CC - Item 3A - Introduction of Draft Strategic PlanROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO FROM: DATE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, PLANNING COMMISSION, TRAFFIC COMMISSION, AND YOUTH AD HOC COMMITTEE JEFF ALLRED, CITY NOVEMBER 17. 2009 MANAGE q# I SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION OF DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN SUMMARY Over the past several months the City Council has worked on the development of a Strategic Plan to establish a long-term vision as well as short-term goals and strategies for the City. The Council will introduce the Draft Strategic Plan to the Planning Commission, Traffic Commission and Youth Ad Hoc Committee. The purpose of this joint meeting is to receive comments on the draft document before it is placed into final form for City Council adoption. Recommendation: Information and discussion only - no action is required. BACKGROUND In an effort to obtain statistically valid survey information regarding citizen opinions and perceptions of Rosemead, the City Council engaged the services of a local Southern California firm Brand Endeavor. In early 2009, residents were invited to participate in a survey that had been translated into Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese. A postcard was mailed to all Rosemead residents and businesses as well as to many other people who work in Rosemead and live in surrounding communities inviting them to participate in the survey. A total of 722 responses were received, which far exceeded the 400 responses that were required to make the survey statistically valid and reliable. The City Council reviewed the survey results in detail during a study session held on August 5, 2009. The survey results led directly to the development of a "Brand Platform", which is a description of Rosemead's community values and community personality. The Draft Strategic Plan has been developed by the City Council at two study sessions. During the study sessions, the City Council developed a 10-year vision statement and identified key organization goals, strategies, and action plans designed to make the vision a reality. Attachments: Draft Strategic Plan ITEM NO. S N APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: DRAFT I A& Lt- !RO,S,E Lill }t~ it PRI TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Community Values - Our "Brand Platform" Our Community "Personality" Vision 2020 Key Organizational Goals Key Organizational Goal: Beautify community infrastructure and improve public fac Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Strategy 4 Strategy 5 Strategy 6 Key Organizational Goal: Enhance public safety and quality of life Strategy 7 Strategy 8 Strategy 9 Strategy 10 Strategy 11 Key Organizational Goal: Ensure the City's financial viability with balanced budgets and prudent reserves Strategy 12 Strategy 13 low *d" . Strategy 14 Al: Strategy 15 ' 1.161114 el ~ r1'►' Introduction DRAFT Gathering Input from the Community In early 2009, the City asked the community for input regarding their perceptions of Rosemead. A postcard that was translated into Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese was mailed to all Rosemead residents and businesses, as well as many people who work in Rosemead and live in surrounding communities. The survey asked questions about what community members enjoyed most about the City and what they felt needed improvement. Results from the survey provided City Council with the foundation for Rosemead's statement of Community Values, also referred to as a "Brand Platform." Following a series of public meetings, the City Council developed Rosemead's Strategic Plan, which also established our vision for the community in the year 2020. What is a Strategic Plan? A Strategic Plan enables the City to identify what the community wants Rosemead to be in the future and how it will get there. The Strategic Plan process included: • Gathering input from the community; • Taking a wide look at both the internal and external factors that might affect Rosemead; • Analyzing the City's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis); • Creating Rosemead's Vision 2020, which provides a look into how the community envisions the City to be in the future, specifically 10 years from now; • Developing key organizational goals; and • Identifying strategies and action items to accomplish each goal. Strategic Plan Focus The Strategic Plan focuses on enhancing Rosemead's appeal as a new kind of small town in the heart of the city by honoring tradition, uniting in diversity, and evolving for the future. This is evident in Rosemead's Key Organizational Goals which aim to: improve public areas including infrastructure and community facilities; enhance public safety and the overall community environment and opportunities for residents through programs, services, education, and recreation; and ensure the City's financial stability in order to continually meet these goals and provide basic services to the community. Strategic Plan: Page 2 SioA"j) DRAFT Communi Our "Brand WHO, People and businesses who seek the charms of a small we're f>. town, right in the middle of the city. r AT, We are today's small town America - traditional yet diverse, a true neighborhood in the heart of the city. vy 7 lfh4 WHY Because in Rosemead, neighbors share the traditional values and commitment to community that makes small town life i so appealing, without losing the advantages of the city. NMI WHO r~ Grounded Welcoming Thriving we a HOW Honor Unite Evolve Wp do it Tradition in Diversity for the Future Strategic Plan: Page 3 Community Personality "adjectives" describe our traits as a community. GROUNDED Familiar, Down-to-Earth, Established Rosemead is in touch with where it came from and always honors its WELCOMING Neighborly, Warm, Friendly Rosemead welcomes everyone who is committed to making the city better. THRIVING Vibrant, Up-to-Date, Flourishing Rosemead is delivering what citizens need and want, and they are responding. These "verbs" define the actions we take every day to deliver on Rosemead's community values or "brand platform." HONOR TRADITION In Rosemead, we honor our long tradition of community spirit and civic engagement. We preserve old traditions like the 4th of July Parade, and look to create new ones that will keep our community vibrant and appealing. UNITE IN DIVERSITY Our multi-cultural experience reflects contemporary American life. While we come from different parts of the globe, we are united by the traditional values of hard work, family and education that help our community thrive. EVOLVE FOR THE FUTURE y As we honor tradition, we are a modern small town that keeps its eye on the future. Our location in the heart of the city means that we must continually evolve to meet the changing needs of our residents and businesses. Rosemead's Vision In the year 2020, Rosemead will be recognized as a welcoming and thriving small town community in the heart of the city. Rosemead residents from different cultural backgrounds will unite in diversity and will get to know their neighbors through family-oriented amenities and programs. The City's boundaries will be distinguished by its attractive appearance and commitment to sustainability. Amenities for Rosemead residents will include: • Attractively landscaped and hardscaped public areas; • Updated and well-maintained public facilities; • Comprehensive recreational, community, and cultural arts programs; • A well-balanced mix of local, regional, and national businesses, restaurants, and hotels; • An array of housing options; • Convenient modes of transportation; • A low crime rate and a general feeling of safety; • Partnerships with local schools to support high quality education; • An attractive downtown area; and • Well-maintained residential properties with dwellings that are consistent with the community/neighborhood. Key Organizational Goals ift Beautify community infrastructure and improve public facilities. j Enhance public safety and duality of life. _n 'P LZLI Ensure the City's financial viability with balanced budgets and prudent reserves. strategies and action plans in the Strategic Plan will be consistent with these organizational goals. Strategic Plan: Page 5 Owma Beautify community infrastructure and improve public facilities. strategy 1: Enhance public rights-of-way with attractive and environmentally sensitive landscaping and hardscaping. Action Items: O Reconstruct curbing and street medians and improve paving and landscape along City streets and public rights-of-way near freeway access points. Responsible Department: Public Works O Design and install/update monument signs and implement a wayfinding sign program. Responsible Department: Public Works O Resurface and rebuild roads in accordance with the Pavement Management System. Responsible Department: Public Works O Continue tree planting program. Responsible Department: Public Works O Paint and improve the appearance of the freeway underpass infrastructure at Rosemead Blvd., San Gabriel Blvd., and Del Mar Ave. Responsible Department: Public Works O Beautify CalTrans parking lot/storage areas on Walnut Grove Ave. and Hellman Ave. as well as at the 60 freeway and San Gabriel Blvd. Responsible Department: Public Works O Revise the City's news rack ordinance to require improved placement and maintenance of privately owned news racks on City sidewalks in commercial areas. Responsible Department: Public Works and Public Safety O Improve the City Hall parking lot to create a civic center atmosphere and connectivity between City Hall, the Rosemead Community Center, and the Library. Responsible Department: Public Works Strategic Plan: Page 6 DRAFT Strategy 3: Reinstate the power of eminent domain for commercial properties in redevelopment project area 1. Action Items: facilities. Action Items: O Implement an updated commercial building fa4ade improvement program using redevelopment funds. Responsible Department: Community Development O Develop and implement a Beautification Awards program. Responsible Department: Community Development O Use redevelopment funds to demolish dilapidated vacant commercial buildings in an effort to spur new development. Responsible Department: Community Development O Work with property owners to beautify vacant parcels. Responsible Department: Community Development O Engage a consulting firm to initiate a redevelopment plan amendment by the CDC. Beautify community infrastructure Action Items: O Secure approval from and work with Southern California Edison to maximize the use of vacant land located under transmission corridors. Responsible Department: Parks and Recreation O Partner with the Trust for Public Land (TPL) to identify potential sites for infill parks and negotiate an agreement to acquire capital funds for park development. Responsible Department: Parks and Recreation O Apply for grant funds from federal and state agencies, as well as private sources. Responsible Department: Parks and Recreation and Community Development O Encourage open and green spaces as part of any future infill developments. Responsible Department: Community Development improve Responsible Department: Community Development Strategy 4: Develop additional neighborhood parks. Strategic Plan: Page 7 Strategy 2: Encourage and promote private investment to improve property aesthetics. DRAFT and improve public facilities L~W~ 00=1 Beautify community infrastructure Facilities Master Plan. (continued) Parks, Recreation, and General Action Items: O Develop a plan for the use of available funds, including redevelopment bond proceeds, for new construction and significant renovation projects. Responsible Departments: Community Development and Finance O Study redevelopment bond capacity for potential bond issuance. Responsible Departments: Finance and Community Development O Apply for grant funds from federal and state agencies, as well as private sources. Responsible Departments: Parks and Recreation, Public Works, and Community Development Strategy 6: Preserve historical, cultural, and natural resources. Action Items: O Improve access to the biking and hiking trails along the Rio Hondo River and Whittier Narrows to increase public awareness and use of these resources. Responsible Departments: Parks and Recreation and Public Works O Develop and implement a Dinsmoor House Preservation Plan. Responsible Department: Parks and Recreation O Implement development impact fees for parks development. Responsible Departments: Parks and Recreation, Community Development, and Finance O Support the Savannah Cemetery's efforts to achieve state or federal historic recognition. Responsible Departments: Parks and Recreation Strategy 7: Develop a downtown Rosemead specific plan. Action Items: O Form a subcommittee with representation from the City Council and the Planning Commission to work with staff on drafting the downtown specific plan. Responsible Department: Community Development Strategic Plan: Page 8 Enhance of life. Strategy 8: Improve public perceptions of Rosemead. Action Items: O Continually improve rapid graffiti removal response times and responsiveness. Responsible Department: Public Works O Utilize special resources for gang enforcement and prevention. Responsible Department: Public Safety O Foster school relationships for the enhancement of prevention programs. Responsible Departments: Public Safety and Parks and Recreation O Facilitate the elimination or avoidance of undesirable business uses along the City's primary commercial corridors. Responsible Department: Community Development O Issue press releases and various media campaigns touting reductions in crime, community oriented police programs, and community achievements. Responsible Department: Administration Strategy 9: Increase community involvement in public safety programs through volunteer community service opportunities. Action Items: O Create a Public Safety Connections Committee under the leadership of the Sheriffs Department that includes representatives from the City Council, school districts, Parks and Recreation Department, faith-based organizations to: • Provide information and support to parents; • Combat alcohol and drug abuse; and • Suppress graffiti and gang activity. Responsible Department: Public Safety O Develop a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). Responsible Department. Public Safety O Combine the Sheriffs Citizens Academy with the Rosemead's Citizens Academy. Responsible Departments: Public Safety and Administration Strategic Plan: Page 9 Enhance public safety and quality Omni Of life. (continued) Strategy 10: Increase the City's level of Emergency Preparedness. Action Items: O Finalize the EOC action plan. Responsible Department: Public Safety O Ensure facilities are equipped with supplies and resources. Responsible Departments: Public Safety and Parks and Recreation O Educate the public on emergency preparedness. Responsible Department: Public Safety O Complete the City's DMA2K plan as required by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. Responsible Department: Public Safety and Administration O Ensure sufficient emergency generator capacity at city facilities. Responsible Department: Public Works Strategy 11: Enhance programs, services, and special events that foster a sense of community among residents. Action Items: O Expand community wide events with activities that incorporate Rosemead's diversity. Responsible Department: Parks and Recreation O Expand classes and activities that incorporate cultural and ethnic activities to the broader population. Responsible Department: Parks and Recreation O Development of a community computer lab. Responsible Department: Parks and Recreation O Increase public participation in special events such as the 4th of July Parade and Lunar New Year celebration. Responsible Department: Parks and Recreation O Work with transportation agencies (i.e. Foothill Transit, Rosemead Explorer and MTA) to improve north-south bus routes. Responsible Department: Public Works Strategic Plan: Page 10 ONMJ Ensure the City's viability with balanced budgets and prudent reserves. Strategy 12: Support and advocate state legislation that will prevent additional state "take aways." Action Items O Dialogue and collaborate with state legislators and support organizations i.e., League of California cities, California Contract Cities Association, California Redevelopment Association, etc. and the City's lobbyist to support state legislative actions and policies to protect the financial interests of cities. Responsible Department: Administration O Encourage legislation to extend and protect redevelopment. Responsible Department: Administration O Educate the community about legislation and state policy actions that are detrimental to the City. Responsible Department: Administration Strategy 13: Monitor and control revenues and expenditures. Action Items- 0 Provide the City Council with quarterly budget status reports. Responsible Department: Finance O Regularly review each department staffing level in an effort to "right-size" them with available resources for programs and services. Responsible Department: Administration O Ensure contracts are current and rates being charged are competitive and appropriate. Responsible Department: All O Evaluate green technologies and products that will reduce or stabilize on-going expenditures. Responsible Department: Public Works O Ensure department managers review and manage their individual budgets by studying the monthly expenditure/revenue reports. Responsible Departments: Administration and Finance O Ensure that any new programs or funding requests are supported by an identifiable ongoing funding source. Responsible Department: All O Analyze revenues to appropriately optimize returns and verify all eligible funds are received. Responsible Department: Finance Strategic Plan: Page 11 Ensure the City's financial viability with '0*0' balanced budgets and prudent reserves. (conrinued) Strategy 14: Review and evaluate potential new revenue sources and appropriate cost recover opportunities. Action Items: o Explore a commercial solid waste franchise fee. Responsible Departments: Public Works and Administration o Update the Business License fee schedule. Responsible Department: Finance O Annually review and update the Comprehensive Fee Resolution. Responsible Department: Finance O Seek grant opportunities. Responsible Departments: Community Development, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, and Public Safety o Pursue partnership opportunities with other public and private entities. Responsible Department: All Strategy 15: Increase revenues to the general fund from sales tax and transient occu- pancy tax (TOT). Action items: o Facilitate commercial development of the former auto auction property on Garvey Ave. Responsible Department: Community Development o Process building approvals for the Fresh & Easy project on Valley Blvd. and Rosemead Blvd. Responsible Department: Community Development o Explore the redevelopment of the Glendon Hotel site. Responsible Department: Community Development C) Complete the General Plan amendment process and update the zoning code to designate key areas (nodes) for mixed-use developments. Responsible Department: Community Development C) Pursue new opportunities to enhance the City's sales tax base. Responsible Department: Community Development The Strategic Plan will be updated every two years and integrated into the City's operations and processes, including the Budget and performance evaluations. The Strategic Plan will provide guidance for, and be consistent with, other master plans, i.e., General Plan and the Parks, Recreation, and General Facilities Master Plan. Strategic Plan: Page 12