CC - Request for Additional Funds for Interior Designer for City Hall Remodeling - Internal File 039 I TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: JUNE 7, 1990 RE: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR INTERIOR DESIGNER FOR CITY HALL REMODELING At the regular meeting of January 23, 1990, the City Council approved an agreement with Lydia Wang & Associates for interior design services for the remodeling of City Hall. At that time, the agreement for services was approved for $4,360. However, when the agreement was approved, the price was contingent upon the City having in its possession a complete set of floor plans. However, it was discovered that the main floor plan sheet was missing, thus, requiring the interior designer to measure the floor in City Hall. Staff has contacted the architect of the building to see if we can purchase the missing sheets. In the meantime, the measuring (approximately 10 hours of time) has been completed and we are requesting an additional $600 for that work. Also, we have decided schemes in all the restrooms, something that was not to change color in the original agreement for an additional $400 and the changing of the color boards on the main floor carpet and offices ($250). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize an additional $1,250 for the Interior Decorator Service Contract. FGT:js (22) COUNCIL AGENDA dt1N i 2 1990 ITEM No. - - -MUTIOrv tsz Gom~~ i++' -y y - roved. Vote the foregoing items on the Consent Calendar be app resulted: Taylor, McDonald,, Bruesch, Imperial Yes: No: None Absent: DeCocker Abstain: None The Mayor declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. CC 6-12-90 Page #11