TC - Item No. 3A - Traffic Enforcement EffortsROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: AUGUST 6, 2009 SUBJECT: PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW ON TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT EFFORTS Over the past several months, the Traffic Commission has expressed an interest to learn more about the City's Public Safety functions, including parking enforcement, truck travel regulations, and speed enforcement. Provisions related to these topics are included under Title 10 of the Municipal Code- Vehicles and Traffic. A copy of the Code is included in your packet (Attachment 1) for further review. In order to better inform the Commission, a representative from the Public Safety Department will review City regulations on these issues, as well as discuss other ongoing traffic enforcement programs. Thank you. Attachment-Title 10 Rosemead Municipal Code Title 10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Title 10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Chapters: 10.04 Traffic Code Adopted 10.08 Weight Limits and Truck Routes 10.12 Parking 10.16 Speed Limits 10.20 Skateboarding Chapter 10.04 TRAFFIC CODE ADOPTED Sections: 10.04.010 Adoption of code. Page 1 of 10 A. Except as hereinafter provided, Title 15, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Los Angeles County Code as amended and in effect July 1, 1999, is adopted by reference as an ordinance of the city. Said ordinance as so constituted and from time to time amended shall constitute and be referred to as the "Traffic Code of the City of Rosemead." B. One copy of Title 15, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Los Angeles County Code has been deposited in the office of the City Clerk and shall be there maintained by the City Clerk for use and inspection by the public. (Amended during 1999 codification; prior code 3300, 3301) 10.04.020 Definitions. The traffic regulations, adopted by Section 10.04.010, are amended to include the following definitions: "Pedestrian walkway" means an area within a shopping center, shopping district or business district which is closed to vehicular traffic and which is designed for pedestrian travel. "Shopping center' means a group of commercial establishments, planned, developed, owned and managed as a unit, with parking provided on the property. "Shopping district" means a collection of individual stores and other commercial establishments standing on separate lots or parcels along street frontage or clustered in a contiguous area, with or without off-street parking. (Prior code § 3312) 10.04.030 State approval and withdrawal thereof. Whenever the Traffic Code delegates authority to a city officer, or authorizes action by the City Council, to regulate traffic upon a state highway in any way as to which state law requires the prior http://Iibrary2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16591/l/14 8/3/2009 commercial establishments. 10 04 050 Regulations of obstructions at street intersections `Title 10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Page 2 of 10 approval of the Department of Transportation, no such officer shall exercise such authority nor shall such action by the City Council be effective with respect to a state highway without the prior approval in writing of the Department of Transportation in and to the extent required by Division 9 and Division 11 of the Vehicle Code. In the event that such approval is given but subsequently withdrawn, the regulation made by such city officer or the City Council pursuant to such approval, shall cease to be operative six months after receipt by the City Council of written notice of such withdrawal of approval by the Department of Transportation. (Prior code § 3310) 10.04.040 Public enforcement of the California Vehicle Code in certain private roads and parking facilities serving commercial establishments. A. Pursuant to Section 21107.6 of the Vehicle Code of the state of California, the enforcement of traffic regulations as set forth in this code shall be provided on all private roads serving commercial establishments designated in accordance with the provision of this section. B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A of this section, no such enforcement shall occur on any road described herein on which said road has caused to be erected a notice or sign of such size, shape and color as to be readily legible during daylight hours from a distance of one hundred (100) feet, to the effect that the road is privately owned and maintained, and that it is not subject to traffic regulations or control. C. The owners of all private roads designated pursuant to this section shall be required to provide all curb markings, crosswalk striping, signs and such other markings as are necessary to provide notice to the general public that all traffic laws and regulations are enforced on the premises. All such signs, markings and stripings shall be provided in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the Vehicle Code of the state of California and this code. D. The provisions of this section shall apply to, and enforcement of all applicable provisions of the Vehicle Code and this code shall commence at all privately owned commercial establishments hereinafter designated: 1. Universal Square: north of Valley Boulevard between Muscatel and Ivar Avenues; 2. Rosemead Square: bordered by the freeway on the south, Marshall Street on the north, Rosemead Boulevard on the west, and Hart Street on the east; 3. Beach's Market: northeast corner of San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue; 4. Garvey Square: north side of Garvey Avenue between Jackson and Evelyn Avenues; 5. Diamond Square: south of Garvey Avenue between San Gabriel Boulevard and Pine Street; 6. Montebello Town Center: that area of the shopping center within the city of Rosemead. (Amended during 1999 codification; prior code § 3310.1) 10.04.050 Regulations of obstructions at street intersections. A. On property at any corner formed by intersecting streets within the city, it is unlawful to install, set out or maintain, or to allow the installation, setting out or maintenance of, any sign, hedge, shrubbery, natural growth or other interference to the clear and unobstructed view, higher than a reference point three feet above either: http://Iibrary2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16591/l/14 8/3/2009 Title 10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Page 3 of 10 1. The gutter line at curb return at the applicable corner of the intersection; or 2. The nearest pavement surface (where there is no curb); or 3. The existing traveled roadway at the corner in question (where there is no curb or pavement); within that triangular area between the property lines and a diagonal line joining points on the property lines twenty-five (25) feet from the points of their intersection, or in the case of rounded corners, the triangular area between the tangents to the curve and a diagonal line joining points on the tangents twenty-five (25) feet from the point of their intersection. The tangents referred to are those at the beginning and at the end of the curve.at the corner. At any intersection where the property line coincides with or is less than ten feet from and parallel to the roadways. B. The foregoing provision shall not apply to permanent buildings, public utility poles, saplings or trees trimmed (to the trunk) to a line at least six feet above the level of the reference point as defined in subsection A of this section, official warning signs, or to places where the contour of the ground is such that there can be no cross-visibility at the intersection. C. The enforcement of this section shall be under the direction of the City Manager or such other person or officials as may be designated and authorized by the City Council to enforce the provisions hereof as follows: 1. The City Manager shall cause alleged violations of this Traffic Code to be investigated forthwith by the Traffic and Safety Commission. 2. The City Manager shall review the report of such investigation within thirty (30) days and upon recommendation of the Traffic and Safety Commission either authorize the Sheriff to post such notice as is hereinafter set forth and perform such other duties to enforce this Traffic Code as are necessary or shall notify the Sheriff, in writing, that no abatement is necessary. D. The owner of such posted property may appeal de novo to the City Council and show cause why the work should not be done or why the time therefor should be extended. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the City Clerk within ten days from the date of posting notice. The City Council shall hear and pass upon such appeal, and its determination thereon shall be final and conclusive. E. This chapter embraces only obstructions to cross-visibility which unreasonably or substantially interferes with such cross-visibility, in areas covered by this chapter. F. Any obstruction maintained in violation of this section shall be deemed a nuisance, and upon failure to abate the same within twenty (20) days after the posting upon the premises of notice to abate the nuisance, the City Manager or his or her authorized agent may enter upon the premises and remove or eliminate the obstruction. In such event, the cost to the city of the abatement of the nuisance shall be a lien upon the premises provided a claim therefor be filed within the time and in the manner as prescribed in Section 1193.1 of the Code of Civil Procedure of this state. The cost of such abatement shall in addition be a personal obligation against the owner of the premises upon which the nuisance was maintained, recoverable by the city in an action before any court of competent jurisdiction. (Prior code § 3311) Chapter 10.08 WEIGHT LIMITS AND TRUCK ROUTES Sections: http://Iibrary2.municode.com/default-test/DocView,/l6591/1/14 8/3/2009 'Title 10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Page 4 of 10 10.08.010 Maximum gross weight limit. A. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 35701 of the Vehicle Code, no person, corporation or any other organization shall use or operate any commercial vehicle or any vehicle exceeding six thousand (6,000) pounds on or over any street, road or public right-of-way within the city except the following streets which are designated as truck routes: 1. Lower Azusa Road from Rosemead Boulevard to Southern Pacific Railroad right-of- way; 2. Mission Drive from Valley Boulevard to the westerly city boundary; 3. Valley Boulevard from the easterly to the westerly city boundary; 4. Garvey Avenue from the easterly to the westerly city boundary; 5. Temple City Boulevard from the northerly city boundary (Southern Pacific Railroad) to the San Bernardino Freeway; 6. Walnut Grove Avenue from the northerly city boundary (Southern Pacific Railroad) to San Gabriel Boulevard; 7. San Gabriel Boulevard from the Pomona Freeway to Delta Avenue; 8. San Gabriel Boulevard from Hellman Avenue to Potrero Grande Boulevard; 9. Rush Street from San Gabriel Boulevard to Walnut Grove Avenue; 10. Del Mar Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Garvey Avenue. B. The provisions of this section are not applicable with respect to any vehicle which is subject to the provisions of Sections 1031 through 1036 inclusive of the Public Utilities Code. C. This section shall not become effective until signs are erected indicating those streets which are affected by the provisions of this section. D. This section shall not prohibit any commercial vehicle coming from an unrestricted street for egress or ingress by truck route to and from the restricted streets as set forth in this section when necessary for the purpose of making pick-ups or delivery of goods, wares or merchandise from and to any building or street located on any restricted street or for the purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual or bona fide repair, alteration or construction of any building or structure upon a public restricted street for which a building permit has previously been obtained therefore. E. This section shall not apply to any vehicle owned by a public utility while necessarily in use in the construction, installation, or repair of any public utilities. F. The provisions of subsection A of this section shall not apply to any state highway (Prior code § 3305) 10.08.020 Maximum gross weight limit on Rosemead Place, Whitmore Street and Driggs Avenue during certain hours. A. The City Council finds and determines that the use of Rosemead Place, Whitmore Street and Driggs Avenue, during the evening and early morning hours by vehicles having a gross weight in excess of six thousand (6,000) pounds impairs the quiet enjoyment of the residential area fronting on those streets at a time when the residents thereof are most in need of peace and quiet. Therefore, the use of vehicles having a gross weight in excess of six thousand littp://Iibrary2.municode.com/default-test/DoeView/l6591/1/14 8/3/2009 Title 10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Paee 5 of 10 (6,000) pounds on Rosemead Place, Whitmore Street and Driggs Avenue during the evening and early morning hours is injurious to the health and welfare of the residents of said streets. B. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 35701 of the Vehicle Code, no person, corporation or any other organization shall use or operate any commercial vehicle or any vehicle exceeding six thousand (6,000) pounds on or over Rosemead Place, Whitmore Street, or Driggs Avenue between the hours of nine p.m. and seven a.m. (Prior code § 3305.1) Chapter 10.12 PARKING Sections: 10.12.010 Safe place defined. As used in this chapter, the words "safe place" include, but are not confined to, any garage, parking lot or open space, owned by, maintained by, or under the jurisdiction of the county of Los Angeles, and also every privately owned garage, the owner or,proprietor of which will accept such vehicles. (Prior code § 3303) 10.12.020 Removal of parked vehicles. The Sheriff shall remove to a safe place every vehicle which has been parked or left standing upon a highway for one hundred twenty (120) or more consecutive hours. (Prior code § 3302) 10.12.030 Official traffic markings, stop signs and traffic signs. All traffic markings, stop signs and traffic signs which are existing in the city on the date of incorporation thereof, which were erected and placed by the officers and officials of the county of Los' Angeles, are declared to be the official traffic signs and regulations of the city, and all matters pertaining thereto are hereby ratified and confirmed by the City Council. (Prior code § 3304) 10.12.040 Parking prohibited at all times. http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16591/1/14 8/3/2009 10 12 130 Parking of vehicles for sale in residential areas 10.12.140 Display of signs on vehicles. Title 10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Paee 6 of 10 When signs are erected giving notice thereof no person shall park at any time a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets within the city, hereinafter designated: A. The west side of Rosemead Boulevard between the end of the curb return at Glendon Way and the first driveway north thereof and distant approximately 48- 1/2 feet, B. The west side of Temple City Boulevard from a point 1100 feet north of the curb return at Valley Boulevard, north to the city limits; C. The west side of Ivar Avenue between the north curb line of Valley Boulevard and a point 187 feet north of said north curb line; D. The east side of Ivar Avenue between the north curb line of Valley Boulevard and a point 25 feet north of said north curb line; E. The north side of East Glendon Way between the east curb line of Rosemead Boulevard and the northerly prolongation of the center line of the access ramp to the San Bernardino Freeway; . F. The east side of Rosemead Boulevard between the north curb line of East Glendon Way and a point 120 feet northerly thereof; G. The west side of Rio Hondo Avenue between the north curb return of Valley Boulevard and a point 36 feet northerly thereof; H. The east side of Rosemead Boulevard between the south end of the curb return from Steele Street and a point 40 feet southerly thereof; 1. The east side of Rio Hondo Avenue between the south end of the curb return from Valley Boulevard and a point 40 feet southerly thereof; J. The west side of Rio Hondo Avenue between the south end of the curb return from Valley Boulevard and a point 30 feet southerly thereof; K. The east and west sides of Temple City Boulevard between the north end of the curb return from Valley Boulevard and a point 200 feet northerly thereof; L. The east side of Rio Hondo Avenue between the north end of the curb return from Valley Boulevard and a point 30 feet northerly thereof; M. The east side of Hart Street between the south end of the curb return from Valley Boulevard and a point 30 feet southerly thereof; N. The north side of Steele Street between the east end of the curb return from Rosemead Boulevard and a point 200 feet easterly thereof; 0. The east side of Ramona Boulevard between the south end of the curb return from Glendon Way and a point 25 feet southerly thereof; P. The west side of Ramona Boulevard from the south end of the curb return southerly of Glendon Way for a distance of 300 feet to the beginning of the curve, thence along such curve southerly and easterly a distance of 150 feet, thence easterly on the south side of Ramona Boulevard for a distance of 150 feet; Q. The south side of Glendon Way between the east curb return of the San Bernardino Freeway of4ramp and the westerly curb return of Ramona Boulevard; R. The north side and the south side of Valley Boulevard between Ivar Avenue and Muscatel Avenue. (Prior code § 3306) http://Iibrary2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/l6591/1/14 8/3/2009 Title 10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Page 7 of 10 10.12.050 Overnight parking prohibited in posted city park parking lots. When signs are posted giving notice thereof, no vehicle shall be parked or permitted to remain in city park parking lots between the hours of eleven p.m. and six a.m. (Ord. 770 § 2, 1996: prior code § 3306.5) 10.12.060 Two-hour parking. The streets or portions of streets specified in this section are designated for two-hour parking during the hours of nine a.m. to six p.m. on any day other than Sundays or holidays and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, no vehicle shall be parked and permitted to remain within the designated area for a period of time longer than two hours, except as above stated. When appropriate markings have been installed by the City Traffic Engineer delineating spaces for pair parking parallel and adjacent to the curbs of such streets or portions of streets, vehicles shall be parked within the spaces so delineated: A. Both sides of Rosemead Boulevard between Mission Drive and Steele Street; B. Both sides of Valley Boulevard at all locations between the easterly and westerly city limits, except the north side of Valley Boulevard between Loma Avenue and Mission Drive. C. The north side of Bentel Avenue between the curb return of Rosemead Boulevard and a point 47 feet east thereof. (Prior code § 3307) 10.12.070 Twenty-minute parking. The streets or portions of streets specified in this section are designated for twenty (20) minute parking and when signs are erected and the curb painted green giving notice thereof, no vehicle shall be parked and permitted to remain within the designated area for a period of time longer than twenty (20) minutes: The south side of Bentel Avenue between the curb return at Rosemead Boulevard and a point 47 feet east thereof. (Prior code § 3308) 10.12.080 Twelve-minute parking. The streets or portions of street specified in this section are designated for twelve (12) minute parking during the hours of nine a.m. to six p.m. on any day other than Sundays or holidays and when signs are erected and the curb painted green giving notice thereof, no vehicle shall be parked and permitted to remain within the designated area for a period of time longer than twelve (12) minutes: The north side of Valley Boulevard from a point 100 feet easterly of the east curb line of Muscatel Avenue to a point 162 feet easterly thereof (said area shall be appropriately marked with paint for individual parking stalls). (Prior code § 3308.1) 10.12.090 Parking off roadway. http://Iibrary2.municode.com/defaWt-test/DocView/16591/1/14 8/3/2009 Title 10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Page 8 of 10 Upon any highway in the city no. person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon the roadway when it is practicable to stop, park or leave the vehicle off such portion of the highway, but in every event an unobstructed width of the highway opposite a standing vehicle shall be left for the free passage of other vehicles and a clear view of the stopped vehicle shall be available from a distance of two hundred (200) feet in each direction upon the highway. This section shall not apply upon a highway where the roadway is bounded by adjacent curbs, or to the driver of any vehicle which is disabled in such a manner and to such extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping and temporarily leaving the disabled vehicle on the roadway. (Prior code § 3309) 10.12.100 Parking of wide vehicles prohibited on designated streets. A. Whenever the City Council, upon recommendation of the Traffic Commission, determines that traffic safety requires the prohibition of the parking of wide vehicles, no person shall park or leave standing any vehicle having a maximum width in excess of eighty (80) inches upon any street, except when necessary for the purpose of making pickups and deliveries of goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building or structure fronting upon any street, or for the delivery of building materials to a building site fronting on any street, only while actual loading or unloading operations are in progress. B. Any vehicle found in violation of this section may be cited and/or removed from the public street. If removed, the vehicle shall be stored until such time as it is claimed by the registered owner. The cost of removal and storage shall be borne by the registered owner. C. The provisions of this section shall not apply to: (1) passenger buses under the jurisdiction of either the California Public Utilities Commission or federal regulatory authority; or (2) to any vehicle owned by a public utility while necessarily in use of the construction, installation or repair of any public utility. D. Penalty. Violation of this section shall be punishable as an infraction with a fine not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). (Prior code § 3313) 10.12.110 Parking of motor vehicles in front yard areas. No person shall park any motor vehicle or any component thereof, for any purpose, in any front yard area on any lot, except in driveway areas. This prohibition shall be suspended from six p.m. on the day of the week preceding the day designated for street sweeping on the side of the street adjacent to the residence until seven-thirty p.m. on the street sweeping day. (Prior code § 3313.1) 10.12.120 Parking vehicles for sale or rent. No person shall park or place any vehicle on any public street for the purpose of offering that vehicle for sale, lease or rent in any portion of the city zoned for commercial and manufacturing uses. (Prior code § 3314) 10.12.130 Parking of vehicles for sale in residential areas. http://Iibrary2.municode.coin/default-test/DocView/16591/l /14 8/3/2009 Title 10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Page 9 of 10 One vehicle may be parked on a public street for thirty (30) days subject to all other parking restrictions for such street. The vehicle must be registered to the occupant living at the address where a particular vehicle is placed for sale. The vehicle may only be parked on the street that fronts the address listed on the vehicle registration. (Prior code § 3315) 10.12.140 Display of signs on vehicles. No person shall place or park a vehicle which displays more than one sign advertising that the vehicle is for sale, lease or rent on any public street. No sign permitted by this section shall be larger that twelve (12) inches by twenty (20) inches in size, nor shall any sign be placed on the exterior of the vehicle. Section 15.64.340 of the Los Angeles County Traffic Ordinance, as adopted by Section 10.04.010, is repealed. (Prior code § 3316) Chapter 10.16 SPEED LIMITS Sections: 10 16 010 Modified speed limit for Rosemead Boulevard 10 16 020 Modified speed limit for other streets 10 16 030 Unmodified speed limits. 10.16.010 Modified speed limit for Rosemead Boulevard. Based on the engineering and traffic survey completed by Willdan Engineering for Rosemead Boulevard (State Route 19) in 2007 and transmitted to the city on September 29, 2008, the speed limits for those portions of Rosemead Boulevard are set to conform to the recommendations made in the Willdan survey, a copy of which is attached as codified in this chapter as Attachment "A". (Ord. 869 § 1, 2008) 10.16.020 Modified speed limit for other streets. Based on the engineering and traffic survey completed by the city in 2006 and adopted by the City Council on March 20, 2006, the speed limits for various streets and highways in the city are set to conform to the recommendations made in. the city survey, a copy of which is attached as codified in this chapter as Attachment "B." (Ord. 869 § 2, 2008) 10.16.030 Unmodified speed limits. With respect to any speed limit for any street or highway in the city not modified by Section 10.16.010 or 10.16.020, the speed limit in effect prior to the adoption of this chapter shall remain in effect. (Ord. 869 § 3, 2008) http://library2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16591/l/14 8/3/2009 Title 10 VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Page 10 of 10 Chapter 10.20 SKATEBOARDING Sections: 10 20 010 Prohibited in designated areas--Unsafe skateboarding prohibited at all times 10 20 020 Skateboard ramps prohibited in right-of-way. 10.20.010 Prohibited in designated areas--Unsafe skateboarding prohibited at all times. A. No person shall operate or use any skateboard on a street, sidewalk, pedestrian walkway, or parking area within a shopping center, shopping district, or business district. No person shall operate or use any skateboard in the parking areas or pedestrian walkways at Rosemead City Hall, the public library or Community Center. B. No person shall operate or use any skateboard, except in a reasonable and prudent manner. C. Violation of this section is deemed to be an infraction and is punishable as such according to the provisions of this code and state law. (Prior code § 3317) 10.20.020 Skateboard ramps prohibited in right-of-way. No person shall, for the purpose of creating or utilizing a skateboard track or ramp apparatus in any city street, roadway or sidewalk. Violation of this section is deemed to be an infraction and is punishable as such according to the provisions of this code and state law. (Prior code § 3318) http://Iibrary2.municode.com/default-test/DocView/16591/1/14 8/3/2009