallel line S. 69"11'10" W., 223.23 feet to a tangent curve, concave Southerly ani h viz"g a radius of 993.00 feet, this latter curve being concentric with and distant Southerly 40.50 feet from the above described curve having a radius of 1,033.50 feet; thence along said con- centric curve, Westerly, through an angle of 3° o$' 46" :�n arc distance of 54.53 feet to a line parallel with and dista:lt Q M +k •'1 x r�. i- n t; h lj. r L 4 „U� I L -I •. �'. �u,t.[i_f%K'udV:1W�,.OftH,�. -y �N:2':N.tTN4li��9t� fi. x'�a`,h'fi*'�i i tS BKR I J�OPG5'616 i ( pages 10 and 11 of Maps, in said office; and those portions of Burton Avenue, 40.00 feet wide; Bartlett Street, 40.00 feet wide; Muscatel Avenue, 40.00 feet wide; Ivar Avenue, 50.00 feet wide, described as a whole as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of said Lot of Tract No. 3752, distant thereon S. 10 05' 40" E., 95.00 fe"t . from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 6; thence S. 88'54'20" E., 20.00 feet to the center line.of said Burton Avenue; thence along said center line, N. 10 05' 40" W., 55.15 feet; thence N. 860 02' 54" E., 161.89 feet to.a tangent curve, concave Southerly and having a radius of 1,033.50 feet; thence Easterly along said curve through.an angle of 30 08' 46" an are distance of 56,75 feet; thence tangent, N. 89° 11' 40" E., 478.71 feet; thence N. 89° 10' 10" F.., 709.41 feet; thence at right angles S. o° 49' 50" E., 2.00 feet to a curve concave Southerly having a- radius of 2,003,00 feet; thence from a tangent Lc".; zrivlz j N, 89° 10' 10" E., Easterly along last said curve, through an angle of 6° 08' 40" an are distance of 214.80 feet to the end of this curve, a radial line passing through said end bears N. 5° 18' 50" E.; thence along the northerly prolongation ,, ^f said radial line, N. 50 18' 50" F.., 2.00 feet; thence S. E,, 173,02 feet; thence at right angles S. 50 18! 50" 'A., 53.:;1 feet to the northeasterly line of Lot A of said Tract No. 4'78; thence N. 84° 44' 58" W., 170.35 feet; thence N, 67° 14' 39" `4•, 1 41,94 feet; thence N. 870 48' 14" W., 81,51 feet; thence i S. 44° 17' 55" W„ 20.95 feet to the easterly line of Basal. Iv7 ?. Avenue; thence N, 860 15' o6" 'ter„ 50.14 feet to the westeS`0-°j line of said Ivar Avenue; thence N. 550 45' 17" ., 24.36 Pep, to a line parallel with and distant Southerly 40,50 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 709.41 feet; thence along said parallel line, S. 89° 10' 10" W., 410.63 feet; thence S. 520 12' 16" W•, 24.9 feet to the easterly line of said Muscatel Avenue; thence I S. 580 04' 19" W., 28.91 feet to the easterly line of said Lot 15 of Tract No. 3752; thence N. 520 19' 28" w., 48,18 feet; thence S. 89° 10' 10" W-, 398.85 feet; thence S. 52° 12' 11" W.I. 24,94 feet to the easterly line of said Bartlett Street; thetsc:": S. 89° 12' 28" w., 40,00 feet to the westerly line of sal..d i Bartlett Street; thence N. 540 02' ?1" W., 25.06 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Southerly 40.50 feet, measurer.; at right angles from the above described line having a lengt;7 of 1178,71 feet; thence along this latter parallel line S. 69"11'10" W., 223.23 feet to a tangent curve, concave Southerly ani h viz"g a radius of 993.00 feet, this latter curve being concentric with and distant Southerly 40.50 feet from the above described curve having a radius of 1,033.50 feet; thence along said con- centric curve, Westerly, through an angle of 3° o$' 46" :�n arc distance of 54.53 feet to a line parallel with and dista:lt Q M +k •'1 x r�. i- n t; h lj. BKR I J�OPG5'616 i ( pages 10 and 11 of Maps, in said office; and those portions of Burton Avenue, 40.00 feet wide; Bartlett Street, 40.00 feet wide; Muscatel Avenue, 40.00 feet wide; Ivar Avenue, 50.00 feet wide, described as a whole as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of said Lot of Tract No. 3752, distant thereon S. 10 05' 40" E., 95.00 fe"t . from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 6; thence S. 88'54'20" E., 20.00 feet to the center line.of said Burton Avenue; thence along said center line, N. 10 05' 40" W., 55.15 feet; thence N. 860 02' 54" E., 161.89 feet to.a tangent curve, concave Southerly and having a radius of 1,033.50 feet; thence Easterly along said curve through.an angle of 30 08' 46" an are distance of 56,75 feet; thence tangent, N. 89° 11' 40" E., 478.71 feet; thence N. 89° 10' 10" F.., 709.41 feet; thence at right angles S. o° 49' 50" E., 2.00 feet to a curve concave Southerly having a- radius of 2,003,00 feet; thence from a tangent Lc".; zrivlz j N, 89° 10' 10" E., Easterly along last said curve, through an angle of 6° 08' 40" an are distance of 214.80 feet to the end of this curve, a radial line passing through said end bears N. 5° 18' 50" E.; thence along the northerly prolongation ,, ^f said radial line, N. 50 18' 50" F.., 2.00 feet; thence S. E,, 173,02 feet; thence at right angles S. 50 18! 50" 'A., 53.:;1 feet to the northeasterly line of Lot A of said Tract No. 4'78; thence N. 84° 44' 58" W., 170.35 feet; thence N, 67° 14' 39" `4•, 1 41,94 feet; thence N. 870 48' 14" W., 81,51 feet; thence i S. 44° 17' 55" W„ 20.95 feet to the easterly line of Basal. Iv7 ?. Avenue; thence N, 860 15' o6" 'ter„ 50.14 feet to the westeS`0-°j line of said Ivar Avenue; thence N. 550 45' 17" ., 24.36 Pep, to a line parallel with and distant Southerly 40,50 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 709.41 feet; thence along said parallel line, S. 89° 10' 10" W., 410.63 feet; thence S. 520 12' 16" W•, 24.9 feet to the easterly line of said Muscatel Avenue; thence I S. 580 04' 19" W., 28.91 feet to the easterly line of said Lot 15 of Tract No. 3752; thence N. 520 19' 28" w., 48,18 feet; thence S. 89° 10' 10" W-, 398.85 feet; thence S. 52° 12' 11" W.I. 24,94 feet to the easterly line of said Bartlett Street; thetsc:": S. 89° 12' 28" w., 40,00 feet to the westerly line of sal..d i Bartlett Street; thence N. 540 02' ?1" W., 25.06 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Southerly 40.50 feet, measurer.; at right angles from the above described line having a lengt;7 of 1178,71 feet; thence along this latter parallel line S. 69"11'10" W., 223.23 feet to a tangent curve, concave Southerly ani h viz"g a radius of 993.00 feet, this latter curve being concentric with and distant Southerly 40.50 feet from the above described curve having a radius of 1,033.50 feet; thence along said con- centric curve, Westerly, through an angle of 3° o$' 46" :�n arc distance of 54.53 feet to a line parallel with and dista:lt Q M +k •'1 x r�. i- n t; h lj. 0 _ f 3 g H+ • r '•t -! F4 F • S �� a i 4 i, 1 ,.. �f `�MS�i"`�'�'��k. "��a, 4 'C•a,�e H' `�.,�'.'..'N `('�``,�r "iry>r,vs•K�..� � ;y �I '� z ,:, '�s�i§}�*ld+r�������"rr�,i"+�z t) ,,. F ,:0 zl vt . ' ' 4 �T+ _� .�.......— ,.— • - - - : —� I �� Illj Southerly 40.50 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 161.89 feet; thence tangent and along last said parallel line S. 86° 02' S4" W•, Of ° , 43" W., 25.09 feet to the point of feet; thence S. 47 39 i r Beginning. EXCEPTING and RESERVING to the State of California red 4 all rights of ingress to and egress from thl highway of linquished in and to the adexceptgat such ypoints as now are or said relinquished highway, C' may be established by resolution of this Commission. The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 0.339 of a mile. 4: avEt BY / oSEsJe9� 6L v0. PARCEL w That certain frontage eoI ofdLosaAngeles, aso now located j f in the City of Rosemead, '100n, portions of Lots 19, 33, 34. 35 and 3�? and constructed Northerly of the San Bernardino Freeway, over and across those p recorded in Book. 31, p' -ge 56, and � Tract No. 2277, as shown on map that portion of Lot 3 in Block 7 of Rosemead, as shown ofP4ae of recorded in Book 21, pages a whole cx� ges 114 and l WL the County Recorder of said County, ;4 follows:I i Beginning at the northwesterly corner of said Lot 19; there °_ line of said Lot 19, N• 89° 11' 13 E., 52.00 k along thenortrierly" line of said Lo r, 19; `.$ i feet to line parallel with and distant Easterly `3�=.i.-0 f�: t[ angles, from the westerly t E•, 262.57 feet to , { measured at right par said southerly 1 thence along said parallel line S. 0 58 .55 vi the southerly Line of said Lot 19; thence along ° 10' 10" E., 7.50 feet to aline parallel with the thence along this latter para.l•le:• r westerly 8ine of said Lot 36; line, S. 0° 58' 55" E•, 191.50 feet to a line parallel w "lroamnd F i 1.00 feet, measured at right angles, ti distant, Northerly 7 4 and 33; thence along f._ the southerly lines of said Lots 36, 35. 406.06 feet; thence A; f. last said parallel line N. 89 ° 0itt N, 44° 05' S8" E.•, 14.13 feet °to0the0easterly line of saki 11 E thence along said easterly line o£ Lot 33, S. 0 58 g' 33; 44' 08" W., 59.85 feet; thence = +_.ii - f 4" W .. 329.80 y 29.20 feet; thence, S. 58 ° 10, 10- S. 83° 18' 57, W•, 119.94 feet; thence S 89thence3S. 89 8 1 56" W., 39.91 feet; i feet; thence, 7 ° 3 line of the 60 -foot L ^sal ,v W•, 22.89 feet to the northeasterly in said office; €_Ori e ? Angeles County Flood Control Channel as described in deed .r ^o.,9�d.ss " in Book 9484, page 45 of Official 0000 g'17„ W 86,53 feet;. _.;1 along said northeasterly line, N. lire cf' 142.01 feet •to the westerly v, I thence N . 89° 10' 10" E • , ^p t 1 said Lot 36; thence along the. westerly lines of Lots 36 and 19,4 N. 0° 58' 5511 W•, 454.09 feet to the Point of Beginning. x :! f t 1 ..er.•-: ___� _.....,.v..t r :- ..-. •+.•- a >.+..n.*ti*+ - -..- .. .al.. �: 'k'. ..9_m.'. Pa 1�`.. �tl D t IC' 1 ' f- D BKR I �(Opr'568 EXCEPTING and RESERVING to the State of California any and all rights of ingress to and egress from the highway hereby re- linquished in and to the adjacent and adjoining freeway lying Southerly of said relinquished highway, except at such points as now are or may be established by resolution of this Commission, The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 0,201 of a mile. PARCEL 5: 8y �/o /tea voa f/vE• • N °� «w�' That certain frontage road, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, as now located and constructed, Northerly of the San Bernardino Freeway, upon, over and across those portic'."..' :C Lots 2, 4, 6 and 8 in Block 9 of Rosemead, Sheet 2, as sh_ map recorded in Book 21, pages 114 and 115, of Maps, in tY:.. office of the County Recorder of said County; and that port..). ^. of Ramona Boulevard, 50,00 feet wide as shown on said map; and that portion of Rio Hondo Avenue, 70.00 feet wide, described as a whole as follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly line of the northerly 30.00 feet of said Lot 2, said southerly line being also the southerly line of Glendon Way, 60 feet wide, distant thereon 17, a9° O1' 49" E•, 324.95 feet from the westerly line of ca'd Lot 2; thence S. 440 01' 49" W., 18.39 feet; thence S. 0 0111a" i{., 328,40 feet to a tangent curve, concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 88.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along 5ald r curve through an angle of 85° 15' 19" an arc distance of 130,88 k feet; thence tangent to said curve, S. 860 13' 30" E., 313.`_' ' 663,87 feet; thence N, 89 °C %u'i;l'I feet; thence S. 8° 36' 24" E., E., 1,153.56 feet to a tangent curve, concave Northwesterly and having a radius of 30,00 feet; thence Northeasterly along this i latter curve through an angle of 890 10'.05" an arc distance of 46,69 feet; thence, N. 890 50' 36" E., 60.00 feet to the westerly I line of that portion of said Rio Hondo Avenue, dedicated by Tract No. 14424 as shown on map recorded in Book 313, page 14 of Maps, in said office; thence along said westerly line, S. 0 °091 2,s1' L., 75.70 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Southerly 47,00 feet, measured at right.angles from the above described line Navin a length of 1 153.56 feet; thence along said parallel line, S. 890 00' 41" W., 1,242,38 feet to a tangent curve, con- cave Northerly and havin g a radius of 8,035.00 feet; thence Westerly along last said curve through an angle of 40 45' 49" an arc distance of 668.04 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Southerly 47.00 feet, measured at right angles, from the above described line having a length of 313,50 feet; thence along last f. j said parallel line, N. 860 13' 30" W•, 350.58 feet to a non- tangent curve, concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 140.00 +_ t I �1 1 1 ' f- BKR I �(Opr'568 EXCEPTING and RESERVING to the State of California any and all rights of ingress to and egress from the highway hereby re- linquished in and to the adjacent and adjoining freeway lying Southerly of said relinquished highway, except at such points as now are or may be established by resolution of this Commission, The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 0,201 of a mile. PARCEL 5: 8y �/o /tea voa f/vE• • N °� «w�' That certain frontage road, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, as now located and constructed, Northerly of the San Bernardino Freeway, upon, over and across those portic'."..' :C Lots 2, 4, 6 and 8 in Block 9 of Rosemead, Sheet 2, as sh_ map recorded in Book 21, pages 114 and 115, of Maps, in tY:.. office of the County Recorder of said County; and that port..). ^. of Ramona Boulevard, 50,00 feet wide as shown on said map; and that portion of Rio Hondo Avenue, 70.00 feet wide, described as a whole as follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly line of the northerly 30.00 feet of said Lot 2, said southerly line being also the southerly line of Glendon Way, 60 feet wide, distant thereon 17, a9° O1' 49" E•, 324.95 feet from the westerly line of ca'd Lot 2; thence S. 440 01' 49" W., 18.39 feet; thence S. 0 0111a" i{., 328,40 feet to a tangent curve, concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 88.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along 5ald r curve through an angle of 85° 15' 19" an arc distance of 130,88 k feet; thence tangent to said curve, S. 860 13' 30" E., 313.`_' ' 663,87 feet; thence N, 89 °C %u'i;l'I feet; thence S. 8° 36' 24" E., E., 1,153.56 feet to a tangent curve, concave Northwesterly and having a radius of 30,00 feet; thence Northeasterly along this i latter curve through an angle of 890 10'.05" an arc distance of 46,69 feet; thence, N. 890 50' 36" E., 60.00 feet to the westerly I line of that portion of said Rio Hondo Avenue, dedicated by Tract No. 14424 as shown on map recorded in Book 313, page 14 of Maps, in said office; thence along said westerly line, S. 0 °091 2,s1' L., 75.70 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Southerly 47,00 feet, measured at right.angles from the above described line Navin a length of 1 153.56 feet; thence along said parallel line, S. 890 00' 41" W., 1,242,38 feet to a tangent curve, con- cave Northerly and havin g a radius of 8,035.00 feet; thence Westerly along last said curve through an angle of 40 45' 49" an arc distance of 668.04 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Southerly 47.00 feet, measured at right angles, from the above described line having a length of 313,50 feet; thence along last f. j said parallel line, N. 860 13' 30" W•, 350.58 feet to a non- tangent curve, concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 140.00 +_ t I �1 1 0 0 I 1 W. linquished in and to the adjacent and adjoining freeway lyir f Southerly of said relinquished highway, except at such pointsi u . u x The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 01529 f of a mile. PARCEL 6: No. o: Fytvy, gf T«/✓eC�'r atlo - That certain connecting road, in the City of Rosemead, Y +5 A•, r +• ' r �n 1' 4 of the County Recorder of said County, described as .follows: i •. Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Teriflple 1 x •,� YW City Boulevard, 60.00 feet wide, formerly Cloverly Avenue, ae, ^h,r described in Document No. 9464 -D, on file in said office with the , i northerly line of the Southerly 180.00 feet of said lot, said y � f line of said lot; thence along said easterly line of Temple City I BKR 15- 0PG569 feet; thence along this latter curve Northwesterly through an angle or 690 53' 49" an are distance of 170.79 feet to a line parallel with and distant Westerly 52.00 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 328,40 feet; thence tangent and along last mentioned parallel line, N. 00 581 11" E., 328.40 feet; thence N. 450 581 11" 'A,, 18.39 feet to said southerly line; thence along said southerly line N. 89° 011 49" E., 78.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. I EXCEPTING and RESERVING to the State of California any and 1 W. linquished in and to the adjacent and adjoining freeway lyir Southerly of said relinquished highway, except at such pointsi u • u x The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 01529 f of a mile. PARCEL 6: No. o: Fytvy, gf T«/✓eC�'r atlo - That certain connecting road, in the City of Rosemead, k County of Los Angeles, as now located and constructed, upon, over and across that portion of Lot 7 of the Guess Tract, as shown on map recorded in Book 21, page 63 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as .follows: i . F Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Teriflple 1 x •,� YW City Boulevard, 60.00 feet wide, formerly Cloverly Avenue, ae, described in Document No. 9464 -D, on file in said office with the northerly line of the Southerly 180.00 feet of said lot, said Southerly 180.00 feet being measured parallel with the easterly f line of said lot; thence along said easterly line of Temple City j ,' i 21.21 feet; thence N. 890 Olt 3611 E., 269.83 feet; thence N. 440 02t 09" E., 15.66 feet; thence N. 880 561 25" E., 28.93 feet to the center line of Brookline Avenue, 50,00 feet waffle; n� I BKR 15- 0PG569 feet; thence along this latter curve Northwesterly through an angle or 690 53' 49" an are distance of 170.79 feet to a line parallel with and distant Westerly 52.00 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 328,40 feet; thence tangent and along last mentioned parallel line, N. 00 581 11" E., 328.40 feet; thence N. 450 581 11" 'A,, 18.39 feet to said southerly line; thence along said southerly line N. 89° 011 49" E., 78.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. I EXCEPTING and RESERVING to the State of California any and 1 all rights of ingress to and egress from the highway hereby re- linquished in and to the adjacent and adjoining freeway lyir Southerly of said relinquished highway, except at such pointsi as now are or may be established by resolution of this Commission. : The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 01529 f of a mile. PARCEL 6: No. o: Fytvy, gf T«/✓eC�'r atlo - That certain connecting road, in the City of Rosemead, k County of Los Angeles, as now located and constructed, upon, over and across that portion of Lot 7 of the Guess Tract, as shown on map recorded in Book 21, page 63 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as .follows: i Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Teriflple City Boulevard, 60.00 feet wide, formerly Cloverly Avenue, ae, described in Document No. 9464 -D, on file in said office with the northerly line of the Southerly 180.00 feet of said lot, said Southerly 180.00 feet being measured parallel with the easterly f line of said lot; thence along said easterly line of Temple City i Boulevard, S. 00 561 19" E., 15.62 feet; thence S. 45' 5.71 i-, E., ,' i 21.21 feet; thence N. 890 Olt 3611 E., 269.83 feet; thence N. 440 02t 09" E., 15.66 feet; thence N. 880 561 25" E., 28.93 feet to the center line of Brookline Avenue, 50,00 feet waffle; thence along said center line N. 00 57f 19" W., 3.89 feet; thence. N. 890 021 41" E., 25,00 feet to the easterly line of said Brookline Avenue; thence S. 450 57' 5311 E., 21.21 feet; thence N. 890 011 3611 E., 269.84 feet; thence N. 44° 021 09" E., 21,22 feet to the westerly line of Strang Avenue, 50.00 feet wide, as described in deed recorded in Book 13795, page 332 of Official Records, in said office; thence along said westerly line of Strang Avenue, N. 00 571 19" W., 16.61 feet; thence N. 88 056125" E., 25,00 feet to the center line of said Strang Avenue; thence along said center line of Strang Avenue, S. 00 57, 19" E., 12.01 feet; thence N. 88° 561 26" E., 25.00 feet to the easterly* line of said Strang Avenue; thence along said easterly line of 1 4 -.<<.. . . t I t 1 - . v T I Its - q J � f p �. �j`ti ip' at Slx�y4i � 'y �I qxt f f r• r�.f'F�l`, f 3"'[� TF?{, ip . y i u.'tcw`'+ A,l P 'r try L . C t#1.1r..+ -. <.:�:. "r "+.e�''fp4u.i.2dl4f`• _tom � r .>H�.1`>ke r r_ _...iR�.n- BKi\ I �(UFGtl U Strang Avenue, S. 0° 57' 19" E., 4.68 feet; thence S. 45 °57'39° E., 21.21 feet; thence N. 89° 01' 36" E., 83.48 feet to the easterly boundary line of said City of Rosemead; thence along said boundary line, S. 00 55' 50" E., 80.00 feet to a line i parallel with and distant, Southerly 80.00 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 83,48 feet; thence along last said parallel line,, S. 89 001'36'I W., 83.46 feet; thence S. 440 02' 15" W., 14.59 feet; thence S. 880 56' 26" W., 29.67 feet to said center line of Strang Avenue; thence along said center line of Strang Avenue, S. 00 57' 19" E., 4.65 feet; thence S..890 02' 41" W., 25000 feet to said westerly line of Strang Avenue; thence N. 45 581 00 W., 21.21 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Southerly 80.00 measured at of 269h84afeet; thencehalongvthisslatter parallel line S. 890 Olt 36" W., 269.84 feet; thence S. '-4'02108" W., 12.50 °feet; thence S. 880 56' 25" W., 31.16 feet to said center line of Brookline Avenue; thence along last said center. line S, 00 57' 19" E., 6.13 feet; thence S. 69° 02' 111" ., 25.00 feet to the westerly line of said Brookline Avenue; thence. N. 450 57' 46" W., 21.21 feet to a line parallel with and di.:j- tant, Southerly 80.00 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 269.83 feet; thence along this latter parallel line, S. 89° Olt 36" W., 269.85 feet; thence S. 44° 02' 30" W., 21,22 feet tosaid easterly linetnto Temple City Boulevard; thence S. 89 03 , a the center line of said Temple City Boulevard; theme along said center line of Temple City Boulevard, N. 00 56' 19"N., 125.57 feet; thence N. 80 56' 25" E., 30,00 feet to ti'te .POtnt, of Beginning. The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 0,157 of a mile. The total length of State highway hereby relinquished is 1,712 miles, The purpose of this resolution is to vest in the City of Rosemead as city streets all of the State of California's right, title and interest in and to the portions of the State highway hereby relinquished. - -- —� THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the foregoing is a fell ,end c0ffccl Cow of the original resolution passed by the California WCg"e.ay mission at at its meeting regularly called and held on Wh 23 'd -- day of__ -_ -May 196 3, in the City ofaa.cx raexi n , a majority of the members of said Commission bein;l presenl er, voting therefor. Dated this27th -.- -day of/, -.._- - -- 1 =b3.. QOBCR7 T. MAC'. itJ - ASSISTANT SECRETARY Of THti CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY C0MMISE40N — etr. ♦ � J I r' i A • I E r , {,. BKi\ I �(UFGtl U Strang Avenue, S. 0° 57' 19" E., 4.68 feet; thence S. 45 °57'39° E., 21.21 feet; thence N. 89° 01' 36" E., 83.48 feet to the easterly boundary line of said City of Rosemead; thence along said boundary line, S. 00 55' 50" E., 80.00 feet to a line i parallel with and distant, Southerly 80.00 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 83,48 feet; thence along last said parallel line,, S. 89 001'36'I W., 83.46 feet; thence S. 440 02' 15" W., 14.59 feet; thence S. 880 56' 26" W., 29.67 feet to said center line of Strang Avenue; thence along said center line of Strang Avenue, S. 00 57' 19" E., 4.65 feet; thence S..890 02' 41" W., 25000 feet to said westerly line of Strang Avenue; thence N. 45 581 00 W., 21.21 feet to a line parallel with and distant, Southerly 80.00 measured at of 269h84afeet; thencehalongvthisslatter parallel line S. 890 Olt 36" W., 269.84 feet; thence S. '-4'02108" W., 12.50 °feet; thence S. 880 56' 25" W., 31.16 feet to said center line of Brookline Avenue; thence along last said center. line S, 00 57' 19" E., 6.13 feet; thence S. 69° 02' 111" ., 25.00 feet to the westerly line of said Brookline Avenue; thence. N. 450 57' 46" W., 21.21 feet to a line parallel with and di.:j- tant, Southerly 80.00 feet, measured at right angles from the above described line having a length of 269.83 feet; thence along this latter parallel line, S. 89° Olt 36" W., 269.85 feet; thence S. 44° 02' 30" W., 21,22 feet tosaid easterly linetnto Temple City Boulevard; thence S. 89 03 , a the center line of said Temple City Boulevard; theme along said center line of Temple City Boulevard, N. 00 56' 19"N., 125.57 feet; thence N. 80 56' 25" E., 30,00 feet to ti'te .POtnt, of Beginning. The length of State highway hereby relinquished is 0,157 of a mile. The total length of State highway hereby relinquished is 1,712 miles, The purpose of this resolution is to vest in the City of Rosemead as city streets all of the State of California's right, title and interest in and to the portions of the State highway hereby relinquished. - -- —� THIS IS TO CERTIFY That the foregoing is a fell ,end c0ffccl Cow of the original resolution passed by the California WCg"e.ay mission at at its meeting regularly called and held on Wh 23 'd -- day of__ -_ -May 196 3, in the City ofaa.cx raexi n , a majority of the members of said Commission bein;l presenl er, voting therefor. Dated this27th -.- -day of/, -.._- - -- 1 =b3.. QOBCR7 T. MAC'. itJ - ASSISTANT SECRETARY Of THti CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY C0MMISE40N — etr. ♦ � J I r' i A a i .,