CC - Authorization for Council to Attend Conference - Internal File 034 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 10, 1998 V SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND ANNIVERSARY CEREMONIES IN ZAPOPAN, MEXICO - DECEMBER 5-8,1998 Earlier this month, the Zapopan Sister City Committee invited a delegation from the City of Rosemead to visit Zapapan, Mexico during the 457th Anniversary ceremony. In previous years, the City has authorized members of the Council and staff to visit Zapopan as part of the cultural and educational exchange program with our sister City. Because of the success of Zapopan's most recent visit to Rosemead, the Zapopan committee is anxious to welcome Mayor Bruesch to their annual ceremony. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of any member of the City Council and staff as designated by the City Manager. COUNCIL. LGENDA NOV 10ITEM Flo. Councilman Taylor reported that more graffiti is on the face of the buildSng-avmu-cv, n of Brookline and Valley Boulevard and also in that alleyway. Mr. Tripepi responded that that graffiti will be removed; however, that area continues to be plagued by graffiti. CC: 11-10-98 Page #3