CC - Item 6N - Garvey Avenue Resurfacing Project - Award of ContractROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2009. SUBJECT: GARVEY AVENUE RESURFACING PROJECT - AWARD OF CONTRACT SUMMARY As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved a program entitled, "Garvey Avenue Resurfacing," which consists of asphalt concrete overlay, sidewalk repairs, traffic striping, signage installation, curb ramps construction, median and parkway landscape improvements, and the installation of a new city monument sign. The limits of this project are from New Avenue to Del Mar Avenue. Funds through the Federal Surface Transportation Local Program were allocated for this project. The City Engineer's estimate for this project was $675,000 and the lowest responsive bid received is $476,000. Due to the current competitive bidding conditions for such projects, the total appropriation requested to award this project is $595,000, which includes a 25% contingency amount ($119,000.00) for unforeseen construction expenses. The contingency is necessary due to the size of this resurfacing project and the possibility for unforeseen change orders that often arise during construction. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications for the Garvey Avenue Resurfacing Project; 2. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with All American Asphalt for the Garvey Avenue Resurfacing Project in the amount of $476,000.00 and establish an amount of $119,000.00 to cover the cost of unforeseen construction expenses. DISCUSSION The City of Rosemead has approximately $815,473 in Federal Surface Transportation Local (STP-L) funds that are available through the Los Angeles County Metropolitan ITEM NO. LA APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: City Council Meeting December 8, 2009. Page 2 of 3 Transportation Authority (MTA). On March 10, 2009, the City Council authorized staff to enter into an exchange agreement with MTA (Attachment 1). This exchange agreement allows access to these funds through MTA rather than the lengthy and complex federal obligation/reimbursement process. The MTA funds are intended for use on street improvement projects including pavement maintenance, rehabilitation, and/or reconstruction projects that will assist in reducing local traffic congestion and prevent further roadway deterioration. The Garvey Avenue Resurfacing Project includes the construction of 3.0-inch rubberized pavement overlay, modifications to existing median and parkway landscaping, curb ramps, sidewalks, traffic striping, and appurtenances. At 11:00 AM on December 2, 2009, the City Clerk publicly opened and read four (4) sealed bids with the following results 1 All American Asphalt 2 Sully Miller Contracting, Co 3 Silvia Construction, Inc. 4 Hardy & Harper, Inc Corona, CA $476,000.00 Anaheim, CA $510,500.00 $547,474.77 Rancho Cucamonga, CA Santa Ana, CA $696,000.00 Staff has reviewed the bid documents for completeness and investigated the contractor's background and recent projects for competency. Staff has concluded that All American Asphalt is the lowest responsible bidder to perform the construction of this project. All American Asphalt has satisfactorily completed similar projects for other agencies, including the City of Arcadia, the City of Burbank, and City of West Covina. The City Engineer's estimate for this project was $675,000. Staff attributes the lower cost bid proposals to lower materials costs and a competitive bidding environment for improvement projects. Timeline If directed to move forward, staff will work to advertise for bids and complete this project according to the following schedule: December 8th - City Council Awards Contract Week of December 14th - Begin Proiect Outreach with Local Residents and Business January 11th - February 16th - Tentative Construction Schedule February 19th- Tentative Proiect Completion February 28th-Tentative Notice of Completion by City Engineer City Council Meeting December 8, 2009. Page 3 of 3 FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this project is provided for in the City's approved FY 2009-10 Capital Improvement Program Budget. The total appropriation needed to award this project is $595,000, which includes a 25% contingency amount ($119,000.00) for unforeseen construction expenses. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (a) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE This agenda item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: afael Fajardo Associate Civil Engineer un, (,f-~ Lucien J. LeBlanc P.E. City Engineer Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachments: (1) October 27, 2009 Agenda Report and Minutes (2) Location Map (3) Plans and Specifications (4) Bid Summary/Comments (5) Dunn and Bradstreet Report - All American Asphalt ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JEFF ALLRED, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 27, 2009 SUBJECT: GARVEY AVENUE RESURFACING PROJECT - AUTHORIZATION TO SOLICIT BIDS SUMMARY As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved a program entitled, "Garvey Avenue Resurfacing," which consists of AC overlay, sidewalk repairs, traffic striping, signage installation, curb ramps construction, median landscape improvements, installation of new city monument and appurtenances. The limits of this project are from New Avenue to Del Mar Avenue. Funds for this improvement in the amount of $815,473 were obtained from the Federal Surface Transportation Local Funds (the STPL-Funds) through the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA). Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council authorize staff to advertise and solicit bids to complete the improvement project. DISCUSSION According to the City of Rosemead Pavement Management Program report from 2004, Garvey Avenue has a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 36. The Pavement Management Program identifies and evaluates pavement conditions and determines the causes of deterioration rating the pavement conditions from 0 to 100 (0 being worst and 100 best). The proposed project includes the construction of 3.0-inch overlay rubberized pavement, median landscape modification, city monument installation, construction of new curb ramps, sidewalk, traffic striping, and appurtenances. The Engineer's Estimate for this project is $675,000.00. ITEM NO. (per APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: City Council Meeting October 27, 2009. Page 2 of 3 According to the City of Rosemead Pavement Management Program (PMP) report from 2004, Garvey Avenue has a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 36. The PMP identifies and evaluates pavement conditions and determines the causes of deterioration rating the pavement conditions from 0 to 100 (0 being worst and 100 best). The project location includes Garvey Avenue from the westerly City limit to Del Mar Avenue (Attachment 2). The proposed project includes the construction of 3.0-inch rubberized pavement overlay, modifications to existing median and parkway landscaping, as well as the installation of a new City monument sign (Attachment 3), curb ramps, sidewalks, traffic striping, and appurtenances. The Engineer's Estimate for this project is $675,000.00. Timeline If directed to move forward, staff will work to advertise for bids and complete this project according to the following schedule: October 27th- Authorization to Proceed City Council Approval of Design, Specifications and Authorization to Solicit Proposals for Garvey Avenue Street Resurfacing Project. October 29th and November 12th - Advertisement Advertisement of Project in Local Publications/Trade Journals November 18th - Bid Opening Public Bid Opening for Project December 8th - City Council Awards Contract January 1st - January 30th - Tentative Construction Schedule (30 calendar days) February 5th - Tentative Project Completion February 15`h-Tentative Notice of Completion by City Engineer FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this project was approved by the City Council as part of the City's FY 2008- 09 Capital Improvement Program Budget. There is approximately $815,473 in federal funding available through MTA for this project. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (a) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. City Council Meeting October 27, 2009 =a:- _ of ti PUBLIC NOTICE This agenda item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Rafael Fajardo Lucien J. eBlanc P.E. Associate Civil Engineer City Engineer Submitted by: CkO4-~ Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Attachments: (1) March 10, 2009 Agenda Report and Minutes (2) Location Map (3) Proposed New Monument Sign 0 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER Ot6P DATE: MARCH 10, 2009 SUBJECT: EXCHANGE AGREEMENT - CONVERSION OF FEDERAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION LOCAL (STP-L) FUNDS TO FLEXIBLE LOS ANGELES COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY FUNDS SUMMARY The Federal Surface Transportation Program Local (STP-L) program provides a funding source for a variety of transportation and local infrastructure projects. In order to obligate the use of these funds, local agencies must go through a lengthy and • administratively in-depth process due to federal grant regulations. The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) offers local agencies an exchange program where STP-L funds may be exchanged for more flexible Metro funds allowing for easier access to transportation funds. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the exchange agreement with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Program for the City's Federal Surface Transportation Program Local (STP-L) funds and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. DISCUSSION The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) has initiated a program to allow local agencies to exchange Federal Surface Transportation Program Local (STP-L) funds for flexible Metro funds. This exchange program allows local agencies to access these STP-L funds without having to go through the complex federal obligation process for use of these transportation funds. In addition, this exchange program makes funding available immediately upon the execution of the exchange agreement rather than going through a restrictive and timely reimbursement process. The City of Rosemead currently holds an STP-L balance of $832,116. Upon execution 40 of $815,473 to -the City, which includes a 2% processing and administrative fee payable to Metro. Staff has determined that this fee is acceptable and that this exchange agreement will speed up project delivery, reduce administrative processing requirements, and allow the City to begin earning interest on these funds immediately. APPROVED FOR MYCOUNGLAGENDA: ITEM NO. D Cky Cound MeeUN • March 10, 20()9 Page 2 012 The City's Fiscal Year 2008-09 Capital Improvement Budget includes a street resurfacing project on Garvey Avenue from San Gabriel Boulevard to the westerly City limit. Processing this exchange agreement will allow staff to streamline the design process for this project by several months and take advantage of extremely favorable bidding conditions for public works projects. FINANCIAL REVIEW If approved, the cost to convert the STP-L funds to more flexible Metro funds is the 2% administrative fee of 516,643. PUBLIC NOTICE This agenda item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Submitted by. Brian Saeki Assistant City Manager Attachment A: Exchange Agreement 0 MOU.STPLE-KRO • Enclosure B EXCHANGE AGREEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT OF FEDERAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM - LOCAL FUNDS This Exchange Agreement and Assignment of Federal Surface Transportation Program - Local Funds ("AGREEMENT"), is made and entered into as of January 23, 2004, by and between City Rosemead (the "CITY'l and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority ("LACMTA"). RECITALS: A. CITY is eligible for and has available Federal Surface Transportation Program- Local funds (the "STP-L Funds'. B. CITY desires to exchange S 832,116 of CITY's STP-L Funds for a like amount of LACMTA STP-L Local Transportation Funds (the "LACMTA Funds'. C. LACMTA is willing to exchange S 832,116 in LACMTA Funds for a like amount of CITY's STP-L Funds subject to the terms and conditions contained herein. . D. An exchange of CITY's STP-L Funds with LACMTA Funds is beneficial to and in the general interest of CITY and LACMTA. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived by CITY and LACMTA and of the promises contained herein, it is hereby agreed as follows: AGREEMENT: 1. CITY hereby assigns to LACMTA S 832,116 of CrIY'S STP-L Funds. LACMTA shall be authorized to deduct such amount from CITY's STP-L Fund balance. This assignment shall be automatically effective upon frill execution of this AGREEMENT without the necessity of the execution, delivery or recording of any further instrument whatsoever. Notwithstanding the foregoing, at LACMTA's request, CITY shall execute and deliver such documents and instruments as may be required to evidence such assignment of STP-L Funds. 2. LACMTA hereby accepts CITY's assignment of CITY's STP-L Funds for use on Federal-aid-eligible project(s), to be determined by LACMTA in its sole and absolute discretion. 3. Upon receipt of (i) a fully executed AGREEMENT, (ii) CITY's written certification of the amount of CITY's ST?-L Fund Balance, as defined herein, which CITY's STP-UFusdBalances tows if af'CITYhas su ciet STP:E-funds to meet its obligations hereunder, and (iii) LACMTA's deduction of the CITY's STP-L Funds as MOU.STPLEXRO provided in paragraph l above, LACMTA shall pay CITY $815,473 of LACMTA Funds which includes the deduction for the processing fee described in paragraph 5 below. For purposes of this AGREEMENT, the CITY's STP-L Fund Balance shall mean the amount of funds contained in CITY's STP-L Fund account as of the date this AGREEMENT is frilly executed plus CITY's FY2009 apportionment share of STP-L Funds. If the STP-L Fund Balance is insufficient to satisfy CITY's exchange obligations hereunder, CITY hereby authorizes LACMTA to deduct from CITY's future STP-L Funds until LACMTA has in the aggregate received the amount of CITY's STP-L Funds specified in paragraph 1 above. 4. LACMTA will make all disbursements electronically unless an exception is requested in writing. CITY must complete an Automated Clearing House (ACH) form as provided in Exhibit A. Disbursements via ACH will be made at no cost to CITY. 5. CITY shall pay LACMTA a two (2) percent processing and administrative fee ("Processing Fee") in connection with the exchange contemplated by this AGREEMENT. The Processing Fee shall be assessed against the total amount of LACMTA Funds payable to CITY. The CITY hereby authorizes LACMTA to deduct the Processing Fee from the amount LACMTA is to pay CITY hereunder. b. CITY shall expend the LACMTA Funds on ST?-L Eligible Projects within three (3) years from the date this Agreement is fully executed. For purposes of this Agreement, STP-L Eligible Projects shall mean any transportation capital improvements . that would normally qualify for the STP-L program, provided however, any federal regulations and standards relating to procurement and other project delivery issues that might apply may be substituted with applicable state and local regulations, standards and policies; and "expend" as used in this section shall mean that the LACMTA Funds have been encumbered by an awarded contract. 7. LACMTA, and/or its designee, shall have the right to conduct audits of CITY'S use of the LACMTA Funds to determine compliance with terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. CITY shall establish and maintain proper accounting procedures and cash management records and documents in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). CITY shall reimburse LACMTA for any cxpcndiuire not in compliance with this AGREEMENT. CITY's records shall include, without limitation, any supporting evidence deemed necessary by LACMTA to substantiate CITY's use of LACMTA Funds. These records must be retained by CITY for three years following CITY's last use of the LACMTA Funds. 8. The term of this AGREEMENT shall commence on the date this AGREEMENT is fully executed and, shall terminate once the CITY has expended all the LACMTA Funds and all LACMTA audit and reporting requirements have been satisfied. 9. CITY shall fully indemnify, defend and bold LACMTA and its officers, agents and'employees harmles`sfrom and against any liability and expenses, including; wit tl-out • limitation, defend costs, any costs or liability on account of bodily injury, death or MOU.STPLE RO • personal injury of any person or for damages of any nature whatsoever arising out of (i) a breach of CITY's obligations under this AGREEMENT; or (ii) any act or omission of CITY or its officers, agents, employees, contractors or subcontractors in the use of the LACMTA Funds. 10. LACMTA shall fully indemnify, defend and hold CITY and its officers, agents and employees harmless from and against any liability and expenses, including, without limitation, defend costs, any costs or liability on account of bodily injury, death or personal injury of any person or for damages to or loss of risk of property, any environmental obligations, any legal fees and any claims for damages of any nature whatsoever arising out of (i) a breach of LACMTA's obligations under this AGREEMENT; or (ii) any act or omission of LACMTA or its officers, agents, employees, contractors or subcontractors in the use of CITY'S STP-L Funds. 1 l . This AGREEMENT may be amended or modified only by mutual written consent of LACMTA and CITY. 12. Any correspondence, communication, or contact concerning this AGREEMENT shall be directed to the following: CITY: E LACMTA: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority One Gateway Plaza Los Angeles, California 90012 Attn: Frank Flores 13. This AGREEMENT shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the State of California. 14. This AGREEMENT constitutes the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter herein. 11 I - - Feat slum - 8j s^Y A-l N j GAY asl N € W W Z W S a AV going t f •~r ra1~re ~ - wv stem n MAV "Odd W-1 ~v ~Fd r•ta~ 10 N~ Aye z ~ ~ P4KM I' 5 5 G&V swu sAY eM•O a St 8S ~ ! , 5 asstsrt Ln r e df p PAM IM14sfl UBS N Y 'G~ -5 5p O d g PUBvv . aAY P~ffallR aS BAY "W3 eV SIM ~ *Av sing G 9 --v tttoo e ev OWN 4 R Wstq ~i aNV WM U41 q sny utpsp g~ P048I OWS lies ` D tg wld f I IS sub 1 : t5 "Ad t+RVl~l6ltiY~ SAY uxxm ~ MY urWX WAY WWWO • G& sreuryPM V 75 ua~IBU6 saV levy 100 *AV JNn t•O > Mr3 i Y •Ay McNgS pis b ~ E rt P - - 4MId MON 1.~ Aa W9 o_ ~w h sAV wtMY ~ A.,~y U 0 U w L.L ~I Z aY plspiM PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE DEPARTMENT, ENGINEERING DIVISION CRY OF ROSEMEAD GARVEY AVENUE STREET RESURFACING PRC FISCAL YEAR 2008-2010 BID ANALYSIS BID OPENING: DECEMBER 8, 2009 - 11:00 AM. ENGINEERING COST ESTIMATE ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT $ 675,000.00 ITEM ! DESCRIPTION OTY UNIT I U NITPRICE TOTAL 1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 1 LS S 20.744 2E S 20.744.26 2 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS 1 LS S 5,500 00 S 5,500 00 _3 ! CONSTRUCT COMPACTED SELECTED FILL. 100 CY $ 30.00 S 3.000.00 4 J EARTHWORK. ROADWAY, EXCAVATION 8 FILL 1 LS S 12.000.00 1 $ 12,0W.00 5 COLD MILL 3-INCH THICK AC PAVEMENT 156,738 SF S _ 0.08. $ 12,539.04 6 CONSTRUCT 2-INCH THICK PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C 2,000 TONS S 69.00 ; $ 138,000.00 7 CONSTRUCT 1' D PG 16-10 PAVEMENT LEVELING COURSE. 980 TONS S 64.00 1 S 62.720.00 REMOVE EXISTING 10 INCHES AC PAVEMENT AND CONSTRUCTS INCH g BASE COURSE. 250 SF S 8.50 LS 2.125.00 9 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 18 EA $ 2,150.00 S 38.700.00 10 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 3576 _ SF $ 6.65 1 $ 23.793.70 11 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER APWA STD PLAN 110-1. 180 SF S _ 9.00 $ _ 1,620.00 12 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER 50 LF S 69.00 S 3.450.00 13 CONSTRUCT 8-INCH PCC CURB AND 8-INCH GUTTER _ 250 LF S 49.0.0 $ 12,250.00 CONSTRUCT PCC CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL GUTTER PER APWA STD 14 PLAN 122.2 300 SF $ 14.00 $ 4,200.00 15 (INSTALLSURVEYWELLMONUMENTS. 5 EA $ 350,00 $ 1,750.00 16 jADJUST S_EWER/STORMDRAIN MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 23 _ EA $ _ 560.00 $ _1.2,880.00 17 r ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 23 EA $ 36.00 S 828.00 18 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS, SIGNS 8 APPURTENANCES. 1 LS $ 12,000.00 $ 12,0_00.00 _ 19 PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 1 _ LS $ _ 2,500.00 S 2,500.00 REMOVE EXISTING AND INSTALL LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION AT 20 iGARVEY MEDIAN PER PLANS d SPECIFICATIONS. 1 _ LS $ 4_8,000._00_ S 4.8_,000.00 REMOVE EXISTING AND INSTALL LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION AT 21 TRIANGLE PARK PER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1 LS $ 38.000.00 S 38,000.00 22 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING TREE (1) 1 LS $ 1,200.00 S 1,200.00 REMOVE TRASH, DEBRIS BY WATER BLAST EXISTING SIDEWALK AND WALLS TO REMOVE ANY GRAFFITI, GARBAGE, SOIL WITHIN THE LIMITS, 23 OF PROJECT. 1 LS S 2,100.00 S 2,100.00 24 FURNISH AND INSTALL SIDE-OPENING DOOR WASTE CONTAINER 10 _ EA S 1260.00 $ 12,600.00 25 PREPARE A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) 1 L_S _ S 3,500.00 -S 3,500.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 476.000.00 SULLY MILLER CONTRACTING, CO 92 REM !DESCRIPTION CITY I UNIT U NIT PRICE TOTAL 1 CLEPF..ING AND GRUBBING 1 LS S 5.630-40 S 5.630 40 2 DISPC%SA_ Of" WASTE MATERIALS t _ LS $ 13,150.00_ 5 13.150.00 _ 3 CONSTRUCT COMPACTED SELECTED FILL. 100 CY $ 30.65 S 3.065.00 4 EARTHWORK, ROADWAY, EXCAVATION 8 FILL 1 LS S 1,900.00 $ 1,900.00 5 COLD MILL 3 INCH THICK AC PAVEMENT 156,738 SF , S 0.15 $ 23,510.70 6 CONSTRUCT 2-INCH THICK PAVEMENT OVERLAY ARHM-GG-C 2,000 TONS ' $ 77.30 $ _ 154,600.00 7 CONSTRUCT 1- D PG 16-10 PAVEMENT LEVELING COURSE. 980 TON S i S 65.50 S 64.190.00 6 BASE COURSE 250 SF I S 7.50 S 1,875.00 9 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB RAMPS. 18 EA $ 2,340. DO $ 42,120.00 10 CONSTRUCT 4-INCH THICK PCC SIDEWALK 3578 SF $ 4.30 1 S 15,385.40 11 CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER APWA STD PLAN 110-1. 180 SF $ 13.201 S 2,376.00 12 CONSTRUCT PCC CURB AND GUTTER 50 LF S 34.20 S 1.710.00 13 CONSTRUCT 8-INCH PCC CURB AND RANCH GUTTER 250 LF 1 S 34.35 $ 8.587.50 - 1a PLAN 122-2 300 SF S 10.30 $ 3,090.00 15 _ INSTALL SURVEY WELL MONUMENTS. 5 EA $ 875.00 1 $ 4,375.00 16 ADJUST SEWER/STORMDRAIN MANHOLE FRAME TO GRADE. 23 EA $ 720.00 S 16.560.00 17 ADJUST WATER/GAS VALVE TO GRADE. 23 EA S 95.00 S 2,185.00 18 STRIPING, TRAFFIC LOOPS, SIGNS 8 APPURTENANCES. 1 LS $ 19.240.00 $ 19,240.00 19 PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 1 LS S 9,900.00 $ _ 9.900.00 20 GARVEY MEDIAN PER PLANS 8 SPECIFICATIONS. 1 LS ! $ 54,400.00 $ 54,400.00 21 TRIANGLE PARK PER PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS _ 1 LS $ 4.1,000.00 1 $ 41.000.00 22 REMOVE AND DISPOSE EXISTING TREE (1) 1 LS $ 1.250.00 $ 1.250.00 23 WALLS T_O REMOVE ANY GRAFFITI, GARBAGE. SOIL WITHIN THE LIMITS I 1 LS $ 3.550.00 S 3.550.00 24 !FURNISH AND INSTALL SIDE-OPENING DOOR WASTE CONTAINER 10 EA $ 1.265.00 I S 12.650.00 25 PREPARE A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) 1 LS S 4,200-DO S _ 4.20000 'TOTAL AMOUNT $ 510,500.00 12.22009 PAGE1 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE DEPARTMEN7ENGINEERING DIVISION 17 122.2009 PAGE2 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Page 1 of 11 Small Business Comprehensive Insight Plus Report for D-U-N-S 04-876-3379 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Solutions Report Printed: December 2, 2009 / P_rin_ t this report 0 To save this report to your PC: Select File and then Save As from the browser menu bar. Click on the Save in: drop-down menu and select a location for your file. Enter a file name and save the report as a html or txt file. Copyright 2004 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber Chris Marcarello, City of Rosemead Qomoany Snapshot Q,rQitwo lmQss Payment History & Trends Public Filings Histo -Operations 13--?nkina & Finance Company Snapshot Business Summary Profile Likelihood this company will not pay on ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT time over the next 12 months LOW 400 E 6th St Corona, CA 92879 Credit Score Class: 1 Mailing address: ■ PO Box 2229 1 2 3 4 5 Corona, CA 91718 Low Moderate High Tel: 951 736-7600 www. llamericanasohalt.net Likelihood this company will experience LOW D-U-N-S 04-876-3379 financial distress in the next 12 months ALL AMERICAN AGRIGATE D&B Rating: 1R3 Financial Stress Class: 1 Company Stats ■ , Year incorporated 1969 1 2 3 4 5 Year started 1969 Low Moderate High Employees 400 ( 60 here) Chief Executive Daniel D Sizemore, Pres S.I.C. 1611 Timeliness of historical payments for SLOW & 5032 this company- , , Industry D&B PAYDEX& 77 Highway/street construction, whol brick/stone material ~ This is a headquarters location. nmw 100 0 Branch(es) or division(s) exist Anticipates Prompt 30 120 The Net worth amount in this section may have been daysslow days slow adjusted by D&B to reflect typical deductions, such as Industry benchmark: Prompt certain intangible assets. "Based on 114 trade experiences on file with D&B Payment performance trend over the past 90 days U N C H A N G E D D&B offers guidance on credit limits for this company based on its profile as well as profiles of other companies similar in size, industry, and credit usage Get details Evidence of bankruptcy, fraud, or criminal proceedings in the history of this business or its m n ement NO a ag Noteworthy special events in this company's file NO Total number of suits, liens and judgments in this company's file 6. Value of open suits, liens and judgments for this company $22,611 Value of open records refers only to 10 most recent filings for each record type. There may be additional suits, liens, judgments, or UCC filings in D&B's file on this company available by contacting 1-866-472-7362. Company Snapshot Creditworthiness Payment History & Trend Public it ngs History & Operations Banking & Finance Creditworthiness https://smallbusiness.dnb.com/ePlatform/servlet/ViewReport?orderItemId=106420407&do... 12/2/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Summary Likelihood this company will LOW D&B Rating: 1R3 experience financial distress in Number of employees: 1 R is 10 or more employees. the next 12 months Composite credit appraisal: 3 is fair. Likelihood this company will not LOW ff,, The 1 R and 2R ratings categories reflect company O[J size based on the total number of employees for the pay on time over the next 12 months business. They are assigned to business files that do not contain a current financial statement. In 1 R and 2R Ratings, the 2, 3, or 4 creditworthiness indicator is based on analysis by D&B of public filings, trade payments, business age and other important factors. 2 is the highest Composite Credit Appraisal a company not supplying D&B with current financial information can receive. For more information, see the D&B Rating Key. Default on Payment: Financial Stress Summary Likelihood this company will experience financial distress in the next 12 months Financial Stress Class: 1 1 2 3 4 5 Low Moderate High LOW ® Key Factors 114 trade experiences exist for this company. Financial Stress Score: 1490 (high risk: 1,001 low risk: 1,875) 10% of trade dollars indicate slow payment(s) are present. During the prior year, firms in this Financial Stress Class had a failure rate of 1.2%, which is 0 46 times lower than the national average. Financial stress national percentile: 95 (high risk: 1%; low risk: 100%) National percentile industry none: 38 (high risk: 1%; low risk: 100%) Payment within Terms: Credit Score Summary Likelihood this company will not pay on time over the next 12 months Credit Score Class: 1 1 2 3 4 5 Low Moderate High LOW ® Key Factors 114 trade experiences exist for this company. There are no credit score comments for this case The Credit Score class of 1 for this company shows that 2.0% of firms with this classification paid one or more bills severely delinquent, which is lower than the average of businesses in D&B's database. Credit score percentile: 93 (high risk: 1 low risk: 100%) Industry norm percentile: 51 (high risk: 1 low risk: 100%) Additional Information Financial Stress Summary The Financial Stress Class indicates that this firm shares some of the same business and financial characteristics of other companies with this classification. It does not mean the firm will necessarily experience financial stress. The Incidence of Financial Stress shows the percentage of firms in a given Class that discontinued operations over the past year with loss to creditors. The Incidence of Financial Stress - National Average represents the national failure rate and is provided for comparative purposes. The Financial Stress National Percentile reflects the relative ranking of a company among all scorable companies in D&B's file. The Financial Stress Score offers a more precise measure of the level of risk than the Class and Percentile It is especially Credit Score Summary The Incidence of Delinquent Payment is the percentage of companies with this classification that were reported 90 days past due or more by creditors. The calculation of this value is based on an inquiry weighted sample. The Percentile ranks this firm relative to other businesses. For example, a firm in the 80th percentile has a lower risk of paying in a severely delinquent manner than 79% of all scorable companies in D&B's files Page 2 of 11 https:Hsmallbusiness.dnb.com/ePlatform/servlet/ViewReport?orderltemld=106420407&do... 12/2/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT helpful to customers using a scorecard approach to determining overall business performance. -All Financial Stress Class, Percentile, Score and Incidence statistics are based on 2004. Company Snapshot Creditworthiness Pavment_ History & Trends Public Filings History & Operations Banking $Finance Payment History Summary Average payment performance trend UNCHANGED © Company's payment performance over the MIXED L,, when weighted by dollar amount past 12 months compared with its peers Payment History Overview Payment experiences on file with D&B: 114 Average highest credit: $20,389 Payments made within terms: 92(81%) Largest high credit: $500,000 Amount placed for collections: 0(0%) Highest now owing: $250,000 Highest past due: $7,500 Historical Payment Trends: PAYDEX® Average payment performance trend when weighted by dollar amount Last 3 months: Trend is unchanged U N C H A N G E D Last 12 months 5 days beyond terms D&B PAYDEX® 77 Industry benchmark: Prompt 100 0 Anticipates Prompt 30 120 days slow days slow Based on payments collected over last 12 months. Indications of slowness can be the result of dispute over merchandise, skipped invoices, etc. Accounts are sometimes placed for collection even though the existence or amount of the debt is disputed. Historical Payment Trends: PAYDEX® Comparison to Industry Company's payment performance over the past MIXED Al 12 months compared with its peers This company's 12-month high: 77, or equal to 5 days beyond terms This company's 12-month lour. 72, or equal to 12 days beyond terms a so ~ so 41 70 so 90 100 - I I I I I I I I I T 01109 02/09 03/09 04109 05109 06!09 07109 08109 09!09 10A i- This Company ■ Industry Benchmark Shows PAYDEX scores of this Business compared to the Primary Industry from each of the last four quarters. The Primary Industry is Highway/street construction, whol brick/stone material, based on SIC code 1611. Payment History Details Page 3 of 11 hnps://smalIbusiness.dnb.com/ePlatform/servlet/ViewReport?orderItemld=106420407&do... 12/2/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Page 4 of 11 Date Reported I Paying Record High Credit (Y) Now Owes (Y) Past Due (Y) Selling Terms Last Sale Within (months) 11/09 Prompt 125,000 1 50 0 J 1 11/09 Prompt 20,000 2,500 10 1 11/09 Prompt 20,000 ~ 0 6-12 11/09 Prompt 11,000 1 0 2-3 11/09 Prompt 500 0 2-3 11/09 Prompt-Slow 30 1 250 1 0 10 6-12 10/09 Prompt 1500,000 1 80,000 10 Net60 1 10/09 Prompt 400,000 250,000 0 1 10109 Prompt 90,000 30,000 10 1 10/09 Prompt 75,000 10,000 1 0 1 10/09 Prompt 1 60,000 1 0 0 Net30 1 10/09 Prompt 60,000 60,000 0 1 10/09 Prompt 60,000 7,500 0 Net60 1 10/09 Prompt 40.000 0 1 0 1 1 2-3 10/09 Prompt 1 25,000 1 15,000 10 I Net30 1 10/09 Prompt 20,000 500 0 Net60 1 10109 Prompt 15,000 0 0 Net30 2-3 10109 Prompt 15,000 1,000 0 Net30 1 10109 Prompt 7,500 2,500 1 0 1 10109 Prompt 7,500 0 0 4-5 10109 Prompt 1 5,000 1 2,500 0 1 10/09 Prompt 1 5,000 1 0 0 1 6-12 10/09 Prompt 1 5,000 500 50 1 1 10109 Prompt 5,000 1,000 0 1 10109 Prompt 2,500 0 0 1 2-3 10109 Prompt 1 2,500 1 500 0 1 10/09 Prompt 2.500 2,500 0 1 1 10109 Prompt 1 1.000 1 0 6-12 10109 Prompt 1,000 0 0 1 6-12 10/09 Prompt 1,000 0 0 1 Net30 1 2-3 10/09 Prompt 750 250 0 1 10109 Prompt 500 0 ~ 0 1 10109 Prompt 1 500 1 500 1 0 1 10/09 Prompt 250 250 0 J 1 1 10/09 Prompt 1 250 1 250 0 1 10/09 Prompt 1 250 250 0 1 10/09 Prompt 1 100 1 0 1 0 1 2-3 10/09 Prompt 1 100 1 100 0 1 10/09 Prompt-Slow 15 1 2,500 1 1,000 0 Net10 1 10/09 Prompt-Slow 30 100,000 30,000 5,000 1 1010/09 Prompt-Slow 30 25,000 20,000 E 1 10/09 Prompt-Slow 30 1 15,000 1 15,000 25 0 1 10/09 Prompt-Slow 30 1 10,000 1 10,000 1 10/09 Prompt-Slow 30 1 5,000 1 50 0 Net30 1 1 10/09 Prompt-Slow 30 2,500 1 750 1 0 1 1 10/09 Prompt-Slow 30 1,000 1,000 0 1 10/09 Prompt-Slow 30 1 1,000 1 500 100 1 1 10/09 Prompt-Slow 30 1 750 1 0 0 6-12 https://smallbusiness.dnb.com/ePlatfon /servlet/ViewReport?orderItemld=106420407&do... 12/2/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Page 5 of 11 10109 Prompt-Slow 90+ 1 5,000 Net30 4-5 10109 Slow 5 1,000 0 0 Net 30 1 6-12 10109 Slow 10 5,000 0 ~ 0 Net30 I 1 10109 Slow 10 1,000 1,000 0 Net30 I 1 10109 Slow 30 1 500 I 0 0 Net30 1 4-5 10/09 Slow 45 750 2-3 10109 Slow 50 500 0 0 4-5 10/09 Slow 90+ 2,500 0 0 6-12 09/09 Prompt 10,000 10,000 1 09/09 Prompt 5,000 5,000 0 1 09/09 Prompt 1,000 0 ~ 0 1 09/09 Prompt 500 0 0 6-12 09/09 Prompt 100 100 0 I 1 09/09 Prompt 50 0 I 0 I 1 09/09 Prompt 0 0 0 1 6-12 09/09 Slow 20 15,000 ~ ~ Net10 2-3 08/09 Prompt 5,000 1 08/09 Prompt 2,500 0 ~ 1 6-12 08109 Prompt 750 0 1 0 6-12 08/09 Prompt 250 0 0 Net30 4-5 08/09 Prompt 100 100 0 I 1 08/09 Prompt 50 0 0 J I 6-12 08/09 Prompt 0 ~ 0 0 1 2-3 07/09 Slow 20 25,000 J ~ 1 07/09 Slow 20 7,500 I I I 1 07/09 Slow 20 500 ~ ~ I 1 06/09 1 (075) 1 750 I I 1 1 03109 I Prompt 12,500 10 ~ 0 4-5 03/09 Prompt 50 I7 02109 Prompt 55,000 0 0 I 1 02/09 Prompt-Slow 30 40,000 20,000 7,500 Net10 I 1 11/08 I Slow 120+ 1500 10 10 I 16-12 Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of dispute over merchandise, skipped invoices, etc. Each experience shown is from a separate supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. Payment Analysis By Industry Company's dollar-weighted payments listed by the primary industries of its suppliers Total Received Total Dollar Largest Within Slow 1-30 Slow 31- Slow 61- Slow Amount High Credit Terms 60 90 91+ (s) of dollar amo unt) Industry Nonclassified 16 104,350 75,000 99 0 1 0 0 Whol industrial suppi 12 188,250 60,000 91 9 0 0 0 Whol chemicals 5 48,500 25,000 55 45 0 0 0 Whol industrial equip 4 30,500 15,000 57 41 2 0 0 Telephone communictns 4 5,250 5,000 100 0 0 0 0 Short-trm busn credit 3 80,050 60,000 100 0 0 0 0 Executive office 3 57,500 45,000 100 0 0 0 0 Employment agency 3 50,000 40,000 45 55 0 0 0 https:Hsmalibusiness.dnb.com/ePlatfonn/servlet ViewReport?orderltemld=106420407&do... 12/2/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Public finance 3 33,000 25,000 0 100 0 0 0 Misc business service 3 10,750 10,000 100 0 0 0 0 Misc publishing 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Whol electrical equip 2 75,000 55,000 100 0 0 0 0 Misc equipment rental 2 16,000 15,000 100 0 0 0 0 Whol consttmine equip 2 15,000 10,000 50 0 33 0 17 Whol petroleum prdts 2 2,550 2,500 51 49 0 0 0 Trucking non-local 2 2,750 2,500 9 46 45 0 0 Mfg photograph equip 2 1,500 1,000 100 0 0 0 0 Security systems svcs 2 1,250 1,000 100 0 0 0 0 Misc general govt 2 1,500 750 100 0 0 0 0 Admin economic prgm 2 100 50 100 0 0 0 0 Manmade broadwvn mill 1 500,000 500,000 100 0 0 0 0 Petroleum refining 1 400,000 400,000 100 0 0 0 0 Whollumber/millwork 1 100,000 100,000 50 50 0 0 0 Mfg cutting tool/part 1 90,000 90.000 100 0 0 0 0 Railroad 1 60,000 60,000 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg construction mach 1 60,000 60,000 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg fluid meters 1 40,000 40,000 100 0 0 0 0 Ret-direct selling 1 25,000 25,000 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg cleaning products 1 15,000 15,000 0 100 0 0 0 Photocopying service 1 10,000 10,000 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg readymix concrete 1 10,000 10,000 50 50 0 0 0 Computer maintenance 1 7,500 7,500 100 0 0 0 0 Whol plumb/hydronics 1 7,500 7,500 100 0 0 0 0 Whol office supplies 1 5,000 5,000 100 0 0 0 0 Engineering services 1 5,000 5,000 100 0 0 0 0 Whol auto parts 1 5,000 5,000 100 0 0 0 0 Pulp mill 1 2,500 2,500 100 0 0 0 0 Rat computer/software 1 2,500 2,500 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg computers 1 2,500 2,500 0 0 0 0 100 General warehousing 1 2,500 2,500 100 0 0 0 0 Radiotelephone commun 1 1,000 1,000 100 0 0 0 0 Misc business credit 1 1,000 1,000 50 50 0 0 0 Mfg medical instrmnt 1 1.000 1,000 100 0 0 0 0 Ret auto supplies 1 1,000 1,000 50 50 0 0 0 Personal credit 1 500 500 0 0 0 0 100 Ret mail-order house 1 500 500 0 100 0 0 0 Mfg primary batteries 1 500 500 100 0 0 0 0 Hvy oonst eqpt rental 1 250 250 100 0 0 0 0 Whol durable goods 1 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 Mfg process controls 1 50 50 0 0 0 0 100 Whol metal 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other payment categories Cash experiences 3 150 50 Payment record unknown 3 80,200 80,000 Unfavorable comments 0 0 0 Placed for collection With D&B 0 0 0 Other 0 N/A 0 Total in D&B's file 114 2,160,050 500,000 There are 114 payment experiences in D&B's file for the most recent 12 months, with 71 experiences reported during the last three month period. Page 6 of 11 https://smallbusiness.dnb.com/ePlatfomi/servletIViewReport?orderItemId=106420407&do... 12/2/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Company-Snapshot Creditworthiness Payment History & Trends Public Filin s History & Operations Banking & Finance Public Filings Summary of Court Actions The following data includes both open and closed filings found in D&B's database on the subject company Record Type Open Records Open Value Total Records Most Recent Filing Date Suits 1 514.780 2 07/2912008 Liens 0 0 0 - judgments 4 $7,831 4 03125/2003 UGC Filingg 4 N/A 61 07/1612008 Bankruptcy Proceedings 0 N/A 0 - Public filing data is for informational purposes only and is not the official record. Certified copies can only by obtained from the official source. Number and value of open records refers only to 10 most recent filings for each record type. There are additional suits, liens, judgments, or UCC filings in D&B's file on this company available by contacting 1-866472-7362. Suits Status Amount Cause Plaintiff Defendant Date Filed Additional Details Dismissal $5.200 Unavailable ROBERT ALL AMERICAN 0712912008 Case number. SMCRS082150 without MILLS ASPHALT AND Date status Attained: 08125/2008 prejudice OTHERS Latest info Received. 09/0412009 Where filed: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT/RANCHO CUCAMONGA, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA Pending $14,780 Unavailable SOUTHERN ALL AMERICAN 07/06/2007 Case number: 07SLO3433 CALIFORNIA ASPHALT AND Date status Attained- 0710612007 EDISON OTHERS Latest info Received. 07/27/2007 COMPANY Where filed ORANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT/SOUTH DISTRICT, LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA If it is indicated that there are defendants other than the report subject, the lawsuit may be an action to clear title to property and does not necessarily imply a claim for money against the subject. Any public filings displayed in red are open. Judgments Status Award Type Against In Favour of Date Entered Additional Details Unsatisfied Unavailable Judgment ALL AMERICAN ASHKAN. NASSI 03/25/2003 Case Number ASPHALT INC. (Docket/Warrant) 02V10103 AGENT Date status Attained. 03125/2003 TOSCAS, Latest info Received 01/09/2007 THOMAS Where filed. LOS ANGELES COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURTNAN NUYS BRANCH, VAN NUYS, CA Unsatisfied $2,122 Judgment ALLAMERICAN MATTHEW 02/26/2003 Case Number ASPHALT DOHMAN (Docket/Warrant):03CS000019 Date status Attained. 02/2612003 Latest info Collected 0511912003 Where filed. ORANGE COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT/SANTA ANA, SANTA ANA CA Unsatisfied $1,884 Judgment ALL AMERICAN STATE FARM 11112/2002 Case Number (DocketANarrant). 02- ASPHALT MUTUAL 656434 AUTOMOBILE Date status Attained: 11112/2002 INSURANCE Latest info Received: 02/11/2003 COMPANY Where filed. RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE, RIVERSIDE. CA Unsatisfied $3,825 Judgment ALL AMERICAN ANTHONY 05114/2002 Case Number ASPHALT CHARLES (Docket/Warrant):02CS002386 SANTANA Date status Attained: 05/14/2002 Latest info Collected: 03/24/2003 Where filed. ORANGE COUNTY SMALL CLAIMS COURT/SANTA ANA, SANTA ANA, CA Any public filings displayed in red are open. Page 7 of 11 https://smallbusiness.dnb.com/ePlatform/servlet/V iewReport?orderltemld=106420407&do... 12/2/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT UCC Filings Collateral Negotiable instruments including proceeds and products - Inventory including proceeds and products - Accounts receivable including proceeds and products - Account(s) including proceeds and products - and OTHERS Negotiable instruments and proceeds - Inventory and proceeds - Assets and proceeds - Account (s) and proceeds - and OTHERS Inventory and proceeds - Account(s) and proceeds - Vehicles and proceeds - Machinery and proceeds - Equipment and proceeds Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Account(s) including proceeds and products - Equipment including proceeds and products - Vehicles including proceeds and products - Computer equipment including proceeds and products - General intangibles(s) including proceeds and products Unavailable Type Sec. Party Debtor Date Filed Additional Details Original COMMUNITY ALL AMERICAN 02/28/2000 Filing number. 0006260426 BANK, PASADENA, ASPHALT Filed with: SECRETARY OF CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Latest info Received: 03/1312000 Original COMMUNITY CORONA 07/19/2000 Filing number: 0020660138 BANK. CITY OF ROCK and Filed with: SECRETARY OF INDUSTRY. CA OTHERS STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Latest info Received: 08/01/2000 Original COMMUNITY ALL AMERICAN 07/24/2001 Filing number: 0120760412 BANK, CORONA, ASPHALT Filed with SECRETARY OF CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Latest info Received: 08108!2001 Amendment COMMUNITY ALL AMERICAN 12/02/2002 Filing number: 02336CO245 BANK, CORONA, ASPHALT Filed with. SECRETARY OF CA STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO,CA Latest info Received 1212612002 Amendment COMMUNITY ALL AMERICAN 02/24/2004 Filing number: 04061C0171 BANK, CORONA, ASPHALT and Filed with: SECRETARY OF CA OTHERS STATE/UCC DIVISION. SACRAMENTO,CA Latest info Received: 03/12/2004 Termination COMMUNITY ALL AMERICAN 10/25/2004 Filing number: 0470037845 BANK, CORONA, ASPHALT and Filed with. SECRETARY OF CA OTHERS STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO,CA Latest info Received: 07/2512006 Original COMMUNITY ALL AMERICAN 02/16/2006 Filing number: 067059958594 BANK, CORONA, ASPHALT. A Filed with SECRETARY OF CA CALIFORNIA STATE/UCC DIVISION. CORPORATION and SACRAMENTO, CA OTHERS Latest info Received: 03/02/2006 Termination COMMUNITY BANK, CORONA, CA Account(s) and proceeds Original - General intangibles(s) and proceeds Account(s) and proceeds - Equipment and proceeds - Vehicles and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds Account(s) and proceeds - Equipment and proceeds - Vehicles and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds Account(s) and proceeds - Vehicles and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds Original COMMUNITY BANK, CORONA, CA COMMUNITY BANK, CORONA, CA ALL AMERICAN 07116/2008 Filing number: 0871654281 ASPHALT, A Filed with SECRETARY OF CALIFORNIA STATE/UCC DIVISION, CORPORATION and SACRAMENTO, CA OTHERS Latest info Received: 07/17/2008 ALL AMERICAN 03101/2001 Filing number: 0106560150 ASPHALT and Filed with: SECRETARY OF OTHERS STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA Latest info Received: 03119/2001 ALL AMERICAN 10/17/2000 Filing number: 0030160002 ASPHALT and Filed with: SECRETARY OF OTHERS STATE/UCC DIVISION. SAC RAM E N TO. CA Latest info Received 1111012000 Original COMMUNITY ALL AMERICAN 08/2912000 Filing number 0025161428 BANK, CORONA, ASPHALT and Filed with. SECRETARY OF CA OTHERS STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO,CA Latest info Received: 09/25/2000 Original COMMUNITY ALL AMERICAN 0711012000 Filing number 0019960515 BANK, CORONA, ASPHALT and Filed with: SECRETARY OF CA OTHERS STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO,CA Page 8 of I 1 https://smalibusiness.dnb.com/ePlatform/servlet/ViewReport?orderltemld=106420407&do... 12/2/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Account(s) and proceeds Original - Vehicles and proceeds - Equipment and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds Account(s) and proceeds Original - Equipment and proceeds - Vehicles and proceeds - General intangibles(s) and proceeds COMMUNITY ALL AMERICAN BANK, CORONA, ASPHALT and CA OTHERS COMMUNITY ALL AMERICAN BANK, CORONA, ASPHALT and CA OTHERS Latest info Received: 07/2712000 0312112000 Filing number. 0008760697 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO,CA Latest info Received: 04/1 012 0 0 0 0 3/1 5120 00 Filing number 0008160371 Filed with: SECRETARY OF STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO,CA Latest info Received: 04/0312000 Vehicles Partial COMMUNITY ALL AMERICAN 09/05/2000 Filing number. 0008160371 release BANK, CORONA. ASPHALT and Filed with: SECRETARY OF CA OTHERS STATE/UCC DIVISION, SACRAMENTO. CA Latest info Received: 09/2512000 The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. There are additional suits, liens, judgments, or UCC flings in D&B's file on this company available by contacting 1-866472-7362. Any public filings displayed in red are open. Govemment Activity Activity Summary Possible Candidate for Socio-Economic Program Borrower (Dir/Guar) No Consideration Administrative Debt No Labor Surplus Area Yes (2009) Contractor No Small Business N/A Grantee No 8(A) Firm N/A Party Excluded from Federal Program(s) No The details provided in the Government Activity section are as reported to D&B by the federal government and other sources. Com& n n _W Creditworthiness Payment Histoy~Tr ends Public Filing i Ll to oerations Banking & Finance History & Operations Topic Description History Detailed information on the history of a company. including background information on the management team and key principals, and information on related companies. Corporate Family Detailed information on all related companies, including subsidiaries, affiliates and branches. Registration & Detailed registration and incorporation information, including the date and state of incorporation and the Incorporation type of corporation formed. Company Operations Detailed information on a company's operations, including the identity of the parent company, the geographic scope of the business, and the key holdings. Industry Classification Details on the specific industry within which a company is classified. History Officer(s): THE OFFICER(S) DANIEL D SIZEMORE, PRIES The California Secretary of State's business registrations file showed that All American Asphalt was registered as a corporation on May 26, 1969. Business started 1969 by Daniel D Sisemore. 100% of capital stock is owned by Daniel D Sizemore. DANIEL D SIZEMORE born 1940. 1969-present active here. 1962-present active with Dix Leasing Corp, Corona, CA. 1955-present active with More Truck Lines Inc, Corona, CA. RELATED CONCERNS: The following are related through similar principals and/or financial interest. (1) More Truck Lines Inc is a corporation chartered in California on Sep 14 1960. Head quartered at Corona, CA. It is 100% owned by Daniel D Sisemore. That business started in 1952. It is active as a trucker of cement and asphalt products. Intercompany relations consist of merchandise and service transactions on net 30 or net 7 day terms but there are no reported loans, advances or general Page 9 of 11 https://smal lbusmess.dnb.comlePlatform/servletIV i ewReport?orderItemld=106420407&do... 12/2/2009 D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT guarantees. (2) Dix Leasing Corp is a corporation chartered in California on Sep 1 1962. Head quartered at Corona, CA. It is 100% owned by Daniel D Sisemore. That business started in 1962. It is active in the leasing of trucking equipment. Intercompany relations consist of service transactions on net 30 day terms but there are no reported loans, advances, or general guarantees. AFFILIATES: The following are related through common principals, management and/or ownership: Sizemore (SR.), Dan B. , IRVINE , CA. Started '1965' DUNS #959066721. Operates as a Manufacturer of asphalt mixtures. Corporate Family Branches (US): All American Asphalt All American Asphalt All American Asphalt All American Asphalt All American Asphalt Registration & Incorporation 9010 Santa Ana Canyon Rd, Anaheim, CA 1776 All American Way, Corona, CA 1776 All American Way, Corona, CA 13646 Live Oak Ln, Irwindale, CA 14490 Edwards St, Westminster, CA DUNS # 05-826-0345 DUNS # 79-884-3967 DUNS # 10-446-4099 DUNS # 79-953-6628 DUNS # 03404-1277 Registered Name. All american asphalt Filing Date: May 26, 1969 Business Type: Corporation Registration ID: C0570879 Corporation Type: Profit Where filed: SECRETARY OF STATE/CORPORATIONS Date incorporated: May 26, 1969 DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA State of incorporation: California Registered Agent: MARK LUER, 400 E SIXTH ST, CORONA, Status: Active CA, 928790000 Principals. DANIEL SISEMORE, PRESIDENT, 400 E SIXTH ST, CORONA, CA, 928790000 Corporate and business registrations provided by management or other source Company Operations Description: Contractor of highway and street work, specializing in highway or street paving (50%). Wholesales brick, stone or related construction materials (50%) Contracts are obtained through bidding 100%. Contracts call for fixed fee 100%. Retainages, if any, generally 10%. Has 200 account(s). Terms are progressive payments (50%) and Net 30 days. Sells to contractors. Territory : Southern California. Nonseasonal. Employees: 400 which includes officer(s) 60 employed here. Facilities: Owns premises in a one story frame building. Location: Suburban business section on well traveled street. Branches: This business has multiple branches; detailed branch information is available in the D & B linkage or family tree products. Industry Classification SIC NAICS 16110204 Highway and street paving contractor 237310 Highway,Street and Bridge Construction 50320000 Brick, stone, and related material 423320 Brick, Stone and Related Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers Based on information in our file. D&B has assigned this company an extended 8-digit SIC. D&B's use of 8-digh SICs enables us to be more specific to a company's operations than if we use the standard 4-digit code. The 4-digit SIC numbers link to the description on the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Web site. Links open in a new browser window. Page 10 of 1 I https://smallbusiness.dnb.com/ePlatfonn/servlet/ViewReport?orderltemld= 106420407&do... 12/2/2009 ' D&B Comprehensive Insight Plus Report: ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT Company SnapshQt Cnadi-tw2rrthiness Payment History & Trends Public Filings HiSt4n(_8 Opera ion 3n iny_~~irign -s 5A_ Banking & Finance Key Business Ratios D&B has been unable to obtain sufficient financial information from this company to calculate business ratios. Our check of additional outside sources also found no information available on its financial performance. To help you in this instance, ratios for other firms in the same industry are provided below to support your analysis of this business. Industry Norms based on 14 establishments This Business Industry Median Industry Quartile Profitability Return on Sales UN 5.2 UN Return on Net Worth UN 23.3 UN Short-Tenn Solvency Current Ratio UN 2.1 UN Quick Ratio UN 1.3 UN Efficiency Assets Sales UN 44.4 UN Sales / Net Working Capital UN 8.0 UN Utilization Total Liabilities / Net Worth UN 161.5 UN UN = Unavailable Finance 02/27/2009 On February 27, 2009, attempts to contact the management of this business have been unsuccessful, Outside sources confirmed name and location of the business. ~n~pany Snapshot Creditworthiness Qsnyment History & Trends Public Filings HistQrrl£ Operations Banking & Finance Customer Service C Need help? Call Customer Service at (800) 333-0505, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Local Time. ► Print this report ► To save this report to your PC: Select File and then Save As from the browser menu bar. Click on the Save in: drop-down menu and select a location for your file. Enter a file name and save the report as a html or txt file. Copyright 2004 Dun & Bradstreet - Provided under contract for the exclusive use of subscriber Chris Marcarello, City of Rosemead https://smallbusiness.dnb.com/ePlatformlservietiViewReport?orderltemld=106420407&do Page 11 of 11 12/2/2009