CC - Item 3A - Minutes 04-14-09Minutes of the REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 14, 2009 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Tran at 7:05 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Pro Tem Taylor INVOCATION: Council Member Armenta PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Taylor, Council and Council Member Ly. OFFICIALS PRESENT: Interim City Manager Stewart, li Manager Saeki, Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth, I Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic De% Public Works Officer Marcarello, and City,Clerk Molleda. 1. PRESENTATIONS A. Proclamation for-DMV/I The City Council presented a proclamal representative of the organization. i. The representative Thanked Council and important;itwas to be a donor. She_stresse people in California alone '46 waiting fo for the Member Low, yAttorney Montes, Assistant City Finance Brisco, Director of Administrator Ramirez, Deputy Life California to their stated that as a resident of Rosemead she knew how d how important this issue was and added that 20,000 rorgan transplants. 11 1, B 'P,roclamatio0dr Safety Seat Checkup Week Mayor Clark read the proclamation for the Safety Seat Checkup event. There was no one in the audience to receive the proclamation and the Mayor direct staff to forward it to the appropriate organization. t?' 2. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE Mayor Clark introduced the new Interim City Manager Jeff Stewart. Wing Lu - stated he lived on Wilmore Street south of Emerson Park; he stated that three months ago they has put a fence next to the tennis courts and City vehicles were parked there but that lately he had seen personal cars there and they blocked off the walking path that circles the park. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 14. 2009 Page 1 of II City Manager Stewart stated he would look into that matter and call him tomorrow. Chuck Lyons - stated he wanted to follow up on a request he had made on October 28th 2008 regarding replacing a light bulb on Rose Street, which needed to be brighter. Also asked the City to consider trimming a few trees along Encinita so that the lights can shine further into the park; he added that after 5 months of his request nothing had been done to resolve his concerns. Mayor Clark asked staff if anyone remembered receiving these requests. City Manager Stewart stated he would take care of the matter. Velia Navarro - addressed Council and stated she wanted to happened to her personally that had her perturbed. She state Council Member Low had expressed to her that she wanted to she had stated it she did not want to meet with Mrs. Low one c during an open council meeting. Council Member Low stated she had because she lust wanted her because often times she feels she is being attack by MrN communication problem, s Ms. Navarro - responded that she did not Mrs. Low had approached her during the r her to please promise to be nice and felt it Cristal Chavez -founder of the about her organization:gs . Juan Nunez informed Council Also addressed the Rosemead the dumpsters that are therelcar 3. B. out some issues that had iur ng a Council meeting regarding some issues and but rather'discuss the issues n /I her services,and talk to I felt that it was just a she continue to say ~emonv and had stated to Mrs. Low to do that. the City Council and informed them I•some.graffiti he saw on the wash west of San Gabriel, of Ramona Boulevard Beautification project and asked if of Cities Green Cities Conference and Expo The National League of Cities Green Cities Conference and Expo will be held on April 16-21, 2009 in Portland, Oregon. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the attendance, at City expense, any Council Member, City Attorney, City Manager and staff designee. C. Approval of License Agreement with the Rosemead Youth Association for the use of the Garvey Park Snack Bar For many years, the Rosemead Youth Association, a youth baseball organization, Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2009 Page 2 q/' I I has utilized the Snack bar at Garvey Park during their baseball season as type of a fundraiser and service tot eh Park patrons. They are requesting that they be allowed to operate it again from March 1, 2009- June 30, 2009, Recommendation: That the Rosemead Youth Association be allowed to operate the Snack Bar at Garvey Park and that the Mayor be authorized to execute the attached License Agreement Council Member Polly Low made a motion, seconded by Council,,Member Steven Ly, to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items A, D'and E. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None % \ C , A. Resolution No. 2009.16 Claims and Demands ce Recommendation: AdoptResolution No. 2009=16; for payment of City expenditures in the amount 'of$712;619.87 numbered-,l00204 through 100253 and 65666 through 65767. Council Member Steven.Ly made.a motion, se onded by Council Member Polly Low, to approve Resolution NO` 2,009.16.,Vote resultedsin~'. Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor of'License°Agreement with SCE for Klingerman Park Klingerman P41k is located just east of Walnut Grove on Klingerman Street. The property,is owned by Southern California Edison (SCE), which leases the property 1, 1/ to the City for the use as a park. Recently, staff negotiated a five year extension of the lease with SCE for use of the property as a park. The proposed lease agreement will cost the City $100 a year, and is for a five year term which expires the last day of December, 2013. Recommendation: That the City Council approved the License Agreement with Southern California Edison Company for the use of Klingerman Park and authorize its execution by the Mayor. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes ofApril 14, 2009 Page 3 of I I Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta, to approve the License Agreement with Southern California Edison Company forthe use of Klingerman Park. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None E. Del Mar Avenue Resurfacing Project- Approval of Authorization to Solicit Bids As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Council approved a program entitled, "Del f consists of asphalt concrete overlay, sidew and nprovement Program, the City ue Resurfacing", which s, traffic striping, signage C installation, curb ramps construction, traffic signal upgrades The limits of this project are from Garvey Avenuewto Highcliff funds were allocated for this oroora' `\w r, . Recommendation: That,the City Council: 1. Approve the plans "q-n'd:'s'p`e_cifications for Project. 2. Authorize staff to advertise,for bids forth improvementproject. Juan Nunez - stated-he Kad q than it is on south of Garvey, ar Mayor Clark stated'no and.it w( Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylorr approve staff recommendatic None Avenue Resurfacing to complete the because Del'Mar is in worse conditions on north of Garvey if-any property would be taken away. only be resurfacing. e a motion, seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to regarding Del Mar resurfacing project. Vote resulted in: Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes o(April 14, 2009 Page 4 of I I 5. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Modify Format of City Council and Community Development Commission Meeting Minutes to "Summary Minutes" Mayor Pro Tern Taylor has requested that staff engage in the process of modifying the format of the City of Rosemead City Council and Community Development Commission meeting minutes from "action minutes" to "summary minutes". In addition, Council Member Polly Low has requested that City Council discuss and establish a policy regarding summary and verbatim m nutes. Recommendation: That the City Council provid&st6f`14ith further direction. Brian Lewin - asked if at this time there was som stated he thought minutes should be in the middle He stated that as a tax payer and voter he did not minutes and didn't think it was fair because what r comments be typed verbatim. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated it that on a few`o( necessary to type the minutes in verbatim form verbatim minutes. S Juan Nunez - stated he thought.verbatim mini what one person said arid'another person said. N~ 'dyN Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated'that,was what Cc when it comes•up he conve~satior needsdo.be dace"regarding"verbatim minutes; action minutes and summary minutes. should waste time by tvoina-verbatim is`if`all speakers requested that their % v when tfiere are certain public hearings it is .intent was''not;to make all the meetings that way you could read primarily trying to do; when a specific item the continuity and the integrity of that the conversation would be typed verbatim. Gabriel Vicario - stated h'ifiought thegsummary minutes would be best he has sat through meetings online that were 3 hours long and thought picking up the minutes and reading them would be much`faster. He also congratulated the City for the Yard Sale and thanked Jean and the staff for doing a good•job. f jl _ \ ` -/Xl Velia Navarro -wanted.to let Council know that on April 13, 2009 Council Member Polly Low had gone to her house looking for her and had met with one of her family members and asked them various questions regarding Ms. Navarro, such as, when she would be getting home and why Ms. Navarro was mad at Mrs. Low. She asked if it was common practice for Council to meet with residents after someone had made a public comment that they did not want to meet with them one on one. She added that she felt she was being stalked and was frighten for herself and her family. Stated that this is why verbatim minutes were very important because of issues like this. Rosemead Citv Council Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2009 Page 5 of I I Council Member Low stated she does have a tendency to work with residents and there are times when she will go to residents' houses and try to resolve certain issues and has done that in the past with other residents. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that Mrs. Low was not a stalker; all she is doing is trying to find solutions but she has learn something from this, she is not going to do it again. Council Member Ly stated he would like to move from action minutes to summary action Council Member Low stated she did not have a problem doing so but there had been occasions when council members had gone to the City Clerk's office and asked that`certain things be put in the minutes. Asked that if they go back to summary minutes that the{'city clerk be allowed to do her job and be unbiased and do the summary minutes and then if Council,has.a concern it can be discussed during the council meeting. t t` Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated he had gone to the city clerk and asked her to put.his statements verbatim because he was subjected to the lawsuit6of going to the grand Jury anflhe District Attorney. He added at that time the statements needed,to•be verbatim because he was headed to an investigation. Council Member Low clarified that the motor was to change f om action minutes to summary V d. minutes. Mayor Clark stated she had proof reading the minutes:a Council Member Armen the residents had every Interim City.Atton ey m the council was in char modifications to the mii changes othe\r council the public is allowed to with previous clerks and th'dy, ad always appreciated her for ing typos s646t is not done at the meetings. also agreed with.changing back to summary minutes because Ihat•they said on, tems they speak on. fication that the clerk was in charge of drafting the minutes and wing'the minutes. Stated that if the council were going to make to the council meeting the clerk had to be careful not to share the ad made due to a possible brown act violation. He added that ranges but they were not in charge of approving the minutes. Council Member Lk,made,a'motion, seconded by Council Member Sandra Armenta, to change the format of the minutes from Action Minutes to Summary Minutes. Vote resulted in: , Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes ofApril 14, 2009 Page 6ofII Mayor's Appointments for 2009.2010 Each Year, a listing of City Council Member appointments to a variety of regional and state committees and boards is prepared and submitted by the Mayor. To assist the Mayor, it was requested that members of the City Council complete the "Mayor's Appointments for 2009-20010" form listing each individual's preference for the particular committees and boards. The Mayor will be submitting her form by Monday, April 13, 2009, and will be made available to the public at the same time it is made available to the City Council. f Recommendation: That the City Council 2009-2010. Appointments for Council Member Low asked staff to please forward the LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Delegate: Sandra Armenta Alternate: Margaret Clark WSGV PLANNING COMMITTEE Delegate: Polly Low Alternate: Steven L.y - CALIFORNIA CONTRACTCITIES ASSN. Delegate: Sandra Arntenta Alternate: Steven Ly LA COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT' Delegate: Margaret Clark Alternate: Sandra Armenia LEAGUE OF CA CITIES LEGISLATIVE DELEGATE PROGRAM Delegate: Steven Ly Alternate: Sandra Armenta SGV COUNCII. OF GOVT Delegate: Margaret Clark Alternate: Steven Ly SO. CALIF. JPIA Delegate: Gary Taylor Alternate: Sandra Armcnta COALITION FOR PRACTICAL REGULATION Delegate: Margaret Clark Alternate: Polly Low Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes ofApril 14, 2009 Page 7 of 11 CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE Delegate: Margaret Clark Alternate: Polly Low SO. CALIF. ASSN. OF GOVT. Delegate: Sandra Armcnta Alternate: Margaret Clark LA AREA INTEGRATED WASTE. MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Delegate: Steven Ly Alternate: Sandra Armcnta UPPER SGV WATER DISTRICT Delegate: Steven Ly Alternate: Margaret Clark OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Delegate: Polly Low Alternate: Gary Taylor SGV MOSQUITO & VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT Delegate: Bob Bruesch Mayor Pro Tern Taylor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly, to approve the above mentioned Mayor's appointments for 2009.2010. Vote resulted in: C Mayor Pro Tern Resolution No. D. Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Resolution Supporting El Monte Cemetery Association's Application for Designation of Savannah Cemetery as a California Historical Landmark Savannah Cemetery has been an integral part of its environs since the early 1850's. It serves as4l Rosemead's pioneering families and America`nwE nation since the War of 1812. ,4 The El Monte Cemetery Associatrn`has been designation as a historic site for manyyears. its application to the State of California ahc El Monte to adopt resolutions in support of Recommendation: That supporting the El Monte cemetery as a,.California Absent: in: community and place of several of ve served the ing for the nciation is the cities submitting emead and adopt Resolution No. 2009-19 ation Application for designation of the by Council Member Polly Low, to approve a City Council Subcommittee to Discuss Mixed-Use On March 24, 2009, the City Council adopted urgency Ordinance No. 873 (Attachment A) prohibiting the approval of applications for land use entitlements for mixed-use commercial and residential developments for a period of 45 days. (That Ordinance will expire by its terms on May 8, 2009.) Mayor Clark has requested that a follow-up item be agendized to further discuss the direction of the City Council with regard to all future mixed-use development projects and projects that are currently in the development process but have not yet received an entitlement. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes ofApril 14, 2009 Page 8 of 11 While there are several options available to the City Council to address future mixed-use development in Rosemead, at this time, the City Council may want to consider appointing a sub-committee consisting of two (2) City Council members and staff to discuss these options and make recommendations to the full City Council. They include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan to prohibit residential/commercial mixed-use development in the City; 2. Amend the Land Use Element of the General Plan to allow for residential/commercial mixed-use development in certain areas of the City and authorize staff to prepare mixed,use`development standards; 3. Leave the current Land Use Element'66he General Plan as is and authorize staff to prepare mixed-use,development standards. It should be noted that that if the City Council,( either prohibit residential/commercial, mixed-i certain areas in the City, the General,Plan ar months and may require the expertise of an amendment and a detailed environmental- Environmental Quality Act,(CEQA). It is estim; Use element (but not including the develo standards) will cost approix iinately $35,000 (in analysis). Brian Lewin - stated he that Council kept the mix and also a,member of,6 unanimdusly and they '6 that maybe it should be I reviewed Cou`hcil could ii Jim Flournoy-reib parking density of m going through apprc had to be done as a one issue. all s to anfend1he General Plan to development `or,, allow for it in iment process will-take several side consultantIto' prepare the sis pursuant to the California that an amendment to the Land nt of mixed-use development ing-pny required environmental ion: That the City Council provide further direction related to urrent and future residential/commercial mixed-used projects ANA that'Council would e ,taking staff's recommendation and hoped ie.requested,that Council Member Low be put on this committee ing commission because they approve the general plan be familiar with it. In regards to the density issue he suggested to a medium density and/or possibly when the zoning was the parking requirements. n'what Mr. Lewin had stated; he had come up and objected to the jects that had been approved last year and even the project that is ;k out on Garvey Boulevard. He also added that he agreed the change issue and not change the entire general plan until there is more than Mayor Clark made a clarification that the zoning and the general plan had to conform to each other so you can't do one without the other. Second, state law on the parking bonuses, in statute, if the developer comes in and states he is going to provide x number of units low income/moderate income you have to allow the density reduction. Rosemead Ciry Council Meeting Minuses of April 14, 2009 Page 9 of L I Council Member Low stated she thought it was a good idea to form a subcommittee together and listen to what the residents had to say; stated there was a lot of ideas on how to deal with the density. Juan Nunez - stated he did not think we should bring more people into the area; times are bad and we are running out of water. Council Member Polly Low made a motion, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly, to approve staff's recommendation in creating a subcommittee. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, se Margaret Clark and Polly Low to the subcomm Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Interim City Attorney stated longer needed to meet in,cl 6. ,to Counsel and City Council no 54956.9(6): Potential Litigation - Claim from County of March 12, 2009 related to NRDC v. County of Los 7. The meeting adjo place on April 28, "atf8:39 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take at 7:00 p.m. Margaret Clark Mayor Rosemead Citv Council Meeting Minutes ofApril 14, 2009 Page 10 of 1l ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2009 Page 11 of 11