CC - Item 7A - Minutes 10-13-09Minutes of the JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING October 13, 2009 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:06 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Ly INVOCATION: Mayor Clark PRESENT: Mayor/Chairwoman Clark, Mayor Pro TemNice-Chairman Taylor, Council Member/Commissi Armenta, Council Member/Commissioner Low, and Counci(Member/Commissioner Ly.~ OFFICIALS PRESENT: City Manager Allred, Assistant City I Montes, Community Development Director Saeki, Director of Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic Develop mentAdmi Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda. : 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE 2. PUBLIC HEARING A. on Health , Interim"City Attorney Director of Parks and z, Deputy Public Works Director ion Funds for the FY 2009.10 Capital Code Sections 33445 and 33679 Re8e'4elopment Lawk equires that`, if' re e^development funds are to be used to pay for `~✓,,.:+~+r~ at. improvemi nts which will' be publicly owned, both within and outside of the project area, the City Council'66d0e Community Development Commission must make findings and authorize the expend ituresAThe proposed projects are: {p'J keo,yll, 1/RnRamona Boulevard Beautfication Project Estimated cost $100,000; and Interstate 10 Freeway Entry Points Improvements Project - Estimated cost That the City Council/Community Development Commission take the following actions: 1. That the Community Development Commission adopt Resolution No. 2009-32 making the appropriate findings under Health and Safety Code Section 33445; and 2. That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2009-55 making the appropriate findings under Health and Safety COdeSection 334455; and 3. That the City Council consent to the proposed Commission expenditures. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 1 of 19 ITEM NO. Community Development Director Brian Saeki reviewed the staff report. City Manager Jeff Allred added that the proposed funds for these projects are available through redevelopment bond proceeds. The Redevelopment Agency has approximately $6 million in bond proceeds. MayorIChairwoman Clark opened the Public Hearing at 6:06 p.m.; there being no speakers for this issue the Public Hearing was closed at 6:06 p.m. Mayor Pro TemNice-Chair Gary Taylor asked if anyone-had contacted the Statetrre_ggarding receiving funding for the freeway underpasses and bridges. City Manager Allred responded yes and that Chris Marcarello had been'worR -g ,with CalTrans on these projects and there had been discussion about funding. Mr. Allred stated CalTrahs'would be giving some money for the flatscape but not for the painting of the underpasssses 2aH~e added I at't,, I ity will be taking care of the landscaping since CalTrans only does it twice a year and that the City will be installing new errogation and repair it. , Deputy Director of Public Works Chris Marcarello stated staff'sUderstanding•was that the City of Azusa ,*hv N recently received some funding to augment the cost for the improvem&nnt of them taking over similar areas and prior to bringing that back to the Commission's consideration, it is staff's intention to try and pursue those funds further and see what is available. st4 _ Mr. Taylor asked what was the percentage of Mr. Marcarello responded Mayor Clark stated she owns the property; they first impression of Rose Council Member/Come iisSioii who avery grateful that th Walnut GroVe,and also on Ra CommissionerSteven Ly m Resolution No. 2009,.32 and be received by the City. f nz„B-Chave the figure Rtlie time. this was,,very impor[ant because the average person is not aware of who ,Rosemead off these off-ramps and see the dirt and trash and that is their Ihs.~Clarkistated she,thought this was a very worthwhile project. 3ndra Armenta stated she had received a lot of phone calls from residents to try an&mpfove the City appearance; especially the underpass of n, seconded by Commissioner Polly Low to approve No. 2009-55. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenia, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylor asked what was Senate Bill 18, which was referred to on Consent Calendar B. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 2 of 19 s r Interim City Attorney Joseph Mon tes replied he was not aware of what they were referring to as SB18; however, he was sure it was a government code reference in terms of the 65000 or 66000 series of the government code. He stated he could get the information now or wait until the break to get the information and bring it back for Mr. Taylor. He added he believed it had to do with the Planning Commission and City Council Public Hearing Notice requirements for a general plan amendment but he could verify further if needed. Mr. Taylor asked that the information be printed out and given to him to read at a later time. k 3. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2009 - 31 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No'2009-31 forepayment of Commission_expenditures in the amount of $16,694.15 demand nos. 10058 and demand nos. 11155 tA`r8ugh 11160. Resolution No. 2009 - 33 Recommendation: Adopt Resolutio__nNo. 2009-33 for payment of Commission expenditures in the amount of $2,305,117.96 demand nos 10059 through10060 and demand nos. 11161 through 11177.. C. Ramona Bouleva &BeautificatIon Project - Hart~Avenue to Rio Hondo Avenue 14 S fythe City's Fiscal Year 2009-10 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council As part'o approved a project to improve the Ramon' Boulevard sound wall area from Rio Hondo Avenue to Hart,Avenue; north side of Freeway 10. The project includes a complete landscape~makeoverwhich includesia new irrigation system, ground cover, trees, shrubs, vines and,minor concretemork. That the City Council: plans and specifications for the above listed project; and iff to advertise this project and solicit bids to complete the improvements Commissioner Polly Low made a motion, secondefty Commissioner Sandra Armenta to approve the Consent Calendar. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylors No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 3 of 19 B. Assignment of Rosemead General Plan Amendment and Zoning Update Contract to Hogle-Ireland, Inc. Proposed changes to the Land Use Element of the General Plan that would limit "mixed-use" developments to designated commercial areas (nodes) of the city were reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City. Council on September 22, 2009. After some discussion, the Planning Commission and the City Council directed staff to continue processing the General Plan amendment. At this_point, the technical expertise;6fsan outside consultant is required to prepare the appropriate environmental documents'fand o°provide assistance with the preparation of mixed-use development standards and,a omprehensive zoning map update. ,e • , Recommendation: That the City Council with Hogle-Ireland in the amount of $78,5 General Plan amendment project. fi Juan Nunez- on something like this with mix-use how is the spoke on the recent shooting in "Casa Latina". Interim City Attorney Joe Montes stated that with informed Council that it had to do with the recentii the land use element of their general plan to cons whether or not they may be sites of culture signifii the process. While that is notion cipate it during have to laps before completing the process. to SB18; he ha in-that requires ly Manag technical going to be e a contract for the he also Ole to look it up and California when updating entities to ascertain calrsign=iffcant to Native American tribes during there are certain notices and time periods that Commissioner Steven Ly made a motibnn,.seconded by~,Commissioner Sandra Armenta to authorize ATx- the City Manager to execute 5~dontract4ith!Hoglemlreland in the amount of $78,500 to provide 71x ter . `evFIM& __QW&Yh1. %°,."r technical assistance1or,the Generallplan amendment project. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armeihta No: None AAbstain: None Absent: None 4. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL. A. City Attorney Services Agreement The City Council will consider approval of an agreement to retain the law firm of Burke, Williams & Sorenson as its City Attorney. Joseph Montes, with the firm of Burke, Williams & Sorenson, currently serve as the City Attorney on an "Interim" basis. The agreement essentially will remove the "Interim" designation and continue existing service levels and rates. So that all agreements with the firm of Burke, Williams & Sorenson are set forth in one Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 4 of 19 place, the agreement also reiterates provisions of the existing agreement with the firm, under which Mr. Montes serves as General Counsel to the Rosemead Community Development Commission (CDC) and the Rosemead Housing Development Commission (HDC). The agreement provides the City with the right to terminate the services of the firm at any time upon written notice. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the agreement to be executed by the Mayor, who also serves as the Chair of the CDC and HDC. City Manager Jeff Allred reviewed the staff report. Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylor stated he only had one concern with California Rules of Professional Conduct as promulgated by the ( receive informed written consent from a client prior to undertakin( between existing or future clients Ru1e3310. Should a potential c( from the City or CDC arise the City Manager is authorized'tt~exe CDC'. Mr. Taylor stated he did not have a problem with th `tG t~y list of those projects so that Council is aware of them. City Manager Jeff Allred that was duly noted °and4hat he would before he authorized any type of waiver. lobs" Commissioner Polly Low made a motion, Attorney agreement to be executed by the Vote resulted in: Yes: Afffi&ta, Clark Low, Ly, Taylor No: None State of interest requiri' uch waiver on be 3, "conflicts". "The lire that an attorney potential for conflicts nvg~a written waiver halfiof,,the:City or 3en signing but he wo dike to get a uuree Council was aware of any project mer<Steven Ly to authorize the City as the Chair of the CDC and HDC. City ~Attb ey Joseph Montes(thanked Councilrand'stated he truly appreciated the confidence that has been placed in him(and his firm since~March. HeMstated he looked forward in assisting Council to achieve all the goals that ha been set for the City. Council Member/ ComPhissionerl,Polly Low stated she was very pleased with the work Mr. Montes had done for the City and hoped that t cninued. Mayor Margaret Clark stated she felt the same wall. City Council/Commission recessed at 6:24 p.m. and reconvened at 7:01 p.m. The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:01 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 5 of 19 FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Ly INVOCATION: Mayor Clark PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Taylor, Council Member Armenta, Council Member Low, and Council Member Ly. OFFICIALS PRESENT: City Manager Allred, Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth, City Attorney Montes, Community Development Director Saeki, Director of Finance Brisco, Director of,Parks and Recreation Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Administrator Ramirez, Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda. 5. PRESENTATIONS Lupus Awareness Month - Proclamation The proclamation was mailed to the organization. Fire Prevention Week - Proclamation Mayor Clark commended all the firefighters and stat'ed,,that Council had-attended the memorial that was given to the two firefighters that had been recently lost during:the=fires. A picture taken with the firefighters present and they were given the proclamation. Red The proclamation wasigivenrto the superintendent of the'G/arrrviey School District. • Rosemead High School Ezpanslon;Update present to presd"e Rosemead High School expansion update. No one was' 6. PUBLICtCOMMENTFROWT:HEAUDIENCE Brian Lewin -thanked Council f6Cthe recent workshop and resident impression survey that was presented. Mr. Lewin stated that some of what was discovered was a little harsh but was glad to see that Council had w:A^ or taken this matter senouslyr,a~nd,added that he was iooking forward to the next workshop that was scheduled on Tuesday. He stated th5 tsthiis meeting and a recent Planning Commission meeting had made him think about the cell phone towe s located in the city; they are all located on commercial land but they are not terribly aesthetic and they do not generate any revenue for the City. Mr. Lewin stated these regularly have a negative visual impact on the City and that one thing that might be worth considering is charge the operators a reasonable fee to offset that negative impact. City Attorney Joseph Montes noted that for Consent Calendar Item 71, the proposed form of contract attached was unfortunately they on City's format contract; the new one has specific language related to prevailing wages; if approved this evening that language will be added to the contract. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 6 of 19 7. CITY COUNCIL CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes June 9, 2009 - Special Meeting August 11, 2009 - Regular Meeting june 9, 2QQ9 Regular Meeting August 25, 2009 - Regular Meeting June 23, 2009 - Regular Meeting September 22, 2009 - Special Meeting July 28, 2009 - Regular Meeting September 22, 2009 - Regular Meeting B. Claims and Demands Resolution No. 2009 - 51 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 200961.~for payment ofCity expenditures in the amount of $553,202.39 numbered 100517 thro gh 100537 and 673924Nu.gh 67518. Resolution No. 2009 - 56 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2009=56 for payment of City expenditures in the ,-'A amount of $598,939.37 numlered 100538 through 100,551 and 67519 through 67640. C. League of California Cities- City 'Id ksNNew Law and`L`e"adership Conference The League of California Cities - C4 Clerk`'" NewaLaw a°d Leadership conference will be held December~2j-'4;2009, in Monterey, California. Recommendation: That the City Councihauthorize the attendance, at City expense, of the City Clerk an ft Assistant City Clerk. s, D. Appfovahof Undertaking Agreement for Tract Map No. 62930 3832-3840;' Charlotte"Aven ue The UndertakinglAgreemdfi for Tract Map No. 62930 is being submitted for consideration and approval to guarantee construction of public improvements subsequent to the recordation of the parcel map. That the City Council approve the Undertake Agreement for Tract Map 62930 antlgtl a recordation of the map. E. Approval of Undertaking Agreement for Tract Map No. 69266 4118 Arica Avenue The Undertaking Agreement for Tract Map No. 69266 is being submitted for consideration and approval to guarantee construction.of public improvements subsequent to the recordation of the parcel map. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 7 of 19 Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Undertaking Agreement for Tract Map 69266 and the recordation of the map. . F, G. H. Approval of Undertaking Agreement,for Tract Map No. 70141 2436 Delta Avenue The Undertaking Agreement for Tract Map No. 70141 is being submitted for consideration and approval to guarantee construction of public improvements subsequent to the recordation of the parcel map. ~4x:~' Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Und&taking Agreement for Tract Map 70141 and the recordation of the map. le VW Request Use of Garvey Center until 1:00 The Los Angeles Chinese Lions Club (Te their annual White Cane Day Fundraising City) hasrequested use dfGarveyACenter for v,until 1:00aa.m. on October 31'.,,2009. Recommendation: That the City Council music ceasing by 11:00 p.m. Renewal of Municipal Law Enforcemen The City Council will consider renewaall o County of LosfAngelbs Sheriff's Depa, A provides for subseq fentpextensions four sr mutual onsent of theNrties. use until 1:00 a.m. with all Mun'icipal~Law Enforcement Agreement with the for another five year period. The agreement assive periods of up to five years each upon ;il'authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement to Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for a Janitorial Services for City=Owned Buildings, Facilities and Parks - Award Contract "Fitlits July 28, 2009 meeting, the City Council approved specifcations to solicit regular jan t [ial maintenance services for the City facilities, buildings and parks. These services include ca~p~e leaning, glass/mirror cleaning, dust removal, restroom cleaning and solid waste collection within City facilities. The City Council further authorized staff to seek proposalsfrom a list of nine (9) qualified janitorial service providers. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Great Cleaning Services, Inc. for a.fixed annual cost of $114,780 for the first three (3) years, with an annual option to renew for the following two (2) years. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 8 of 19 Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to approve the Consent Calendar, with the exception of the Juiie 9, 2009 special meeting minutes and Consent Calendar Item J. Vote resulted in: , Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, Taylor. No: None Abstain: None Absent: None A. Minutes June 9, 2009 - Special Meeting Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylor asked that the minutes be deferred;AWthe~next meetingtto nclude the $3 million for the 5 year program for medical insurance at retirement; $600,000 a year that needs to be taken out of the budget. J. CalPERS Waiver of 960-Hour Rule for Steo4vimMafors Public Employee RetirementlLaw prohibits a retired annuitant from working more than 960 hours in a fiscal year unless a resolution is adopted in accordance with Government Code section 21221(h). Steve Majors, a retired CaIPERS annuitantworks for the City as a part- time Code Enforcement Officer am is serving as the lead p`' son for the improvements to the City's Animal Control program as approvetllin the2009=10 Budget. Due to a temporary 6 increase in dutie get the animal control pro gramImprovement up and running, he has worked additional hour this fiscal yearend is close to his hour limit. Mr. Major's additional f' dutiesywih".i1.conclude at the end of the curren ~ cal year. Beginning on January 1, 2010, the city's existing bode Enforcement officers will assume additional animal control responsibilitiesias p tt-bf.theiriroutines, in?rder to improve service levels and reduce costs to Recommendation: Th5t'ttKe1,City Council adopt Resolution No. 2009-57 requesting an employment extension per Qo ernment Code Section 21221(h). Mayor Pro Tem'rG&y. Taylor stated his concern was regarding the animal control and he had not seen a complete summary of what it was going to cost the City for having its own animal control; there was some information put out in tfi~6 pass+but it was never consolidated. r, City Manager Jeff Allred r plied that this was discussed during the budget approval when Council agreed to modify the County's contract in regards to the animal control. He added that there will be minimal additional cost because current code enforcement staff will be assuming animal control duties. Assistant City Manager Matt Hawkesworth added that some information was sent to Council in one of their Thursday's Weekly Updates. . Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 9 of 19 Mr. Taylor stated he needed to know what it was bacause the staff report stated the City was still going to use the County's facilities for taking and impounding the animals; he stated he still didn't know what the City is going to pay for that; then the City has to pay for an animal control truck. Mr. Taylor reiterated that he needed to know what the total cost was going to be. Mr. Hawkesworth responded that staff would get a fee schedule to Council. Mr. Taylor stated he wanted a total breakdown of the County's fees to include license fees, animal storage and then compare it to what the City is adding to it. Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylor asked that this item be deferred. City Manager Jeff Allred stated for clarification that Mr. Major's that is what the hours are for not for the actual animal control v . Public Safety Service Supervisor Ray Rodriguez stated staffihad st ¢yur w:•aa, of the animal control services. Some of the things done is havesta under $500, staff is also in the process of getting a local Vet I[Nreal setting up proper disposal for animals that need to 5e taken off thet thought there was a projection of cost; however;,,Matt Hawkesworth Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor stated there was a loi different sections and he had not seen a consolidc, Mr. Allred stated he would gettthat for=Mr. Taylor s save cost. Currently the County is char gin g some providing those services therefore, avoiding the C with the transition by providing technic Vexpertise g the City,to make the transition the transition of4king.over some lining, obtain some equipment for red animals immediately. and Mr. Rodriguez added that he utting those together. was "piece meal°it e'cause a lot of it was split in nnt'of what it iRctually going to cost the City. that one of the objectives for the transition was to with this transition the City's current staff will be es. Mr. Allred added that Mr. Major was helping Mr. RodriguezzI5ddWt at,Mr. Maj6f. as over 26"years',6f animal control experience and he is a crucial element ,tJhe transition.' H4e stated R6t the target date to have the program up and running is January 1, d~at if the City was using existing staff that was a key difference. Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylor state~thyTr t Assistant City Man'agerAHawkesworth stated that staff was currently working with the City Attorney to draft a new animal control otdinance.,annd that would be brught to Council at the next meeting; he added that the staff report will also include aVcomplete synopsis of-'the animal control issue. Mayor Margaret Clark asked if there was anything in the City's municipal code that addresses dogs relieve themselves on private property. Mr. Rodriguez responded that there and ordinance that address that issue. Council Member Sandra Armenta asked if there was something about excessive dog barking. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 10 of 19 Mr. Rodriguez stated that those type of complains should be going to the Sheriffs Department when they are occurring because at 1, 2 or 3 in the morning when the dogs are keeping you awake, the Sheriffs can knock at your neighbors door to address that issue. He added there was something in the municipal code that addressed that problem. Juan Nunez - asked if staff had a place to house those animals Mr. Allred responded they would be temporarily housed in the City yard facility until they are taken to the County. Council Member Sandra Armenta asked if an animal died in front of someo?.svard but that dog did not belong to them did they still get charge to have the animal picked up.. Mr. Rodriguez responded no. Council Member Steven Ly stated that after reading the resolution, the 960 hour issue didn't?comednto effect until January 2010 and asked that this item be deferredlto hetntext City Council meeting. Council Member Polly Low asked if there was a time constraint onsthis.matter. k, t Mr. Allred responded it was not a pressing issuearditcould wait for twoweeks.® Consent Calendar Item 7J was deferred to the 8. MATTERS FROM CITY,MAN,4GER & STAFF. A. Uodatdfr erResolutlon for FY 2009.1 As reported to`stte Clty Councilzat,theAaug6st 25, 2009 Council meeting, the City provides vanous indlwduallzedserwces i.e. nspections, permits, variances, etc. that are not of generalrbenefit. Histo4cally, many of these services have been provided at a cost greater than the price~being cha`rgedyfofthem, thus resulting in subsidies of the remaining costs of service from the general taxpayers. Stff is recommending that certain under-priced fees be increased and services previously vr~ %41 provided at no charge have a fee attached (in some cases fees have not been adjusted in many'years); In so doing, general: taxpayer subsidies will be reduced and those individuals receivi gibe efits will pay for them. Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2009-50, which is an updated comprehensive listing of fees. Mayor Margaret Clark stated that she would like to discuss the animal control fees. Mrs. Clark stated she personally had a problem with the $60 fee. She read page 14 and 15 of the resolution and asked what was the definition of a "large animal". Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 11 of 19 Public Safety Supervisor Ray Rodriguez responded he was not sure what the County meant by "large animal". Mayor Clark stated she had a problem with charging for the pickup of dead animals because the average person will not call in if they know they are being charge $60 for the service. Mrs. Clark added that residents would be doing a public service by calling in and having a $60 fee would be counterproductive and reiterated that she did not agree with adopting this County fee. Council Member Steven Ly stated that he thought the City absorbed the cost if dead animals are pickup on public right away or on private streets. City Manager Jeff Allred stated that was correct. Mayor Clark responded that she still had a problem with ch the service they will throw the animal away or bury it in thei Clark added that also for the solar panels she wanted to ke the San Gabriel Tribune for having solar panel fees at afiou stated this was an example where the City wants people to won't. Council Member Steven Ly stated that he underrs personal service and using City staff and time ani Council Member Sandra Armenta stated she agr( pet they are not going to wanLtoapay $60 to have afford the $60 they can just throw it out on the str Mayor Pro Tern dog dropped off fees concern; nowev tjshould be able $60 because rather than call for that is not gdoVor society. Mrs. low; the City was commended in hat benefits all of society. She g and if they are charge they ,the city was providing a o}r perate some of the cost. he Mayor ti'e`ccause if someone lost their personal al removedfrom their home. Also, if they can't ay they found a dead dog out on the street. up. into what the County's fees were to have a Mr. Rodriguez responded thibit was tncl'uded in the resolution and the fee was $10. He clarified that the F•'d'" "k~Nty' a schedule that was before Council, was the LAZCounty's fee schedule that the City was looking to adopt. Assistant 'T MManager Matt Hawkeswort4tated that Mr. Rodriguez was stating that if L.A. County came out to the City to pro de,animal controljservices these would be the fees they would be charging. Council Member PollytLowstaatt6d it was reasonable to charge $10 to have an animal dropped off at a shelter and it was fair to charge $60;to pick up a dead animal because it was more of a personal service. The residents have a choice to'take the animal to the shelter or have it be picked up. Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylor stated that there were.a lot of fees in the resolution that actually doubled. Mr. Taylor referred to page 4 of 9 "modification of conditional use permit" and stated that the fees were going from $300 to $750; that is 150% increase. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 12 of 19 City Manager Jeff Allred responded that it was because that was the cost for the City to actually cost provide the service and the reason why they are so high is because it has been seventeen years since the City has adjusted these fees. Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylor asked what was involved with the modification of somebody coming in with a conditional use permit. Mr. Allred responded it was for staff time; for staff to take that to the Planning Commission. Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylor asked for an example of the process for a permit. Community Development Director Brian Saeki stated that an example`, and one of the conditions stated that they had to have certain kinnd.ofzs condition has been approved by the Planning Commission and,they w~ taken back to the Planning Commission as a modificationtttheir CUP additional CEQA work, noticing the public hearing and its no only the is the administrative staff and their supervisors. The fee is to and,still the actually cost is significantly more. Mr. Saeki added that this would, the conditions for a residence will defer; for instance if a home was apt, 2500 sq. ft. and they wanted to make a modification to,their bathroom 1 a basic building permit tenant approved over the~co n e Council Member Polly Low asked if the reason v the whole process as if gettingra~ c nditional use Mr. Saeki responded conditional use ild be'if~er~e was a gym in town rity plan mplace and once that to modify thatRthen it would be chat that includesas potentially any nner that is touchingithat project, it ew fee is conservative because more applicable to a business and red with a condition use permit over would not trigger this that would be because they had to go through Mr. Allred added that it also gd6§jthrougfixthePlanning,gdfnmission process again. Council Member Polly LoW referred 6'page~4 of 19 regarding the conditional use permit; staff is proposing to increase it-'from $875 to $1,000,but on theet tom of the page where it says Public Hearing it states $875. Mr. Saeki responded that should'66 $1,000. Mr. Allred responded that the bottom portion was referring to the current cost. Council Member Polly Low asked what was the difference between the top portion of the document and the bottom where it states Public Hearing. Mr. Saeki stated there was no difference and that it was .a redundancy. Council Member Polly Low clarified that this didn't imean'they were paying double. Mr. Saeki replied that it did not mean that they were paying double. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 13 of 19 Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor stated they had this proposal brought to Council 3 years ago; he asked that staff look at page 1 where the fees are compared to other local cities and called it a fair comparison, not a complete but fair comparison; then go to page 2 you stilt have some comparison but then it starts to drop off through the other pages. Mr. Taylor stated this was supposed to be a comparison and on page 3 there was no comparison of any City. He added this was not a fair comparison and he couldn't believe this had happened 3 years ago and here it was again. City Manager Allred reviewed the staff report that referred to why some columns were blank. Council Member Polly Low stated it was informational to know what other citie charging but it was more important to know what the real cost for our City is and that is what needsd"o;be determined. She stated she ^v vz^rai~.. understood Mr. Allred's point that every city has an entirely different s~tructure~antldt is not a one on one comparison and staff did the best they could with what they had. Mrs tow added that the important thing was to determine if the fees staff was proposing were reasonable. Mr. Allred responded that was correct and that each fee that'was being4proposed was evaluated on its own merit and the fees that are being proposed are for the expre purpose to recuperating cost fobpoviding services to individual users. ,,ur Council Member Polly Low stated that it was imporriant that the City rQpeArate the cost of services provided. She added that maybe there were certain fees for some items that wereyimportant to lower for the residents wl%monu but they should really be looking at what is the costfor4thecity. Mrs. Low added'that most of the Planning fees proposed were for the developers.;, Mayor Margaret Clark asked ifthb3City1was raising JebKdh a homeow vier that wanted to add a room in their house. .ru Mr. Saeki responded no. Mayor Clark stateds stilllhhad a pro,0bllem withtWiMimal control portion of the resolution because she did not think residents should;be„„+charge for#that service. She added that the City was not here to recuperate all their cost but rather to serve th bublic Council Memlier,Steven Ly madeja motion, seconded by Council Member Polly Low, to approve ur Resolution No 2009.50 updating the comprehensive listing of fees and have staff update the duplicates on the r' solution. The resolution was approved with the exception of the Animal Control and Care portion of the Resolution (the Animal Control issue will be brought back to the next City Council meeting). Vote ulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly No: Taylor Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 14 of 19 9. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Parks and Recreation and Rosemead School District After-School and Extended CARE Program Coordination As indicated during the regular City Council meeting on September 8, the Rosemead School District was notified in August of a loss of latchkey funding used to operate its Safe Care program. As a result, the district and the City of Rosemead have been exploring coordinated efforts to continue provision of after-school and all-day care tor_4locel students. Recommendation: In response to the request of the and Recreation Department is willing and able to enh a) Provide a fee-based "day camp`sbR periods (i.e., summer, thanksgivings, b) Coordinating existing school-based c district-sponsored after scfiooltprogrr Staff is therefore seeking City Council direction r'ei offered in coordination with tlieoRosemead School Parks and Recreation Director David Mc PowerPoint presentation (PowerPoint is Tracy Loa - stated that the orga`r they were not told that they could new program. Mr. Montgomery-Sc( I each individualf m for Safe Care or any Council Mem ber Sandra Ar Options they dJidFclarify that Mr. Montgomery- on the use of the School District, the Parks are programming by: students~during school vacation and spring breaks), and recreation programs with school these proposed programs to be the staff`"reporfand presented a Options w0Qgbntacting thebparents regarding the new program and e utilizing Safe,Care and most parents were not interested in the spoke to said that as they discussed the matter with funding so the parents could have used the funds tgomery-Scott if when speaking with the representative of the option to use the funds for ACES or Safe Care. correct and that the representative indicated there were no restriction Ms. Loa stated that she would love to hear those comments because it seem that it was basically miscommunication; the parents that she had spoken to did not know those funds could be use for Safe Care. Council Member Steven Ly stated that as a point of information actually 55 participates had already registered to ASART and in some locations kids were already on waiting list; to say that there is no desire for ASART is a bit misleading. Council Member Sandra Armenta asked Ms. Loa ifshe was contacted by Options. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 15 of 19 Ms. Loa responded that she was not eligible for Options so she was not contacted but she had been in contact with her committee and parents who were contacted by Options. Mayor Pro Tem Gary Taylor asked if Options would fund Safe Care. Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded that according to the representative there were no programming option that was not on the table; therefore, that would have included Safe Care. Dr. Amy Enomoto-Perez - Superintendent of Rosemead School District stated,that the representative of Options contacted each parent on the list and parents were given various options. Options indicated that if a parent qualified for funds those funds could be use for any child care progr"am;,however, most of the J `UAr population declined. Mrs. Enomoto-Perez commended Options for coming ouPto4each of their sites for three nights and provide information to parents. - I Ms. Loa stated that one of the parents that she had spoken meetings and was told that they were not there to discus t! Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor stated he was still unclear about S Rosemead School District is saying that the Safe Care program that Safe Care is viable if they meet the requiPements of the par really are. A Mr. Montgomery-Scott responded that if enough p'eol them for the Safe Care program then there is a possi beyond the month of Octoobber. Mayor Pro Tem Gary Tay Basked whylhe City was, feasible solution because Options was}willing to fund Mr. Taylor read a portion of the,staff reportcthat state( recreational~prrograms;,,,however, no funds had been=l stated it seemed that therewould be 'more funds nee that she attend d„one of the Option n because he was hearing that the and how can we hear from our staff ihow do we know what the facts Inds from Options and utilized have continue that program involved if it seem that there was already a held care programs that parents could qualify for. would be no additional cost for afterschool ?d for an extended "day camp" program. He Dr. Enomotd:'Perez replied shKdd~n't thin '§6 because all the district was asking was that the City help the parents during, break, Spring Break, Summer vacation, and holidays because ASART was only available during,r'egular school days, which is only :180 days during the regular school year. Mr. Allred stated that'the" "re would be a budget amendment for some expenditure but also there would be rte'°Ov'.-r some revenues that wouldtfully offset those expenditures. Dr. Enomoto-Perez thanked and commended the City Council, City Manager Allred, and Mr. Montgomery- Scott for working so hard to help the district and find a solution to this issue. She added that. Mrs. Ramirez had also made herself available to assist the parents with writing and possibly receiving a Wells Fargo grant. Ms. Loa added that as a committee they were working really had to save the Safe Care program by applying for grants and asked the City for a one time donation while they apply and receive other grants. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 16 of 19 Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor stated that it seemed that help would be available November 2nd. Ms. Loa stated that would be the ASART program and not Safe Care. Council Member Sandra Armenta stated that given;the financial state this year and assuming it will be the same next year; what would the parents do for the Safe Care program next year. Ms. Loa replied that there are a lot of grants that they are looking for and are going to apply for; however, they did not have time to do so this year. K Sharon Esquivel - stated she was before Council to speak about the childrehanot being supervised at AIX. IZ I Janson School site by the Parks and Recreation staff. She stated that,she had4observed some kids swinging bats and there were no balls; she feared for the safety of other children She alsoadded that there was trash left behind by the Parks and Recreation staff. N Mr. Montgomery-Scoff stated he would address the Council Member Steven Ly made a motion, seconded by ConcilrMember Polly Low, to-approve staffs recommendations to provide a fee-based day camp" se icee for students during school vacation periods and coordinate existing schFool-based drop-in recreaattion programs with school district-sponsored after school programs atr ~o additional cost for aftteriscc~h~ool programs. In addition, the City of Rosemead will not be involved in any morm"ildcare program. Vote resulted in: Yes: Armenta, Clark, Low, Ly, No: None A6,917 5V., ne B. Monterev Pa Representatives froRthA,Monterey Park Angels Baseball Association, a travel baseball organization 40areequesting e of the Garvey Park to conduct league activities. Additionally, theyjare requesting City Council authorization for a waiver of fees for that use. endation: That the City Council direct staff in regards to the request of the Park Angels Baseball Association for a waiver of fees for the use of Garvey Park. Parks and Recreation Director David Montgomery-Scott reviewed the staff report. Council Member Steven Ly asked if they were planning on changing their name if they were going to use the City's facilities. Mr. Montgomery-Scott replied there had been no discussion on that. Council Member Polly Low asked if the team met all the City's requirements. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 17 of 19 Mr. Montgomery-Scott replied that they meet the residential requirement and the non-profit requirement. Council Member Polly Low asked if there was any equirement they did not meet. Mr. Montgomery-Scott replied that the only issue was that they are essentially a duplicate service; one of the reasons why that was built into the policy was because Rosemead has the lowest fees around and there was a concern that there would be other organization coming in garnering just enough Rosemead residents to call themselves a Rosemead league and use the City's facilities. Council Member Sandra Armenta stated she actually attended one of their against RYA; it was great to see two different leagues coming together anc she observed from the Monterey Park Angels was that they caliber wasia I Mayor Margaret Clark stated she thought this was a good idea help kids get involved. e Council Member Sandra Armenta added that she had spmi, tournament in Rosemead where they actually bring in people and businesses to get involved; therefore, generating funds. Mayor Margaret Clark made a motion, secon waiver of fees for the Monterey Park Angels resulted in: Yes: Armenta;!Clahk;ILow, Ly, No: None Absent: C. ies and they played She added that what r as well as their skills. fees because they are here to he had a vi9i6rn0'f holding a s and invite the community y, to approve the fee of Garvey Park. Vote At its regulaeeting onugst 25, City Council requested that staff research and propose a Lunar (Chinese) New Year vendor fair. Staff has contacted potential vendors and sponsors, met w ih a regional promoter of similar events and representatives from two local iambers of Commerce, and reviewed potential costs. Due to a lack of funds and the mited4imeframefto prepare an event, staff is proposing that any event related to Chinese n+ V New Year, be. delayed until fiscal year 2010-2011. Recommendation: This item is only for discussion. No City Council action is requested at this time. Parks and Recreation Director Montgomery-Scott reviewed the staff report and added that the proposal before them will essentially change due to most recent discussions with a promoter of cultural events. Mr. Montgomery-Scott stated this item would be coming back to Council in two weeks with additional information. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 18 of 19 Council Member Polly Low stated many Rosemead. residents will be really excited to have an event like this. She added that this would give the City a great opportunity to work with the Chamber of Commerce and also a way to show that the City embraces diversity. Item 9C was deferred to the next City Council meeting. Council Member Steven Ly stated he had asked the City Manager to provide an update on the recent shootings and how the City is addressing bars and other type of social gathering businesses, specifically regarding alcoholic drinks. Am Mayor Pro Tern Gary Taylor asked if staff had gotten a report from the who were involved; asked if they were Rosemead residents. 14 City Manager Allred replied that they were not residents of Roseme added that the City had already started a program that wouldJnvoly Code Enforcement, ABC State Alcohol Control, as well as,sfaff and code violations. This is being taken very seriously and,t e Ctyhas Chief of Police Murakami added that in fact none of the people inNvo residents; however, the Sheriffs Department did.not like the fact N are going to put our weight on them to Mayor Margaret Clark stated she wanted an updat approached by a resident and told that she was no Deputy Director of Public Works Chris,"Marcarello been planted and theyicaee the progress of the Council Member digging in front o The meeting adjourned at 9:31 October 202009 at 5:00 p.m. ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk on the people id neither were,the victims. He team of inspectb s;gthe Sheriffs, cough all those f cilities and identify ady scheduled those inspections. FN Ir in the shooting were Rosemead appened in the City. As the City we ect and added that she was she wanted planted. could provide to Council a list of trees that have a call from a resident asking why they were ular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on Margaret Clark Mayor Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2009 Page 19 of 19