CC - Amending Municipal Code for Firework Stand Permits - Internal Files 0531 e~ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGEKR- DATE: APRIL 17, 1991 RE: ORDINANCE NO. 686 - AMENDMENT OF ROSEMEAD MUNICPAL CODE REGARDING THE SALE OF FIREWORKS DISCUSSION In response to concerns expressed by Council regarding the sale of fireworks in the city, staff conducted an evaluation to better guarantee the safety and welfare of citizens while preserving a valuable revenue source for community groups. Information and recommendations were solicitied from industry sources and the State Fire Marshall's office. In addition, a meeting was held on March 21, 1991, between staff, industry representatives, and community group representatives. This evaluation resulted in the following recommendated amendments to the Rosemead Municipal Code: Restrict the sale of fireworks to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. during the currently allowed days of sale; Increase the required insurance coverage to a minimum of $1,000,000; Raise the minimum age of those participating in the sale of fireworks at stands to 18 yrs. The issue of ensuring that the profits from the sale of fireworks go only to the permitted community groups was also addressed. Staff believes that more vigorous enforcement and monitoring of the fireworks stands will solve this problem. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached amendments to the Rosemead Municipal Code. _ COUNCIL AGENDA sandy APR 2 5 3997 ITEM No.