CC - Item 6B - Appeal of Planned Development Review 09-01ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 2009 SUBJECT: APPEAL OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 09-01 SUMMARY On October 19, 2009, the Rosemead Planning Commission approved Planned Development Review 09-01 (PDR 09-01) authorizing the conversion of a 39,703 square foot commercial building at 8920 Glendon Way (former Levitz property) into a UFC Gym. The Planning Commission staff report and draft minutes are attached to this report for the City Council's reference (Attachment A). On October 28, 2009, Mayor Pro Tem Taylor requested that the Planning Commission's decision be appealed to the City Council for further discussion and consideration. Mayor Pro Tem Taylor's written request is also attached to this report (Attachment B). Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council provide direction as it relates to the UFC Gym proposal at 8920 Glendon Way. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. S6eki Y BCommun ity Development Director Attachment A - October 19, 2009 Planning Commission Staff Report and draft minutes Attachment B - Mayor Pro-Tem Taylor appeal request ITEM NO. APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRWOMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE ROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DIVISION DATE: OCTOBER 19, 2009 SUBJECT: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 09-01 8920 GLENDON WAY SUMMARY New Evolution Fitness Center/8920 Glendon Way Associates, LLC, doing business as "Ultimate Fitness Center (UFC) Gym," has submitted an application requesting to convert an existing 39,703 square foot commercial building into a fitness center, located at 8920 Glendon Way, in the PD (Planned Development) Zone. Environmental Determination: Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines exempt projects that consist of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, Planned Development Review 09-01 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 of CEQA guidelines. Municipal Code Requirements The Planned Development zone is designated to accommodate various types of development such as shopping centers, professional and administrative areas, multiple housing developments, single-family residential developments, commercial service centers and industrial parks and other uses or a combination of uses which can be made appropriately a part of. planned development. Section 17.76 of the Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) states the development as authorized shall be subject to all conditions so imposed. Such conditions may be modified where circumstances warrant after a hearing by the Planning Commission. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planning Commission APPROVE Planned Development Review 09-01 for a period of six (6) months and adopt Resolution 09-20, subject to conditions outlined in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. 1 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Paae 2 of 17 Property History and Description The subject site is located north of the San Bernardino (1-10) Freeway, just west of Rosemead Boulevard, on the southwest corner of Glendon Way and the Interstate 10- Freeway On/Off Ramp. The project area consists of one parcel, totaling approximately 3.17 acres (138,094± square feet). The site is currently developed with a 39,703 square foot commercial building. According to the City's Building Division records, the commercial building was constructed and operated by "Toys R' Us" in 1971. In 2004, the commercial building was renovated for "Levitz Furniture," which yvent out of business in 2008. Figure 1 illustrates a site plan of the project site and the adjacent lot to the west, labeled Parcels A and B. The project site is shaded grey and labeled Parcel B. Originally, parcels A and B were one (1) parcel and zoned PD (Planned Development). In 1967, Zone Change 25 changed the north-western portion of the lot to C-3D (Medium Commercial with a Design Overlay). On August 15, 1988, the Planning Commission approved Design Review 88-32, which allowed the commercial business on Parcel B to expand its parking into Parcel A. As indicated in Figure 1, the proposed gym will only utilize the parking spaces within Parcel B. In 2005, a Lot Line Adjustment was 2 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Page 3 of 17 completed to create a new lot (labeled as Lot A on the site plan), which totals approximately 1.75 acres (76,147± square feet). This lot was then sold to a different owner. Although Parcel A is not part of the proposed project site, a Declaration of Restrictions and Grant of Easements is recorded on both properties, which imposes certain restrictions on the development and use of the parcels and provides for maintenance and control of easements for the benefit of the property owners of both Parcels A and B. North Elevation Site & Surrounding Land Uses The site is designated in the General Plan for Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial (30du/ac), and on the Zoning Map it is designated for PD (Planned Development) zone. The site is surrounded by the following land uses: North: General Plan: Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial (30 du/ac) Zoning: PO-D (Professional Office within a Design Overlay) and PD (Planned Development) Land Use: Multiple-Family Dwellings and Hotel South: General Plan: San Bernardino (1-10 Freeway) Zoning: San Bernardino (1-10 Freeway) Land Use: San Bernardino (1-10 Freeway) East: General Plan: 1-10 Freeway On/Off ramp (at Rosemead Boulevard) Zoning: 1-10 Freeway On/Off ramp (at Rosemead Boulevard) Land Use: 1-10 Freeway On/Off ramp (at Rosemead Boulevard) 3 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Paae 4 of 17 West: General Plan: Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial (30 du/ac) Zoning: C-31D (Medium Commercial within a Design Overlay) and PD (Planned Development) Land Use: Parking Lot Administrative Analysis The applicant is proposing to convert an existing 39,703 square foot commercial building into an upscale health and fitness gym called "UFC Gym." The only proposed construction changes include interior building remodeling, the removal of an existing loading dock and new exterior signage. The proposed project is not considered as a change in the zoning designation of the property and does not require City Council approval. This Planned Development was approved for commercial use and has previously been occupied by commercial retailers, such as Toys R' Us and Levitz Furniture since 1971. Since the proposed gym is classified as a different type of commercial use and the previous retail development conditions are not appropriate for a gym use, it has been determined that additional conditions are required to assure a reasonable and compatible development in harmony with, and not detrimental to, the surrounding area. The proposed gym is private, requiring monthly fees, and based on individual and group training sessions. The training sessions include group fitness, private mixed martial arts (MMA) training, personal training and group dynamic training. Group fitness will encompass cycling, extreme cardio conditioning, shadow boxing, weight training, kickboxing, abs and core workouts. Private MMA training will include kickboxing, wrestling, Muay Thai, and Jiu Jitsu, which will take place in the training octagon. Personal training programs will incorporate strength, core, flexibility and balance training, cardio conditioning and nutrition. Group Dynamic Training provides technique and conditioning for all MMA disciplines, which include self defense fundamentals and effective striking techniques. A detailed description of each class and training program is attached in this staff report as Exhibit "D." Staff has added conditions of approval to ensure that UFC Gym does not conduct any fighting onsite. The applicant has indicated that the initial membership fee will be up to $89/month and the hours of operation will be between 5:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. The applicant has also indicated that a maximum number of fifteen (15) employees onsite during peak hours. Site Plan Access to the project site will be via three driveways, two ingress/egress driveways located along Glendon Way on Parcel B, and one ingress/egress driveway along Ivar Avenue located on Parcel A. Although the project site is located on Parcel B, an access easement between Parcels A and B grants each owner and their invitees, licensees, patrons, and customers, non-exclusive easements for loading and unloading and for all ingress/egress points. 4 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Page 5 of 17 There are minor modifications that will be made to the site plan. The applicant is proposing to remove an existing loading dock which extends beyond the property line. Since the applicant is incorporating a juice bar, staff will require that the applicant fully enclose the existing trash enclosure located along the west property line with a solid cover and have opaque steel self-closing and self-latching doors. Floor Plan According to the architectural floor plan, marked Exhibit "C," the applicant is proposing interior tenant improvements to create a check-in area, retail area, juice bar, offices, kid's gym, main workout area, octagon training area, specialty workout rooms, aerobics training rooms, personal training area, men's and women's restrooms, showers and locker rooms, and a mezzanine for electrical components. The main entrance to the UFC Gym will remain on the north side of the building, which faces Glendon Way. Parking A surface parking lot consisting of one hundred eighty-five (185) parking stalls is provided to the north, south and east of the existing commercial building. As shown on Figure 1, on page two (2), there is an additional one hundred ninety-two (192) parking stalls on Parcel A, which will not be utilized by the proposed UFC Gym. The property owner of Parcel B shall not at any time utilize the on Parcel A for his or her benefit. Since the Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) offers no provisions in the parking standards for fitness centers or gymnasiums, staff required the applicant to complete a Trip Generation and Parking Analysis to analyze potential traffic and parking impacts that could result from the proposed project. A Trip Generation Study and Parking Demand Analysis were conducted by KOA Corporation. A copy of their report, dated September 28, 2009, has been attached as Exhibit "E." The analysis consisted of a survey of trip generation and parking demand activity at an existing similar use in the area, in order to develop localized rates for the proposed project and to determine general activity that could be expected at the proposed project site. For this analysis, a "24-Hour Fitness Center" located in the City of Arcadia was determined to be the ideal survey location. Since the proposed fitness center will not be a typical membership fitness center, such as "24-Hour Fitness Center," it is important to note that the expected activity could be as much as fifty (50) percent less than a typical membership fitness center. For this reason, a conservative reduction factor of twenty (20) percent was applied to the calculated trip generation and parking demand numbers. The parking study concluded that the project would have a parking supply surplus of as many as fifteen (15) spaces on weekdays and twenty (22) spaces on weekends. Security The applicant has informed staff that the security and safety of UFC Gym members and employees are a paramount concern and an issue that UFC Gym will plan for carefully. 5 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Page 6 of 17 The conceptual security plan that has been attached as Exhibit "F" indicates that UFC Gym proposes to use a top of the line membership identification system, a comprehensive security surveillance system, security guard services during evening and nighttime hours and parking lot lighting to ensure a safe environment. The Planning Division and City of Rosemead Chief of Police met with the applicant to ensure that the applicant will take appropriate security measures. Staff has added a condition of approval requiring that the applicant submit a security plan to the City of Rosemead Chief of Police for review and approval, prior to the issuance of building permits. Lighting The applicant is proposing to maintain all existing light fixtures onsite. To ensure that there is sufficient lighting in the parking area, staff has added a condition of approval requiring that the applicant submit a lighting plan to the Planning Division for review and approval, prior to the issuance of building permits. Light standards shall also be repainted. Landscaping and Fencing Staffs site inspection revealed that all landscape planters require rehabilitation. As a condition of approval, staff will require that the applicant submit a landscape plan, which indicates a wide variety of new, colorful and drought tolerant shrubs, flowers and ground covers for the review and approval of the Planning Division, prior to the issuance of building permits. A new automatic irrigation system, with moisture sensors, will also be required in any planter that is not being adequately maintained by the existing system. The applicant will also be required to improve all public right-of-way landscaping adjacent to their site. The subject site is surrounded by an existing concrete block wall located along the north and east property line and a chain link fence is located along the south property line. Staff has added a condition of approval, requiring that all dilapidated fencing be repaired or replaced. Siqnaqe A conceptual sign plan has been submitted for the proposed UFC Gym, attached in this staff report as Exhibit "G." The applicant is proposing to install three (3) new exterior building wall signs and reface two (2) existing double-sided pylon signs. Exterior building wall signs are proposed on the north, south and east elevations. As a condition of approval, staff will require that the exterior building wall signs consist of internally illuminated channel letters and logos, with black or dark bronze returns and trim caps. The applicant further proposes to reface two (2) existing double-sided pylon signs; one located at the northeast corner of the subject parcel, as well as, one freeway oriented sign located on Parcel A. A signage easement between Parcels A and B allows the applicant to reface the pylon sign located on Parcel A. As a condition of approval, staff will require that the background be opaque, so that only the letters illuminate during night-time illumination. 6 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Paqe 7 of 17 Per Rosemead Municipal Code (RMC) Section 17.76.120 (B), exterior wall signs may occupy not more than twenty (20) percent of any front, side or rear wall of a main building or structure. The conceptual UFC Gym sign plan exceeds this requirement. Since the proposed sign plan is conceptual, staff will require that a final sign plan be submitted to the Planning Division for the review and approval, prior to the issuance of building permits. Staff has also added a condition, requiring that all signage proposed shall not occupy more than twenty (20 percent of any front, side or rear wall of a main building structure. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300' property owner public hearing notice, and postings of the notice at the six (6) public locations and on the subject site. Prepare A Lily Trinh Assistant Planner Submitted by: j V6~ Sheri Bermejo Principal Planner EXHIBITS: A. Resolution 09-20 B. Conditions of Approval C. Site Plan, Floor Plan and Elevation Plans D. UFC Gym Classes and Training Programs E. Trip Generation and Parking Demand Analysis F. Preliminary Security Plan G. Conceptual Sign Plan H. - Assessor Parcel Map (5390-018-036) 7 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Page 8 of 17 EXHIBIT "A" PC RESOLUTION 09-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA APPROVING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 09-01 TO CONVERT AN EXISTING 39,703 SQUARE-FOOT COMMERCIAL BUILDING INTO A FITNESS CENTER, LOCATED AT 8920 GLENDON WAY, IN THE PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) ZONE (APN: 5390-018-036). WHEREAS, on July 9, 2009, New Evolution Fitness Center/8920 Glendon Way Associates, LLC submitted an application for a Planned Development Review proposing to convert an existing 39,703 square foot commercial building into a fitness center, located at 8920 Glendon Way, in the PD (Planned Development) Zone. WHEREAS, 8920 Glendon Way is located in the PD (Planned Development) Zone; and WHEREAS, Chapter 17.76 of the Rosemead Municipal Code specifies the criteria by which the aforementioned permit may be granted; and WHEREAS, on October 8, 2009, fifteen (15) notices were sent to property owners within a 300-foot radius from the subject property, in addition to notices posted in six (6) public locations and on-site, specifying the availability of the application, plus the date, time and location of the public hearing for Planned Development Review 09- 01; and WHEREAS, on October 19, 2009, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed and advertised public hearing to receive oral and written testimony relative to Planned Development Review 09-01; and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to them in order to make the following determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead as follows: SECTION 1. The Planning Commission HEREBY DETERMINES that Planned Development Review 09-01 is Categorically Exempt under Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and local environmental guidelines, where projects consist of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, Planned 8 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Paae 9 of 17 Development Review 09-01 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301 of CEQA. SECTION 2. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist to justify approving Planned Development Review 09-01 according to the Criteria of Chapter 17.76 of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows: A. That the proceedings to alter the development plan for this Planned Development zoned property is justified in that it is in the public's necessity, convenience and general welfare and is good zoning practices for such action; FINDING: The project site is designated in the General Plan for Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial (30du/ac), and on the zoning map it is designated for P-D (Planned Development). The project site has been approved for commercial uses since 1971. The area is dominated by a mix of commercial businesses, which makes the use complimentary to the surrounding area. Staff has added conditions of approval to ensure that the public's necessity, convenience and general welfare is not altered from the proposed project. B. The Planning Commission may approve or conditionally approve minor modifications or development in the Planned Development zone if compliant with the General Plan and compatible with existing and future developments in surrounding areas. FINDING: Over the last two (2) years, the site has been vacant with the exception of temporary seasonal tenants. Planned Development Review 09-01 will be consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan, as it encourages continued development of self-sustaining commercial uses at strategic intersections. The proposed use may have the potential to also increase patronage, which translates to economic benefits to the business and the community. SECTION 3. The Planning Commission HEREBY APPROVES Planned Development Review 09-01, to convert an existing 39,703 square foot commercial building into a fitness center, located at 8920 Glendon Way, subject to conditions listed in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning Commission on October 19, 2009, by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 9 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Page 10 of 17 SECTION 5. The secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the applicant and the Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 19th day of October, 2009. Diana Herrera, Chairwoman CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 19th day of October 19th, 2009 by the following vote: YES: NO: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Sheri Bermejo, Secretary 10 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Paae 11 of 17 EXHIBIT "B" PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 09-01 (APN: 5390-018-036) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL October 19, 2009 1. The following conditions of approval must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Planning Division prior to final approval of the associated plans, building permits, occupancy permits, or any other appropriate request. 2. Conditions of approval listed on Exhibit "B" shall be copied directly onto final development plans submitted to the Planning and Building Division for review. 3. Planned Development Review 09-01 is approved to convert an existing 39,703 square foot commercial building into a"fitness center, to be developed in accordance with the architectural plans marked Exhibit "C", dated September 28, 2009. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for review and approval by the City of Rosemead Planning Division. 4. Approval of Planned Development Review 09-01 shall not take effect for any purpose until the applicant has filed with the City of Rosemead a notarized affidavit stating that he/she is aware of and accepts all of the conditions of approval as set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions, within ten (10) days from the Planning Commission approval date. 5. Planned Development Review 09-01 is approved for a period of six (6) months. The applicant shall commence the proposed use or request an extension within 30-calendar days prior to expiration. The six (6) months initial approval period shall be effective from the Planning Commission approval date. For the purpose of this petition, project commencement shall be defined as beginning the permitting process with the Planning and Building Divisions, so long as the project is not abandoned. If the Planned Development Review has been unused, abandoned or discontinued for a period of six (6) months it shall become null and void. 6. Planned Development Review 09-01 is granted or approved with the City and its Planning Commission and City Council retaining and reserving the right and jurisdiction to review and to modify the permit, including the conditions of approval based on changed circumstances. Changed circumstances include, but are not limited to, the modification of the use, a change in scope, emphasis, size, or nature of the use, or the expansion, alteration, reconfiguration, or change of use. This reservation of right to review is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the right of the City, its Planning Commission, and City Council to review and revoke or 11 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Page 12 of 17 modify any permit granted or approved under the Rosemead Municipal Code for any violations of the conditions imposed on Planned Development Review 09-01. 7. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set side, void, or annul, an approval of the Planning Commission and/or City Council concerning the project, which action is brought within the time period provided by law. 8. The Planning Commission hereby authorizes the Planning Division to make and/or approve minor modifications to the approved plans. 9. The applicant shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws relative to the approved use including the requirements of the Planning, Building, Fire, Sheriff and Health Departments. 10. Building permits will not be issued in connection with any project until such time as all plan check fees, and all other applicable fees are paid in full. 11. Prior to the issuance of building permits, all school fees shall be paid. The applicant shall provide the City with written verification of compliance from the School District. 12.City staff shall have access to the subject property at any time during construction to monitor progress and after construction to monitor compliance. 13.0ccupancy will not be granted until all improvements required by this approval have been approved, completed and inspected by the appropriate department(s). 14.The hours of construction shall be limited from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday. No construction shall take place on Sundays or on any legal holidays without prior City approval. 15.Applicant shall obtain a public works permit for all work in or adjacent to the public right-of-way. 16.The numbers of the address signs shall be at least six (6) inches tall with a minimum character width of '/4 inches, contrasting in color and easily visible at driver's level from the street. The location, color and size of such sign shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Division. 17. Gym patrons and employees shall be prohibited from parking in the parking area on the adjacent Parcel A (APN: 5390-018-037). Unless such permission is granted by the owners of Parcel A (APN: 5390-018-037), the gym management shall advise its patrons and employees not to park within Parcel A (APN: 5390- 12 Planning Commission PO-R 09-01 Page 13 of 17 018-037) at any time. The gym shall post a written notice in the gym reception area and parking lot informing customers of this condition. 18.The parking area within Parcel B, as indicated on the site plan in Exhibit "C," shall be re-striped. 19.The parking area within Parcel B, as indicated on the site plan in Exhibit "C", including handicapped spaces, shall be paved and re-painted periodically to City standards to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. In accordance with Chapter 17.84 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, all designated parking stalls shall be double striped. Such striping shall be maintained in a clear, visible, and orderly manner. 20.The parking space markers shall be re-painted periodically to City standards to the satisfaction of the Planning Division, including double striping, wheel stops and handicapped parking/markings. 21.At least two percent of the required parking shall be designated for handicap, space pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22511.8. A letter by the property owner shall be given to the City for authorizing enforcement. 22.The developer shall comply with the City's storm water ordinance and Los Angeles County's SUSMP requirements with respect to planning and development of the site. 23.The site shall be maintained in a graffiti-free state. Any new graffiti shall be removed within twenty-four (24) hours. A 24-hour, Graffiti Hotline can be called at (626) 569-2345 for assistance. 24. The onsite public hearing notice posting shall be removed within 30 days from the end of the 10-day appeal period of Planned Development Review 09-01. 25. The site shall be maintained in a clean, weed and litter free state in accordance with Sections 8.32.010-8.32.040 of the Rosemead Municipal Code, which pertains to the storage, accumulation, collection, and disposal of garbage, rubbish, trash, and debris. All trash containers shall be stored in the appropriate trash enclosure at all times. All trash, rubbish, and garbage receptacles shall be regularly cleaned, inspected, and maintained in a clean, safe, and sanitary condition. The trash enclosure doors shall be closed at all times. 26.The applicant shall keep the electrical and mechanical equipment and/or emergency exits free of any debris, storage, furniture, etc., and maintain a minimum clearance of five (5) feet. 27.AII roof top appurtenances and equipment shall adequately be screened from view to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. There shall be no mechanical 13 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Paae 14 of 17 equipment located on the sides of the building. Such equipment shall not exceed the height of the parapet wall. All ground level mechanical/utility equipment (including meters, back flow preservation devices, fire valves, A/C condensers, furnaces, utility cabinets and other equipment) shall be located away from public view or adequately screened by landscaping or screening walls so as not to be seen from the public right of way or other public space within. the development. The Planning Division shall approve said screening prior to installation. 28.A landscape plan shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. All existing landscape planters onsite and in the public right-of-way, adjacent to the lot, shall be renovated with new drought tolerant landscape materials. 29.The landscaped areas shall be maintained with adequate landscaping on a regular basis, including the removal of trash and litter, the replanting of dead or missing shrubs and plants as shown on the aforementioned plans, as well as the periodic pruning of dead limbs and branches as necessary. A new automatic irrigation system, with moisture sensors, will also be required in any planter that is not being adequately maintained by the existing system. 30. All open area not covered by concrete, asphalt, or structures shall be landscaped and maintained on a regular basis. 31.The existing trash enclosure located along the west property line shall be fully enclosed with a solid cover and have opaque steel self-closing and self-latching doors. 32.Adequate lighting shall be provided in the vehicle parking area. A lighting plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permits. 33.The hours of operation shall be posted in the front window or door. Hours of operation shall be limited to 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., daily. 34.Applicant shall not publicize, hold, host, authorize, or allow to be held or hosted on the subject property any mixed martial arts events or demonstrations that include as any part of the event two (2) or more individuals engaging in physical competition or contest between or among them in which the individuals strike each other in any way or otherwise come into physical contact (e.g., by wrestling, grappling, or throwing one another). Should applicant desire to hold, host, authorize or allow to be held or hosted any such event, applicant must apply for a separate permit from the City for each such event to take place on the subject property. The City reserves the right to approve, conditionally approve, or deny any such request for permit. 14 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Page 15 of 17 35. In connection with the mixed martial arts training and other training provided on the subject property, applicant shall not allow any two (2) or more individuals to engage in training, "sparring" or simulated or real physical combat in which the individuals strike each other in any way or otherwise come into physical contact (e.g., by wrestling, grappling, or throwing one another). The foregoing shall not be deemed to prohibit one (1) employee of applicant to train or "spar" with.one (1) patron in connection with the patron's training by the employee on the subject property. 36. No exterior vending machines shall be permitted. 37.A security plan shall be submitted to the City of Rosemead Chief of Police for review and approval, prior to the issuance of building permits. The security plan shall include a surveillance camera system, the presence of a security guard during night time hours of operation, a parking lot lighting plan, and picture ID Membership control system. If warranted on the basis of the City of Rosemead Public Safety or Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department incident reports, the City shall have the right to require additional security measures. 38.A final sign plan shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval, prior to Planning Final Inspection. The exterior building wall signs shall consist of internally illuminated channel letters and logos with bronze returns and trim caps. The background on the double-sided pylon signs shall be opaque, so that only the letters illuminate during night-time illumination. The pylon signs shall be re-painted. All signage proposed shall comply with RMC Section 17.76.120. 39.The applicant shall obtain a Certificate of Occupancy Permit and any applicable City of Rosemead Business License prior to beginning business operations. 40.Additional services, which include chiropractic services, tanning, therapeutic massage, sports, rehabilitation therapy, babysitting, etc. shall not be allowed, unless and until the applicant receives approval of a Planned Development Review from the Planning Commission for such services and all applicable city permits are obtained. 41.The applicant shall remove the existing loading dock which extends beyond the property line to the satisfaction of the Rosemead Building Official and Rosemead City Engineer, prior to Planning Final Inspection. 42. All openings along the west property line shall be closed to the satisfaction of the Rosemead Building Official, prior to Planning Final Inspection. 43.AII bent or broken bollards or wheel stops in the parking lot area shall be removed and replaced. 15 Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Pace 16 of 17 44.AII dilapidated block walls surrounding the property shall be replaced. 45.All portions of the building affected by graffiti shall be re-painted to match the base color of the building. 46. All light fixtures shall be re-painted. 47.AII "Levitz Furniture" signs in the parking lot area shall be removed. 48.Violation of the conditions of approval may result in a citation and/or initiation of revocation proceedings. 16 0 D 2 m m zZ D A O Z O X X m m f s { ZC mr N N~ C' D; 070 FO En ~m l iz IRE $4 wTo c Y b 0 Z T z m cn O IVAR AVENUE _ FREEWAY ON/OFF RAMP IF I I~ of a 1111111p Egg N k -v a 9§3 7 o o _ dI' v m » $ ~ e n 1 i„ s z ~J ~ ~ D ~,o n w~ 0 r A z 0 0 Z f D { -o O N 'Agn~ Z Z m ~ o n ~ -o m m {H O I I (CI ADJAD ENT TENANT • N.I.D. 4 - 9) 161 ADJACENT TENANT • N.LD.. 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O Z T z z m 1 C/) n O f11~ N O D mm w ii 0 m x m O 'i m m ~ r - m O < D ~ m 0 r z m D O Z F ~C zr m~7~ m o Ln no'n °M n ni =o T C o0 _ n ~ ; DnT o " Y FO Ul ~m g p ZY-o' Z5 z P 22A' m D m r < D 0 z mF a~ s ~ s S 2 g 3~N <z ~2n?3G A~,mO v~r g°C 0 O O Z T1 m m n O oL m - r m < D -i IZ 1 ° e o 4 g ° 2 H p F S z 0 m r ~ m D O Z E z m a g og z 0 ~o v~ I Planning Commission PD-R 09-01 Paae 17 of 17 EXHIBIT "H" 5390 tn I- J I = I I I I I 1 1 T •a6 A ® I I I I j I 1 I I I ! I js 4 ~ q 9~ ! PO 1] I I I F 1 I 1 I • 8218 WAY 9 N S GLENOON »rm a .u° u 2277 OSEM~AO CT NO o I 1 1 ` p x~ 4 j 2 1 m e ~I` 714 6 d A • S 20 S2 21 1 . y.l ~ d Ps SK 8594 ;5 »m.~.cl 0 w O w M1§ i !y ~ I8 25 S v Q a i NO 9 s SM s w a p B •y 21. 115 l i • iOLNEY Md 31 56 FR` ST i _ SMI dERNAR01N0 10 FRWY 9 •ums~ 'u. vmin+wm'mc~mµmssni uw * S4R' OED SITE 'n v 0 ct N 'O O CQ ID 3 CQ U) C c~ 17 ic Ct Q.1 ct CD TI ct CD Cn cn Q? I~ CD cot m v ti * *'O W ID ~ In N M W X3 cm N O C.) O cn O \ D m ct CD fn M N D7 O O 3 O. N D? c7 N O n O (e C O ~ O D) D7 U3 U3 MD O CD O 0 7 O_ cT O 7 7 CO D Q 0 ( ir a * y D G] N cn < O. O ID m in CD (n m O 3 )cn C'F CL 0• N Q7 7 CL 7. cc D. CD 0 18 C Z m z m D v m z z 0 0 m z M. m y f m v (O v n 01 ct 1) O O D o a a CZ ~ m a n C1 D h O LA I y C 3 C = a 7 ° C a O C m < w h y c m - v m . o m m N N -CO y s a m J m zIr m :E a a o ~ CD . n C m - C to ~ N a j~ m o a ] c. a N N n o ~ a 7 3 3 T CA 0 C (O 4 ~ m Z c CD co ° . o a~ O = 7 x_. E = O C m m co j O m a m 0 v - m _ a :0 ~ m W y m m ~ CD a Z, w p cn C 0- o y ra cn (b Z C, o c Ch Q C Z h n o cn o r 4 Q t - _ m m Cp 3 Q m j ~ C N 13 C QL R y \ j S Q ? C (4 C) (D co a o < h' , tp o c O 0 7 d a m y a ci) S 0 ° a 3 m a m tb c m lb ? 0 o m n ? j C O O o m O 7 (D 3 C N c7 CD C N a (D N m p < -o 7 a (D C1 Z < v T y m co m m N m m R ~ < C) D f v N CD U3 N ct O 0 3 D) C.) N N c CO N m 3 C C O 0 co m Ul O v ~ T CD ~ N D P CD CQ 19 C G m mn m D D_ Z z 0 CO) m Z m m W 0 0 3 C y m ~ h (D S 0 N J Q h (0 (U 7 ri) CD CO y _ co m co N Q. ° a tir44~ o c z 3 a m j . a n N ~ J w `D~ N n .Z~• SS~ n h h Q I~ W i o r ~ m rn o n cn~h v k. T ~ r o ~ Z s 3' R o a 9 N n In O C'\i m~ o o o a o ,•y m -n (n CD n C) c.° ° y m rn' Q~ m m ° a m m ? m N ° m n m o y 4 N O m ~ n j m m N n m n~ N N -n CD O ~ Cp cF S O ^ ` , - \ N \ ^ ` J N N m CD C co CD 7 0 N cn C O s C CD C] 0 Z) 0_ C-t 0 D 5, cc 0 (A _v N• n~ s CD no Q.1. n 3 CL 0• 20 ao n~ . CO O O C O O I" c0 O ZI Z D m m cn Z 0. D z z n m Z O X < O m I c m - ID s a3 0 Cc T R C C R - fD CD < m --q- 0 h N m to 3 a O M O 0- ro s co * m 5 m m x. o ~ cn p 1 a m to -1 CD O p R O D ° -0 to cno C a M a O- co j' ? y m 0 > 7 C N Z (4 7 c CL U) h N n n N D ~ N tj~ m s CD S n o o CD 3 C V Q D1 m y m 3 aZ co ° CD r- 0 h`Dn =r y Q Q) rti CD m M. N \C o : D - m gy m 1 0 1 CL N 0 - C ) 0 0 oa l m T F ~ Co cr m CD 3 n n m . C y ~ ' m hRn ~ N v m O N c m m' 0 O• y Z c1 a N [n 0 0 O O w m ~ 7 D m R a h N p C o 7 0 C D C3 ? C N O cc :zF co fD 7 O m h N d 7 (D (D 7C Zr- N R < O O J O O M 0 C N j 0 N (n R 0 00 R 27. p m m s F CD N R- < m Cb 0- 7 CD R O ID C7 D N N T "O (D f O U3 O O, v C-P N \ n N N a N CD CD c O C D CD 7 e7 n CD = 0 O p v CD c cn N N D mn cot N N 21 C Z D m mn z m cn D z D_ z ~ 1~ ) m Z m m W co :D O O 3 , 7~ ~ cn C h N N o 0 7 N 70 < S d R O 3 N 7 n p C 3 N M a C a o O M N cn CD Co (n Iq 7 m R N Y 7 CO N a) N C p~ m s o m n . 0 y o N co C d N R N m G R O N O R CD co Cr 04 ? j m 2L ' o (o c' 7 (p = oc = 7 CO 'z :3 cc CL R = a o n o co _ N N N CO S N U N 0 N (o U1 o J Q U] iS d M Q N U7 r m C~j n J. (D 3 r o r CL m CL m -0 m 7' C 7 ~o ma = ° 0 N O k Z n CL o ~ =r 0 m o J' m ° C m D m x CD 0o y m . y N 7 7' 7 CL cn O y Z o d C g 3 m n o .~n1 :3 0 o n En n a " m m N o. ' R o (Q O R m 7 N O h j m 3 ~ 7 m m U) o y ? N o o . a cn m N ? ~ 0 3 m m 0 o < m ~ 4 =r N m m C O 7 N R N j N a 7 0a) 7 C N O N T RJ d ~ m O m y o 0 v N N O 3 3 v N ~D 0 co O O M m w m CT co 0 X C-) fD O 7 a clt O 7 7 10 C O X CD 0 r CD m 0 ct S O C] N N cn 0 7 O c7 (D 0 C ct. 3 `TT1 `Y O k cc 0 O r61 c'F O~ cm 22 C D m mn m cn z 0 D_ Z m I m m ~ n ~ ~ ~ C ry ~ N ° lp S O c m o m o 3 = n N o m o F C ~ p~ r rho x 3 0 0 0 Vl 1 H tyj O o a m o o o ~ O C~ a J ~ ° ~ m a c t' Fm~ a ~ ~ o ~ S ao p o J y ~ o a m rr, m a ? n to n a o o n yaw ua ; m 4~. ^w fD 4 ° ry 3 ~ o fo W y ° LQ o n n 4 W ~m (A~ o > > ~ a ° m . ' 'Q c LO ~ o C 1~ C+ L N 4 ' m no m oo O j 3 a o m~ ~ J a ~ , o O N , F o co co 'y1. , ro 3' S 'Y S S H ~A C1 y m ~ to 3 0 4 o a a C(b y tb QL o 3 zTs _ ~ • o s o o > a~ U:l a C° ~ C3 O D ° fl 3 O D O ° N r ° m p o_ m ° o ru 3 a Q m o O n p 4° o 4 O ~n y ,G fD N CD CC Ct m =r O ph 3 a) N n N c a3 W CD M -0 :3 CCD ct 0 m C) U1 00 C7 ~ C ct (D cn n C D m mn m N N D O D Z n m 0L N ct 0 0 3 0m~70300 y C n 5. Cif j =1 0 c ca -O cy M m cr N a a CD m m m m mm T m c m m y n m c m m m j S CD cry. m . C Q\7 m O ff Q y m o CL a 0 2 R ~ N h p' O ~ ti cn cn ti ro (j, yn can N y ~ ~ 24 0 m N N O z 5 CD c CD O 0 CD r CD U3 0 C"+ (7 O in C7 N D1 \ N e U1 O N ~ C7 C-r N 5 (D D 0 in _0 N• 0 CD _x Q N cc ~D N cr o to C Z m mn z m N D z O m D. z z 0 n m z ;m a N TI ct 0 0 3 0m--I 7pgO:EoO a 0 C ED Z v o m r 0 :4 (b * N * N° a v p cr I x U) O CD mmmwmzj-m U) -3 elt Cb CL m j S N . C lb R N O S Q d CC7 cb a " o n 3 CL m R O 0 7. O 3 n to a 3 0 0 3 ~ R 3 ~ 3 3 3 ~ . m 25 C7 0 m N 19 O 3 w CD CD 0 CD r CD CD CQ O clt s C') O D) 0 N CO W N CD Ci m o cn c C-t _0 m 5[D D N _0 cn~ n. CD c C-P v co CD N 0 Z Z D C D m z m cn D m z z 0 C) m A mm .~4./ O C -n .rt O O co, In 0 ° ( y o m b C m N a Cil N W c ° m ca h O ~ co S C j m O thn ~C ~ m ° 0. h m 71 2, 0. N N J 7 p C ~ Z 7a a J h J a tp J C ° C C ~ 0 o 0 C \ C~1 h (ND r d y j o cc o ~ ° 3 ~D (b O J' n m p N 00 ~ o j J o cn . ~ 14. CD O V .I. o m m J4 h q a m d Q m m h g 3 p J DI J Co c (q h J' y C) m OJ m h G) n zi- =1 CL F h O h j. CD 7 j v ° n ° Si y r tb a o (0 m c h to g h C S n rn h Ell ~ 71 r~z 3 h ' U y t C N ry N 07 an O h O cD h O O .4 j p n J r 0 O h y I y h a m CD n a) N N IT1 O 7 C1 clt CD m r_ CD 0 CD CD O -h n 0) N W CD h Cr ~G n Z) Q. m 7 C1 Q) C7 CD r cn e7 S O a) N N 0 O K Ct O CD C!1 n N D m 0. C n m 26 C m m N m z z c~ 0 m m m O "D 71 0 Ct 11). O 73 m O En vac a a Q. R ° o 4: Fs a~ m UT 0 m m b 3' m m C C 3 k n a h y o o lb W 7 0 m y' G m o- CO j; y i FF o FD' CD C h 7 D ZF 0 -3 ZI 0- 4 co °a m o m ED d J m 0 o- fCp 0 0 N d ~ p C N q O J c m N et a° El * En co 0 J' R y C 7 J y N rr ~D j O N ~ N N ~ 7 m cc D O~.h o. ~y m. j p m W CO a h3 c. o- (D 4 y N lz a Er CD cn m ~ 4 o y m Q tC h y CD Z3. R N N R H n n M~. ? 3 C J m 0- h N N a a co cn :E. 0 tip y n S m 0 3 ~ m y Q J' C C N tp o d j 4 Q C] 0 N U) TI O 3 3 m clt CD C O 7 0 CD CD CAD CQ O & S O h Q7 C-) I N m C7 v ' 0 0 Q~ c CD CD (n j CCZI Q ro' V 3l~1 N C r D m mn z m cn z v m D YJ CD 3 O c ct M O O 3 cr ' s x C h (D d r y Co m C < g 7 n N 0 (D. rn CO m' 03 &f C Q m Q . =3 CD a (n O Co c ° o o D m D m . a 0 m E En c CL Q E j Q 4 Cc m s Z: I Q' h ED c ' U J ~ J ~ a n 0- a m r m c h 3 ' (N a o CD 0 * D 0- O O co- C I m co o F (n Q o 3 n o a ~a i m N m m C D Q4 N h C N °c g CO N d d mm< C h r 0 7 7 C d a N ° m o j o a n m C) o co ~ \ o' a a y m C h C N * _ C N m y. Cl- y m d > d n ° h y O m co a O h Oa C U * LD. Cc N co (O h Q U) S ' cSr CD O Q 4 fA c ' m . D c CD ° Q co o O _ (p m 1 O C] Z3 En Q m c Ca m m szs G C t O 7 h p1 - (U Q (D C') v N N O clt CD C co 0 CD O h 0 a) N N W CD m m cn CD cc ct 0 z) C- C-t. O ~Q r - CD 3 (O of S O h n D) N N C.n O K ct O [D cn in ca CD O Q. 1 O.Y U3 28 C m mn m D m z z M m z m m 4 I r' P G7 O C T cr 33 O O o 4 S p_ G] n a. m m a a a n m m CO a 4 o C 0 3 a t o ~ =r a Q m ~ ~ cn R m' C 7 (n (p S j y a CD 4 m m m 4 j a ~ CD h Q ' m ° G O' y p h co Q m Q U C O o N . 4 ~ q a• T 77 ~ ~ o R < D o j ~ m O y m N s N ~ j. (O ' ((b j m m a N CZ CD . O m C y N n N 3 ( m 'm m a a m Z:l Z - (O C Co CD 4 a a n a m o' - 3 N CO :?p (c ~ t3 O ' o m m h y. C n c m h m 0 m t% y tb ~ 4 cn ~ ; ~ s m. J C ° C) C h W y n f° to O m C3 CD ~ ~ a m 7 c h h j m Q x H L 29 C) 0 m m 19 O 3 0 c CD n CD CD O h n w N IT, ca D.1 a N C7 D' CD IIl 7 cn r - CD O 3 O ~-h C) v in in O K 7 C ct CD N n N C a) Q O_x n0 x. C Z m mn z m N D Z 0 m D Z z m m v rrt U1 O C T r-F O 0 c ~ y fop Q Ezk a (b C p• gZ y O j 44~ J'Z~ 1 (p C C , ~o Ot)4 ~ to y O O ~ 41 a a 43 ra l~ fb C O' ~ to o °a o S t y 4m r44 y C-- (n 0 CD U S CD v =3 w CD 0 a N C 51, (D CD 0 C 0 a- a- 0 N Q N ~ D N 0 0 cD N N 0 Q fD x O CD N O 7 N 7 Q O 7 CD 3 m C C CL Ca 3 CD M v N 0 n a~ N N T O 1 r-F N m c m A (D 0 ni N N W m 7 m r+ O m N r* fD r 7" O O Q r-h 0 vo \ co CD v 7 n m r - m GrQ S O -h N N Ui 0 _K C r* fD Ln n r cam' cot T~ `D U3 V C BD N 30 O clt o~ CO O Cn ct C _Q- O D m m ■ , Z m N Z D z z m .z -I m R a L I d 3 M , v ti n d 3 a m h h y n y ~ 7 cz D o RD co Rr N fD R hO f N m n S ~ p O r a C Ip ? o. a `Oa i m Z g co 9 n 'D CL R CD fD C to oy a Q h• m a m O' C' h ' C1 m as C 3 N m o o o fII a , Q ID \ o C C5 m m Q a S h m ? N O h ~o R- h O ? > ~ ~ m m h Q O L tb 3 j. v m a m d 4 co n 0 'm C] co N N CD CC . --n 3 O 0 n O C7 w in N co N c m ~ m . c-r n m N U1 Q X cr _0 CD O cn O 31 O m O CD C JZ m mn m cn z 71 D z m m m O C _0 _n C"t O O a Z n m D m CD- M. `Ch a j• a n CD y h d CS o h Q 3 C ~ 7 m m j m' N Q S S C Q N to ~ m 4 y. , I N r m S r m c m N a h h Co N j C o C D j ~ d S h m m h S 3 j y N 4 H y D c j j m o' 0 0 N j m y ° Q3 h ~ N O 7 O C G a H d h 32 n . C C D m in CD U3 N e7 S O ❑ 3 ~ 3 N clt \ \ in cn m N c CD CD 0 CD 0 cn 3 O CL O C-t O Cn O CJ CD n. N 3 v C D m 'TI z m cn D v m z ^z Y J m z m m O C 70 C"f O O 3 T r ° ° cn y m 7 CD h , N U .oO C 0) N N N Cq (D N d h 0 d 3 3 F 0 S N. ° CPL R - Ct J ro CD m 3 CD 7 a En 0 4 ° n = Q ° ° ' -o p; ~ C3 = _ 0 tb Q) =r CD -0 ri) O h Cb CD cm N m m ~ m CL h ° 1 N H O N O a N o 0 NN O G1 a D FS. Gl f0 n a m Dl h ° O N O C 7 CL C j :3 R ° .A O o cn y c ~ 0 O o R a _y C j C m ° co N. 33 C] Q7 m N N co to et =r. O n N n \ \ N CD Co N T 7 0 CD 0 Cn m p o o C't CD n N 0 CD C Z D m mn m Cf) cn D Z D z ^ YJ m z m m O C .D 7[ c-r 0 O 3 ~a o co ~ y o m N co co 'a 3 j o 4 m F a m R m w 4 m N Oj J O 4 'm 3 0 ~a o ~ a a m c D C , S mQ o (Q. o m ~ h tb fn L O y m 4 0 o, ~ S m d a CD x n co n~ N CD (M N S O C7 -h 3 3 v n e7 m cA Co N .a ~ C CD 7 0 CD cil O CD C C O_ N O n Cl) C~ C CD 34 C D m mn z m N z O D z z J m i m m O C-r CD co O 71 h a N ~ m h 71 y m d o < -00 a J j ~yn ~ y a4 O m h m c nom-' m Z d r- j y N h° COL m n m zi CD a h , F y ~ N m ~ R S o a m Cb m cn N 03 h 0 C) to Co M F h a aQ s m o N v UI co C 7 h a m CD W fl- C 01 n J' cn n ~ D a~ N Cn G a CD O, C :3 to ~ 3 Z n ~ 3 co- n (n 0 \ \ in cn W N CD CD -0 7 c ~ , F n CD N v Ut cq CD CD CD I N CD Ct CD n C CD D a N G O T3T `Y N O -h v CD CD 35 O C-tl CD co O m. D CD- C ED CO o Z 0 M. c mn m cn D. D z Gz] cm) m z_ m m C Q C no Cb 4 o CD ` (CO: N 3 C) 1 v CD m m Q < o 3 m ( •l< y ~ ~ b 2 m m y W m a ~ m ~ m 4 c~m .CD ~ 'x W O , = N O 4 C o ~aC ~ m o C: m m 'o no c = m - g f0 N. ~o~•Cb 3l< 0 v o - cn O ma y. Cb N T n CZ "C4 a) = ? n n m rp 'ra y , N a n D S c CD to ZZF 4 m = cfl C a Q co = Sb s m y 3 0 Co 3W o ~Zk vc° y :Zi (b Q W c. l< CD C Q Q O v J CD s O 0 m W O y CD U) 36 n N -a m N (n CD CC -n 0 C7 ~ D) C] clt U7 \ N N m N m m C c C D CD n CD N c-r N O < C)l o 0.1 3 _Q O cOt CD N O CO C C'r 0 C-P 3 cr C "'I C D m m m cn z m z z C7 M* Z M., m a. CO m O O 3 h C0 C' h r ctl O a t th W n C ED 3 y 4 n o m 7 0 C r-T. C• 53 lD -a N 0 •3 " y a ~ ~ m ~ R R m m N O' m' ~ , cn 7 j m 4 0 0 =3 4 m j C R CD N c-r .m 7 y m 4 3 CCD NIS W h C3 h 73 N C Q to J C zr ~ x d n CD ' N ~ 0 rA o CD h m \ ( a C y n m o -1 (b a CD n ri m j p ~ m y ~ s O tD 4 C4 (C0 J ID m m 0 Z:z aCo 2 Co ~o 1-4. m (n Cf) CD . O y o -3 CD 7 d w k Q j, C) cn C , h' , O to y J 4 m a O 4 y C n 0 h. R Q3 O a ~ d . y ~4 h m , T h ~ as 'F t m C CO O cn C0 S S a ~ n a) N In O m clt 7Z CD CD 0 CD 37 CD O v N IF" W 7 CD C7 C ct 3 v Ct CD ('t CD O cc ct O zi O_ cr o' O co CDD to ct 3 O h v N N C.n O 3 O 3 N 0 C 1 m x co O co 0 W ' ^ ID cot Z O ;7 cn p S O U) N 'O D7 ct A~ 'O ID K O~ 7 m m rr m N n N O 3 CD v = CD N O m N er 3 CD 7 ct O N n C cOf O [7 D) N Cl) G m 3 m N n S CD O_ C CD m CD G FD' co co F ct .0 C~ CD N n .=r CD CL r. v %et N ct CD 38 EXHIBIT E KOA CORPORATION PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Date: September 28, 2009 To: Sovirya May - 8920 Glendon Way Associates, LLC Vanessa Delgado - 8920 Glendon Way Associates, LLC From: Brian A. Marchetti, AICP Subject Trip Generation and Parking Demand Analysis New Evolution Fitness Center, Rosemead 1055 Corporate Center Dc, Suite 300 Monterey Park, CA 91754 t 323.260.4703 f: 321260.4705 w Aoacorporanonxom KOA Corporation conducted a trip generation and parking demand analysis for the proposed New Evolution Fitness Center (Project), located at 8920 Glendon Way in Rosemead, while under contract with 8920 Glendon Way Associates, LLC. A summary of this analysis, necessary to complete the initial review by the City of the project potential traffic and parking impacts, is provided below. SUMMARY A former furniture store (Levitz Furniture) building will be remodeled as part of the proposed project. The existing building is temporarily occupied by a discount retail tenant, but is primarily open on weekends only. The proposed project would use the existing building at the project site for the development of a membership fitness center. The existing floor area of 39,703 square feet would be converted into the proposed use. The Project site plan is provided in Attachment A to this memorandum. Parcel B would be used for the Project. The City of Rosemead Municipal Code does not define parking requirements for gyms/fitness centers. Parking demand rates and trip generation rates for such land uses are defined by Trip Generation and Parking Generation, national sources for such rates that are published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The City of Rosemead requested that the project applicant survey trip generation and parking demand activity at an existing similar use in the area, in order to develop localized rates for the proposed Project and to determine general activity that could be expected for each hour of a typical weekday and weekend day. The Project applicant has indicated that, based on the characteristics of the proposed fitness center, activity could be as much as 50 percent less than a typical general membership fitness center. A conservative reduction factor of 20 percent was applied to the calculated trip generation and parking demand numbers. Parking mitigation measures are not recommended, as based on parking demand calculations for the proposed Project, all anticipated parking demand could be accommodated within the proposed off-street parking supply. The calculated trip generation of the proposed Project totals 154 trips during the a.m. peak hour, 186 trips during the p.m. peak hour, and 172 trips during the Saturday mid-day peak hour. The study is discussed in more detail in the sections below LOS ANGELES OAKLAND ONTARIO ORANGE COUNTY SAN DIEGO SOUTH BAY 39 M KOA CORPORATION '1 PLANNING & ENGINEERING RELATIONSHIP OF PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS TO EXISTING SITES SVP UFC GYM, the project owner, has indicated that the proposed project will likely enroll 50 percent of the members that a typical general membership fitness center such as 24-Hour Fitness branch might enroll. The proposed gym facility will charge members up to $89 per month, is private, and based on group training sessions. Estimates by the project applicant have indicated that membership, and therefore general activity, at the proposed fitness center would be as much as 50 percent less than a typical general membership fitness center. Data to support the use of a reduction in trip generation and parking demand intensity is not available, however, as the project owner is currently opening one fitness center location in Southern California and does not operate any other facilities in the area. Attachment B provides a letter from the project applicant that explains the unique characteristics of the proposed project METHODOLOGY The City of Rosemead requires that new projects complete an initial evaluation that is used for the estimation of potential traffic impacts. This form is required for submittal to the City and is included in the City traffic study guidelines. Once this initial assessment is reviewed and it is determined that a traffic study is required, a supplemental scoping form for such a study must be submitted. KOA discussed the methodology for the trip generation and parking survey with the City of Rosemead. The discussions included a defined need for the collection of hourly parking demand on one weekday and one Saturday at a comparable use. Trip generation during peak periods was also included in the survey efforts, in order to provide trip generation and parking demand rates that were based on the same source. EXISTING USE SURVEY Trip generation and parking demand rates for gym uses were collected by surveying similar uses in the area that were to be applied to the proposed use. Characteristics of 12 potential survey sites were reviewed, including the overall building floor area in square footage, the hours of operation, the amenities (organized exercise, sports programs, pool, etc.), and the income of the surrounding area. Among the analyzed locations, 24 Hour Fitness, located in the City of Arcadia, was determined to be the ideal survey location. The matrix of potential survey locations is provided in Attachment C to this memorandum. The operating hours of the proposed fitness center have not yet been defined by the applicant. A 24-hour survey was conducted at an existing 24 Hour Fitness facility in the City of Arcadia, located at 125 North First Avenue. The survey was conducted on a 24-hour basis in order to collect data on all operating hours of the existing gym. The Arcadia facility has a floor area total of 38,521 square feet, includes a dedicated parking structure, and shares an additional surface parking lot with an adjacent night club/restaurant use. The facility amenities include exercise classes, a snack bar, personal training, a swimming pool, a sauna room, organized sports, and a kids club. 24-Hour Fitness permitted access to the parking facilities during the survey as a courtesy to the project team. Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 40 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING Similarity to Posed Project The proposed project will have many of the same amenities that are present at the Arcadia facility, but would not have a swimming pool or organized sports. The project would generally have a lower intensity that a typical fitness facility, due to the proposed projects high proportion of members who would receive personal training. Due to the lack of local facilities with similar floor area and operating aspects, the 24-Hour Fitness facility was considered to be the closest match for the local collection of trip generation and parking demand data. This conclusion was reached despite the lack of exact facility component matches, and better matches could not be identified. Estimated reductions in trip generation and parking demand were applied, however, based on the unique characteristics of the proposed project The selection of the Arcadia site for the parking demand and trip generation studies represents a conservative solution to the analysis of the proposed Project. Surveys at other sites that could more closely match the characteristics of the proposed site would reduce the overall trip generation and parking demand numbers. In addition, other sites of comparable floor area and matching use were not identified in a local search of area fitness centers. The analysis that is provided for this report is conservative and is based on the best local comparative use. The proposed project is expected to have a total number of members that is 50% lower than a typical general membership gym. The analysis within this report was based on surveys at a general membership gym and a conservative 20% reduction was applied. Survey Parameters Parking demand and trip generation Surveys at the Arcadia facility were conducted on Friday, August 14, 2009 and Saturday, August 15, 2009, on a 24-hour basis over the course of both days. Parking demand within the parking structure, the surface parking lot, and the immediately adjacent on-street parking areas were monitored during the survey times. Trip generation data was collected during peak periods to determine the weekday and weekend peak trip generation rates for the proposed project. The trip generation survey was conducted during the following timeframes, overlapping typical peak periods.of street traffic: • Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Survey Results Table I provides the weekday and weekend trip generation totals for the 24 Hour Fitness location. Based on the weekday and Saturday surveys, the facility generates the following number of peak trips: • 193 a.m. peak-hour trips (99 inbound and 94 outbound trips) in the 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. weekday time period • 243 p.m. peak-hour trips (133 inbound and 110 outbound) in the 4:45 p.m. to 5:45 weekday time period. Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center Page 3 Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 41 KOA CORPORATION 1 PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING • 246 mid-day peak-hour trips (132 inbound and 114 outbound) in the 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Saturday time period These three peak hours of activity are highlighted in Table I by bold text. Table I - Trip Generation Survey Summary and Peak-Hour Definitions Parking Structure / Lot On-Street Parking TOTAL IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT " WE EKDAY AM PEAK HOUR 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 75 53 6 4 81 57 7:15 AM 8:15 AM 75 59 5 5 80 64 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 92 61 6 8 98 69 7:45 AM 8:45 AM 103 68 5 7 108 75 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 97 64 5 6 102 70 8:15 AM 9:15 AM 98 70 3 5 101 75 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 103 71 4 3 107 74 8:45 AM 9:45 AM 98 81 5 4 103 85 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 93 90 6 4 99 94 WE EKDAY PM P EAK HOUR;;, 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 89 88 5 4 94 92 4:15 PM 5:15 PM 92 99 4 3 96 102 4:30 PM 5:30 PM 109 108 5 4 114 112 4:45 PM 5:45 PM 128 105 5 5 133 110 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 120 91 4 5 124 96 5:15 PM 6:15 PM 128 89 3 4 131 93 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 129 103 3 3 132 106 5:45 PM 6:45 PM 99 103 3 6 102 109 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 104 108 8 5 112 113 • ' _ ; ; :',WEEKEND MID-DAY PEAK HOUR 1090 AM 11:00 AM 96 74 1 3 97 77 10:15 AM IIAS AM 131 108 1 6 132 114 10:30 AM 11:30 AM 123 110 1 5 124 115 1045 AM 1145 AM 106 109 1 4 107 113 1 190 AM 12:00 PM 92 102 2 5 94 107 11:15 AM 12:15 PM 72 102 3 3 75 105 11:30 AM 12:30 PM 84 110 3 4 87 114 11:45 AM 12:45 PM 87 1 12 4 5 91 117 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 76 104 3 3 79 107 12:15 PM 1:15 PM 65 79 2 2 67 81 12:30 PM 1:30 PM 48 73 3 3 51 76 12:45 PM 1:45 PM 40 69 3 3 43 72 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 40 68 2 4 42 72 Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 Page 4 42 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING . Table 2 provides a parking demand summary for the weekday and weekend survey periods. Similar to the trip generation calculations, the data for the parking demand calculations include both off-street and on-street parking demand that was generated by the surveyed site as determined by the survey observations. As shown by the bold text within Table 2, the peak weekday parking demand occurred during the 7:00 p.m. hour, at 207 total vehicles. The peak weekend (Saturday) parking demand occurred during the 11:00 a.m. hour, at 198 total vehicles. Table 2 - Parking Demand Survey Summary and Peak Period Definition PARKING WEEKDAY WEEKEND DEMAND Structure/Lot On-Street Total Structure/Lot On-Street Total 12:00 AM 81 9 90 133 9 142 1:00 AM 42 6 48 78 5 83 2:00 AM 28 8 36 22 2 24 3:00 AM 17 9 26 12 2 14 4:00 AM 23 6 29 9 - 4 13 5:00 AM 36 8 44 19 5 24 6:00 AM 55 13 68 32 8 40 7:00 AM 80 10 9o 51 12 63 8:00 AM 102 11 113 83 14 97 9:00 AM 139 12 151 173 IS 188 10:00 AM 149 13 162 171 14 185 11:00 AM 139 10 149 185 13 198 12:00 PM 150 10 160 158 14 172 1:00 PM 126 9 135 130 10 140 2:00 PM 111 9 120 101 8 109 3:00 PM 133 7 140 109 12 121 4:00 PM 169 5 174 133 10 143 5:00 PM 164 9 173 122 12 134 6:00 PM 192 10 202 125 10 135 7:00 PM 195 12 207 81 9 90 8:00 PM 183 6 89 106 8 114 9:00 PM 141 10 151 129 10 139 10:00 PM 157 8 165 146 10 156 11:00 PM 154 9 163 149 9 158 TOTAL 2,766 219 2,985 2,457 225 2,682 TRIP GENERATION OF PROPOSED USE Trio Generation Rate Calculations Based on the surveyed trip generation of the existing Arcadia facility (summarized within Table 1) and its total floor area of 38,521 square feet, trip generation rates per 1,000 square feet of floor area were calculated. These rates are provided within Table 3. Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center Page 5 Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 43 KOA CORPORATION 01 PLANNING & ENGINEERING Table 3 - Trip Generation of Arcadia Facility (Based on survey trip activity and floor area) WEEKDAY WEEKEND - Mid-Day AM Peak PM Peak Mid-Day Peak Total IN OUT Total IN OUT l IN OUT Parking Structure / Lot On-Street Parking 4.75 2.41 0 2.34 0.10 ;6.05 0.26 t ; 2.73 0.13 t6.20 3.40 0.03 2.80 0.15 TOTAL 5.01 2.57 2.44 6.31 3 .4 2.86 6.38 3.43 2.95 Comparison of Surveyed Trip Generation Rate to Other Sources The calculated rates from the surveyed site in Arcadia provided in Table 3 were compared to published rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The ITE rates (for Land Use #492, "Health/Fitness Club", within Trip Generation, 8th edition) were used to compare the calculated rates to national average rates. These comparisons are summarized below: • The peak-hour rate for the weekday a.m. period is defined as 1.38 trips per 1,000 square feet, 72.4% lower than the surveyed rate. • The peak-hour rate for the weekday p.m. period is defined as 3.53 trips per 1,000 square feet, 44.1% lower than the surveyed rate. • The peak-hour rate for the Saturday mid-day period is defined as 2.78 trips per 1,000 square feet 56.4% lower than the surveyed rate. Proposed Project Trip Generation Using the trip generation rates defined from the Arcadia site surveys, and the estimated reduction factor of 20 percent, trip generation totals for the proposed project were calculated and are provided in Table 4. The calculations include credits for the former furniture store use. The total calculated trip generation of the proposed Project would be 154 trips (78 inbound and 76 outbound trips) in the a.m. peak hour, 186 trips (102 inbound and 84 outbound trips) in the p.m. peak hour, and 172 trips (93 inbound and 80 outbound trips) in the Saturday mid-day peak hour. Daily trip totals were calculated based on the peak hour totals and proportions of ITE daily/peak trip generation rates. Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 Page 6 44 mmm KOA CORPORATION 'F PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING Table 4 - Trip Generation Estimate - Proposed Project WEEKDAY WEEKEND Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Daily Mid-Day Peak Hour Intensity Units ' Total Total In Out Total In Out Total Total In Out Trip Generation Rates Fitness Center' Furniture Store QTE 890)'• - KSF KSF 75.92 5.06 5.01 0.17 257 0.12 2.44 0.05 6.31 0.45 3.45 0.22 2.86 0.23 4790 4.94 6.38 0.95 3.43 0.51 295 0.44 Proposed Trip Generation Estimates Proposed Gym - New Evoiudoo Fitness Center Furniture Store - Farmer Use 39.703 39.703 KSF KSF 3.014 -201 199 -7 102 97 -5 -2 251 -IB 137 -9 114 -9 1,902 -196 253 136 -38 -20 1 I7 -I7 SUBTOTAL 2.813 192 97 95 233 128 105 1.706 215 116 100 Trip Credit-20%ii dua6oo -563 -38 -19 .19 -47 -26 -21 -341 A3 -23 -20 TOTAL 2,250 154. 713 76 186 102 84 1,365 172 93 80 w u:, swmuaea q nun c.arpormma m me L4 Hour tm,ess vma, in ata6a Top lenarean rmes were defined by the 17E Trip Generation Sah Edson Nate Daily rmes were defined by the surveyed peok-hour rmes and she proportions a(ITE peak-Awr roses m duly rmes. 20%redunion wan based an a consennin assumption o(pmp nedprgea aperauans m rampaed to the sw.ey me The op5cans ts0mmed than aamry may be as murk as 50%b Am a vPaiaas l membashp loan TRIP GENERATION CONCLUSIONS Based on the proposed Project floor area of 39,703 square feet and the trip generation rates per 1,000 square feet of floor area calculated from the surveys conducted at the Arcadia site, the project would generate as many as 186 one-way vehicle trips in the peak hour. Typical jurisdictional thresholds for traffic studies use a 43-trip (such as LADOT) or a 50-trip threshold (County of Los Angeles, City of Rosemead, and others) for the determination of need for a project traffic impact study. Based on the calculated trip generation, a traffic impact study could be required by the City of Rosemead for the project. Attachment D provides the initial traffic evaluation form, based on the trip generation rates defined by the survey conducted for this study and the total floor area of the proposed Project and the former use. Parking demand impact determinations are discussed within the following sections of this memorandum. Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center Page 7 Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 45 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING PARKING DEMAND OF PROPOSED USE Parkinz Demand Rate Calculations Based on the surveyed parking demand of the existing Arcadia facility (summarized within Table 2) and its total floor area of 38,521 square feet, parking demand rates per 1,000 square feet of floor area were calculated. These rates are provided within Table 5. Table 5 - Parking Demand Rates of Arcadia Facility (Based on survey parking demand activity and floor area) Weekday Weekend Parking Demand Rate Parking Demand Rate Structure / Lot On-Street Parking 195 12 5.06 0.31 185 13 4.80 0.34 TOTAL 207 5.37 198 5.14 Note: Rates are based on 1,000 square feet of floor area. Table 6 provides a summary of the proposed Project parking supply surplus/deficit calculations, based on the parking demand rates determined from the Arcadia site survey and the 20 percent reduction factor based on project characteristics. Parcel B of the site plan would provide 185 parking stalls for the Project. Table 6 - Parking Demand per Survey at 24 Hour Fitness - Weekday Weekend Parking Parking Average Weekday Peak Hour Average Weekend Peak Hour Demand / Demand I Land Use site Parking Demand Rate Parking Demand Rate Supply Supply Existing Gym Sice (24 Hour Fitness - Arcadia) 38.521 1 000 f 5 37 5 14 1 000 f 207 198 Proposed Gym (New Evoludon Fitness Center) 39,703 spaces per , square eet . . spaces per , square eet 213 204 Parting Spaces to be Provided On-Site 185 185 Parking Credit -20%Reduction -43 -41 Parking Excess / (shortage) Is 22 Nate. l0X tnduu on was based oa a mnsenab.c uawopam ofpmposed prWd operations as compared to Me survey site. The appacam consorted that attract, may be as much as SUX lower than a oadu'and membership a.. - Using rates defined by Parking Generation, published by ITE, calculated weekday Project parking demand would be slightly lower and the resulting parking surplus would be 20 spaces. Parking Generation, however, does not provide rates for weekend periods. Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center Page 8 Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 46 ~ KOA CORPORATION PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING PARKING IMPACT CONCLUSIONS Based on the application of the rates computed from the survey at the Arcadia site, it was determined that the project would have a parking supply surplus of as many as 15 spaces on weekdays and 22 spaces on weekends. Therefore, due to the computed Project parking supply surplus and therefore a lack of Project parking impacts, specific mitigation measures are not recommended. Based on the project site off-street parking supply, and the anticipated parking demand calculated by the parking study summarized within this memorandum, a site parking supply surplus would exist under normal operating conditions in the post-project period. Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center ' Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 47 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING ATTACHMENT A - PROPOSED PROJECT SITE PLAN 0LENDON WAY b -Y49AIY[IJ I ~ lrWl~'1~ . L P ° (D PARCEL O - 192 STALLS 185 STALLS z O ® O O O E J muanu mAP,H I 3 PROPDVEO c MULTI-PURPOSE 1 eli FITNESS FACILITY tU 3g .703 e4• IINTENIOR REMODEL ONLY) , d eecaE y 0 ~ A,ws mmw. m~w Mw ~ X ~ X 1 m~ u.weul~ FKf ~ ® ,.yam > F ~ m ,P Y ! rm,eme I ~ i y Lo z 0 3 W rc Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center Attachments Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 48 KOA CORPORATION W PLANNING & ENGINEERING ATTACHMENT B- PROJECT LETTER FROM APPLICANT Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center Attachments Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 49 9ASW A October 13, 2009 Vanessa Delgado Primestor Development Inc. 228 South Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Dear Vanessa As you know the UFC GYM is currently under review with a parking study. I would like to clarify the type of private fitness center being developed and compare the facility to a generic 24 Hour Fitness. Please review some facts below: Fact 24 Hour Fitness UFC GYM Year Established 1983 2009 Number of Gyms 430+ 1 Gym members at maturity 8,000(est) 3,000(est) Marketing Budget 40 million(est) $2,000/mo Cost of Membership $29 $149 Monthly Dues $29 $89 Business Focus Mass Member Enrollment Private/Group Training As is reflected in the information above, we do not consider UFC GYM to be in the same classification as 24 Hour Fitness, Bally's, or LA Fitness. The UFC GYM model is developed as a high price point with far fewer members as compared to the traditional fitness club. UFC GYM expects up to 40% fewer customer scans or visits a day as compared to the traditional fitness club. Additionally our model is specific to private, group, and kids training not high volume independent workouts. Please take this information under consideration as we plan the UFC GYM Rosemead project. Sincerely, Adam Sedlack SVP UFC GYMS (925)899-5200 19750ismond Blvd, Cw 4v CA 94520 929266.9130 Scm and Send in~oPutcgym.com Vlcpym.cam 50 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING ATTACHMENT C - EVALUATION MATRIX OF POTENTIAL SURVEY SITES Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center Attachments Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 51 n 0 ° b 0 .C O C N W Z H Z O J 7 3 Z - $ 3 3 - 9 3 E a i z - a p oU 3p ~ ~ ~ ~3 ;i p' Yu X X X a ' x x x i O m E ~ o y E ~ 4 X X x X X u y E g ° x X % % rt 7 e x X X % % x x LL L a f a 'i ° x x x x x x x x x u w C E x x x x x x x x x x x x x E % X X X X % X X X x % % 5 x x x x x x x x x c Y 3 as f> 8 a ~a~ ~ F ~ f8 E ~E Ss $ ~e E' i 8 ~ -S$8 EU f$ 5 ~ E = E f~ 5 2 f = 8 E 8 E f E f$ ~ f E f E f f f$ f{ f f$ $ E 8 F € $ y ; 9 ~ $ s 8 888 E 888 $ 3 ~ $ F $ 5 xFS i s iS 5 i S i,~ 5 iS 7 9 S ' $ T y 3 A ~ c a 4 ~ - z 5 € F s o = » 8 ~ s € 52 't ^ y i z z j z z z z z t . N N z z z z z z z z z z V ~ F J Z O ~ ~ u_ r z Y V p i E 'n 6 E i i e cc i N Z E J Z _ u A~ n n z 3 9 r c a z3 9 i V d ~ 3 ~ 3 S n 4 i I ' ~ 3 e ~ S ` ~ ~ 4 2 g 3 ~ s Y e 3 Y 5 € E L1 q z z _ z d p Z e 2 5 o gi J 5 s S ° x 3 53 KOA CORPORATION PLANNING 8 ENGINEERING ATTACHMENT D - PROJECT INITIAL ASSESSMENT FORM Project Generation and Parking Demand Analysis - New Evolution Fitness Center Attachments Prepared for Glendon Way Associates, LLC September 28, 2009 54 APPENDIX A TIA_ INITIAL ASSESSMENT (FORM 1) SECTION 1: PROJECT AND APPLICANT INFORMATION (IO BE COMPLETED BYAPPWCANT) PROJECT TITLE PROJECT LOCATION APPLICATION NO. NQw ~;1/O1u110N APPWCANP APPLICANT CONTACT APPLICANT PHONE C-1lEnden we.( kSCOCiotls Ltc- SoJlryq Mel ;,e~ 652 Illy SECTION 2: APPLICATION TYPE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION (TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT) TYPE OF APPLICATION chec (check) ZONING AMENDMENTTO DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL TENTATIVE MAP NEW DEVELOPMENT i CO NSTRUCLTON X USE PERMIT OTHER: -ROJECT DESCRIPTION Jr- ye lecstall at E9» G\t..dJn -ry\e pro Posed prol+ct \s a f\tv\tJf cent s \r\ e-se,re.d. ~ht. c1e,gbeTtnl ao," eongart Wh eris4ny W;kaigy \n+u the, P.oposad use cen6~tt\nq o{ ,431,109 SO.-O.feet 0{ {tgo. e-Itsllnq Wikdt.\q is tag.po A, o",yted p,l A't 4 TeWa11 '*""Alt ,1,,A, wetke d hi PROPOSED LAND:DSE (chedt) .Yes .'No RESIDENTIAL Is the proposed residential project greater than 100 dwelling units? COMMERCIAL. 1s the proposed mmmerrial pmject building larger than 1,500 sq. R? Does the proposed commercial project have a fast-food restaurant? OFFICE Is the proposed office project building larger than 15,000 sq. R? INDUSI'RYLL Is the proposed industrial project building larger than 20,000 sq. ft? OTHER (please describe) X QroQosrd a new F\+nerr cevrtar x TRAFFIC GENERATION AVERAGE WEEKDAY ITE Land Use Code Size Unit Name (e-g. sq It, a ts) (T 501 ')o I 5t1.t M S40 .31, Ib3 count? Appendix A 1(Porm 1) 55 885 tTE, Ra-Fe Total Vehicle trips Peak 340_ Vehicle trips per day 2,250 {gc~aRPd 'Dally Peak Hour Trips A.M. Peak hour P.M. Peak Hour • New vehicle trips 149. Vehicle trips per hour Z~'1 Vehicle trips per hour £X~S4tn<Q hwk-e+ps ~ Vehicle trips per hour 18 Vehicle trips per !tour _ a.o•1. dN ~ 3 $ 4~ *Vehicle trips Total 134 Vehicle trips per hour t R 6 Vehicle trips per hour Total trips IN 9 Vehicle trips per hour 107 Vehicle trips per hour Total trips OUT - Vehicle trips per hour 24 Vehicle trips per hour Submitted by: Signature of Applicant Date Appendix A-2 1) V J c --h CD C-t V c J. CD n C-t m x W 57 v CND k -a m c o Cn F~ cr O 0 o CCDD ED 3 e. o, v CD (n 0 C] CD3 r CD v C CD \ n CD 21 VI = o a & -3 ce et CD -1 ca N O C 0 O O D) Q S O O O O O O. Q clt CL re D) C M O O 0 'O O Ct w Cc ~ O M CQ 'D Cn CD 0 O O D O ~ N O_ 3 CD ~ O O N B. C' N CD O CD Cn 3 ° 3 0 - c 3 & cn z cr v cn CD O CD -3 N N CD 3 O CD CD cn 3 c z3 3 0 0-0-0 En CD CD n CD CD 3 ~ 3 -5 0 O O CD 3 m O CD Et -O o ct ~ O O S Cll -O (D C') o m g 0 CD CD 3 v CD CC-F 0 3 --3 O cn c: O O C Q CD O] 0- 0, C l^J U11 V) l J O O 58 a N ~f -0 n5- K*0CD m c Ct v c ct -3 .m\°-' -n ZI o o c0 3 °J m 0- ct m o Z). 12) ~ 0) m ctnaCn CD Cn CD cr) 0 03 CD FD 0 m 0 n `t > > m o v m Q n? o o T o c v CD cn o n T < O N ca)" (D' C-t C a) En O O CD ct C 59 n cn - o CO FF Cn CD CD not O_ 0 n] o a- m o cn _ o Z) CD cr) D, [D o o_ ~o Cn-3. ct :D CD co CD 0 O o_ co fD CL m a G Q. D z Q n D 3 CD 3. 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N CD 3 cr CD M3 v w v co cn, m 60 n L 3~ 90 a a2', 4 ~ i ss =s : 3 n _ s - 3 - = i 6 s _ c 31 ~ s - s 2 i 3 rv~~g~ ~c 893 a}B ya P z S Q . 1 i➢=o ,i x9`-I~ - ~ a~~~m ~ei~3 fi i 4 z a',~~2 9:~Z~4 yY~3F -3 ~P 2 > s j ➢ ~ ~d .z 3 3 ° 4 a m r m 9 ao m O v T 0 3 m m r ~ z o O h t v o m a. z s n y T O 77 A Z O ~ i 9 f 61 c 2 yx 9n~ ; o~ yxn C k- ~ 9o a ox~ ~ z si A 00 Op m N ; m m n no - O Z pz vD O { ~n c?rv m X W YJ i x 3 3 3~3` p X31;8 o i9 3a •s99~ > ~ 'a # ° ) a =83t .s~ 9 9 F3 0 i~ 6 NY 9 3 3q S i $4 R 3 3 4 R C 3 3 E C R i i a L i _ ~ ZZ _ a m o _ g o O 2 T 0 3 m o m r 's z o _ O E2 C O O m O S S n H T S G r ~l 7'° aka ~ ~ Fla d B iR LC i : i f ON P eg ~ 3n r °g G n' - D A a W of yr v Dp Z •aj 62 J~ INN Ul v. r 9 i L i 3 7 i; e ~ a Y? ka =s Y'y =g 0 3 E 9 s e 9 O - e 3 FR m r 9 = O to ~ O O T C = S n ~ T O S `p Z O r S J9 La ~ y ~3 c ~b ~ R ~ i R E c: = iA iT a i73~F ~•5a9 'o o ~ ~ ti TE ~ v m O _ ~3'~ 199 i % ~ a ` 7s se: 9 ~e i f _ 63 2 Y2 9 9 3 a° i ~ 3 - 9 - 5 a N fY a I ~g M 9E9 9 ~Sm 's m ~r~ 3 £9 ° m p . a ~ 'm an o o K a % a 8o$ P } 6< ' 3~f S am 3 _ p °n 6%a ~ r ~x i x &a s .,g 64' c Al E y ~ Q ~ N N 3 O N D m zm oZ = y 0 .c' o 1 Z or W ar.~ - ~9E V { O _o 71 r a' it S: _3E J a n ICI iT m0 8 "s ~Q 4 O~ - v n 3 s TS DZ W 65 M a 's 3°3 aF Bo sza 7~' C v c S~d G1 ~9;° 4 3 0 5 c< qg$ ~e8a£ 4 3 :snip 4r .-z w0 k 3 e sa333 ,o # s as>x ~~d _N a 0 >I Y .I S~ a J,- a~ - . V4R 4VENU[ 0 {1 u I © N \ i~ .-Z a: m7 y A o N 9 v o ° 4 D m .4 D9o o~FO z p~ im 5 E i 4 r i Z x 3°9 s`a 3~g ? o p N fr O:q YY i3d'N e° ~ ~ e ~~g a 5=3a Nit Y a~ ~ L~ YS 66 o ~ M N o a 3 N Dm m oz >i v D~ ~Z - ? [ W Minutes of the PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING October 19, 2009 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Planning Commission was called to order by Chairwoman Herrera at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Commissioner Eng INVOCATION - Vice-Chairman Alarcon .'.1 11 ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Commissioners Eng,"Hunter, Ruiz, Vice- Chairman Alarcon, Chairwoman Herrera z" OFFICIALS PRESENT: City Attorney Greg Murphy Principal Planner 5Bermejo, Assistant Planner Trinh, Secretary Lockwood, and; Traffic Consultant Joanne Itagaki rcy 1. EXPLANATION OF HEARING PROCEDURESAND APPEAL RIGHTSys Greg Murphy, City Attorney, presented the procedure's and appeal rights of the equested on pages 2 & 5 had y 18, 2009. man Herrera had the ed by Commissioner Victor resented. Yes: Alarcon, Eng, Herrera, Hunter, Ruiz No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 67 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 09-01 - New Evolution Fitness Center/8920 Glendon Way Associates, LLC, doing business as "Ultimate Fitness Center (UFC) Gym," has submitted an application requesting to convert an existing 39,703 square foot commercial building into a fitness center, located at 8920 Glendon Way, in the PD (Planned Development) Zone. PC RESOLUTION 09-20 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY CALIFORNIA APPROVING PLANNED DE CONVERT AN'EXISTING 39,703 SQUARE INTO A FITNESS CENTER, LOCATED AT (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) ZONE (APN: OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF 'REVIEW 09-01, TO MERCIAL BUILDING ON WAY, IN THE PD Recommendation - Staff recommends that' the Planning,. Commission APPROVE Planned Development Review 09-01 for a period of`.six (6) months and adopt Resolution 09-20, subject-to conditions outlined in Ez--6it "B". =XA ~ y Assistant Planner Trinh presented staff report and powerpoint presentation. Commissioner's Eng and Ruiz stated th4t,.they had questions :for staff. Principal Planner Bermejo stated that the applicant had a power point presentation to present and perhaps questions should be asked+ after the; presentation. Commissioner's Eng,and Ruiz stated that would be fine..r Chairwoman Herrera opened the _Public Hearing and invited the applicant to the podium. Vanessa Delgado'Jrom Prime Store =Development Inc., owners of 8920 Glendon Way, introduced herself,and gave „a brief description of company. She also stated they have a power point presentation on;the UFC Gym business concept. She also stated they ar&excited to have UFC Gym~as a tenant. h r Adam Sedl Sr Vic&President of UFC Gym, presented the power point presentation regarding the?business operation. Commissioner Eng thanked the applicant for the nice presentation. She also stated that she liked the concept, but her biggest concern is that the public may feel it may be affiliated with the Ultimate Fighting Championship. She also stated that she had read an article that plasma televisions will be broadcasting Ultimate Fighting Championship shows in the gym and questioned applicant if that is correct. Adam Sedlack, applicant, stated he understands her concerns and explained that the UFC organization has changed a lot and is much safer than boxing as there is not impact to the head. There is discussion on having viewing parties which will only be available to the ultimate members. He further stated that the gym will be closed to the public for these viewings. He also indicated that they have not come to a conclusion whether they will host such parties, but realize City approval would be required. 68 Vanessa Delgado stated that staff has done a good job in addressing these concerns and referred to conditions of approval numbers 34 & 35 which address fighting. Commissioner Eng questioned the applicant on what type of weapons will be used in the mixed martial arts group training programs. Adam Sedlack stated that there should be no weapons and he thinks it's their hands. He also stated that there are no weapons inside the facility but there are flash cards which are large pads in your hands that help with coordination. Commissioner Ruiz questioned applicant about Closed programs and asked what measures will be taken to offered to law enforcement. He also expressed his and state paroles in the nearby vicinity and he would I not be able to enroll in the class if it was offered. He al: was working with the Police Department. He also stat martial art training. Adam Sedlack referred to conditions of approvahnu there will be no skin to skin contact. He also stated' will be used. He stated that CQC training will only be c Police Chief. He said that the Concord; Police Chief He also stated that the course would only bewoffered would take place behind closed doors. He alsostatf that people can get martial arts training `anywhere.-'` very closely with Police, Department and Police Chief. artery Combat (CQC) training ure'that the program is only ncern. that there are gangs to make sure that felons will auestioried the applicant if he Y that there will be full contact nbers'34 and 35 and stated that that there are punching bags that ffered if approval is granted by the allowed them to offer the course. to police, officers and that training d that safety is their concern and Vie:,-also stated that they will work Commissioner Engstated that she is concerned with the safety of gym members and the community and likes theaconcept„of the gym"She also referred to a shooting incident that happened last August at a L A Fitness m,Pennsylvania and questioned applicant on - rrav. what mitigatiorn;measures R,6yf_have inIplace to prevent guns from getting into the gym as to prevent such an incident from occurring in Rosemead. Adam-'s edlack stated tFiat'an incident like that can happen anywhere. He stated that their gym rollers self defense classes. He also stated they are doing the best they can with security cameras,;;,, guards, membership agreement codes of conduct, and membership,;check inkprocess. He also stated that in the future they intend to, implement a biornetrics rri bership identification system, wich will use fingerprints. Commissioner Eng commented she would hope that metal detectors would not be used, as that seemed to be an extreme measure. Adam Sedlack stated that he does. not foresee using metal detectors. He stated that they will have parking lot security and that the facility will have fewer break-ins than Bally's. Commissioner Eng questioned the applicant if the parking lot will have other security measures, other than just lighting, to prevent car break-ins and robberies. 69 Adam Sedlack stated they will have the same type of security that a mall would have, such as top of the line security cameras that can capture license plates. He also stated that branded security guards will be used after sundown. He also stated that they have membership information in their system with vital information if they need to be contacted. Commissioner Eng questioned the applicant if the proposal for security guards for just evenings is still the current proposal. Adam Sedlack confirmed that security guards will only be used during evening hours for now, but that they would work with the Police Department and add more if warranted in the future. Commissioner Eng questioned the applicant if memberships are exclusive to one gym or if the membership is universal for all UFC gyms. Adam Sedlack stated that right now gym memberships are just for one Club, as there are not that many UFC gyms, but the ultimate member may eventualW6e_able,to use all CIUbS. Commissioner Eng questioned if star UFC athletesi will have access to the gym for training. Adam Sedlack stated they would have to enroll into the gym,,to use the facility and it would be for participation in fitness programs`'and.,not fighting. He also stated they would probably use equipment like rope machines and:-T,tX training. Commissioner Eng stated that star athletes may attract spectators, and asked how such situation would be.haridled. Adam Sedlack stated that star athletes will come to the gym to workout. He also stated that there Js fitness code{of conduct%of not interrupting people when they have headphori6 on while working out,, He also stated that the gym is a fitness facility and not a fighting_facility.?. I.e Commissioner, Eng questioned the applicant if the kid's gym will have actual human training or wiil'there be programs like the Wii Fit. Adam Sedlack stated,thatrthere will be two different programs, one will be the Wii Fit type and the other`<is,`an (tech Fitness program for movement coordination for kids starting at age 5. Me also stated that the Progression Belt Series for older kids will incorporate values such as being a good student, keeping your room clean, maintaining good grades, and keeping fit. He also stated that this will be the first time Belt Program that kids can be proud of. Vice-Chairman Alarcon stated that he would hope the Planning Commission would hold the UFC gym to the standards that they would hold any other gym, and not be misled by the UFC initials. He also stated that if the gym is approved tonight, the gym could be brought back in 6 months to the Planning Commission if there are any issues. Adam Sedlack stated that he would like to see their gym as partner with the city. 70 Chairwoman Herrera questioned the applicant about their private events. She asked when they will be held and what type of permission would be required. Adam Sedlack stated that in Concord they did not need special permission and they would have them on Saturday nights from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. He also stated they will close the gym and it will only be available for current ultimate members who would like to watch the events. Vanessa Delgado stated that staff has added a condition that requires the applicant to request approval prior to hosting these events. Chairwoman Herrera questioned the applicant how often these, events are held. Adam Sedlack stated the UFC Events are held once a.month and they are usually 90 minutes to 2 hours. He also stated that if the Planning Commission: has concerns, the events are not a must for them. He also stated that anyone can watch. hese events on Spike television for free. He further added that these events would only be for the ultimate members who pay one hundred dollar`s'a month for. memberships :y y s~ Chairwoman Herrera questioned applicant if they I ave`;, o get approval from the City or every event. Vanessa Delgado stated that staff has written condition 'of`,approval number 34 in regards to this process. Commissioner Eng stated stie had a few questions for staff. City Attorney Murphy,stated that•the regular public comments should be completed first before questions are addressed to staff if there=was anyone in favor of the proposal. there was anyone against the proposal. None Vanessa Delgado questioned if now is the right time to go over conditions of approval with staff. City Attorney Murphy stated yes let's go over them now. Vanessa Delgado requested clarification on condition of approval number 5, regarding the 6 month approval period. Principal Planner Bermejo explained that the applicant has 6 months to commence the project or request an extension within 30-calendar day's prior to expiration. She also explained if there was a lapse in progress, the permit would become null and void. 71 Vanessa Delgado stated that they would like clarification on Conditions 34 & 35, regarding the hosting of large events and prohibition of fighting. She also explained to the Planning Commission that there is no physical fighting involved, but there is controlled physical contact during instruction. She also stated that the applicant had requested to revise the conditions and questioned staff if they had received them. City Attorney Murphy stated staff did receive it and staff has a revision that he would like to suggest. Vanessa Delgado stated that she would like to read the condition. Principal Planner Bermejo read proposed condition of approval, number 35. Vanesssa Delgado stated that the revised condition sounded`fine and questioned staff if there was a revision to condition of approval number 34:." t Staff stated they had only received a request to revise condition of approval number 35. q -Z Adam Sedlack stated that the condition number'3.4 was fine. Adam Sedlack confirmed Condition Number 35 with st 'ff. Chairwoman Herrera closed the questions for staff. Commissioner Eng questioned staff abc lot. t i. Principal Planner,,Be meto stated that property owner ring and questioned if there are any al A and-asked if it will remain a parking not aware of the future plans of that Com is Oo A will be maintained once the gym Prinapal'Planner Bermeto stated that the property owner of Parcel B is not responsible for the property maintenance of Parcel A, and that Code Enforcement will get involved. Commissioner'Eng asked;;staff what the maximum number of people the gym could hold. Principal Planner Bermejo stated that the building official regulates the occupancy load buildings, and he has estimated 730 occupants. She also stated that the fire department also gives a separate number occupancy load number. Commissioner Eng questioned staff if this included equipment and everything. Principal Planner Bermejo stated that occupancy load is calculated with a formula in the building code. She also stated that the formula is based on the square footage of the assembly area. 72 Commissioner Eng asked staff where the emergency exits are located, and if an adequate number is provided. Principal Planner Bermejo stated that all exits will be considered emergency exits and also stated that there are five. Commissioner Eng questioned staff on what the concerns were that were discussed with the Police Chief. Principal Planner Bermejo said it was important to have a good security plan for a gym use. She stated that the Chief of Police requested that the security plan include a photo identification membership system, security cameras leading to ;locker, rooms and parking lots, and security guards. She mentioned that car burglaries are common at gyms when locker room security is not sufficient. She also made reference:to condition number 37 which allows the city to increase the security measures',` if warranted by incident reports from the Public Services Division or Sheriff's Department." Commissioner Eng questioned staff if there on Glendon Way to have more visibility into Principal Planner Bermejo stated that question Consultant Joanne Itagaki. e. Traffic Consultant, Joanne Itagaki, statecl'that,street of the multi-family dwellings across the street "She to be reviewed at a Traffic Commission Meeting,'`c She further. added that suW.request would` o lsbe Council. Commissioner Eng stated _that it would give more vis lity of removing' street parking be directed to our Traffic §'being utilized by residents ed that request would have 3hbors have been notified. to the approval of the City people on the lot that are not invested in the there is a typo on condition of approval number 7. Principal staff will Commissioner Er operation for most yes, and indicated that it should read, "set aside" and tioned staff if condition number 33 is standard hours of She also questioned if it was Monday through Sunday. Principal Planner Bermejo stated that staff did a comparison of other gyms and gave location and hours of operation and stated the hours are comparable to theirs. Commissioner Eng stated that on condition of approval number 34 she would like to add that the City Council reserves the right to approve events. City Attorney Murphy stated that he recommends that it should remain City so that staff can determine what level of review would be required under the code. 73 Commissioner Eng stated that it would hold the applicant responsible for obtaining a live entertainment permit. Vice-Chairman Alarcon stated that there is no alcohol involved and that is a big difference. Commissioner Ruiz stated that he would like to add a condition limiting or making sure that it is Police Officers taking the Police Officer training class. He also stated that he would like to see it in writing before approval and that he does not want this type of training to fall into the wrong hands. Adam Sedlack responded from the audience and stated that°this .will not be offered without prior approval of the Police Chief. r Commissioner Ruiz stated that maybe we can add that= this will,•take effect when our Police Chief approves it. City Attorney Murphy stated that the condition be`Fead ai enforcement personnel should be provided,in conjunct Police or Commander of the Law Enforcement group.an closed room. The training will only be available to inciivii Commander and a plan of the training will be submitt training taking place. He also statedt 6t•he would like City of El Monte to the south could participate; not just R group training: provided to law i,with the applicable Chief of he training will take place in a als designated by the Chief or to the city prior.to any such ;left, broad so that maybe the Adam Sedlack stated that closed quarter combat training:is the correct wording and it is not on the schedule of.clas'ses.offered yet: ;Fie also stated it will be controlled with the Police Department. 4 Commissioner Ruiz "questioned the applicant if the instructor is a POST certified instructor. Adam Sedlack stated :that the instructor is certified but not sure if he is Post Certified and he could not answer that right?now: Commissioner Ruiz stated that is important to make sure that the instructor is Post Certified by the state when they speak to the Police Chief. Principal Planner Bermelo,asked Commissioner Ruiz what POST certified meant. Commissioner Ruiz-lstated that it is a peace officer standardized training that they go through in the Police Academy. City Attorney Murphy stated that the introductory phrase of condition of approval number 49 should reference "closed quarter combat training." Commissioner Eng stated that condition of approval number 40 should be broader and state, "until all applicable city permits are obtained". Principal Planner Bermejo stated that staff is agreeable will make the change 74 Commissioner Eng questioned the applicant when did they anticipate being operational in Rosemead. Adam Sedlack stated as soon as we get clearance from the City of Rosemead, hopefully in the spring. Vice-Chairman William Alarcon made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Victor Ruiz, to APPROVE Planned Development Review 09-01 for a period of six (6) months and adopt Resolution 09-20, subject to conditions outlined in Exhibit "B". Vote resulted in: Yes: Alarcon, Eng, Herrera, Ruiz No: None Abstain: Hunter Absent: None 5. MATTERS FROM THE CHAIRWOMAN &; COMMISSIONERS svY t2t, Commissioner Eng questioned staff on the status of. Valley` Gateway and Fresh & Easy. Principal Planner Bermejo stated that.staff has been talking with Fresh & Easy, and they are working on their master sign program.,., She also stated, that the Universal Bank is currently in building plan check and that staffust had a meeting with the property owner x ; last week. lx ~ Commissioner Eng w young resident of Ros driver, and her friendl 6. MATTERS FROM None 7. ADJOURNMENT The next'46gular Meeting adjounec to adjourn the"meeting,with memory of Vicky Chang, a o recently passed away, due to an accident with a drunk e'Who was also.-injured. R & STAFF is scheduled for Monday, November 2, 2009 :48 p.m. Diana Herrera Chairwoman ATTEST: Rachel Lockwood Commission Secretary 75 r MAYOR: MARGARETCLARK MAYOR PRO TEM: GARY TAYLOR COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA ARMENTA POLLY LOW STEVEN LY Poosesocad 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD • P.O. BOX 399 ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 - TELEPHONE(626)569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 OT 76