CC - 06-23-09Minutes of the
June 23, 2009
The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:09 p.m.
in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead,
FLAG SALUTE: Mayor Pro Tern Taylor
INVOCATION: Council Member Armenta
PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Taylor, Council Member Armenta, Council Member Low,
and Council Member Ly.
OFFICIALS PRESENT: City Manager Allred, Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth, Interim City
Attorney Montes, Assistant City Manager Saeki, Director of Finance Brisco, Director of Parks and
Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Administrator Ramirez, Deputy Public
Works Director Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda.
Rosemead High School -Co-ed Badminton Team
Larry Callaham - Principal of Rosemead High School stated he was very proud of the Co-Ed
Badminton Team for making it to Division Champs of the CIF. Mr. Callaham introduced the team's
Captain Gary Lewi.
Gary Lewi - stated he was very proud of his team and introduced the rest of the team.
Tai Phan - Assistant Coach of the Badminton Team thanked Council for recognizing the team and
added that he was also very proud of the team for accomplishing so much this year.
Mayor Clark stated the team had put the city on. the map and added she was very proud of them.
The City Council took a picture with the Badminton Team
Muscatel Middle School - Science Olympian Team
Dean Wharton - Principal of Muscatel Middle School stated he was very proud of the Science
Olympiad Team and their parents. He stated this was a committed group of students who worked
very hard everyday afterschool and on Saturdays. He added that the team had won the Los
Angeles County Science Olympiad championship for the 51h year in a role; had won the State
competition and National competition, which had taken them to Georgia where they competed
against 60 schools nationwide and the team had won 6m place.
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The City Council took a picture with the Badminton Team
Council recessed at 7:28 p.m. and reconvened at 7:31 p.m.
Marissa Castro-Salvati - representative of the. Southern California Edison (SEC) reviewed and
informed Council on the State of the System for SEC. She went over the things they are doing for
the City of Rosemead, such as, the Tehachapi removal transmission project, perform a cut-over
and upgrade the 4kv216kv, cable and switch replacements, and their pole replacement program.
Mrs. Castro-Salvati also informed Council that the SEC has an employee volunteer program and
as of today, their employees had volunteer over.1000 hours to the City of Rosemead.
Council Member Low asked if there was any long term plans for the City of Rosemead utility to go
Mrs. Castro-Salvati responded no and that there was $1.2 million funds for the undergrounding of
the distribution facilities but as far as transmission there were not plans to doing so.
Council Member Low stated she was referring to the electric poles.
Mrs. Castro-Salvati stated that was the Rule 20A project and that she would discuss that further
with city staff.
Council Member Low replied that she was referring to a long term road map or plan, maybe of 20
to 30 years to figure out how to get all the electrical underground. She stated this was a slow
process and maybe a little could be done each year.
Mrs. Castro-Salvati responded that it all depended on how many funds were allocated for the City
of Rosemead and stated that the amount changed every year.
City Manager Allred stated that staff would provide a plan for the Rule 20A project and identify the
area that needed to be underground. He added that once the project got started it would take
about 3 years to complete.
Mayor Margaret Clark introduced new City Manager Jeffry Allred.
Robert Bruesch - addressed Council regarding the possible funding of the STAR program. Mr.
Bruesch stated that he was present when the program was born and was in the classroom when it
was implemented. He stated that the program not only taught kids not to be violent or not be
bullies but what it did was place the police in the classroom and see them in a positive light.
Council Member Steven Ly responded that during the budget session he had brought this to staff's
attention as a concern; however, it was his understanding that according to the superintendent the
SRO program was more important. He added that Council would be discussing this item later
tonight during the budget approval and that if there would be a change in the STAR program staff
would have to show what programs it would be replacing it with. Mr. Ly stated that he understood
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the importance of the program, given that he had participated in the STAR program himself, and
that he agreed that prevention efforts needed to be continued by direct interaction with the police
and the students.
Council Member Armenta asked that the minutes of April 7, 2009 be deferred because she needed
to clarify the amount Council Member Low had stated while referencing Oliver Chi's severance
package. Ms. Armenta stated that the premium to terminate him at that time instead of July was
$280,800 and that Council Member Low had stated it an amount of $304,525.
A. Minutes
March 24, 2009 - Regular Meeting
April 7, 2009 - Special Meeting
April 14, 2009 - Regular Meeting
May 26, 2009 - Special Meeting
June 2, 2009 - Special Meeting
B. Resolution No. 2009.30 Claims and Demands
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2009-30, for payment of City
expenditures in the amount of $878,286.09 numbered 100372 through 100395
and 66321 through 66465.
C. Rosemead Employee Association M.O.U. Amendment
The existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and the
Rosemead Employee's Association (REA) is effective until June 30, 2010 and
includes the ability to earn up to a 5% pay increase based upon an employee's
annual evaluation. As the Council is aware, the City Manager's office has been in
discussions with the REA Board to waive the right to merit increases for the 2009-
10 Fiscal Year in an effort to save money and balance the budget. REA has
agreed to waive any merit increases for all full and three quarter time employees
and waive any potential cost ofliving increases for part-time staff.
Recommendation: That the City Council approve the MOU Amendment between
the City and the REA for the period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.
Probation Officer Contract Renewal
The City currently contracts with the Los Angeles County Probation Department
for two Deputy Probation Offices (DPO's) for juvenile prevention and intervention
programs. These DPO's work full-time with Rosemead youth who have been
identified as at-risk or arrested for minor criminal offenses. These juveniles may
have problems ranging from school performance and attendance to vandalism,
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theft and drug arrests. The DPO's authority allows them to work closely with the
juveniles and their families to implement a variety of programs and services to help
correct their behavior.
Staff believes that these two DRO's are an important part of our overall public
safety strategy and highly recommend that they continue. The agreement is to
provide two Prevention and Intervention Program Deputy Probation Officers for the
City of Rosemead. The agreement shall be effective from July 1, 2009 through
June 30, 2010 with a total cost of $130,000.
Recommendation: That the City Council approve the agreement with the Los
Angeles County Probation Department and authorize the City Manager to sign any
necessary documentation.
E. Adoption of the City of Rosemead Fiscal Year 2009.10 Appropriation Limit
Article XIII-B of the Constitution of the State of California was enacted by a vote of
the people as Proposition 4 (the Gann Initiative) in November 1979. This law
limits the level of most appropriations from tax sources that the state and most
local government entities are permitted to make in any given year. It also requires
that annually each governmental unit calculate its Appropriations Limits and adopt
it by Resolution prior to the beginning of the fiscal year under consideration.
The City of Rosemead's Appropriation Limit and Appropriations Subject to the
Limit were both calculated in accordance with guidelines issued by the League of
California Cities. Utilization of this approach facilitates the annual review
requirement. The result of these calculations are:
Appropriations Limit for FY 2010 $35,674,566
Appropriations Subject to the Limit 12,407,045
Amount under Limit $23,267,521
Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2009-31 approving
the fiscal year 2009-10 Appropriation Limit according to Article XIII-B (Gann
Initiative) of the Constitution of tl' a State of California.
Resolution Opposing the State's Potential Seizure of Gas Tax Funds
The State's Budget Conference Committee has recommended that seizure of
Highway Users Tax, commonly referred to as Gas Tax, for the period of two years
as a measure to help balance the State's budget. The City's lobbyist, Gonsalvez
& Sons, along with he League of California Cities have been strongly opposing this
recommendation. The League believes that any seizure of Gas Tax is in direct
conflict with the voter's approval of this tax in both 1974 and 1998 and is
recommending that City's be prepared to take legal action against the state if the
proposed seizure of funds is implemented.
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The City of Rosemead receives approximately $950,000 per year from Gas Tax
which funds programs such as street sweeping, traffic signal operations and
repair, pothole repair, street sign replacement and other street maintenance
related costs. Any reduction of.these funds by the State will have a significant
impact on City's ability to provided necessary services and maintenance to our
roads. Programs such as street sweeping not only improve the aesthetics of the
community, but are also critical in maintaining our stormwater NPDES permits.
Any reduction in street sweeping or street maintenance could result in a violation
of our NPDES permit which could potentially result in fines and increased
compliance costs.
The League of California Cities has requested each city adopt a resolution
apposing the illegal seizure of Gas tax funds. While the approval of the resolution
does not authorize the filing of a lawsuit by the City, it does direct the City Attorney
to support and work with the League of California Cities in regards to potential
legal action if the Governor supports.-the Budget Committee's proposal.
Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2009-32
authorizing the City Attorney to cooperate with the League of California Cities,
other cities and counties in litigation challenging the constitutionality of any seizure
by the state government of the City's street maintenance funds.
G. Review and Approval of Contract with Rosemead Housing Development
Corporation for Implementation of Certain HOME Funded Programs
The City is required to commit its HOME funds for particular affordable housing
activities within 24 months after HUD's appropriation of the entitlement allocation.
To comply with this requirement, staff recommends that the City commit
$1,294,932 of FY 2008-09 and FY 2009-10 HOME funds, plus unspent carried
over funds from prior FY's, by contracting with the Rosemead Housing
Development Corporation (RHDC) to administer certain HOME funded programs.
Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions:
Approve a contract with the Rosemead Housing Development
Corporation for the implementation of :
• Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Loan Program, and
• Mortgage Assistance Program; and
2. Authorize the Mayor to execute the contract on behalf of the City.
Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly, to
approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of the April 7, 2009 minutes. Vote resulted
Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor
No: None
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Abstain: None
Absent: None
A. Park Monterey- Closure Impact Report
Big Island Property, LLC (Hawaii Property, Inc.) the owner of Park Monterey, a
mobile home park located at 7433 Garvey Avenue, submitted a Closure Impact
Report (the "Report") to the City, of Rosemead on July 21, 2008 for the change of
use to Spaces 1A, 2A, and 3A. The use of these spaces will be changed from
residential housing to a parking lot for a future development.
The Report was forwarded to the City Council for review in September 2008. It
was also reviewed by the Community Development Commission's law firm and it
was found to be in compliance with the State Government Code regulating mobile
home park change of use procedures. The City of Rosemead does not have an
ordinance specifically related to the closure of mobile home parks therefore; the
provisions of state law are applicable. According to state law, if the change of use
requires no local governmental permits, the tenants must be given at least 12
month notice to vacate before the park is able to close or a change in use is
allowed. Such notice was provided to the tenants of Spaces 1A and 3A in July
2008 with a notice to vacate by July 21, 2009. No notice was served on Space 2A
as its owned by Big Island Property.
Recommendation: That the City Council review, accept, and file the "Closure
Impact Report".
Economic Development Administrator Michelle Ramirez reviewed staff report.
Mayor Clark recused herself from the dais at 7:47 p.m.
Cynthia Melendrez - stated that as far as for reasonable relocation cost they were only offering
$8,000 for her mobile home and $6,000 to cover moving cost. Ms. Melendez stated that when she
purchased her mobile home she did not think she would be kicked out of the park. She proposed
that instead of the $8,000 for the mobile home and the $6,000 for moving cost the owner buy her a
mobile home exactly the same size, same conditions as her current one, in a near by park for her.
She stated she felt that was reasonably fair and that $8000 was not going to pay for anything; she
did not agree with that amount and felt it was not fair nor equal.
Council Member Low asked what mobile home was hers.
Ms. Melendez responded 3A.
Marcos Benitez - stated he agreed with Ms. Melendrez and thought it was ridiculous what was
being done to them. He added he had been at the park for 8 years and had gone through eight
different owners.
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Gilbert Ramirez - stated he was very concerned about what they were trying to do to these
families. He stated he knows that they had never tried to negotiate a price with the tenants and the
tenants were not willing to move. He stated he was a witness that Ms. Melendrez had asked to sit
down with the owner and they did not do it. Mr. Ramirez continued by saying that if the city was
going to follow State Law there were a lot of things that needed to be done for the residents. He
asked that before the city moved forward with the project, the city allow the tenants and the owners
to communicate.
Mayor Pro Tern Taylor asked Mr. Ramirez if he had read the report.
Mr. Ramirez responded he had only read part of it.
Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that the report covers a lot of what he had mentioned, such as, the
relocation and going out to bid for a moving contract.
Mr. Ramirez also added that they were not allowed to sell their mobile home even if it is an
Woman in the audience speaks (inaudible)
Elizabeth Martanson - referred her question to Big Island Property owners and asked if they
were following State law why the tenants hadn't been asked to purchase their own land.
Linda Lester - one of the attorney's for the property owners stated Mrs. Kjartanson was referring
to was a code section that indicates that if there is an.organized tenants home owners association
that is formed for the purpose of purchasing the,mobile home park and then the park owner
decides to sell the park then they are notified of the sale. She added that Mr. Kjartanson was
probably referring to the previous owners who had sold the property.
Mrs. Kjartanson stated that was correct and asked why they were not given the opportunity to buy
their own land.
Ms. Lester responded because they did not have any legal right to it and that there was no law that
stated the new purchaser had to do so. Ms. Lester responded that unless they had organized a
tenants' home owners association for the purpose of purchasing the land and notified the former
owner of their intention of purchasing the land and requested to be notified, the tenants have no
legal rights to purchase or be notified of the sale.
Mrs. Kjartanson - told Ms. Lester that if the property owner could find a mobile home of the same
size as hers and at the same amount of rent they are. paying currently and at the same distance of
21 miles from their mobile park they would accept that offer. She asked City Council to postpone
this item to the next meeting so that this option could be explored.
Ms. Lester - responded that there is a limited availability of mobile home spaces and it is not
possible to find an exact duplicate at that radius.
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Mrs. Kjartanson responded it was because of the fact that it was not worth $14,500 and they would
not be able to find a mobile home at that price.
Ms. Lester responded that it was not required by Stafe law that the owner find a replacement but it
was State law that the owner fund relocation benefits and they had offered the tenants a generous
relocation benefit of $8,000, in addition to if they could not sell their mobile home the owner would
purchase it at it's appraised value. Ms. Lester added that Mrs. Kjartanson had stated she had lived
in the mobile home for over 20 years and that in fact she had only lived there for a couple of years;
she had lived in another space in the park previously.
Mrs. Kjartanson responded that she had lived in the park since she was 1 years old.
Ms. Lester reiterated that Mrs. Kjartanson had only lived in space 3A for a couple of years.
Mrs. Kjartanson responded that was not true that her mailing address had always been the same
except for 3 years when she lived in another spice.
Mayor Pro Tem Taylor suggested that the tenants read the report.
Mrs. Kjartanson replied that she had read it and completely disagreed with it as did her mother and
Mr. Benitez.
Woman speaks from the audience (inaudible). :
Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that in the report ii stated that the park owners had tried to contact
the tenants from 1A and 3A (space 2A is vacant) numerous times.
Mr. Kjartanson replied that never once had that happened and that she tried to contact Ms. Lester
once in July and was unsuccessful. She asked Council to please defer this item so that there be
an opportunity for the tenants and the park owners to have a sit down because she did not think
the city would want to have their residents kicked out to the street.
Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated the city did not want to see that but at the same token the city had an
obligation to make sure the law is followed and the plan was implemented to meet the State
Council Member Ly asked what the appraisal value was from the tenant side.
Ms. Lester reiterated that the appraisal value was $6,000 in addition to the $8,000 for relocation
benefits and that the appraisal was not in place;value because if the owner had to pay in place
value that would be forcing the owner to pay the tenant for his own land, which is very unfair. She
also added that there had been a meeting scheduled, with the assistance of the city, back in
January or February and Mrs. Kjartanson cancelled.
Council Member Ly asked Mrs. Kjartanson what the amount of her appraisal was
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Mrs. Kjartanson stated they hadn't gotten one since the past six months but the appraisal they had
received was of $33,000. She added she wanted this item differed because she would like to get a
current appraisal and their own independent impact report.
Council Member Ly asked the City Manager what role could be taken from the city at this meeting.
Mr. Allred replied that the recommendation waslo approve the report; however, it could be
deferred to the next meeting in the effort that the parties can get together and talk and maybe
resolve some of their differences.
Council Member Ly stated that one of the differences is that there was a huge disparity in the
appraisals and asked if there was something the city could so, such as, conducting the city's own
Mr. Allred responded that it was possible to conduct an independent appraisal by the city utilizing
redevelopment funds.
Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated that Council should defer that action because this is the opening
property and the report states there are 39 other park unit spaces.
Ms. Lester responded there are a total of 39 spaces and actually several of them are vacant. She
also stated that Mrs. Ramirez might have misspgken when she stated that the owner had offered to
let them move to another mobile home, what the offer was to allow the tenants to move their
mobile home to another space in the back of the park and that offer was rejected.
Woman spoke from the audience (inaudible)
Mr. Allred stated it was important to speak into the microphone so that the conversation could be
recording in the city's recording system.
Mrs. Melendez stated that what she had said was that it was about the quality of life and it was not
fair that the park owner was going to kick her out and that what was fair is that the owner put her in
a place equal to where she is living now.
Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that at this point it was up to the park owner and the tenants to get
together and find an agreement between them. Mr. Taylor also stated that this item could be
deferred to the next meeting and be brought back with the two appraisals from each side. He also
asked if these mobile homes depreciated in value over the years.
Mrs. Kjartanson replied definitely and that her mobile home was 28 year old.
Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that 1 A was a 42 year old mobile home.
Mrs. Melendez stated that she was willing to sit down with the owners and negotiate but that what
they were offering was not enough and added that the owner had just paid another mobile home
owner $25,000.
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Ms. Lester responded that she did not think that was accurate.
Council Member Ly stated that he agreed this item should be deferred to the next meeting but
didn't feel it should be deferred further than that. He added that in addition to the appraisal from
the owner and the tenants the city should conduct their own independent appraisal. Mr. Ly
reiterated that it was important to make a decision at the next meeting and not delay this item
Mr. Allred stated he was glad that both parties had agreed to meet and discuss this item because
that hadn't been done before and stated that the city would be happy to facilitate that meeting and
conduct its own neutral appraisal.
Council Member Low stated this was a great idea so that the residents could be assisted in the
Council MemberArmenta stated she also agreed and asked the residents to please get all their
documentation together given that the time line for this item had been extended for 3 weeks.
City Manager Allred informed the tenants and Ms. Lester that their meeting and negotiations
needed to occur on or before July 9th, as well as, any information submitted to the city because that
was the deadline for the July 14th agenda meeting.
Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to
defer Item No. 4A to the following City Council meeting and have the city conduct its own
appraisals utilizing the redevelopment agency low-moderate housing fund. Vote resulted in:
Yes: Armenta, Low, Ly, Taylor
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Recuse: Clark
Mayor Clark returned to the dais at 8:38 p.m.
B. Adoption of the City of Rosemead's Fiscal Year 2009.10 Annual Operating
and Capital Improvement Budget
The City of Rosemead's fiscal year 2009-10 Annual Operating and Capital
Improvement Budget is as follows:
Total Appropriations FY 2009-10 - $30,551,880
Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2009-33 approving
the fiscal year 2009-10 Annual Operating and Capital Improvement Budget in the
amount of $30,551,880.
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City Manager Allred informed the Council that since the budget workshop staff had gone back and
worked on the budget and was presenting a budget with a surplus of approximately $12,000.
Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth reviewed the staff report. Mr. Hawkesworth reviewed the
Capital Improvement projects and provided Council with a PowerPoint presentation (one is
available at the City Clerk's office.)
Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked for clarification, if Wal-Mart had deposited $20,000 for a blinking light.
Mr. Hawkesworth responded he did not know the specifics of their deposit.
Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that he believed it was a deposit of $20,000 or to be funded for 20
Assistant City Manager Saeki replied that Wall-Mart deposited in an escrow account the amount of
$125,000 for any traffic improvements that would be warranted for the period of 20 years.
Mayor Pro Tem Taylor asked if staff can give council a memo with the specifics that involved Delta,
Rush and the school.
Mr. Saeki stated he would give council a memo on the information requested
Mr. Hawkesworth continued with his presentation. He stated that this evening staff would be
focusing on the four issues that Council had specific concerns on during the budget workshop.
The first item was the recommendation of moving the day time care program to an evening sports
program, that recommendation was being withdrawn. Staff was informed after the budget
workshop that Woodcraft Rangers were going to,have to operate next year with significant reduced
funds; therefore, the city wanted to ensure that the children would have proper daycare during the
day if needed. Second item was the animal control proposal, staff forwarded information to the
City Council with the specific fee amounts of the County's housing and canvassing fees.
Mr. Hawkesworth stated that he had sent additional information to the Council regarding the STAR
program. He added he had met with school officials, the city's lieutenant, and the new City
Manager and all shared the same concern about taking Sheriff out of the schools. The schools
main focus is that the city continues providing the three primary approaches, which include
prevention, suppression, and intervention. Also it is important to school officials that the city
continues with the sheriff's presence in the schools and with the drug and alcohol prevention
program. Staff is more than certain that there is a workable solution to utilizing the city's current
special assignment officers to continue with the prevention programs and to continue having a
presence in the schools.
City Manager Allred added that Lieutenant Murakami had looked into ways to maintain contact with
the students and the sheriffs in the campus.
Mr. Hawkesworth added that the STAR program officer is not stationed in the schools and by
replacing her with the city's special assignment deputies this will provide the students with a
familiar face and will feel more comfortable seeing them around.
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Council Member Armenta stated that when she worked in Parks and Recreation Deputy Jewett
was known by everyone and he was not the STAR deputy.
Mayor Clark asked if it was possible to receive continuous updates on how the new program is
going to ensure that it is working as well or as effectively as the STAR program
Mr. Hawkesworth responded that most of the school officials are currently on summer vacations
but that as soon as they returned in July staff will meet with them and ask them for continues
Mayor Clark asked if the program wasn't working if the city could go back to the STAR program.
Mr. Hawkesworth responded that you can always go back to the STAR program. He added that
staff had presented this as a suspension of the program not an elimination of the program and that
once the economy was better, the city could go back to the STAR program if Council wished to do
Mayor Clark addressed the issue with having the Parks and Recreation Department shift all of their
senior programs over to the Garvey Center and thought that would not work. Mrs. Clark asked that
the senior lunches and all the senior morning activities be kept at both centers and that the
afternoon programs be more focused on teen activities. She stated that this way the seniors would
not be displaced and that the youth was in school during the day anyway with the exception of
Director of Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott stated that the biggest concern with the senior
programs is that it is run in several prongs; one -element is that the classes that are run by the city
and Rosemead/El Monte Adult School can run as long as four in the afternoon and at that point it
would be a conflict.
Mayor Clark asked if the proposal stated that all, the senior classes would be moved to the Garvey
Mr. Montgomery-Scott replied that anything that was senior would fit the proposal but that there
would be adult and youth classes that would remain at both centers.
Mayor Clark stated that her biggest concern was the senior lunch program because they were
used to going to the center of their choice. She added that she did not see it as a cost savings
because the program was still going to be provided to the same people and was not worth the
Council Member Ly asked what the cost savings was.
Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded that it was a savings of $22,000 in staff cost; it is the difference
in running two duplicate programs and shifting resources, there would be less part-time employees
involved in the program if it was run in one single site.
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Council Member Ly asked if what Mr. Montgomery-Scott was saying was that the city was running
an exact program everyday simultaneously at both centers. Mr. Ly also asked what the distance
between both centers was.
Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded that was correct and that the distance was approximately one
mile and a half. He added that the vast majority that are going to both centers are either self
transported or using some sort of shuttle service and of those who walk to the center there are only
about 5 -10 at either center; those who would need transportation from the Rosemead Center to
the Garvey Center can easily be transported by the city's Dial-A-Ride program.
Mayor Clark asked how many people the Garvey Center room holds.
Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded that for special events the biggest room has the capability of
holding between 200 and 225.
Council Member Low stated that if the seniors were moved from RCRC to the Garvey Center there
would be no problem accommodating them because the total attendance at both centers was
approximately 170.
Mayor Clark stated that she did not feel $20,000 was worth disrupting seniors who were used to
doing something everyday and did not think the,city was in that big of a financial bind.
Council Member Ly stated that he thought freeing up the RCRC for youth and young adult
programs would be a great impact. He stated he thought it would be beneficial to the city to
consolidate the program and really expand the other center and make a big dent on creating new
programs during a recessionary period. He stated that the more programs the city is able to offer
the better it is prepared to deal with any future public safety problems. Mr. Ly stated that he viewed
this as a huge possibility to reach out to the youth community who had not been offered programs
in the past.
Council Member Armenta asked if any of the adult or senior classes that were being offered at the
RCRC would be taken away.
Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded there would be no dismissal of any programs and the only
classes that would be considered to be cancelled would be the duplicate classes that already exist,
for example, there is a line dancing program that is held at both centers and in that case there
wouldn't be the need to have both programs because they are serving the same element of the
Council Member Armenta stated that having worked in Parks and Recreation and the lunch
program she saw this as an incentive for the seniors because she knew most seniors went to the
lunch program because of the classes that were being offered at the centers. She added that if
more classes were being offered at one center then that would serve as an incentive for seniors to
attend. Ms. Armenta added that she knew that in the past seniors would jump from one center to
another depending on what classes were being'offered where.
Mr. Allred added that these changes would not be implemented until September and that there
would be an opportunity to inform the community about the change and gather any complaints or
solve any problems that may arise.
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Council Member Armenta asked if there had been any surveys given to the seniors regarding the
Mr. Montgomery-Scott replied that this issue was not taken to the seniors because it was
appropriate to present to Council first.
Mayor Clark stated that it wouldn't matter because if the item was voted on today the changes
would be implemented.
Council Member Ly stated that if the city saw a significant drop of attendance in the senior program
it could always go back to what it was before the changes but that it was worth a try to be able
reach a community that had never been properly served.
Council MemberArmenta stated it was going to be difficult to vote on this issue because she
agreed with the Mayor about the seniors being set on there own ideas and that once they were
used to a certain thing it was hard for them to change to another situation.
Council Member Low encouraged staff to work closely with the seniors at the RCRC and
communicate with them and ensure them that they would be properly accommodated if moved to
the Garvey Center. Mrs. Low stated that she felt it was important to reach out to the youth
community and that by doing the consolidation of the senior program the city would be saving
Council Member Armenta asked if there was a possibility of going back to the senior program if the
change was not successful.
Mr. Montgomery-Scott replied that going back to the senior program would take a bit of time
because of the consolidation of classes but that it was certainly doable.
Council Member Ly stated he had a question on page 6 of the budget report regarding the
possibility of the State taking the city's gas tax and asked staff if there was a contingency plan if
this happened.
Mr. Hawkesworth responded that he had a conference call with the Director of the League of
California Cities and he had informed him that the league had been authorized to take legal action
against the State if in fact they did enact this. '
Council Member Low stated that the city needed to do everything possible to keep the State from
borrowing or taking any money from the city.
Council Member Ly stated that he had recently attended the Chamber of Commerce retreat and
they had been informed that they had selected a new Executive Director. He stated that the city
contributed a sizeable amount to the Chamber and would like to see an addendum to the contract
with a list of goals for the Chamber of Commerce. He added that he believed the Chamber had
great potential and did a good job in reaching out to the businesses and just wanted to make sure
that the city was getting a good return for their investment.
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Minutes of June 23, 2009
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Mr. Allred responded that before the city issues any payments staff will sit with the Chamber of
Commerce to establish these goals.
Council Member Low stated that she knew a lot of cities had trouble balancing their budget and
thought it was amazing that Rosemead's budget was positive. Mrs. Low thanked staff for doing a
great job on balancing the budget.
Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to
approve Resolution No. 2009.33 approving the fiscal year 2009.2010 Annual Operating and
Capital Improvement Budget in the amount $30,551,880. Vote resulted in:
Yes: Armenta, Low, Ly
No: Clark, Taylor
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Mayor Clark stated that her no vote was related to the senior program issue but that other than that
it was a great budget.
Mayor Pro Tern Taylor stated he voted no because he wanted staff to go back and look at how the
budgets were prepared five years ago. They included every line item from each department and
did not include any of these consolidations where it has general overhead expenses and such
grouped together and council is not able to separate each item.
A. Ordinance 875- Second Reading: Planning Commissioner Terms of Office
On May 26, 2009, the City Council held a special meeting to interview and appoint
new Planning Commissioners. The City Council interviewed various candidates
and appointed William Alarcon, Nancy Eng, Diana Herrera, Joan Hunter, and
Victor Ruiz.
On June 9, 2009, the City Council reviewed the ordinance to re-establish
staggered terms for the Planning Commission. Ordinance 875 is now before
Council for the required second reading. In addition, the Mayor shall select names
at random to appoint two commissioners to serve a one year term.
Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Ordinance 875 and the Mayor
randomly select two commissioners to serve a one year term.
Interim City Attorney Montes reviewed the staff report.
Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to
adopt Ordinance No. 875. Vote resulted in: .
Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor
No: None
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Minutes ofAne 23, 2009
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Abstain: None
Absent: None
The City Clerk selected at random (pulling two names from a hat) Nancy Eng and William Alarcon
to serve a one year term in the Planning Commission.
Council Member Sandra Armenta made a motion, seconded by Council Member Steven Ly,
to approve Commissioner William Alarcon and Commissioner Nancy Eng to serve a one
year term on the Planning Commission. Vote resulted in:
Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
B. Accountability of Non-Profit Organizations that Receive City Funding
Over the past several years the City has contributed approximately $115,000 to
community based non-profit organizations and public schools. Several Council
Members have expressed concern about the lack of formal guidelines and
standards for such contributions. City staff has developed a proposed
Administrative Policy to govern. any future funding requests by such organizations.
Prior discussions have occurred regarding the need to have the requesting
organizations comply with an approved policy that contains guidelines and
standards. Listed below are the organizations that have received funding over the
last two fiscal years:
Rosemead Rebels (Football Equipment) - $17,156
M. Janet Chin Youth Foundation (Programs) - $25,000
Rosemead Youth Association (League costs and IRS fines) - $15,000
Rosemead Youth Association (IRS fines) - $9,890.43
Savannah Cemetery (Wrought iron fence) - $14,268.92
San Gabriel High School (Washington DC Trip) - $20,000
San Gabriel High School Football Team (Uniforms) - $15,000
Recommendation: That the City Council approve Administrative Policy 50-04 and
provide direction regarding the accountability of organizations that previously
received funding.
City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report. ;
Council Member Ly stated he wanted to note that he asked staff to also include in the policy to
request a report from organizations that the city had donated money to. Mr. Ly stated that the Janet
Chin Foundation and the RYA organizations stood out because they had both received $25,000 in
total donations from the city. He asked that staff request a board list and information on what the
money had been spent on to ensure accountability for these organizations. Mr. Ly also requested
that the policy include a request from the organization to submit to the city their annual financial
Rosemead City Council Meeting
Minutes ofJune 23, 2009
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statements after the money was received for 5 years instead of 2 years.
Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor made a motion, seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to
approve Administrative Policy 50-04. Vote resulted in:
Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Naylor
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Council Member Armenta thanked Aileen Flores and Mandy Wong for doing a great job with the
Relay for Life event and putting it together on behalf of the City of Rosemead. She added that it
was really emotional to see the lighting ceremony and watching people walk at night with light stick.
Ms. Armenta stated this was emotional for her because cancer had affected her family.
Mayor Clark also thanked Aileen Flores for the event and recognized that she had stayed overnight
during the event.
Mayor Pro Tem Taylor stated that at the last meeting the former Planning Commissioner had not
received plaques for their services and stated he,thought it was due back for this meeting.
City Clerk Molleda responded that he was correct and that those Commissioners would be
recognized at the following meeting.
Council Member Ly asked staff to put together a program list that would be replacing the STAR
program. He stated he wanted to see the reserve policy again because at the last meeting Council
was not happy with the fact that staff mentioned that there was only $6 million on reserve and just
wanted clarification. Mr. Ly also wanted to thank Aileen Flores for puffing together the Relay for
Life event.
Council Member Armenta stated she also wanted to thank Sean Sullivan for his participation in the
Relay for Life event.
Council Member Low stated she thought it was a great event and it was great to see staff
participating in the event.
The meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take
place on July 14, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Gloria Molleda, City Clerk `
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Rosemead City Council Meeting
Minutes of June 23. 2009
Page 17 of 17
I, Gloria Molleda, City Clerk for the City of Rosemead, do hereby certify that the minutes of
June 23, 2009 was duly and regularly approved by the Rosemead City Council on the 13th of
October 2009, by the following vote to wit:
Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Gloria Molleda
City Clerk