CC - Item 6K - Request for Green Curb at 8728 East Valley BlvdROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2009 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR GREEN CURB AT 8728 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD SUMMARY The Traffic Commission reviewed a request to add green curbing (20 minute temporary parking) at 8728 East Valley Boulevard. The property owner, Mr. Duong, indicates that parking in front of his property is occupied with vehicles parking for one hour or more. He is requesting the installation of green curb in front of his store for short-term parking. After visiting the site, staff recommended that green curbing be added to accommodate two (2) vehicles at this location. Based on these observations, the Traffic Commission approved the recommendation to install green curbing. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation and authorize staff to install approximately 30 feet of green curbing at 8728 East Valley Boulevard. DISCUSSION At the request of the owner of local business owner, staff conducted field observations in the vicinity of 8728 E. Valley Boulevard. These observations identified that there are limited parking options for customers at this location and that a green curb would provide greater parking access. Attachment A includes a map of the location and existing parking conditions. Staff spoke with the property owner regarding the green curbing request. The property owner indicated that the parking lot behind the building is used by other tenants. With the addition of a restaurant use at this location, the property owner and restaurant manager is requesting short-term parking for customer pick -up orders. Based on the field observations, staff recommends the installation of traffic calming devices to improve neighborhood traffic safety. The Traffic Commission concurred with staffs recommendations. ITEM NO. (� APPROVED FOR CRY COUNCIL AGENDA: City Council Meeting December 8, 2009 Pace 2 of 2 FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this work is included in the Fiscal Year 2008 -09 budget. Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachment 1: Existing Conditions Attachment 2: Proposed Green Curbing Diagram Attachment 3: Traffic Commission Agenda Report and Minutes, October 2009 E m .a > �m o > a m O m o ui �co L N P, —y w Z 44 i !'! � . ', IIAL -- -- � 0] W > W U w w D Cn0W x W w 0 C C9 ? W LL J g� a O Q y; > 0 LL X° 00 O U co C�J N ° W� L Ir Ir l > J x ' D Q J a �I m (3 O 2Q NZp.\ } w K a W ED ° a; Z i w J n ` � J a > � II �. I u w w W wy °wu f Z !' ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: OCTOBER 1, 2009 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR GREEN CURB AT 8728 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD SUMMARY City staff received two letters requesting "20 minute' green curb be added at 8728 East Valley Boulevard. Staff spoke with the property owner, Jimmy Duong regarding parking at this location. Mr. Duong indicates that parking in front of his property is occupied with vehicles parking for one hour or more. He is requesting the installation of green curb in front of his store for short term (20 minute) parking. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommends the City Council approve the installation of 30 feet of "20 minute" green curb at 8728 East Valley Boulevard. ANALYSIS Valley Boulevard is approximately 76 feet wide with two lanes of traffic in each direction. Opposing lanes of traffic are separated by a two -way left turn lane. The posted speed limit on Valley Boulevard is 35 mph. Field observations were made at the vicinity of 8728 E. Valley Boulevard in the early afternoon hours of a regular weekday. These observations identified that the vehicles parking in front of this location park for a relatively short period of time (approximately 15- 20 minutes per vehicle). Staff spoke with Mr. Duong regarding his request. Mr. Duong indicated that the parking lot behind the building is used by other tenants. With the addition of a restaurant use at this location, Mr. Duong is requesting short-term parking for customer pick -up orders. Photographs of the existing parking conditions will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting. Submitted tted by-� Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director \ N 1 Minh Development and Management LLC 8728 Valley Blvd., Ste #206 Rosemead CA 91770 T: 626 - 935 -5555 F: 626 - 280 -5588 September 4, 2009 RE: 15 Minute Parking 8728 Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770 To: Chris Marcarelo Deputy Public Works Director 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 As the owner of Ruben's Kitchen located at 8728 Valley Blvd #101, in Rosemead, I would like to request that the sidewalk in front of our Unit 101 for Rubin's Kitchen, be customer pickup with two spaces for "15 Minute Parking". Thank you. Long an Ruben's Kitchen Date 0- Minh Development and Management LLC 8728 Valley Blvd., Ste #206 Rosemead CA 91770 T: 626 - 935 -5555 F: 626 - 280 -5588 August 31, 2009 RE: 15 Minute Parking 8728 Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770 To: Chris Marcarelo Deputy Public Works Director 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 As the owner of 8728 Valley Blvd, in Rosemead, I would like to request that the sidewalk in front of our Unit 101, Rubin's Kitchen, be changed to include two spaces with "15 Minute Parking ". Thank you. Jimmy Duong Minh Development and Management LLC g /3,�Da Date Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING October 1, 2009 The Regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairman Masuda at 7:02 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Lewin INVOCATION: Chairman Masuda ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Chairman Masuda, Vice Chairwoman Russell, Commissioner Deary, Commissioner Lewin, Commissioner Hall OFFICIALS ABSENT: None OFFICICAL PRESENT: Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello and Traffic Engineer Deputy Itagaki, City Clerk Molleda, Administrative Asst. Llamas 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES August 6, 2009 —Regular Meeting Commissioners reviewed minor corrections to the August 6, 2009 meeting minutes. After discussing corrections, Commissioner Hall made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Lewin, to approve the minutes of the August 6, 2009 Traffic Commission Meeting. Vote resulted in: Yes: Deary, Lewin, Russell, Hall, Masuda No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Tinita Celaya, 2742 Muscatel Avenue, discussed parking conditions on Muscatel and large trucks that park on the residential street. Staff will make arrangements to meet with Ms. Celaya to discuss and address the issues. George Estrada, 3356 Earlswood Drive, would like to have brush & overgrown plants cleared at nearby Ivar Ave. and Ramona Blvd. Staff will meet Mr. Estrada to determine whether the location is city or private property before taking further actions. Howard Kyi, 8803 Jenny Way, would like for staff to increase traffic enforcement on his street due to speeding drivers. Staff will discuss these concerns with the City's Public Safety Department. Staff also suggested traffic calming improvements would benefit this area. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2009 Page 1 of 7 3. OLD BUSINESS A. PARKING ALTERNITIVES ON EARLE AVENUE Staff reviewed the staff report and gave the public a quick review of the alternatives to improve parking conditions on Earle Avenue. Samples were also included in the packets for Commission's review. Based on observations and resident concerns, staffs recommendation is to add parallel "T's" parking and hopefully use it as a test area for the City. Several other areas in Rosemead have similar parking situations to this area including Garvey Park and Rosemead Park. Staff explained that parallel "T's" may also be helpful in this area depending on the success at this location. Sheryl Blum, 4824 Earle Avenue, gave a briefing on her concerns related to parking and traffic on Earle Avenue. Ms. Blum suggested that it would be a great idea if the staff from the California Mission Inn park on Delta Avenue. Janice Julius, 4647 Earle Avenue, she would like to have red curbing added next to her driveway that is located on Mission Drive, allowing her to have better visibility while pulling out of her driveway. Staff will look into putting red curbing along Mission Drive to allow better visibility for the residents along Mission Drive. Staff provided clarification in regards to the impacts of changing streets to one -way only in this area. Commissioner Hall asked about disabled parking requirements for this area Staff explained that there are currently no requirements for disabled parking along a residential street. If for some reason a blue curb is needed, the resident can submit an application and if qualified, it can be installed. Commissioner Lewin, asked if parking T violators can be ticketed. Staff will check with code enforcement and bring back the information. Commissioner Lewin asked staff to speak to Ms. DeGraff from the California Mission Inn and check if they can issue a voluntary parking restriction for employees parking on Earle Avenue and encourage them to use Delta Avenue instead. Staff will make arrangements to speak with Ms. DeGraff and will come back with a follow -up. Vice Chairwoman Russell suggested adding parking T's along Mission Drive so the California Mission Inn employees feel more comfortable parking there. Staff suggested for the commissioners to take action on the Earle Avenue item, and then look at Mission Drive parking issues at a later date. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2009 Page 2 of 7 Chairman Masuda suggested doing a survey with the California Mission Inn employees to see what the reasons may be that they don't like parking on Mission Drive. Commissioner Hall suggested that the Commission should review more information on this matter before making a decision. She would like to bring this item back and also have California Mission Inn personnel attend the meeting. Vice Chairwoman Russell gave a summary on what steps she believed staff should take with the California Mission Inn personnel before moving forward with a decision and have them attend the next meeting. Vice Chairwoman Russell motioned to accept staff's recommendation with discussed modifications and forward to the City Council for further consideration. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion. Votes resulted in: Detailed recommendations Yes: Russell, Hall, Masuda, Deary, Lewin No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT KLINGERMAN STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE Staff reviewed the report and the recommendations previously discussed by the Commission, including the installation of traffic separators, rumble strips, advanced curve warning signs, and sending out notifications to residents who live in the area. Vice Chairwoman Russell asked about the notification process and how many residents are notified. Staff provided more information on the notification process and also distributed copies of mailing lists indicating the residences that were notified in a 300 foot radius of the location. Vice Chairwoman Russell was not in attendance at the previous meeting and was given a briefing on what was discussed; she was also informed on what was recommended by the Traffic Commission. Commissioner Lewin asked to send new notifications out with more specific details explaining what exactly is going to be done in their neighborhood and any potential impact. Chairman Masuda & Commissioner Lewin expressed support for installing traffic separators prior to installing speed humps to see if people slow down in this area. Staff informed the Traffic Commission that it would be best to do everything at once and not piece by piece, due to the fact that their recommendations would be forwarded and reviewed by the City Council. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2009 Page 3 of 7 May Yu, 8347 Klingerman Street, discussed traffic concerns near the Angelus Senior housing nearby schools. Staff will look into the area and discuss with Mrs. Yu on site. Commissioner Lewin motioned to bring back the item and send out new notifications with information on the installation of the traffic separators, rumble strips and advanced curb warning signs. They would also like for staff to put the locations of where rumble strips currently exist in the City so that residents can better understand how they function. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion. Vote resulted in: Yes: Lewin, Hall, Russell, Masuda, Deary No: None Abstain: None Absent: None C. REQUEST TO REVIEW TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT ROSEMEAD PLACE AND EARLSWOOD DRIVE Staff gave a brief report on this issue and discussed lack of accident activity at this location. Staff recommends that the Commission approve the installation of traffic separators, rumble strips, and advanced curb warning signs in the area. Chairman Masuda wanted to know where the traffic separators will be installed. Staff indicated that the separators will be located where the west curbs starts. Commissioner Hall visited the location and informed the commissioners that there was not much traffic going through those streets. Commissioner Lewin told the Commission that when he visited the location he noticed cars cutting across traffic lanes. He also told the Commission that he spoke with to a resident in the area and was told that his fence has been hit several times. Commissioner Lewin motioned to bring back the item and send out new notifications with information on the installation of the traffic separators, rumble strips and advanced curb warning signs. Commissioner Hall seconded the motion. Vote resulted in: Yes: Lewin, Hall, Russell, Masuda, Deary No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2009 Page 4 of 7 4. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR GREEN CURB AT 8728 VALLEY BLVD Staff reviewed the report and discussed that the business would like to add temporary parking for customers using take -out dining and also help improve visibility in the area. Based on the field observations and existing conditions, staff recommends adding green curb that would allow two vehicles to park on Valley Blvd. Long Chan, 8728 Valley Blvd, discussed the situation and requested that the Commission approve the installation of temporary parking spaces in the area. He expressed concems over large vehicles that currently park in front of his business for extended time periods. These vehicles hide his business from traffic on Valley Blvd. and also cause visibility problems for traffic accessing this location. He also explained that he expects take out orders at his restaurant and would like to have accessible parking in front of his location for take -out customers. Chairman Masuda mentioned that there is enough space to possibly add parking for at least three cars. Vice Chairwoman Russell also agreed with adding green curb at the location. Commissioner Lewin doesn't like the idea of adding green curb in front of his business because there is parking in the basement. He also recommends that the tree to be trimmed to improve visibility for people as they're pulling out. He believes that if this request is approved, other businesses along Valley Blvd are going to request temporary parking spaces. Commissioner Deary asked Mr. Chan what his anticipation is for take out orders. Mr. Chan said that at lunch time he expects a lot. Chairman Masuda wanted to know the business hours. Mr. Chan said they're open from 8:00 — midnight. Chairman Masuda wanted to know if there are currently any parking restrictions along the street. Staff is not sure if there are currently any restrictions along the street aside from street sweeping and fire lane areas. Commissioner Lewin suggested making a couple of parking spots in the back upper level parking for take out food only. Chairwoman Russell asked how many businesses share the parking. Mr. Duong (owner) said there are 8 offices and 2 commercial buildings and a total of 55 parking spaces. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2009 Page 5 of 7 Commissioner Hall agrees with adding green curbing in front of Mr. Chan's business. Mr. Masuda's issue is the visibility, but doesn't think the green curbing will solve the issue. Chairwoman Russell clarified that the parking will just not be used for his business it will also be used for the other businesses. Commissioner Hall motioned to propose no more than two (2) 20 minute spaces at 8728 Valley Blvd. Chairwoman Russell seconded the motion. Vote resulted in: Yes: Hall, Russell, Deary No: Lewin, Masuda Abstain: None Absent: None 4. STAFF REPORTS Staff reviewed the monthly status update memo on pending traffic projects and recent Traffic Commission actions and projects that are currently in process. Commissioner Lewin mentioned crosswalk and speeding issues in front of Willard School. It would be between Dorothy Avenue and Garvey Avenue Staff informed the Commissioners that they met with the principal from Willard School and she was not aware of the issues. The principal also mentioned that there are currently no concerns at this current time. Commissioner Lewin also mentioned that he would like an update on speeding concerns on Marshall Street and safety issues from making a left turn from Earle Avenue onto Marshall Avenue. Commissioner Lewin would also like to know if there are any plans in repainting City Halls parking stalls any time soon. Staff informed the Commission that they are currently in the process of putting a plan together to renovate the City Hall parking lot. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:54 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for November 5, 2009 at 7:00p.m. and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2009 Page 6 of 7 Howard Masuda Chairman ATTEST: Silvia Llamas, Administrative Assistant Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 1, 2009 Page 7 of 7