CC - Towing Service Responsibility - Internal File 034 3 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAQ~L DATE: JUNE 6, 1995 RE: TOWING SERVICE RESPONSIBILITY Councilman Taylor has requested that this item be placed on the Agenda for discussion purposes. Attached is a copy of a letter sent by the City Manager regarding a recent incident where a tow-truck driver left debris at the scene of an accident. FGT:nv Attachment wp:agenda:20 COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 13 1995 ITEM fro. A III tnat-I I~IS JGV-Il'l➢n'rou'nvvrowripuoo.,.-....-.-....._..__._-_____.___ on the boundaries causing major traffic problems and requested that the Parking Control Officers patrol those areas. CC 6-13-95 Page #7