CC - Item 3A - Minutes of 04-28-09Minutes of the REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 28, 2009 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:05 p.m, in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Armenta INVOCATION: Council Member Low PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Taylor, Council Council Member Ly. OFFICIALS PRESENT: Interim City Manager Stewart- Manager Saeki, Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth, Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Works Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda. 1. PRESENTATIONS A. Metro Low, and Monies, :o, DirectoOdf Parks and Deputy Director of Public Tam Nguyen - Metro~Representative)clarifed that she'represented METRO, the Los Angles County Metropolitan Transportation,Authority,Mhich operates the buses and rail lines in the county and were a separate agency from Metro Link~\Ms: Nguyen gave.a.presentation which included the Metro System Map and reviewed,tt a tsae side.extension`project. Some•pd'ints included, more mobility and travel options, the criteria of, initial conception` evaluation process, purpose and need of the line, and the seven (7) month schedule of the project (MarcO~,,Septembar 2009). Mayor Clark,asRed for further eiplanatiori of the aerial structure along the 60 freeway and asked if it would go along the land_filll\, Ms. Nguyen stated it w 6 d g along the south side of the 60 freeway and would be a combination aerial structure. Mr. Shelton - METRO's consultant explained it would be an elevated structure, with columns, and eight feet in diameter; they would vary in height but not be an obstruction to the highway and/or power lines. Also, stated it will have a concrete running right-of-way, two tracks and necessary equipment and space for safe operation. Council Member Low asked if the plan was to structure the line in the middle of the freeway just the way the 105 freeway and the green line run. Mr. Shelton explained that the current SR60 center median line would be more feasible if it is on the south side of the. freeway because it would allow easier access for people. Council Member Low asked when the decision would be made regarding the available alternatives. Ms. Nguyen stated that they will present to the Metro Board the recommendations on September of this year to find ways to reduce the number of alternatives to move forward with a more detail analysis. Council Member Ly asked if the line would affect the Whittier Narrows park in Ms. Nguyen replied that as they go through their environment impact stat what the impacts are in more detail. B. Sheriffs Department Representative - speak on recent f Captain Shaw made a brief presentation to council with updates of inci in the City of Rosemead. First, there was a double homicide which led to were detained. Second incident occurred at a restaurant, a group, of-gang stepped outside to smoke; a rival gang drove by and shot four of ffemC have been providing outreach to business owners and have been proacti crimes in the city and educating them on certain issues, such as, things tl (lighting and cameras). Captain Shaw stated that if'those actions did not ordinances. Mr. Shaw concluded by informing Council about:the Temple to have a summer gang enforcement team. r' Mayor Pro Tem Taylor past 30 years Council the past two years. Captain Shaw provided as wi Mayor Pfo Terri`T,aylor reiterat( was informed thibuoh the local Mayor Clark introduce base related to gangs. Captain Shaw stated the be looking into that had were dinirid'and ain Shaw explained that they by informing them of local i'can do to help prevent crimes rk they may ask for stronger en f station receiving approval was referring to his incident reports and stated that for the those reparts;_however, none had been provided to them for of the reports and the crime statistics are use to receive the reports until recently and now he council member of Monterey Park and asked if they share any data data base was used statewide and was shared. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor added that he was surprised that the perpetrators from Captain Shaw's report were from other cities and not Rosemead. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 2 of 15 C. Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation Mayor Clark read and presented the Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation for the month of April to Mike Yamashiro. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE. Council Member Betty Tom Chu -of Monterey Park, stated the 32nd congressional seat was now available for election and she was a candidate. She explained that there are alternatives'in'terms of the people that are running, as the City of Monterey Park has become more involve in issue around the greater San Gabriel area, such as water, taxes, and keeping local services in cities. Council, ember Chu offered her candidacy to the residents of the San Gabriel Valley area, the 32nd Congressional District. Lydia Lee - a representative of the Census Bureau spoke to council regarding the populatiomcount and the importance of it. Ms. Lee added that the language barrier would;be a challenge and suggested,that the city create a Census Committee so that it could work together with•the'`Census,Bureau. ' Rudolph Eleff - expressed concern because he stated felt he was being•agc owns a property at 8655 East Mission Drive and has been a resident since 1 code enforcement employees and stated he has spent mkt of.his retirement property up to code. He asked to meet with any of the council.members and to anybody from code enforcement. Mr. Eleff walked out of the Council Taylor asked him to. le would not return to the Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated he has been in Council he prefers to they might have. Mr.Tayloraddi truck and dozensof-paint bucket had received a letter,from staff re 'Eleff appeal letter from Mr, I ted by city staff. Mr. Eleff He spoke in regards to ey on keeping his d he did not want to talk after Mayor Pro Tern from,Mr. Eleff but that in the 35 years he ciVmeeting to address any a major problem tleff's property and noticed a green pickup He stated he wanted to ask Mr. Eleff if he Mr. Taylor asked staff if they had received an Public Safety Director khde?son stated Mr:.,Eleff's case was instituted prior to his hired date. Mr. Anderson stated that Mr. Eleffs case was in court and now had a warrant for his arrest. He stated the city had been attempting to clean up his property since 2006 and'that the property was a rental property and Mr. Eleff actually lived in Pasadena. He added that the City had tried to negotiate with Mr. Eleff by dismissing the charges if he complied by cleaning up his property. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor reiterated that Mr. Eleff was not a Rosemead resident and that he owned two adjoining properties on Mission Drive. Public Safety Director Anderson stated that the City had moved five to six vehicles from Mr. Eleffs property; however, there was still a lot of paint and trash. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 3 of 15 Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated Mr. Eleff had complied at least 90 percent. Public Safety Director Anderson stated that a judge gave him about three months to come into compliance; Officer Torres has been handling the case. Desiree Tuyin - treasurer of the Rosemead Youth Association congratulated Council on the recent election. Ms. Tuyin stated that the RYA had been promised a contribution by previous Mayor John Tran and had recently learned that the promise was not going to be fulfilled. Ms. Tuyin asked that Council keep their promise and asked for support to the RYA as they are in time of need. Commented on the possibility of loosing their time slots at the fields and she submitted a petition signed by415'players of which one of every two kids were Rosemead Residents; 80 percent of the signatures Mayor Pro Tem Taylor clarified that one of every two kids would mz the new recommendation was to go from 60 percent resident partic resident participation. If the participant of 60 percent requirement is would be going backwards and relinquishing the city's control from allowing other cities to use our facilities, it's offsetting what4e:.can clarify how many Rosemead residents participated. and asked regal the RYA. Ms. Tuyin stated that the participation was at 80 percent (Rosemead them that the City would donate $15,000. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor requested that this issue would go through the properrst6$;i~", Velia Navarro - stated4ha previous Mayor Tran and F Navarro explained.that the hotel purchase; harassmer Mayor,Pro`Tem Taylor clarified Council Member Low. Also, inq the company hired.by Tran, Nu t 50 percent.`Mr. Taylor stated that on down t6,25-percent required down to 25 percent, he felt that t we do with Rosemead, if by ~>Mr. Taylor asked Ms.-Tuyin to a'lt &promise Mr. Tran had made to that Mr. Tran promised for further discussion so that it Low had ekpessed appreciation and was advocating for the Tem Nunez on a flyer called "Rosemead Happening". Ms. iformed,of;aII that is happening in Rosemead, such as the lion related issues. i'letter sent out by the City; it was a private letter sent by postage permit which is used for campaign literature from Chuck Lyons _as'ked'that the speakers of the lobby be turned on and possibly add a white board for presentations on the wall. Mr, Ltjons thanked city employee Chris Marcarello and John Scott for attending to some concerns which needed attention. He expressed concern regarding hearing about a basketball team that had been kicked out for not having paid $4,000 dollars in fees while using a facility. Stated that no youth team should have to pay more than $500 dollars in fees, unless they are a major cost to the city Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 4 of 15 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL Item 6B was moved from agenda sequence for discussion and consideration. B. Amendment of Park/Sport Facility Use Policy At its regular meeting on December 16, 2008, City Council approved a revision of policies and fees for use of Rosemead Park and Pool, Garvey Park and Pool, and the Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex. The policies, which took effect January 1, 2009, distinguished between non-profit, resident, and.non-residents users, revised rules.and regulations, fee schedules, and cancellation policy, and outlined maintenance responsibilities for regular users. Mayor Margaret Clark has requested, a review of a portion of the policy out of concern that it may negatively impact some/non-profit groups serving Rosemead youth. In defining user groups, the policy,mandated non-profit groups prove their services are "of significant direct benefit to the, community or a significant portion of its residents and is open to the public and incompliance with'` non-discrimination laws." The residency requirement was established at 60% of,participants. This may preclude some non-profit youth sports organizations from a user; fee exemption and limit their access to City facilities. Thus, it is recommended that this policy be amended to read: "Non-profit groups must•provi&e verification of'current 501(c)(3) status and a participant roster demonstrating that'one'in- every four participants resides in Rosemead. They must also prove that their services are of significant:direct benefit to the community and are not provided by the City or otheragency currently serving Rosemead youth. Services must be accessible to the general putilic, and in compliance with non-discrimination laws." Furthe . rjo manage the high volume of use of Rosemead sports facilities, a field allocation committee will-be created in the near future. The committee will be comprised of City staff and one' representative from each non-profit youth sports organization serving the "community."The,committee will meet two to four times annually to create a master calendar, of field use: Priority will be given to these organizations with the balance of availability awarded'on a first-come-first-served basis. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the proposed amendment to the Park/Sports Facility policy. Mayor Clark asked.if the new policy waived fees for non-profit organizations and stated that assuming they had 25 percent participation from Rosemead residents,:could the city accommodate those that have been using the fields: Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott explained that the cost that is levied to non-profit organizations was the $11 an hour that required direct staff supervision. Mayor Clark asked what the total would be for an entire season. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 5 of 15 Mr. Montgomery-Scott replied it would depend; for example two groups have been using a facility approximately 25 hours per week, which calculates to $261 per week. Mayor Clark inquired about the fees from the prior policy. Mr. Montgomery-Scott replied the city was not charging before. Mayor Clark stated she would rather waive the fees for youth to use the facility and make cuts somewhere else because the kids needed to be given a good program. Council Member Low asked if the waived fees included the hourly staff Mayor Clark replied yes. Council Member Low agreed with Mayor Clark about w< organization would be the only organization affected by. policy affect only one organization. She added she at the AYSO va see the Mr. Montgomery-Scott stated that for example if the AYSO N be staff supervision because no group has keys to any of the be charged. facility there'would have to re an $11 an hour fee would Council Member Low suggested to grandfather ih`AYSO,and;let them use thefacilities for free but keep the residency rate at 60% for other organizations to let them use th"~e facilitie~syfor free. Mayor Clark asked what about the gym,use. Mr. Montgomery-Scott clarif d the policy distinguished three; groups, the non-profit organizations, resident group, and the non-resident group. The only cost that had;been levied before was the direct staff X _7 supervision at $1~1-and•hour. The.presctiools; communi ty centers, and the pools, no keys are issued, therefore reauiirina direct staff supervision. Low stated the $11 an fiourfoir staff was reasonable and not a lot. Mayor Clark stated'that up to January of the current year no staffing fees had been charged. Mr. Montgomery-Scoltexplainedthat prior to January the organizations using the facilities had keys. There was an incident recently whe`r'e staff found someone using the gym at mid-night, unsupervised, and without anyone's permission; as a'='r'esult staff changed all key locks and alarm codes. Interim City Manager Stewart explained that if the organizations did not have a key to open the gym, theatrically they would require a staff member to be there to open the gym, supervise, and close the gym Mayor Clark stated they were going to a "no staff fee policy" and asked if grandfathering one group was legal. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 6 of 15 City Attorney Montes replied that he was not sure what would be the rationale for distinguishing what groups get grandfathered in and who has used the facilities and not others. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked if the incident with the basketball team using the gym till mid night and having a key to go in to the gym had anything to do with what Mr. Lyons said earlier. Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded that Mr. Lyons was referring to the Running Rebels in general; they came four months ago to request the use of a facility and were asked to bring their paperwork and till this day staff has not received anything from them. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated that he supported the 60% residency but reference a'section"of the amendment that states, "To manage the high volume of use of Rosemead sport facility, a field allocation committee will be created comprising of a Rosemead staff and one membepf;e'ach non-profit organization". Mr. Taylor commented that by cutting back the percentage o b' rticipation use will create havoc because more non-resident use will increase; although, fees could:bee'aived to help4he organizations use the facilities for youth programs.. Council Member Ly stated that 25% is still a high number for participation. The Parks and Recreation/ department receives about $400,000 in revenue and spends about 1Nmiiltion approximated we loose 98% of revenue generated. The Parks and Recreation department is very important to the community, residents and it serves many youth. Mr. Ly asked if there woulfte an increase in participation from people by amending the policy. Mr. Montgomery-Scott stated that historically there were'four youth organizationsdr Rosemead. We had users who would come as far as Los Angeles and ,Glendora;and;it'is possiblbmore organizations may come to use Rosemead facilities because many cities are implementing policies to generate more revenues. F 'a \X Hugo Corroa - Regional Con regions by city and they-represent had promised to donate money.,A possible. AYSOJf 68ing relies ona and serves about`800 kids. AYSO represented,aboot 1,8% of Rosem to increase their rea stra tons. Desiree Tuven - commented previous RYA board stole frog they wanted to make it for the 0-explained that one of the things they do is charter their id-Sane Gabriel%Mr. Corroa stated that the previous Mayor open to-anyone; our goal is to register as many kids as )s, sponsorships and fundraisers; AYSO budget is $42,000 •grant scholarships to participants and so far has Mr: Corroa also, spoke about their involvement in schools ;were not asking for a hangout even though three members of their 3nization and they are not in good condition. Ms. Tuyen added that it was all about the kids. Chuck Lyons - asked how many groups are affect by this new amendment. Mr. Montgomery-Scott replied that the primary groups in Rosemead are the Rosemead Rebels, Running Rebesl, AYSO, and the RYA. Out of the four groups, only one group acknowledges the inability to meet the 60% requirement, which is AYSO. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 7 of 15 Council Member Ly inquired about the $15,000 that was given to RYA and asked where it came from. Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth replied that staff was working on a policy to address this money. Every year, the city budgets for community contributions and council awards that money to many community groups. Staff is working to make a process where contributions are awarded once year, similar to the Community Development Block Grant process; ttie money itself comes from the general fund. Council Member Ly asked if any groups are in jeopardy of loosing their place to use the fields. Mr. Montgomery-Scott stated that the priority will be given to those organizations with the balance of availability awarded on a first-come-first-served basis. Anything else that is available, that was not given to the organization, will be allocated to other groups. Council Member Armenta commented that Rosemead residents should have priority ove~'the fields. Mayor Clark stated she would like to see the 25% requirement set, waiveth st H'ing fee nlr eat( committee. If any problems arise, then the committee may resolve it within the committee. Council Member Low asked for clarification, the percentage rate wiII'be at25% and waive the fees. Interim City Manager Stewart clarified that the recommendation was to amend`the policy to waive the facility user fees and lower the percent requirement from, 60% to 25%; Council°m`ay,motion to amend staffs recommendation to include and allow the waiving of the hou_yfees. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked that staff bring back on the next meeting what haswbeen"done tonight. Things are not clear yet, as to who is getting what.-„ ' Interim City Manager Stewart replied<that the groups who have the 60% residency rate have no problem, they come in and their fees are-waived\,The issue is the long time use;AYSO, which serves a significant portion of the community, is not at 60%.participation,AYSo requested if there were any relief fees for the use of the facilities; therefore; staff has recomnehdi d a em nding;tfie policy. Chuck Lyons - asked for clarification and thanked"staff for doing a good job with all the organizations. Hugo Corroa - suggested that instead of issuing keys, using combination locks might be more efficient. Mayor Clark pointed out that the amendedlpolicy will allow the set up of a committee. Council Member Ly made a motion; seconded by Mayor Clark, to approve staff recommendation, e.r a• along with the amendment that non profit status groups that meet the minimum threshold of 25% will also have the hourly staff cost of the park/sport .facility use waived. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Ly No: Low, Taylor Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 8 of 15 Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked for the record to show that he and Ms. Low were in 100% agreement with helping the youth but the way the policy read was unclear and incomplete. Mr. Taylor stated that by deferring this item to the next meeting Council could have gotten it cleared up. He stated he was still not sure what groups could come in and meet the requirement and therefore, voted no. 3. PUBLIC HEARING A. Extension of Urgency Ordinance Commercial and Residential Dev On March 24, 2009, pursuan Council enacted Urgency`Inti approval of applications for I' developments for a period of substantial health and safety current zoning'rec development. Du sufficient amount may present if left unr consideration of the a Interim`Ordinance No it the Approval of Mixed-Use ment Code Sectiori,65858, the Rosemead City nce No. 873, which;im`posed a moratorium on the cl,use entitlements for mixed;u'se residential/commercial 5 days ,During the 45 day period, staff has begun to study sues regarding the inconsistencies between the City's recently,adopted General Plan, as they relate to mixed-use concerns, the limited 45 day period has not provided a cress the potential adverse impacts that such developments and Ied-..Therefore such factors warrant the City Council's in of Urge, cy'Interim Ordinance No 874 to extend Urgency for a period of ten (10) months and fifteen (15) days. ition: That'6e.City Council introduce and conduct the first reading (by title Council Ordinance and adopt as an urgency measure pursuant to California ode,Sction 65858(b) Ordinance No. 874 entitled, "An ordinance of the City City of Rosemead, California, extending the Interim Urgency Ordinance dinance No. 873 prohibiting the approval of entitlements for mix-use d residential developments and making findings in support thereof'. read and explained Ordinance No. 873. Juan Nunez ~aommented on the resurfacing of Del Mar Avenue, he stated there was no information given in regard's 6 trees being planted. Mr. Nunez obtained fifteen signatures not wanting any trees and two that did want trees in front of their property. Interim City Manager Stewart explained that once he found out that portion of the project was happening without Council's approval it was stopped. The next step is to bring it back to council formally approve it Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated that the tree project happen in March during the transition period where the previous city manager signed the contract on his own. Council did not know about the trees in Del Mar; however, the city manager had the right to sign purchase orders of up to $25,000 and the cost to plant the trees on Del Mar was $22,000. Mayor Clark opened the public hearing at 9:27 p.m. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 9 of 15 Brian Lewin - opposed to the ten month and fifteen days extension because everything is being put on hold for almost one year and at the end the developer may not be able to do what they initially wanted to do anymore. Recommended shortening the period for maybe six months and not lose interest of developers who may want to come into the city. Mayor Clark asked the city attorney if Council reviews the process before the ten months and lifts the moratorium and finishes the ordinance if that would be okay. 'All City Attorney Montes replied that a moratorium may be rescinded at Principal Planner Bermejo explained that there are several formal applications; they were submitted as preliminary apl entitlements that was submitted prior to October of 2008 to Valley and Rio Hondo. The project never made it to a plani things they needed to work out before coming to a'commis entitlement application; however, they have not been brow( any formal decision. Mayor Clark stated that the moratorium City Attorney Montes explained that government'codi 4?# and there after you can extend one time for ten montl months. Cities do extend fordesserperiods, however guarantee that council would ha've•the~ability to exte`r to have the first one for four,months and fifteen days; twelve months. Council may run the risk of not being are encountered. The period, and ifcouncil i this iave,come in that did not submit re is one project that has Valley Blvd:,'south east corner of on meeting ther`e were still some They have submitted an 'planning commission meeting for 658'states that the initial period is forty-five days rid fifteen days;'and another time for twelve uncil extended it for less period, there is no ere after for the full two year period. If Council was second one probably would not go longer than to extend if they need more time or if problems the letter of the statue and extend it for the exact moratorium can always be repealed. - asked if the;projects will. be'done and completed. Mayor Prc'Tein,Taylor stated thaLthe property Mr. Nunez is referring to explained that the economy is going througl'a financial hardshiptin general. Also, commented that on Mr. Lewin's statements, in which there are three approved projects, a 160 units at Garvey; 40 units at Del Mar and 35 to 40 units on Rosemead and Gue'ssand now that the economic market collapse, there are for lease signs on those properties. Mr. Taylor statied'that they were not hurting any developers by placing a moratorium since there is no open market. He clanfed that they do not have any control over their private development. There being no other speakers Mayor Clark closed the Public Hearing at 9:39 p.m. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Ly, to approve Ordinance No. 874. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 10 of 15 . Council MemberLy stated that he hopes to finish with these issues within the ten months and fifteen days. Council Member Low felt that there is a need for the extension and Council will work together to resolve any issues as soon as possible. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR B. Resolution No. 2009-20 Claims and Demands Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2009-20, for.payment of City expenditures in the amount of $924,044.50 numbered 1002504 through 100289 and 65768 through 65908. C. California JPIA Newly Elected Officials Academy'- Laguna Beach > The California JPIA Newly Elected Officials Academy will,be held on May 3.1,-'June 2, 2009 in Laguna Beach, California. Al ' Recommendation: That the'City Council authorize.the attendance, at City expense, any Council Member, City Attorney, City Manager and staff designee. E. Renewal of General Services Agreement between the City of Rosemead and the County of Los Angeles For City Council's consideration staff has included the renewal of the General Service Agreement between ihe,City of Rosemead and the County of Los Angeles. The agreement will'be in effect from July 1, 20b9'ihrough June 30, 2014. This agreement covers all of the.City's services provided by the County of Los Angeles with the exception of law enforcement and animal'cohtrol which are covered under separate agreements. Recommendation: That the City Council approved agreement and direct the City Clerk to "process the document. , F. Walnut Grove Bridge Repainting Project - Contract Award As part,of theCity's Fiscal Year 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved a project to enhance the aesthetic look of the Walnut Grove Avenue bridge underpass. The project consists of water blasting, sealing and priming all surfaces, followed by applying graffiti-resistant paint to ensure quick and easy removal if surfaces are tagged again in the future. In addition, the project calls for the installation or painting of two large City seals on the bridge walls, north and southbound of Walnut Grove Avenue. The color and logo design will be similar to the Garvey Avenue Bridge. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 11 of 15 Staff sent a Request for Proposal (RFP) to four (4) qualified companies and on February 18, 2009, four (4) proposals were received. Staff carefully reviewed the proposals and is recommending a contract award to the lowest most responsive bidder, CLM Construction Corp. Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with CLM Construction Corp. for the Walnut Grove Bridge Repainting Project in the amount of $22,300. 2. Establish an amount of $2,500 to cover the cost of unforeseen construction expenses. 3. Approve the proposed color painting and City seals. Council Member Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Low, to approve Consent Calendar Items B, C, E, and F. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None A. Minutes February 10, 2009 - Regular Meeting March 10, 2009 - Regular Meeting Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked for the minutes of March 10, 2009 to be deferred to the next meeting Council Member Low inquired about the February 10, 2009 minutes. Mrs. Low asked why the names from Save Our Community officers were in parenthesis if they were not part of the conversation. She asked that the minutes be deferred to the next meeting. Mayor Clark stated that in discussion with Mr. Flournoy and the Council he did mention the names of the Save Our Community officers. Brian Lewin - spoke about the disqualified ballots, in which a friend was disqualified even though his friend is a registered voter. Also, asked for corrections on minutes that his mother name is spelled LaDon. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 12 of 15 D. Residential Roadway Resurfacing Project - Approval of Plans/Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2008-09 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved a program entitled, "Residential Roadway Resurfacing", which consists of asphalt concrete overlay, sidewalk repairs, curb ramp construction, traffic striping, signage installation and traffic signal upgrades on 9 residential streets. Prop~1 B and Gas Tax funds were allocated for this project. Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications for the,Residential RoadwayResurfacing r ,p ♦...dJi Project. 2. Authorize staff to advertise forbids f6rthi.s project. 2. Authorize staff to advertise for bids forthis project. Council Member Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member. Low; to approve the residential Road Way Project plans and specifications. Vote•resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Tayloi No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF, ; A. Annual Action Plan for.Fiscal YearZ09 10 Ori February 10,\2009, the Cit,Council conducted a public hearing on the City's Annual i Action Plan for the period of July 1; 2009 -June 30, 2010. An Annual Action Plan is required by the U.S. Depjartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in order for the•Cityto receive federal funds under the Community Development Block Gran (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) programs. The Annual Action Plan includes the proposed activities,,~esources and expenditures for the CDBG and HOME programs. Four organization, (Family Counseling Services, People for People, Rosemead School District, and Southern California Housing Rights Center) made presentations at the public hearing. Two other organizations, Rosemead High School and Morrison Health Care (Senior Nutrition Provider), submitted a funding request and were scheduled to have a representative present; however, they were unable to attend. A summary of staff-endorsed projects has now been prepared based on the funding request and ongoing CDBG and HOME funded activities Recommendation: That the City Council review and finalized its CDBG and HOME funding recommendations under the City's Annual Action Plan for the Fiscal Year 2009-10. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 13 of 15 Economic Development Administrator Ramirez read and explained the staff report to the City Council. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Low, to approve the recommendations under the City's Annual Action Plan for the Fiscal Year 2009.10. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Scheduling of Interviews for Commissioner y Commission and Traffic Commission-- Planning Commission appointments will need to appointments in July. Presently all.Planning Coi the same time and each commissioner serves a to the in May and Traffic Commission rs are due to be appointed at term. The Traffic Commission currently has staggered terms with'three concluding in July bf,this year. The City Council,has also authorized,the.formaticn'of two Ad Hoc Committees. Veterans Committee and=Youth Committee. The Veterans Committee was authorized in July 2008 via resolution however, there have been no committee appointments as the City has held an ooen`calL.foraoolicatioris. but has only\'received one. The terms of service are identical to that of the C6immissi6n's with,tow year appointments and approval by a majority of the The Youth Committee was authorized by resolution in February 2009 and staff is currently accepting applications. Tfie,membership of the Youth Committee is designated at seven members with five representing individual middlefintermediate or high schools and tow being appointed at-large. Board members must be currently enrolled in a grade between Th and 12th, between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, and a Rosemead resident. Recommendation: That the City Council direct staff to continue accepting applications for both the Planning and Traffic Commission and select a date in May to interview potential Planning Commissioners and June or July for potential Traffic Commissioners Mayor Clark asked staff to look into reviving the sister city committee. Council Member Ly asked if the motion may include implementing staggering of terms for the Planning Commission. City Attorney Montes stated staff would have to revise the resolution or ordinance; however, Council may direct staff to bring back a report at the next meeting. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 14 of 15 Interim City Manager Stewart stated that staff will bring this item back to Council and an ordinance regarding staggering terms for the Planning Commission. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor clarified that two years need to stand alone and asked staff to bring back a report to next meeting. Council Member Lyexplained for clarification that Council will appoint all He.P,lanning Commissioners at the same time; however, two will serve a one year term and the other th ee commissioners will serve a two year term. /t W. Council Member Low made a motion, seconded by Council Member Lj to direct staff to continue accepting applications for both the Planning and Traffic Commission and'bring back a report regarding staggering terms for the Planning Commission. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Council Member Low directed staff to look New Year celebration. Also asked staff to senior citizens. Mayor Pro Tem Council MemberLy and Ad-HogYoutli;( when itwould sli'ut'i N to put -together a list for next year and a Chinese and have more outreach for city organizations available to the residents. pn`distributing applications for the Veterans Committee a report regarding the Cal-Poultry and the status of Council'MemberArmenta announced`thatstudents from the Muscatel Science Olympian team were going to represe`nt,the City of Rosemead and", he State of California in the state of Georgia, where they will be competing\Also, asked staff }to,bring back a report:regarding the funding of the Rosemead Youth Association Juan Nunez - inquifed aliout the new buss passes that are being sold, replacing bus stamps. Mr. Nunez was then referred to.the Director of Parks and Recreation for further information. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:59 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on May 12, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. % ATTEST: Margaret Clark Gloria Molleda, City Clerk Mayor Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2009 Page 15 of 15