CC - Item 3A - Special Minutes 08-05-09Minutes of the SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 5, 2009 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 5:15 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Conference Room located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Taylor,,Co cil Members Armenia, Ly f Council Member Low was not present during roll call. A OFFICERS ABSENT: None , OFFICIALS PRESENT: City Manager Allred, Assistant City TManagertHawkesworth Community. Development Director Saeki, Director of Parks & Recreation,,Montgom4y-Scott , Director of; Finance, Director of Public Works Marcarello, Public Information Manager Flores and City Clerk Molleda 1. PUBLIC COMMENT 2. STRATEGIC WORKSHOP The City Council will review and discus's,reseafch datarorr;66mmunity perceptions of Rosemead. This information will be instrumental in thedevelopment of a strategic plan for the City over the next several months. City Manager Allred introduced,ChristihWjHarper, presidentof Brand Endeavor, who has worked with private and publi ,agencies City, Manager Allred explained the workshop was about obtaining perceptions of the community and,helpoounel formulate a strategic plan and develop a guided effort for council, commissions, and staff for,the~calendar years 2010 and 2011. This will enable everyone to be on the same 41 page,em atldressing critical challenges and' pportunities faced in the community. Mayor Clark a pounced that Council Member Low had arrived andjoined the meeting at 5:16 p.m. City Manager Allre6ex'plained ttie six step process, which included an initial workshop to review the survey data of perceptions withiin the city. Second, to conduct a one half day workshop in September and conduct a SWOT Analysis which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Third, a second one half day workshop in October to discuss the mission, vision, and core values statements. Fourth, council would review a rough draft at a regular meeting in November. Fifth, the draft strategic plan document would be forwarded to the commissions. and committee members to get their input and feedback. And sixth, in December or January the council can then adopt a strategic plan for the next calendar years which would provide the strategy and direction for council, commissions, and staff. Rosemead City Council Special Meeting (t Minutes of August S, 2009 TEM NO 3T~ Page 1 of3 I Christine Harper presented to Council the methodology of the survey taken, the fundamentals of branding, and the overall perception of the City of Rosemead. First, Ms. Harper explained that surveys are needed to send a clear message that the community can support and rally behind. The methodology is being formed for the basis of a strategic plan, where community perceptions can be understood and development of an action plan can be delivered on its promise and communication. Residents, business owners and educators were interviewed in order to draft the survey; an online survey was then drafted and presented to the "core team" made up of staff over seeing the project. The online survey included adults who lived and worked in the City of Rosemead, as well as, surrounding areas. The mailings of the survey also took place in four primary languages, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish. There were a total of 722 people who completed interviews, which consisted of 343 Chinese, 184 Caucasian 159 Latino and 36 others. Mayor Clark asked if the online panels were dealt through email Christine Harper explained that the targeted people in the panel`ha survey that met certain criteria and got an email inviting them'' to parti companies recruit people to sing up and if you take a survey you get redeem them somewhere. Ms. Harper continued with her presentatic branding in which an organization makes a promise to its stakeholde brand promise that is emotional, undifferentiating and needs to betre Juan Nunez asked if the survey was based live in than Rosemead. Mayor Clark asked if the Ms. Harper responded,yes bars represent people neic perceived as a convenient on the ned up to'take,F e. It is a busine ain amount of pi d explained the in a research node) where > ana you can iceot of Thee are three components to a ant and meaningful to stakeholders. are more desirable to Rosemead fesidents. :s represent the red bars on the presentation and the orange Ms. Harl3&proceeded by stating that Rosemead was being town, however not unique in anyway. in Rosemead for many years. Ms. Harper'stated that Rosemead residentsiperceived the city as a good place to live, safe, and as a long term place to live in. Also, commented onrp'ossible ways to view Rosemead, as an aspiring small town, diverse, and traditional, a feeling of true neighborhood. City Manager Allreclarified that the Strategic Plari would help as a foundation for planning zoning issues or the General Plan. It las:implications for public safety and the city's law enforcement services. It could impact plans for public safety services, as well as, Parks and Recreation, Public Works infrastructure, it has implications on how the City may concentrate on capital improvement programs. This will get everyone on the same page in addressing critical challenges facing the community. Council Member Ly stated that the plan is using an existing road map which is perception of Rosemead as a small town and how the City can build on that idea to improve services. such Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes gfAugust 5, 2009 Page 2 of 3 City Manager Allred reiterated on the six step process and stated that by identifying key strategic objectives goals may be set for each department. Council Member Armenta stated it was important that everyone was on the same page and departments know why they are here and what direction to go. Council Member Ly requested that any future meetings be held in the City Hall Chamber for better access for residents who wish to view a meeting online and asked that school districts in the city be invited to the workshops. f A^ City Manager Allred stated that Ms. Harper had contacted the school Mayor Clark asked if the Commissions should be invited to the City Manager Allred stated that commission and con community in hand; however, council has a judiciary workshop should include council first. ars have the best i6terest in the A Sx^+: j as elected officials, thetef\ ore th 3. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. The next August 11, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. to take place on Margaret Clark Mayor A Gloria Molleda City Clerk Rosemead City Council Special Meeting Minutes of August S, 2009 Page 3 of 3