CC - Authorization to attend Conference - Internal File 033 I TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: NANCY VALDERRAMA, CITY CLERK DATE: NOVEMBER 4, 1998 RE: AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY CLERK TO ATTEND THE 1998 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF CLERKS AND ELECTED OFFICIALS ANNUAL NEW LAW WORKSHOP AND SEMINARS - DECEMBER 9-11, 1998 - SACRAMENTO I On December 9-11, 1998, the California Association of Clerks and Elected Officials will be conducting their 1998 Annual New Law Workshops and Seminars. This seminar will provide an update on current elections laws and procedures, the public records act and legislative information. This conference should be beneficial to the City Clerk's office as well as City Hall. uF.COMMEND.ATION: f, fl Date: VASQUEZ TAYLOR BRIFESCH IMPERIAL' CLARK Agenda Item No. RES/ORD No. N /y v/yv~ Title: Councilman Taylor reported that more graffiti is on the face of the building at the corner of Brookline and Valley Boulevard and also in that alleyway. Mr. Tripepi responded that that graffiti will be removed; however, that area continues to be plagued by graffiti. CC:11-10-98 Page 43 I