CC - item A - Request for Reappointment - Internal File 020TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: JANICE WARNER, CITY CLERK DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 RE: REQUEST FROM COMMISSIONER LARSON FOR REAPPOINTMENT TO THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Attached is a request from Commissioner Larson requesting reappointment to the Traffic Commission. If granted, this appointment would expire in October, 1992. It would be appropriate to consider this request at this time. i Attachment i COUNCIL AGENDA CEP 2 5 1990 ITEM No. -27 'A E.40.39:1 MAYOR: DENNIS McDONALD MAYOR PRO TEM: ROBERT DeCOCKER COUNCILMEN: ROBERT W. BRUESCH JAY T. IMPERIAL GARY A. TAYLOR • September 5, 1990 Honorable Mayor and Members Rosemead City Council Gentlemen: C Posemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (818) 288-6671 TELECOPIER 8183079218 I am submitting this letter in order to request that you consider my reappointment as a member of the Rosemead Traffic Commission. My term expires in October, 1990. As you know, I have served on the Commission for a number of years, dealing with issues relating to traffic safety. Additionally, being a resident, I am concerned with the future of Rosemead. All decisions that I make have been based upon what I feel would be best for our City. With these thoughts in mind, I respectfully request that I be reappointed a member of the Rosemead Traffic Commission. Respectfully submitted, Yom. FRANK LARSON A.38.39:3 • • IV. CONSENT CALENDAR (CC-A, CC-E AND CC-F REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION) CC-B CITY CLERK VACATION AUTHORIZATION CC-C RENEWAL OF LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH EDISON FOR ZAPOPAN PARK CC-F ENGINEERING PROPOSAL FOR ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS - 1990-91 CC-G INSTALLATION OF SCHOOL AND SPEED LIMIT WARNING SIGNS NEAR SHUEY SCHOOL MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR that the foregoing items on the Consent Calendar be approved. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, McDonald, Bruesch No: None Absent: DeCocker, Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC-A RECEIVE BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT FOR DEFERRED IRAN HOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - 3713 BARTTETT AVENUE MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECOND BY MAYOR McDONALD that the Council receive and file all bids; accept and award the bid to Oakridge Construction, low bidder, in the amount of $21,414; authorize staff to enter in a contract with the owner and the contractor; and reject all other bids. Vote resulted: Yes: McDonald, Bruesch No: Taylor Absent: DeCocker, Imperial Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. Councilman Taylor stated he was not against the applicant but was opposed to the method of funding. CC-D ROSEMEAD HOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - 37th BID PACKAGE CC-E BID FOR DEFERRED IRAN HOME IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - 3358 MUSCATEL AVENUE These items were deferred to the next regular meeting for more information. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION & ACTION - None VI. STATUS REPORTS A. MODERN SERVICE The City Attorney noted that the contract amendment would be on the next agenda. VII.MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS A. REQUEST FROM FRANK LARSON FOR REAPPOINTMENT TO THE ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MOTION BY COUNCILMAN BRUESCH, SECOND BY COUNCILMAN TAYLOR that the council reappoint Commissioner Larson to the Traffic Commissioner. Vote resulted: Yes: Taylor, McDonald, Bruesch No: None Absent: DeCocker, Imperial Abstain: None CC 9-25-90 Page #3