TC - Item 3A - Neighborhood Traffic Management ProgramROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: DECEMBER 3, 2009 SUBJECT: NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - DEVELOPMENT OF TRAFFIC CALMING TOOLBOX SUMMARY The City routinely receives requests from residents to review perceived unsafe pedestrian and vehicle conditions in the City. Over the last several months, the Traffic Commission and staff started discussions on a Neighborhood Traffic Management Program that would help to address some of these issues - developing a policy to ensure requests are handled fairly and uniformly and also a "toolbox" of traffic calming measures that can be used throughout the community. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission review and discuss the traffic calming program toolbox ideas for inclusion into the City's Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. ANALYSIS Over the past several years, the City has received a growing number of requests to review pedestrian and vehicle conditions throughout the community. Realizing this, the Traffic Commission asked staff to research how other cities address similar issues. In addition, the Traffic Commission asked staff to develop a "toolbox" of traffic calming measures that could be used throughout the community. This toolbox could include items such as increased traffic enforcement, education or the installation of engineered physical improvements. In November 2009, the Traffic Commission approved a working set of goals and objectives for a Citywide Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (Attachment 1). These goals and objectives will help drive the vision of the "NTMP" and help the City address common traffic and safety issues. Also in November, the Traffic Commission developed a project list and timeline for development of the NTMP (Attachment 2). Traffic Calming Measures "Toolbox" The toolbox is intended to serve as a menu of traffic calming measures that can be implemented in neighborhoods throughout the City. Traffic calming measures can be broken into several categories, including Traffic Programs, Signage and Striping Traffic Commission Meefing December 3, 2009 Page 2 of 3 Improvements, and Physical Improvements. Below is a sample of these improvements: Traffic Programs These programs are typically initial actions taken to address safety issues and assess existing conditions. o Educational measures to help reduce speeding. o Increased speed enforcement e Development of neighborhood traffic safety programs o Use of speed trailers to track speeding and vehicle movements Sionage and Striping Improvements These improvements do not require physical construction and are less costly than permanent physical improvements. o Turn restriction signage o Improved street markings and striping Truck restriction signage The addition of speed markings The addition of curb markings The addition of raised pavement markings The installation of high visibility signage Physical Improvements These improvements use variations in pavement height, alternative paving materials, and reduce straight vehicle travel to reduce speeds and help increase safety. The installation of medians The installation of entry islands o The addition of restricted turning movements The installation of neckdowns, bulbouts, chokers or chicanes The installation of pavement treatments like raised crosswalks or intersections Included for your review is a sample of neighborhood traffic calming toolbox measures from the City of Monterey and Los Angeles County (Attachments 3 and 4). It is important to note that stop signs, warning signs (e.g. children at play), traffic signals, and speed humps are not included in these toolbox measures. At your meeting, staff will help facilitate an interactive workshop where Commissioners and members of the public can discuss potential toolbox items for inclusion in each of the above categories. Traffic Commission Meeting December 3, 2009 Pace 3 of 3 Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachments 1) Draft Policy, Goals, Objectives 2) Work plan/Timeline 3) City of Monterey Toolbox Traffic Calming Measures 4) County of Los Angeles Toolbox Traffic Calming Measures Attachment 1 Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Overview The City recognizes that each street in the community is part of a larger roadway network that connects residents to schools, businesses, work locations, and various other destinations. As such, there are common traffic issues within neighborhoods that include speeding, cut-through traffic, truck traffic, and increased traffic volume. Traffic Calming is an important way to manage traffic so that its negatives impacts on residential neighborhoods are minimized. Traffic calming measures help to reduce potential safety risks and also help improve the quality of life for Rosemead residents. Purpose To assist Rosemead residents in developing standards, measures, and a process for managing traffic-related requests=in residential neighborhoods. Goals/Objectives 1. Establish a fair, equitable, and uniform process through which traffic- related requests are handled by the City. 2. Streamline the request process for residents, the City Council, the Traffic Commission, aridff. 3. Develop a'toolbox of tI•-affic calming measures that help to increase safety in local neighbbrho_ods.._ 4. Maintain traffic volumes and- speeds on neighborhood streets at acceptable levels. 5. Maintain efficient vehicular and pedestrian movements throughout the City in accordance with the City's General Plan Circulation Element. Benefits of Traffic Calminq It is expected that the development of this policy will help the City better manage traffic throughout the community and improve the quality of life for residents. By using this policy to address traffic issues in Rosemead, it is anticipated that the following benefits will be achieved: • There will be less "through" traffic in residential neighborhoods. • Traffic will move slower through residential neighborhoods. • Traffic safety for pedestrians and vehicles will improve. • There will be less truck traffic in residential areas. Attachment 2 ROSEMEAD NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT LIST/TIMELINE Traffic Commission Scoping Meeting -Review Purpose, Goals, Objectives, Benefits, Policy -Review Timeline/Critical Path -Provide Comments, Ideas I Traffic Commission Working Meeting -Development of Traffic Calming Toolbox -Development of Neighborhood Zones -Review Timeline/Critical Path -Review Purpose, Goals, Objectives, Benefits, Policy Traffic Commission Working Meeting -Discuss Neighborhood Zone Priority -Review Traffic Calming Toolbox/Develop Policies for Using Traffic Calming Tools -Review Neighborhood Zones -Review Timeline/Critical Path -Review Purpose, Goals, Objectives, Benefits, Policy -Review with Public Safety Officials Traffic Commission Working Meeting -Possible Community Workshop(s) -Review Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Traffic Commission Working Meeting -Develop/Review Preliminary Recommendations Finalize Neighborhood Traffic Management Program City Council/Traffic Commission Review November 2009 December 2009 - January 2010 January 2010 - February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 - June 2010 City of Monterey Toolbox Speed Limit Sign Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Description: Signs that define the legal driving speed under normal conditions. Application: • Streets where speeding is a problem and ongoing enforcement is realistic. Advantages: • Provides clear definition of legal speed limit • Provides context for enforcement efforts • Provides goal for traffic calming efforts Disadvantages: • Typically not effective in and of itself • Not self enforcing • Requires on-going police enforcement • Unrealistically low speed limits are difficult to enforce and tend to be disregarded • More visual pollution from signs in the neighborhood Special Considerations: Speed limits set by an engineering analysis tend to be higher than limits set by political pressures Neighborhood Sign Program Description: Signs provided to the neighborhood to inform and encourage motorists to observe the posted speed limits. These include large signs designed to adhere to trashcans brought to the curb by residents. Application: • Any street where speeding is a problem Advantages: • Educational tool • Effective for temporary speed reduction needs Disadvantages: • Duration of effectiveness may be limited • Not self enforcing Special Considerations: • Longer lasting benefit is achieved when police enforcement is used in conjunction with signs. DRIVE 25 15 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Speed Monitoring Trailer Description: Mobile trailer mounted radar display that informs drivers of their speed. Application: • Any street where speeding is a problem Advantages: • Educational tool • Good public relations • Effective for temporary speed reduction needs Disadvantages: • Some motorists may speed up to try to register a high speed • Duration of effectiveness may be limited • Not self enforcing u. ~ M srMco r'"~ -uMir ~'~.:YOUN~SPEFDy s _ ~i - Special Considerations: • Longer lasting benefit is achieved when police enforcement is used immediately after speed trailer use. Police Enforcement Description: Police presence to monitor speeds and issue citations. Application: • Streets with documented speeding problem and need for quick mitigation • Locations where restrictions are being violated Advantages: • Effective while officer is actually monitoring speeds • Flexible measure that can be implemented in almost any location at short notice Disadvantages: • Not self enforcing; temporary measure • Fines do not typically cover cost of enforcement • Disrupts efficient traffic flow on high volume streets • Short "memory effect" on motorists when enforcement officer no longer present Special Considerations: • Often helpful in school zones • May be used during "learning period" when new devices or restrictions first implemented 16 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Restricted Movement Signing Description: Sign that prohibits certain movements at an intersection. Application: • Streets where reducing cut-through traffic is desired Advantages: • Redirects traffic to main streets • Reduces cut-through traffic • Addresses time-of-day problems Disadvantages: • Not self enforcing (low voluntary compliance) • May increase trip length for some drivers • Increases number of downstream turning movements • More visual pollution from signs in the neighborhood • May lead to confusion at busy intersections Special Considerations: • Can be used on a trial basis • Has little or no effect on speeds for through vehicles 17 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Median Description: Raised island in the center of the roadway with one-way traffic on each side. Application: • Used on wide streets to narrow each direction of travel and to interrupt sight distances down the center of the roadway Advantages: • Narrowed travel lanes provide "friction" and can slow vehicle speeds • Significant opportunity for landscaping and visual enhancement of the neighborhood • Can utilize space which otherwise would be "unused" pavement • Can be used to control traffic access to adjacent properties if desired Disadvantages: • Long medians may impact emergency access and operations • May interrupt driveway access and result in downstream U-turns • May require removal of parking Variations: • Medians of various lengths can be constructed • Can be constructed mid-block only to allow all turning movements at intersection • Can be extended through intersections to preclude left turns or side street throughs Special Considerations: • Vegetation should be carefully designed not to obscure visibility between motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians at intersection and pedestrian crossing areas • Maintain 12 foot wide lane minimum on each side • Maximum length between access points should be 200'to accommodate emergency response • Turning radii for a fire truck should be maintained at these breaks 18 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Entry island with Neighborhood Identification Sign Description: A raised island in the center of a two-way street that identifies the entrance to a neighborhood. Application: • Placed in a roadway to define the entry to a residential area and/or to narrow each direction of travel and interrupt sight distance along the center of the roadway Advantages: • Notifies motorists of change in roadway character • Helps slow traffic • Opportunity for landscaping and/or monumentation for aesthetic improvements • May discourage cut-through traffic • Can enhance neighborhood identity Disadvantages: • Need for maintenance (and irrigation) • May necessitate removal of parking Variations: • Can incorporate neighborhood identification signing and monumentation Special Considerations: • Care should be taken not to restrict pedestrian visibility at adjacent crosswalk 19 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Neckdown Description: Segments of roadway narrowing where curbs are extended toward the center of the roadway. Application: • Typically used adjacent to intersections where parking is restricted • Can be used to narrow roadway and shorten pedestrian crossings Advantages: • Pedestrian visibility increased and crossing distance reduced • Narrowed roadway section may contribute to vehicular speed reduction • Can "reclaim" pavement for pedestrian and streetscape amenities • Breaks up drivers' line-of-sight • May provide opportunity for decorative crosswalk treatment Disadvantages: • Creates drainage issues where curb and gutter exist • May create an obstruction for bicyclists Variations: • Mid-block neckdowns often used in conjunction with pedestrian crossing treatments • Chokers, raised islands built to narrow the roadway, can be used where drainage is an issue Special Considerations: • Curb extensions should not extend into bicycle lanes where present or planned 20 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Pavement Treatment Description: Varied pavement texture or color to create visual and tactile focus point. Treatments may include colored pavement, pavers, or textured concrete. Application: • Streets where speeding is a problem • Locations where pedestrian crossings are a concern Advantages: • Provides enhancement opportunities • May improve pedestrian safety at intersection Disadvantages: • Minimal impact on traffic speeds Special Considerations: • Should be used in conjunction with other devices 21 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Curvilinear Street Description: A curved street alignment can be designed into new developments or retrofitted in existing rights-of- way. The curvilinear alignment requires additional maneuvering and reduces drivers' line-of-sight. Application: • Any street where speed control is desired • Any street where reduced line-of-sight is desired Advantages: • Aesthetically pleasing • Provides landscaping opportunities • Minimal impact on emergency response Disadvantages: • Expensive • May have little or no impact on cut-through traffic • Needs to be combined with narrowing or other traffic calming tools to have significant impact on speeds • May require additional right-of-way to be effective • May require removal of on-street parking Variations: • Chicanes • Off-set curb extensions • Systems of devices alternating from the center to curbside of the road Special Considerations: • Cannot be used where right-of-way is limited • Should consider operation and sight-distance at intersections 22 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Realigned Intersection Description: Realigns T-intersection to make the "through movement" a turning movement. Application: • Streets where it is desired to redirect traffic to a higher classification roadway • Streets where slowing traffic as it enters the neighborhood is desired Advantages: • Provides landscaping opportunities • Discourages traffic from continuing through a neighborhood • Slows traffic as it enters a neighborhood • Breaks up sight-lines on straight streets Disadvantages: • May redirect traffic to another local street • May increase queue lengths at intersections • Fairly expensive Variations: • Stop sign control on one leg • Stop sign control on all three legs • Neckdowns in the intersection Special Considerations: • Drainage • Potential for redirecting traffic to adjacent local streets • May change stop configuration and affect emergency response times 23 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Traffic Circle Description: Traffic circles are raised circular medians in an intersection with counterclockwise traffic flow. Vehicles must change their travel path to maneuver around the circle and are typically controlled by "Yield on Entry" on all approaches. Application: • Streets where speed control is desired • Intersections where improved side-street access is desired • Intersections with relatively low proportion of left turn movements Advantages: • Provides increased access to street from side street • Slows traffic as it drives around circle • Breaks up sight-lines on straight streets • Opportunity for landscaping in the intersection Disadvantages: • Definition of right-of-way is contrary to the "yield to the vehicle on the right" rule • May impede emergency response • Relatively expensive if curb extensions are required • May impede left tums by large vehicles • On streets with bicycle facilities, bikes must merge with traffic around circle Variations: • With or without neckdowns • With or without diverter islands • Different sizes and dimensions • Barrier curb and gutter face or tapered/mountable face Special Considerations: • Need to be used in series or in conjunction with other traffic calming devices • Should not be used on emergency response routes • May require extensive signing • Maintenance concerns associated with sweeping and asphalt maintenance around circle • May require educational campaign and learning period • Should be used only at intersections with a relatively low proportion of left turning vehicles 24 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Restricted Movement Barrier Description: Barrier island that prevents certain movements at an intersection. Application: • Streets where reducing cut-through traffic is desired Advantages: • Redirects traffic to main streets • Reduces cut-through traffic • Increases opportunity for landscaping in the roadway Disadvantages: • May negatively affect emergency response • May increase trip length for some drivers Variations: • Medians on main street that allow left and right turns in but restrict left turns out or straight across movement from side street Special Considerations: • Should not be used on emergency response routes • Has little or no affect on speeds for through vehicles 25 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Entrance Barrier Description: Physical barrier that restricts turns into a street. Creates a one-way segment at the intersection while maintaining two-way traffic for the rest of the block. Application: • Local streets where cut-through traffic is a concern • Local streets where vehicles from nearby facility circulate looking for parking Advantages: • Restricts movements into a street while maintaining full access and movement within the street block for residents • Reduces cut-through traffic • Opportunity for increased landscaping • More self enforcing and aesthetically pleasing than turn restriction signing Disadvantages: • May redirect traffic to other local streets • May increase trip length for some drivers • In effect at all times; even if cut-through problem exists only at certain times of day Variations: • Can be used in pairs to create a semi-diverter, restricting turns onto the street and movements across the ittersection Special Considerations: • Should not be used on emergency routes • Has little or no effect on speeds for local traffic • Consider how residents will gain access to street 26 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Diagonal Diverter Description: Raised areas placed diagonally across a four-way intersection that restrict through movements in all directions. Application: • Local streets where cut-through traffic is a problem Advantages: • Reduces cut-through traffic • Self enforcing • Maintains continuous routing opportunities • Not as restrictive as street closure Disadvantages: • May redirect traffic to other local streets • May increase emergency response times • May increase trip length for some drivers • In effect at all times - even if cut-through problem exists only at certain times of day Variations: • Traversable diverters that allow access for emergency response vehicles Special Considerations: • Provide pedestrian and bicycle access through barriers • Should not be used on emergency response routes • Consider how residents will gain access to street • Has little or no effect on speeds for local traffic 27 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program Street Closure Description: Full closure of a street. Application: • Local streets where cut-through traffic is the major concern Advantages: • Restricts all through traffic • Self enforcing Disadvantages: • May redirect traffic to other local streets • May increase trip length for some drivers • May increase emergency response times Variations: • Mid-block closure • Intersection closure • Pocket parks • Maintain emergency access • Provide bicycle and pedestrian access 28 Special Considerations: • Should not be used on emergency response routes • Consider impacts to adjacent streets • Consider emergency response requirements City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program It should be noted that the City receives requests for several devices that are not included in the toolbox. The following are NOT approved for use as traffic calming tools on City streets. Stop Signs: Stop signs are traffic control devices intended to control the right-of-way at intersections. Stop signs have not been found to be effective for use as speed control devices; in fact, they have been found to aggravate speeding conditions between stop locations. In addition to a number of negative environmental impacts from excessive use of stop signs (noise, air quality, fuel consumption), stop signs penalize all drivers, those driving the speed limit as well as those speeding. The City of Monterey follows state and federal warrants for the use of stop signs and, as stated in the Circulation Element of the General Plan, emphasizes "design and enforcement solutions rather than traffic control devices to slow and discourage through traffic in residential areas." Unwarranted stop signs have been found to create more problems than they solve. Children at Play Signs: Although commonly requested, these signs are not standard traffic control devices or warning signs. Studies made in cities where Children at Play signs were widely posted in residential areas show no evidence of having reduced pedestrian accidents or vehicle speed. Because there are children in most residential areas, the signs would warn of common conditions and could arguably be placed on every residential block. In fact, signs installed to warn motorists of normal conditions in residential areas usually fail to achieve the desired safety benefits. Even though some parents believe "children at play" signs increase safety, they cannot provide any degree of protection. The "children at play" sign is a direct and open suggestion that it is acceptable for children to play on residential streets. Obviously, children should not be encouraged to play in the roadway. Children at play signs on City streets do not meet adopted signing standards. Specific warnings for schools, playgrounds, parks and other recreational facilities are available for use where warranted. Traffic Signals: Traffic signals are not included in the traffic calming toolbox. Traffic signals, like stop signs, are traffic control devices intended to control the right-of-way at intersections. Traffic signals are designed to improve safety and are installed where significant traffic conflicts require them. Traffic signals are generally used on higher volume, higher classification roadways and diminish the residential feel of a street. The City of Monterey follows state and federal warrants for the use of traffic signals based on traffic volume and accident history. Additionally, the Circulation Element of the General Plan emphasizes "design and enforcement solutions rather than traffic control devices to slow and discourage through traffic in residential areas." Speed Humps: Speed humps are vertical changes to the roadway that require drivers to maintain the posted speed to traverse them comfortably. Speed humps are designed to slow traffic and are popular where low-cost options are desired. The City of Monterey has not included speed humps in the traffic canning toolbox for two reasons. First, speed humps have been found to have a significant impact on emergency response times, increasing fire truck response times by up to 10 seconds per hump. They have also been found to damage fire apparatus and slow ambulance response. The second concern is 29 City of Monterey Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program with liability. Courts have held public agencies liable for personal injuries resulting from faulty design. It may not be legal to install speed humps that do not meet state or federal standards. Based on legal considerations and impacts to emergency vehicles; the City is unwilling to take on the potential liability issues associated with speed humps. 3 0 OVERVIEW OF TOOLBOX ITEMS Page 1 of') Abou[OPW ~ Contact Us Department of Public Works Resident I Business I Government Search this site G Home > NeigbboMood Traffic Management Program > NTMP Toolbox Neighborhood OVERVIEW OF TOOLBOX ITEMS Traffic Management Program Home NTMP Program The NTMP provides four basic categories of tools to apply to any given project. These are as NTMP Toolbox follows: Projects Meetings -JTools to Address Speeding Contact JTools to Address Traffic Volume lrools to Address Pedestrian Safety JTools to Address Reducing Vehicle Collisions The following tables list the measures available and show their relative effectiveness and restrictiveness for each category: Click on the Toolbox Item of Interest for detailed information Legend Ranking Color Codes and Numbers High Effectiveness 0 Moderate Effectiveness 0 Average Effectiveness 0 Minimal Effectiveness Low to Zero Effectiveness 0 No Data Available N/A Tools to Address SPEEDING Based on Published Sources. Toolbox Item Level of Restrictiveness Speed Reduction Effectiveness Ranking Enforcement (Visible & Active Police Presence) Low 0 Radar Trailer Low 0 Speed Alert with Warning Low Neighborhood Traffic Safety Campaign Low Raised Crosswalk (3" h x lane width) Some Speed Cushions Some 0 Speed Humps (2-5/8" x 12') 1 1 Some 0 22' Tables Some 0 Raised intersections Some 0 extured Pavement Some 0 Center Island Narrowing Some Chicanes Moderate 0 Chokers/Slow Points Moderate I One-Way Entry/Exit Chokers, Half Closures, Semi Diverters Moderate raffc Circles Moderate 0 Bulb-outs Moderate 33 Full Closures, Cul-de Sacs High I Full/Diagonal Diverters High 22 Forced Turn Islands, Barriers, Channelization High 22 Tools to Address TRAFFIC VOLUMES Based on Published Sources. http://ladpw.org/TNL/NTMP/Page_02.cfm 11/30/2009 OVERVIEW OF TOOLBOX ITEMS Toolbox Item Level of Restrictiveness Volume Reduction Effectiveness Ranking One-way Streets and Signs Low um Restriction Signs Low F urn Prohibition Signs Low Raised Crosswalk (3" h x lane width) Some 3 Speed cushions Some Speed Humps (2-5/8" x 12') Some 3 22' Tables Some Raised Intersections Some 0 extured Pavement Some 3 Center Island Narrowing Some Chicanes Moderate Chokers/Slow Points Moderate 0 One-Way Entry/Exit Chokers, Half Closures, Semi Diverters Moderate ~ ~J Bulb-outs Moderate 0 Median Barriers Moderate Curb Extensions (Entry, Exit, Mid-Block) Moderate Full Closures, Cul-de Sacs High 0 Full/Diagonal Diverters High 11 Forced Turn Islands, Barriers, Channelization High 1~ raffic Circles High Tools to Address PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Based on Published Sources. Toolbox Item Level of Restrictiveness Pedestrian Safety Effectiveness Ranking Enforcement (Visible & Active Police Presence) Low N/A Radar Trailer Low N/A Speed Alert with Warning Low N/A Neighborhood Traffic Safety Campaign (Education) Low 44 Raised crosswalk (3" h x lane width) Some 0 Speed Cushions Some NIA Speed Humps (2-5/8" x 12') Some N/A 22' Tables Some N!A Raised Intersections Some N!A extured Pavement Some NIA Center Island Narrowing Same NIA Slop Signs Moderate NIA urn Restriction Signs Moderate NIA Chicanes Moderate NIA Chokers/Slow Points Moderate 0 1 One-Way Entry/Exit Chokers, Half Closures, Semi Diverters Moderate N/A Bulb-outs Moderate Median Barriers Moderate NIA Curb Extensions (Entry, Exit, Mid-Block) Moderate NIA urn Prohibition signs High N/A Full Closures, Cul-de Sacs High NIA Page 2 of 3 http://Iadpw.org/TNL/NTMP[Page_02.cfm 11/30/2009 OVERVIEW OF TOOLBOX ITEMS Full/Diagonal Dwellers High NIA Forced Turn Islands, Barriers, Channelization High NIA raffc Circles High Tools to Address REDUCING VEHICLE COLLISIONS Based on Published Sources. Toolbox Item Level of Restrictiveness Vehicle Collision Reduction Ranking Enforcement (Visible & Active Police Presence) Low N/A One-Way Streets and Signs Low 11 Radar Trailer Low NIA Speed Alert with Warning Low N/A Neighborhood Traffic Safety Campaign (Education) Low N/A Raised crosswalk (3" h x lane width) Some N/A Speed Cushions Some NIA Speed Humps (2-5/8" x 12') Some 0 22' Tables Some 0 Raised Intersections Some N/A Center Island Narrowing Some Stop Signs Moderate NIA urn Restriction Signs Moderate NIA Chicanes Moderate I Chokers/Slow Points Moderate NIA One-Way Entry/Exit Chokers, Half Closures, emi Diverters Moderate Bulb-outs Moderate Median Barriers Moderate 1 Curb Extensions (Entry, Exit, Mid-Block) Moderate NIA um Prohibition Signs High Full Closures, Cul-de Sacs High Full/Diagonal Diverters High Forced Turn Islands, Barriers, Channelization High 1~ raffc Circles High 0 Back to top DMHOme YmvnlY 9ov W. FAQ Rivacy85ecwryPOfry hCgF51YFV I lermFd lke Fnelpec4 ~m~b Ua Page 3 of 3 http://Iadpw.org/TNL/NTMP/Page_02.cfm 11/30/2009