CC - Item 3A - Minutes 07-14-09Minutes of the REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 14, 2009 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:05 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Low INVOCATION: Council Member Ly PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Taylor, Council Member Armenta, Council Member Low, and Council Member Ly. OFFICIALS PRESENT: City Manager Allred, Assistant City,Manager Hawkesworth, Cit' Itorney Montes, Community Development Director Saeki, Director of Finance Brisco, Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Administrator Ramirez, Deputy.Public Works Director Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda.., 1. PRESENTATIONS • Plaques of Appreciation to Former The City 2. Duc Loi l' - 1997= Diana Herrera ; 200112 Darrell Kelly G" 2003-2 \ t Council presented plaq'ues,of" 3LIC COMMENT FROM THE A "Experience public on co park. e_ Planning Commissioners. iers and Mountains Conservancy invited the City Council to attend the t to be held August 1, 2009. The event will focus on feedback from the aster plan for recreation activities, restoration and communication of the Gabriel Vicario - congratulated staff for a wonderful 4m of July event; however, was concerned with trash not being maintained and how the VIP section was rarely used and residents were in need of more space. Mayor Clark stated that item 58 was going to be postponed to the following meeting scheduled for July 28, 2009. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2009 M NO, Page 1 of 15 3. PUBLIC HEARING A. Municipal Code Amendment 09.01 Amending Density Requirements in the R-1 Zone and Conditional Use Permit Requirements in the R-1 and R-2 zones This is a City initiated amendment to the R-1 (Single Family Residential) zone that would permit one dwelling unit per 6,000 square feet of lot area, with a.minimum distance of 20 feet between dwellings. It would also require a Conditional Use Permit(CUP) for any dwelling unit development with a total living area equal to or exceeding 2,500 square feet in the R-1 and R-2 (Light Multiple Residential) zones. Xr'" Recommendation: That the City Council m from additional environmental documentatie and CEQA Guidelines sections 15162,151E for first reading, approving Municipal Code i Ordinance with respect to regulations gover the R-1 zone and Conditional Use Permit re the determination that,the project is exempt urssuant to Public Resources Code 21083.3 and 15183, and introduce,Ordinance No. 876 endment;09-01, modifying the Zoning g'density'an'd distance betweeri buildings in cements in the R-1 and R-2 zones. Community Development Director Saeki and Mayor Clark opened the Public Hearing at 7:18 Planner the staff report. Jim Flournoy - announced that there will be a public~he'aring at South El Monte High School on the discovery center project which will'also affect Rosemead. Also, Mr. Flournoy felt that the ordinance was a good ordinance and was'not sure if his dwellings would'be grandfathered in even though it was county permitted structures. Don Ragano= expressed support of the ordinance .because the old ordinance was not practical. Gary George -stated thk he had built in his property in the past and asked if what was already build cound be grandfathered in. . Marv Louise Ar`ellano - stated that she had just built a back house and was not sure how the new ordinance was going to affect;her.property. Asked why building permits were issued to build in,the first place. Mayor Clark explained that`a'former council majority passed an ordinance that would not allow a second house on a lot. In order to'have two houses, each house would need to have 6,000 square feet. It was not properly explained to theprevious council and was not aware that the right to build a second house was being taken away. Mayor Clark clarified that she had voted against the ordinance for different reasons and commended Mr. Ragano for bringing it to her attention, due to it affecting his property that is legal non- conforming; because of this he could not sell his property. Mayor Clark added that she went to city hall and felt that it should be change to allow residents to build if their property is large enough; new ordinance will affect 391 parcels. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes ofJuly 14, 2009 Page 2 of I5 Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked staff to provide a copy of the letter dated July 2, 2009, which was sent to property owners that were being affected by the ordinance. Pedro Montenegro - thanked council for notifying residents of the new ordinance affecting their property and asked why they were not notified in 2007 when the old ordinance was changed. Mayor Clark explained that when it went to the Planning. Commission there was a blurb about what was happening; however, when the report was presented to City Council, it was not properly presented to them. Mayor Clark closed the Public Hearing at 7:27 p.m,- Council Member Ly stated that the report was presented to the current Planning, Commission and they were in favor to restore the rights for property owners. t Mayor Clark asked staff to explain the requirements regarding 20 feet between houses.`'.''-, 1\ ~y Principal Planner Bermejo clarified that any new erected dwell gwould'h veto be in compliance. Council Member Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Armenta, to introduce Ordinance No. 876 for first reading. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor >%'f No: None Abstain: None- Absent: None 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL r ~>''f A. Center-Based Senibr and Youth Programs - At its regular meeting on June'23 d, as part of the 2009-10 Fiscal Year Budget process, City '.Council authorized changes in center-based programs with the following results: t 1:, Consolidate all primarily senior services (including the lunch program, special events \and activities, excursions, clubs, and city-run and El Monte-Rosemead Adult School classes) at the Garvey Center to produce a cost savings of $22,000, and 2. Establish enhanced youth and teen programs and activities at the Rosemead Community Recreation Center using existing resources. These program changes were scheduled to take effect on September 7, 2009. The Fall implementation date was established to allow the Parks and Recreation Department time to communicate forthcoming changes to center users and mitigate any expressed concerns. However, at a Special Meeting on July 30th, City Council directed staff to provide details Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2009 Page 3 of 15 concerning all center-based programs, participation levels, and fee and revenue data to assist in providing direction for the future operation of these programs. In the event that City Council determines not to move forward with the consolidation of all senior programs at the Garvey Center, the resulting $22,000 funding shortfall can be covered by transferring funds from the Community Organization program budget to the Senior program budget. Recommendation: That the City Council direct staff in center-based senior and youth programs. Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott reviewed the Council MemberArmenta stated that predominantly all senicgrogri students are at school during the day time, seniors are able'to'be at 11, W, asked if there would be a conflict of time and usage at the'communi programs. \ Z Director of Parks and Recreation MontgomeryLLScoft stated that the i would not be able to grow much and the summer drop-in program a Council Member Low asked what current youth community center. operations of end at about` community CE inter now that When youth is space limitations. Day camp bout 60 kids a day that attend. the school year at the Director of Parks and Recreatioh'Montgomery-Scott stated that currently the largely programs are on school sites and held afterschoolr programs; ay the community center there are only special interest classes and two teen socials that werWt a d.iastfscal year for the youth. '1 y Mayor Pro Tem-Taylor reiterated that'schools offeryouth"programs and stated that if the city wants to offer the programs at the centers then there could be a conflict due to the students needing transportation to the community center or the city would need,to;furnish transportation. Mr. Taylor stated he would hate to see Rosemead'sacrifce its senioprograms andmovinq them at one location; it did not seem fair to the residents. The intent wa should probal and stated he make it more support Mayor Clark clarified efficient but $22,000 dollars is not worth making all those changes. There s time slots for afternoon programs for the youth to attend. He continued proposal in relocating the senior programs to the Garvey Center. voted against it when it was presented along with the budget. Alice Ward - stated the senior programs should stay at the Rosemead Community Center. Also, expressed concern with Dial-A Ride; not having enough space and added it was not fair to the residents. Ms. Ward reiterated that the seniors do not want to be moved to the Garvey Community Center. Frank Chavez was shocked to hear the programs were going to move to another center. Mr. Chavez stated that many seniors find it convenient to go to the Rosemead Community Center rather than Garvey Center. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2009 Page 4 of 15 Jean Hall - congratulated staff for the 4th of July celebration. Ms. Hall reiterated on Mr. Taylor's statement regarding the consolidation of the senior programs and started to paraphrase part of an article printed in the Tribune which mentions senior programs were going to get cut in order to save money. Ms. Hall truly objected to the reference of Garvey Center as being a horrible place; she stated that Garvey Center is a modem building with new equipment and amenities are the same. She expressed we should all try to accomplish something agreeable. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor asked for a copy of the article Ms. Hall referenced. Mayor Clark clarified that no one objects to the Garvey Center, as a r other cities for meetings like the center. The Garvey Center is not the moved around. Anna Bedoy - representative of the senior Pan-American Club.of Ros feelings of discontent. Ms. Bedoy stated there were two issues she wal inconvenience of moving from one center to another and second, the tr hardship because currently they walk to the Rosemead Center % Gina C. Levy - read a request made by her sister Theresa Schehenlie firmly approved by the city council was going to affect the seniors at the some of the activities that are being offered by the cliff s enhanced the Back in November of 2008, seniors were told thaflthe move,was,to con were told that there was going to be more activities"that woujd'bring;mc programs would require welfare of the senior citi. She William Matzen -stated activities not be moved to would be ah issue for maxi best interest of the people; want to renf4,rooms. Linda Ward - spoke`hig from the classes, lunches location for ease to the lil residents who attend the establishments. people that come from le do not want to get and to address. First; the Dortation for some+o oe ole will be a which stated that the plan that was nter. The letter went on stating that ility.,of ocial life of their members. date some programs. Later seniors 41 -evenues, and that the new uate the plan, and foresee the used the center and attend many classes. Asked that "X Ibe,club Latinos Unidos of Rosemead, reiterated that transportation iembe\rs:if they.were relocated to the Garvey Center. If it would be the is willing>to cut down the dances to free up more time for people who t the Rosemead Community Center and stated that many seniors benefited ps being offered at the center. For many who do not drive this is a central st office, bank, pharmacy, and restaurants. Ms. Ward also added that non do provide revenue because they shop and eat in City facilities and Mayor Pro Tern Taylor asked for clarification on a comment made by Ms. Elizandro regarding cutting back dances held by the clubs. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2009 Page 5of15 Ms. Elizandro - stated that Latinos Americanos have three dances a year, Latinos Unidos has six dances a year; however, if the council does not move the classes the club is willing to cut back on their dances and free some Saturdays for the center to be used otherwise. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor reiterated that the reason he asked was because there are no Saturdays listed for the Rosemead Senior Clubs. He also clarified that classes are being offered Mondays through Fridays at both centers and nothing is scheduled for Saturdays and they do not seem overloaded. Council Member Ly explained that the time blocked out was for various President of Latinos Unidos - spoke briefly in support of the clubs Center. Alice Koenke - stated that the seniors of the Rosemead Community Center; however there is concern that b consolidating both centers, added that teenagers, during summer time, were there4buf diring the Loretta Olea - thanked staff for their research and thanked Mr. TE Stated everyone else who had spoken had stated what she wante, she enjoys both centers and thanked Council once yagain for really offered. Rosemead Community rater are welcomed to the Garvey Garvey Centel will betooAbusy. She cool year they are not`at:the center, r looking into all the different areas. y and more. Ms. Olea added that 'chng the problem. Elvira Liggins - stated that her mother attends the Roseinead•Community Center. She added that taking it away, many seniors will not have easy access andmost do'not have'transportation. Rosemead Center is their social life and that is all they have. Ms. Ligginslapp~eciated thaher/daughter also attended the center and hopes that council w✓~.recorisider. Chester Jung reiterated'on a last comment he made on previous meeting and commended the Sheriffs Department for assisting him on:the issues with.the youth;irespassing to his backyard. Mr. Jung asked that. there be an effort:iwhaving both theyyoutti centeca'nd the senior center operate together. Also, asked if the Sheriff Department can monitor the center while it is not operating because he had just found more trash in his pool?"' Mayor PrdITe"m,Taylor asked Mr. Jung whaf time he found the trash in his pool. Mr. Jun - replied that it was a quarter to six in the evening, when he went to his backyard. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor'stated.he was concerned about the time so that he can figure out if it's happening in the morning or in the evening; to determine when the youth is in the recreation area. Council Member Ly stated that Ms. Mary Allen Dundas passed out a letter on behalf of Sharon Esquivel who also sent another letter to Council. Mr. Ly stated that staff was trying to come to a compromise about the issue; the goal of the city staff and the city council is to consolidate the programs for efficiency and the second goal was to get us away from the idea that we are a two city motto and just be Rosemead. Also, added that the newspaper Tribune should do a better job about reporting the issue; although the issue is controversial, Council is not taking out any programs. The purpose of the proposal is to create new youth Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2009 Page 6 of 15 - programs. In terms of youth programs, City Council voted to cut $100 thousand of the S.T.A.R program funding, an anti-gang and graffiti program and the Duff school site, for Boys and Girls Club fell through. Mr. Ly stated that there are no increases but reductions in youth programs. In a luncheon with the president of the Asian Teen Center in San Gabriel, it was brought to his attention that there were not enough programs between the hours of 2 - 5 p.m. Mr. Ly reiterated that 1 in 4 students will no longer be able to participate in after school activities because of reduction of funding. Mr. Ly proposed a teen library center, computer lab, drop-in program. He stated that recently the City Council appointed a new Youth Committee to engage teens in policy making and civic engagements in the City of Rosemead. Mr. Ly stated that non-profit organizations are struggling to maintain their programs. Mr. Ly made a substitute motion to designate three rooms at RCRC for a computer lab room, teen library, and a youth activity room. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked how many computer.programs are in the schools and that the library is fully staffed. Mr. Taylor clarified that he is in support of youth programs"but he is against scrapping the seniors and moving them to another center.. Council Member Ly replied that the school district assumes, liability when any student steps'in the'school and they do not want their students on campus afterschool. That's the-reason why there is a need for afterschool programs in Rosemead. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that there are after school programs on school campuses held by the City. Council Member Low welcomed the residents and non-residents.to the City rof Rosemead and was amazed on the passion for the community center. Mrs. Low commended.staff for,balancing the budget and supported all senior activities. She stated that we need to compromise to support both youth programs and senior programs. Ms. Low asked,Mr.'Ly`to clarify his suggestion about reserving the three rooms. Council Member Ly read part of.the staff report regarding student programs and proposed that two rooms be converted to suit the computer room and the library room: r Council Member Low asked if the city, took that route what would be the impact. Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott replied that it would result in some permanent changes to some rooms. In general, the library needs to expand their teen services, in order to do that a transfer would have to be made to.the community center and bring over the books. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor asked how many rooms are in the center. Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott replied that there are seven rooms. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated that rooms 1 though4 could not be change and there needs to be research done in what the schools are offering. Council Member Ly stated that the programs would get students ready for college and the real world. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2009 Page 7 15 Mayor Clark commented that the city should partner with the school district in coordinating programs. She added that if this was a cost cutting measure and computers needed to be bought in, asked where the money would come from. Council Member Armenia thanked the residents for voicing their concerns and added that the city can start a small teen program after the senior programs are done by 3 pm and have a win-win situation. Mayor Clark stated that there are many opportunities for youth program in the Garvey park master plan and the Duff school which is vacant. ,iCouncil Member Ly stated the Garvey park master plan will not be started•any time soon and that the school district is negotiating with another agency regarding Duff school. Mayor Clark replied that the school district still has an obligation to the students. Council Member Ly reiterated his substitute motion to allocate two rooms for youth programs at the Rosemead Community Center. i- Council Member Low asked if by doing that those two rooms would not be available in the morning. Also asked if during the day seniors could use the rooms and then afterwards the,youth could use the rooms. Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott replied that if any room is converted to a computer lab, any user may use it. For the library room, reading materials would tie geared towards teens but anyone would be welcome to use it as a reading room. Mayor Clark asked how the~computer labImould be monitor. Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott replie'd'{{here are specific controls and limit access to certain web sites. k, Mayor Clark asked if additional staff time would be required and additional funding for the purchase of computers. Director of Parks and Recreation',Montgomery-Scott replied that the County is offering funding for programs relating to technology and staff would pursue to obtain that funding and hours are allocated for staff at the center and existing resources.,. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked for more research on what the schools are offering and was opposed to closing down seniors programs with out all the facts. Council Member Low requested staff to see what activities can be provided for youth and not convert the room yet, so the seniors may be able to use the room as well. Council Member Ly withdrew his substitute motion. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes ofJuly 14, 2009 Page 8 of 15 Council Member Armenta asked to amend Mayor Pro Tem Taylor's motion and add that staff transfers funds from the community organization program to balance the budget of the senior programs. Council Member Low asked what the remaining balance was for the Community Organization Program. Council Member Ly replied it left $3,000. City Manager Allred explained that the money allocated for the Community Organization Program was a reserve established in case there are any requests for community organizations. - Council Member Low stated that last year there was $100,000 for community,programs and now there is $3,000 left. Council Member Armenta commented that the State of California is inrdisarray economically. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that the City has had $100,000 for several;years set aside for unknown circumstances that come up; we can appropriate funding for some.of the;programs that needifunding. Mayor Pro Tern Taylor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Armenta, to to deny staff request and have staff research what the schools are providing, leave the programs as is and transfer funds from the community organization program to balance the budget. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Taylor' ;r No: Ly Abstain: None " Absent:'None Council Member Low stated since money was taken out to reinstate the programs, she asked that the current members of the programs be willing to help any other programs that are in need of funding. Council.Member Ly clarified that ,although,he voted nay, he was trying to research the issue and welcome phone calls from residents. At the`end of the,day, we can agree and disagree with respect, and Council is here to serve'all of the residents of Rosemead. Council Member Armenta commented that Mr. Montgomery-Scott is one of the best directors the city has ever had and his intention was the best for Rosemead residents. Because of Mr. Montgomery-Scott residents enjoyed a great 4th of Julyp4ade and he does a great job for the city. The City Council recesses the meeting at 9:06 p.m. and reconvened back at 9:13 pm. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2009 Page 9 of 15 4. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes April 7, 2009 - Special Meeting B. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2009.34 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2009-34, focipayment of City expenditures in the amount of $1,607,182.81 numbered 100396 through 100414 and 66466 through 66618. Resolution No. 2009.36 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2009=36, for ' ayment of City expenditures in the amount of $422,000.33 numbered 100415 throug000425 and 66619 through 66701. Resolution No. 2009- 37 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2009-37, for payment of City expenditures in the amount of $698,275.46 numbered',100402 through 100434'and 66702 through 66752. C. Del Mar Avenue Resurfacing Project- Notice of Completion The project consisted of a rubberized AC;oveHay, sidewalk repair, traffic striping, wheelchair ramp reconstruction,.as well as, the planting of street trees. The limits of this project are from Garvey Avenue to Hghcliff Streefr' Proposition C funds were allocated for this program. On May 12, 2009 the, City Council- awarded a construction contract to Silvia Construction, Inc., for an amount of $254,563.40 with a contingency of up to $38,200. The project has now been constructed and completed to the satisfaction of the City's Public Works Department. Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. -Accept the completed public improvement; 2. Authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion; 3. Authorize the City Engineer to release the Labor and Material Bond thirty- five (35) days after the Notice of Completion has been recorded in accordance with applicable portions of the Civil Code. Authorize the City Engineer to release the Faithful Performance Bond one (1) year after City Council acceptance. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes July 14, 2009 Page 10 o 15 D. Release of Bond - Parcel Map 65311 (3165 Rosemead Place) A Faithful Performance Bond and Labor and Material Bond were required to guarantee construction of sewer laterals, curb and gutter, sidewalk, parkway drains, and AC pavement for Parcel Map 65311. In lieu of bonds, a Cash Deposit was issued to the City in the amount of $7,935. Recommendation: That the City Council accept the public improvements and survey monuments and refund the Cash Deposit including interest., - E. Approval of Undertaking Agreement for Parcel Map No. 67472, 3033 Willard Avenue Parcel Map No. 67472 is being submitted for consideration and approval along with an Undertaking Agreement to guarantee construction for public improvements subsequent to the recordation of the parcel map. X Z Recommendation: That the City Council approve.ParcelMap 67472, the Undertaking Agreement, and the recordation of the map. ' . - G. Proposition 1B Transportation:Bond Local Streets ariii,Roads improvement t,4 Proposition 1 B provided $19.925~billi6n inbond funds for a variety of transportation priorities, including $2 billion for cities and countiesJoAndthe maintenance and improvement of local transportation facilities. Of this amount $853,729.42 has been allocated to the City of Rosemead#or the current 2009-10 fiscal year. ' Recommendation: That the City Council approve the project list as required by the California Department of Finance to establish eligibility and for participation in Proposition 1 B -,Local Streets and Roads Improvements"Funds. H. Application for Used Oil Recycling Block Grant Funding The California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act of 1991 authorizes the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) to award grants to enhance the collection and recycling of used lubricating oil. Rosemead.is eligible to apply under the fifteenth funding cycle of this program; for the July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010 fiscal year. It is anticipated that these grant funds will Wutilized for the promotion of the City's State-certified collection centers, development of education awareness materials, and assistance in the recruitment of additional collection facilities. Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2009-35 authorizing the submittal of an application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for funding under the Fifteenth Cycle of the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant Program. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes (?f July 14, 2009 Page 11 of 15 Resolution to Support the Spending of Federal Stimulus Funds on American-Made Products and Jobs Council Member Polly Low has requested that the City Council consider approving the Resolution No. 2009-38 in support of utilizing federal stimulus dollars to fund American jobs and American built products. In an effort to keep federal stimulus funds in the U.S. and supporting U.S. made goods and jobs, the Alliance for American Manufacturing has developed this resolution and is requesting support from government agencies across the country. The City of Rosemead has received federal stimulus'funds for ADA curb ramp installations, energy efficiency upgrades, CDBG programs and public safety, and has applications submitted for additional public works related°projects. Staff believes that complying with the resolution will be relatively simple, e'specially,since the majority of the funds will go to support jobs through capital improvements projects;, Recommendation: That the City Cou spend federal stimulus funds to every No. staff to and jobs. Council Member Low made a motion, seconded by Counc Ly, to approve Consent Calendar with the exception of Item F. Vote resulted in: 4n Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor:" No: None Abstain: None d Absent: None F. Purchase Agreement for Work Trucks,, As part of the City's Vehicle Replacement Budget, staff included the purchase of 3 new work trucks for the Public Service' Division. ,After researching truck vendors and types, the City learned that.the County of Los Angeles recently conducted a competitive bid for similar work trucks. Staff has obtained information related to the County of Los Angeles bid and requests the City Council's approval to use this bid to purchase 3 new work trucks. ','..'Recommendation'. That the City Council authorize the agreement for the purchase of 3 new work tucks from'Wondries Ford, using the County of Los Angeles Purchase Order No. 0802923 and authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor clarified that he was going to abstain on item F. Council Member Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Armenta, to approve the agreement for the purchase of 3 new work trucks from Wondries Ford and authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents. Vote resulted in: Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2009 Page 12 of 15 Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: None Abstain: Taylor Absent: None 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Temporary Continuation of Salary and Benefits for Full-Time Team Members Called to Military Duty A full-time member of the City of Rosemead has been ordered to fulfill a military tour of duty in Iraq for a period of one year. Federal and State'law require public agencies to guarantee reinstatement upon completion of the military, assignments and continuation of salary for 30 days. The City Council will consider a policy that authorizes temporary continuation of salary and benefits to the team member for the entire duration of the military leave .less ncome received from the military. Such a policy would enable'a team member and.his/her family's income to "remain whole" during the military tour.,of duty. The City will review each request for this benefit on a case-by-case basis considering various factors such as job performance, length of service, availability of funds, ect. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the temporary continuation of salary and benefits for regular full-time city team member Art Marquez; Public Services Lead worker, during his period of active military duty City Manager Allred reviewed staff report, Mayor Clark stated that this was a very good-thing to do. Council Member Ly stated anybody who serves our country deserves at the very least a policy like this. Council Member Low made a motion, secorfded by Council Member Ly, to approve the temporary continuation of salary and benefits for city team member Artie Marquez, during his period of active military duty. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta;Clark, Low, Ly No: N'one Absta in...: Taylor Absent: None Artie Marquez thanked the City Council and introduced his family members. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2009 Page 13 of 15 B. Park Monterey- Closure Impact Report Big Island Property, LLC (Hawaii Property, Inc.), the owner of the Park Monterey mobile home park located at 7433 Garvey Avenue, submitted a Closure Impact Report (the "Report") to the City of Rosemead on July 21, 2008 to change the use of mobile home spaces (1 A, 2A, and 3A) into a parking lot for a future mixed-use development. The Report was presented to the City Council for consideration at its June 23, 2009 meeting. At that time, the City Council directed staff to arrange for an independent appraiser to provide a valuation of Units 1A and 3A (2A is currently owned"by the park owner). Once the appraisals were completed, staff was also directed to coordinate .a meeting between all affected parties to discuss the results of the appraisals;' This information was to be presented to the City Council at its July 14, 2009 meeting. Coordinating the appraisals of Spaces 1A and 3A and,an "all-hands" rreeting.has,been difficult. Therefore, the appraisalsand,results of the "all-hands" meeting will be presented to the City Council verbally on July 14th Regardless of this information, it remains imperative,tlat,the City Council review the Report and either accept it as complete or add additional mitigation measures pursuant to California Government Code Section 65863.7(e) provided those measure "do not exceed the reasonable cost of relocation. It is legal counsel and staff's;opinion that appropriate mitigation measures have been provided a4thatno further mitigation measures are recommended given the option of replacement within the same park and payment of moving costs as being reasonable options for relocation, as'well as the fact that neither resident requested a hearing on the Report. Recommendation: That'the-City. Council review, accept and file the "Closure Impact Report Item 5B was postponed to the July 28, 2009 City. Council meeting. 7. COMMENTS FROM CITY COUNCIL Council Member Ly requested that staff bring back~an item regarding a formation of a neighborhood prevention crime committee:"', Mayor Pro Tern Taylor asked how many community meetings were held at the Public Safety Center because he was concerned of possible duplicate programs. Chief of Police Murakami stated that the Public Safety holds community meetings once a month for the public to attend. The meetings consist of crime statistics, monthly topics, and emergency procedures. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes gfJuly 14, 2009 Page 14 of 15 Council Member Armenta thanked staff for the 4th of July celebration and thanked everyone that was involved. Mayor Clark expressed concerned that regarding not having enough staff at the counter during lunch hours and requested there be stagger lunches for staff. Council Member Ly requested to see the policy for home base business licenses; also commented on the lighting in Rosemead Park. Mr. Ly also asked for staff to look into the shuttle program and how efficient it is. Council Member Low stated that she had also been approached regarding home base businesses. City Manager Allred stated that staff has been researching and currently working oh.business license procedures; it will be brought back to council. Council Member Armenta commended Public Works Director Marcarello and staff for a good job on the current beautification projects in the city. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m. The next regular, ;City Council meeting,is'scheduled to take place on July 28, 2009 at 7: p.m. Margaret Clark Mayor ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes ofJuly 14, 2009 Page 15 of 15