CC - Authorization to attend Conference or Seminars - Internal File 033 I TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: iro6ANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 4, 1993 RE: AUTHORIZATION FOR CAPTAIN MIRABELLA TO ATTEND BRIEFING ON ASIAN GANGS BY KEELUNG POLICE DEPARTMENT IN KEELUNG, REPUBLIC OF CHINA - AUGUST 25 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1, 1993 The Rosemead Keelung Sister City Committee has arranged a trip to our Sister City of Keelung, from August 25th through September 1st. In addition, the Committee has arranged a three-day comprehensive briefing by the Keelung Police Department with for our own Chief of i Police, Captain Robert Mirabella, for the purpose of discussing tactics and methods of dealing with Asian gangs and Asian organized crime. Since this trip will be strictly City business for Captain Mirabella, it is recommended that the City fund the $950 in airfare. Room and board will be provided by the City of Keelung. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council appropriate the necessary funds from unappropriated reserves to send Captain Robert Mirabella to Keelung, Republic of China, for the purposes of meeting with Keelung Police Department officials on organized crime and Asian gang matters. FGT:nv C:081093N:4 COUNCIL AGENDA `AB 10Im ITEM No.