CC - Item 9B - Appointments to Keelung Taiwan Siste City Committee Executive BoardROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: November 17, 2009 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENTS TO KEELUNG TAIWAN SISTER CITY COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE BOARD SUMMARY The City Council will consider the appointment of five individuals to serve on the Keelung, Taiwan Sister City Committee Executive Board in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the City Council in September of 2009. Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council appoint James Wang, Tom Wu, and Min Wang to serve four-year terms as well as Daniel Deng and Jeffrey Lin to serve two-year terms on the Keelung Taiwan Sister City Committee Executive Board. BACKGROUND In order to continue Rosemead's established "sister city" relationships with Keelung, Taiwan and Zapopan, Mexico, the City Council established a set of policies and procedures in September of 2009. The Council-adopted policies and procedures provide for City Council appointment of a volunteer five-member Executive Board for each sister city committee. The Executive Board is to be staffed by interested individuals who live or work in Rosemead to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council in guiding and overseeing the activities of a sister city committee. The policy approved by the City Council also encourages the Executive Board to form an independent private non-profit organization to raise funds to finance sister city exchange activities. (Formation of such a private, non-profit organization is key, as the Council- adopted policy prohibits the expenditure of City funds for individual travel expenses related to sister cities activities.) The City Clerk's Office has published notice of announcing vacancies on the Keelung Taiwan Sister City Executive Board. At the October 27, 2009 City Council meeting, the names of five applicants were submitted to the City Council for consideration. However, at that time it was pointed out that the names of two of the individuals should not be considered for appointment due to the fact they did not live in Rosemead or have actual business addresses in Rosemead. Accordingly, the application process was reopened APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: ITEM NO. 2) City Council Meeting November 17, 2009 Pace 2 of 2 and two additional applications have been received from individuals with business addresses in Rosemead. The new applicants are attorney Daniel Deng and Jeffrey Lin, Director of General Services at University of the West. The Council-adopted policies and procedures call for "staggered" terms for Executive Board members. As communicated at the October 27`" Council meeting, the names of James Wang of CH Auto, Tom Wu of Holiday Inn Express and Min Wang of the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce were selected at random to serve four-year terms. Consequently, it is recommended that the names of Daniel Deng and Jeffrey Lin be appointed to serve two-year terms. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Attachments: Keelung Sister City Executive Board applications C N A Email address: Are you a registered voter in the City of Rosemead? 'N Yes No How long have you lived in Rosemead? Year In California? A years How long have you worked in Rosemead? year Employer's Name ~ROS-eMecJ C4&vt er of Co.owrerce :ype of Business mon - Educational Background Name of School/College Number of Years Attended Year Graduated Degree or Certificate Obtained Ofliv. of Ae tJes 2 '30 MBA ~~~us B Univ. Z~~ 0c,1 iri(A an 1A o 2 boo B.A. Eco iom cs sine Why are you interested in serving as a volunteer Sister City Committee/Executive Board Member? Please describe any work, training, certificates, and/or membership in professional organizations that would qualify you for this position. (If additional space is required, please attach separate sheets) Z w~ktc~ (eke ~o /S£t✓P n 44,e /S~)sjer -tsi L'o~u -flee :b Ae(e -Ac4e,- ~e Pcsrr/oar v(Qv2~aLL~nre~,t` o~tio[ /~.~w~i f//° 91f -Pwiead L Ems. ~rve S2r.,'ec/( 1s ~retc~e>r~ Ci °t. Iti Te v2~.'C:r stir C.-a i~l5s~c~5 arc a-~~lfrNlS~~ QQ L ////-yam A 4H fCT[ ~ H.(KkICQ~C /N It1A..~GCSvrr-t Ta e LE~.Is..t '7w :.k /'~iaJ4•t. Personal or business activities that would be in conflict with your serving as an Executive Board Member: Dated: f01i3 /009 Applicant signature Home Phone#: (626) -755-S-956 Cell/Business Phone # (6.26) X51-SY5-6 E M F,- ,-CInOF ROSEMEAD o }I fi i VP T G~OMUITT.EE MEMBER APPLICATION OCT 13 2009 P P q--_A .PdCatLi~f~;6\r.. L/K'elung, Taiwan - Sister City Committee/Executive Board 1 tl I Pr➢j F1K~l Vr i.2 L p„ 0,959 u ❑ Za~popan, Mexico - Sister City Committee/Executive Board Name: lc7(~ W uii Address: Home Phone Cel Business hone # 313AU- qZ:~,S Email address: Are you a registered voter in the City of Rosemead? Yes No How long have you lived in Rosemead? In California? Z5 How long have you worked in Rosemead? a5 Employer's Na 16 ype of Business k5LL I Educational Background Name of School/College Number of Years Attended Year Graduated Degree or Certificate Obtained ~n",~ ns aQ U~uss Z lq 8 z ~z V` Why are you interested in serving as a volunteer Sister City Committee/Executive Board Member? Please describe any work, training, certificates, and/or membership in professional organizations that would qualify you for this position. (If additional space is required,. please attach separpte sheets) _ Personal or business activities that would be in conflict with your serving as an Executive Board Member: Dated: to~ 13~~~ Applicant signature ~-------i • CITY OF ROSEMEAD COMMITTEE MEMBER APPLICATION Application for: V Keelung, Taiwan - Sister City Committee/Executive Board ❑ Zapopan, Mexico - Sister City Committee/Executive Board Name: JAMES WAAtG7 Address: EM E/ 6j/ky'-cy AvE klo-SEH14-rj 04- x/770 Home Phone 020/ 2Z Et Cell/Business Phone # b2 G- 0 Email address: 90 CAaV to (P y°j4 w. cvrh Are you a registered voter in the City of Rosemead? Yes How long have you lived in Rosemead? 3O >r" f. In How long have you worked in Rosemead? 3u~ Employer's Name C H AUTO Type of Business US£ p CAk VEALE Educational Background No ia? 3oyea,~ - OCT 0 7 Zit Name of School/College A f 19 t Number of Years Attended Year Graduated Degree or Certificate Obtained T I f DE -Y( H/hH SCHOOL 3 9s- Why are you interested in serving as a volunteer Sister City Committee/Executive Board Member? Please describe any work, training, certificates, and/or membership in professional organizations that would qualify you for this position. (If additional space is required, please attach separate sheets) Sep- artfac(tmeaf Personal or business activities that would be in conflict with your serving as an Executive Board Member: m o I Dated: Applicant signature CITY OF ROSEMEAD COMMITTEE MEMBER APPLICATION Application for: X Keelung, Taiwan - Sister City Committee/Executive Board ❑ Zapopan, Mexico - Sister City Committee/Executive Board Name: Dap Iii O-e Address: 03 'De 1' t' l A Y- 120: --e -eCt U/ J l~ 1o Home Phone 6ao Ill well/Business Phone,( ~ Email address: Cl IA i CCU G L\j Cjj~V\ Are you a registered voter in the City of Rosemead? Yes No How long have you lived in Rosemead? In California? How long have you worked in Rosemead? -e S ! Employer's Name ~W" ~S ,(,-Z q DOw,lcf OPLA Type of Business ~ ~ef V i 1.t,5 Educational Background Name of School/College Number of Years Year Degree or 11 Attended Graduated Certificate Obtained I JA* e r v~ 3 \ct 8 j r ~o ~-F~2 ~oxH 4 36A Y6k d I q 's , Why are you interested in serving as a volunteer Sister City Committee/Executive Board Member? Please describe any work, training, certificates, and/or membership in professional organizations that would qualify you for this position. (If additional space is required, please attach separate sheets) t U. ~ ~i~ , A.-0~ ~ LcUA ~I.Lv~IitLS~-QFJ L(n_ 1'tSWL-0 ~ CGCX?tv~'~- ~2 aC tai - 1 r KL-0-1 L,4 Y Personal or usiness activities that would be in conflict with your serving as an Executive Board Member: Dated: l o "I Applicant signature FrOrr: c II mu 1u I IIUrgL rqu. : umu:. f1~u~9 Iqw. uc muuV ui': mul•r1 I.1 T, n ~ A,~A4 u. r Name: -UFC r;_I, 626571232:; F'4,, E N r71 1•I[,v. 21KIF :11.4 n, CITY OF RJSEMEAD COMMITTEE . ONSEP APPLICAT'ICN Applieatlon for: 2 Ke Iuna 7avon -S ter Cary 0wrimittee.rExeruove hoard 2dp .pan, Max;Ca-Sic#tr Cip, CornmiitBr/Execvtiv~ B(:a"u Address: f N < tlU~!t1 U ( t IlY dS~Jd~ . ~4 & / 7 Home Phone Ot ^apfi3et51nessP/pio~,n~e~# ~~h-l~_ Emeii address: q ,nnC VI`fLL Are: you a regiaterecl voter In the City of F~_-serje-a Yes No How long have you lived in Rosemead? to California? How long have you worked in Rosemead?~ ' VIv Employet's Nance 1 Y U7- a'JJ6J V Type of Bus+ness r {~`lk G Educational Background Name of School/College NumoerofYaars Year Attandmd Lnradua:ad rJegree or Certificate Obtainea 4 i • Q Why:are You Interested in serving ass.vglunteer Sistelr.Clty'Commhtee/E,cecutive board Member? Piease'dWribe any work, training, Certificates anc!/ar mambersllp:in profeasion2l organizations ttfat would qualify youfor uwas pusilion, fit abdiliorraJ,epgcais,regg7~ W„please a(t:ah se0WW,'Q $h*0(3) Personal or business, activities that would:t>u.ln.cc nttict.v~lth•your.sennng as ar ExecnSve gowns Mmgber. Det~d:r~~ AFpflCagtcignaturq;;~