CC - 12-07-92 - Adjourned MeetingAPPROVED • • CITY OF ROSEMEAD DATE MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETIN(3Y ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL AND EL MONTE SCHOOL BOARD DECEMBER 7, 1992 AT 6:00 P.M. The Board of Trustees of the E1 Monte Union High School District (EMUHSD) and Councilmembers of the City of Rosemead met in an adjourned joint session, Monday, December 7, 1992, at 6:10 p.m. in the Panther's Lair at Rosemead High School, 9063 E. Mission Drive, Rosemead, California. I. The meeting was called to order by Board President Carol Mahoney at 6:10 p.m. II. The Pledge to the Flag was led by Mrs. Mahoney. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS - CITY OF ROSEMEAD: Present: , COUNCILMEN McDONALD, TAYLOR, VASQUEZ, MAYOR PRO TEM BRUESCH, AND MAYOR CLARK Absent: None EMUHSD BOARD: Present: PRESIDENT MAHONEY, CLERK OGAZ, AND BOARDMEMBERS ARCHER, FLORES, AND VILLEGAS III. WELCOME Board President Mahoney gave a short welcome to members of the Rosemead City Council. Mayor Clark also welcomed everyone to the evening's affair. Mayor Clark and Mrs. Mahoney each indicated they were looking forward to a very positive meeting and welcomed the chance to work together on mutual issues. IV. INTRODUCTIONS President Mahoney and Mayor Clark asked everyone present to introduce themselves and give their titles. V. DINNER Mrs. Mahoney invited everyone to enjoy the dinner prepared by EMUHSD Food Services Director Mrs. Camille Boden and her staff. VI. INFORMATION-DISCUSSION ITEMS: A. EL MONTE UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Mrs. Mahoney called on Mr. Sandell, Superintendent of the EMUHSD, to give a "State of the District" message. At the conclusion of Mr. Sandell's message, councilman Taylor asked about the drop-out rate. Mr. Sandell responded as did Boardmember Archer and Assistant Superintendent Maez. Mayor Clark inquired about the age of students attending adult school. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch asked about coordination between community colleges and Rosemead High School. 1. ADULT EDUCATION Mr. Sandell advised the group that Mr. Ledesma, Assistant Superintendent for Adult and Alternative Education, was absent because he was attending a meeting in Sacramento. ADJ CC 12-7-92 Page #1 Bob Maez was asked to discuss Adult Education. He passed out adult education brochures and talked about adult education programs including the large ESL program, the Pregnant Minor and Teen Parent programs. Mrs. Mahoney commented on the Adult Education Program. Specifically, her comments were directed to the success of the grocery cashiering and nurse's aide classes. 2. ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS Independent Study - Mr. Maez then moved on to discuss the Independent Study program and commented on the reasons why students are placed in the program. GRIPP Eagle Program - The GRIPP Eagle program was then discussed and a description of the program was given. 3. ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Denton Todd, Principal of Rosemead High School, was introduced. He discussed his high school with the group and had prepared a hand-out. The following items were discussed: a. Enrollments, including numbers of Rosemead students located in the Education Center and in the Independent Study programs. b. Ethnic background of Rosemead High School students. C. Number of languages spoken by the students attending Rosemead High School. He indicated that there are a total of 568 students at Rosemead who are either limited-English or non-English speaking. d. Colleges selected by Rosemead graduates since 1989. He presented a document which showed their choices. e. Advance Placement and Honors programs at Rosemead High School. He described the opportunities that a student has to receive a 4.0 grade point average, or above. f. Inter-Active Math Program. He stated that Rosemead High School is one of 20 schools in the State of California to be selected to participate in the program. Mr. Todd continued to discuss the following items: School within-a-school; independent study; Chapter I; GATE; computer and math classes; Chinese Language and German courses; and the entrepreneurship program. He also discussed their self-esteem program. Mayor Clark had questions about the independent study program. Mr. Todd responded by explaining the program in depth and indicated that a high motivational level is reached because of the teacher involved in the program. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch inquired about programs that are available for youths involved in gangs. Mr. Todd discussed the placement of gang-oriented students and discussed several indicators pointing to possible student gang involvement. Boardmembers Flores and Ogaz commented on the self-esteem program and its positive effect on students. Boardmember Archer asked David Flores to explain the program. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch asked a question about the type of curriculum used for the self-esteem course. ADJ CC 12-7-92 Page #2 Mrs. Furnald responded because of her background as a facilitator in self-esteem programs. President Mahoney called for five-minute break at 8:02 p.m. and the meeting was called back to order accordingly. B. CITY OF ROSEMEAD President Mahoney called on Mayor Clark to continue with the City of Rosemead agenda items. Mayor Clark asked Frank G. Tripepi, City Manager, to address the group on the "State of the City." 1. STATE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Mr. Tripepi discussed budget and the size of the City and indicated that Rosemead is a contract city. He said Rosemead has very low tax income compared to other cities of the same size. He discussed the ethnic make-up of the City and indicated that its financial reserves have dropped in the last three years. He said the City must take a look at ways to raise revenues in the future and indicated an eye would be kept on the State budget in the coming year. Boardmember Archer inquired whether Rosemead is a charter or a general law city and Mr. Tripepi stated that Rosemead is a general law city. The group then discussed state and city tax revenues. Mrs. Mahoney commented that, seemingly, the State is continuing to raise taxes. Councilman McDonald commented that Rosemead is now collecting property taxes from the County Assessor's office. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch commented that he is a member of the Mosquito Abatement Board and the County is now charging homeowners for many services that they were not charging before. Councilman McDonald also made general comments about the fees and taxes collected by the City. 2. TEMPLE CITY SHERIFF'S Mr. Tripepi introduced Captain Robert Mirabella, Temple City Sheriff, who explained his function within the City of Rosemead. He is very public relations oriented and plans to be pro-active in working with the City and the school district. He commented on the gang shooting that took place in front of Paramount High School and related his concerns that the same thing could happen at Rosemead High School. He was concerned about the shooting that did indeed take place in front of Rosemead High School in early September. Captain Mirabella introduced Lt. Jack Miller who gave a profile of the City of Rosemead and Rosemead High School in relation to gang problems and other concerns that the community and school might have. Lt. Miller stated that his department has had an excellent relationship with the principal, Mr. Todd, and Rosemead in general and indicated there did not seem to be any major crime around Rosemead High School and that there have not been any reports of gang incidents around the school. He indicated that the daytime crime rate has increased within the community. President Mahoney inquired as to what the Sheriff's procedures are for students who are truant. Discussion ensued as to open campus and when students are allowed to leave. Mr. Todd indicated that he has a closed campus; that 9th and 10th graders may not leave the campus until the end of the school day and that 11th and 12th graders may leave for lunch, but only with permission of their parents. ADJ CC 12-7-92 Page #3 • Captain Mirabella complimented Rosemead on its closed campus policy and stated that his main concern was for the safety of the students. He felt that a completely closed campus for the full day would keep the students much safer than being on the streets during the lunch hour. Boardmember Archer asked both the Sheriffs and the School Administration to notify each other of any special activities taking place and especially asked Mr. Todd to notify agencies of staff development days when students are not going to be in school. Lt. Miller related a personal experience concerning gangs, taggers, and graffiti. Boardmember Ogaz asked what the Sheriff's Department was doing to diffuse gang problems. He also indicated that in addition to Hispanic gangs, there are Asian gangs in the area. Captain Mirabella responded by stating that the Sheriff's first responsibility is to arrest people for criminal activity, including gang-related activity. He said the Sheriff's Department did not have a prevention program. Any prevention offered in the past had been curtailed because of budget cuts. He indicated there is a gang unit within the Sheriff's Department which is continuing to do its work. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch voiced his support and explained the Asian-Pacific Clinic and Operation Safe School and said the City of Rosemead has contributed $100,000 to be used in the local elementary schools for the programs. Boardmember Ogaz inquired as to the ethnic breakdown of the officers at the Temple City Sheriff's Station.' Captain Mirabella responded by indicating that certain minorities discourage their children from entering police work and they are having a-difficult time recruiting minorities. He stated that they have interpreters who are used in emergencies for non-English speaking clients. Boardmember Archer had comments regarding Paramount High School and asked everyone to be willing to communicate at all times when there is a problem, or possible problem. She indicated that we should all be very pro-active in our procedures. Mr. Tripepi stated that this is an opportunity to close campus and he felt strongly that the safety of students could be better provided for if all students were kept on campus until the end of the school day. 3. ADULT SCHOOL PROGRAMS Councilman McDonald then moved on to discuss adult school programs and asked if the District was planning to build an adult school facility in Rosemead. Mr. Sandell commented that, indeed, the District had plans to build an adult school facility within the City of Rosemead and talked about the possible sites where this.could be done. Boardmember Archer, President Mahoney, and Mr. Tripepi all made comments about the adult school facility. The City of Rosemead indicated that they did not have a problem with the District's building an adult school facility on property they now own which was formerly owned by the Rosemead Women's Club. V. ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION At this time, President Mahoney moved into Round Table Discussion and asked that each Boardmember and Councilmember comment on the evening's proceedings. ADJ CC 12-7-92 Page #4 F-1 LA U Councilman McDonald stated that he was very impressed and pleases with the programs offered at Rosemead High School. Boardmember Archer complimented Mr. McDonald on his appointment as President of the.COntract Cities Association and welcomed the opportunity for both the Council and Board to meet. Boardmember Ogaz thanked everyone for attending and said he hoped that this would strengthen the ties between the City and the District. Boardmember Villegas was pleased with the positive relationship between both groups and thanked the City of Rosemead for working with the District. Councilman Taylor commented on the drop-out rate and its importance to all citizens. He said the problems that the young people are having with gangs should be the number one concern of everyone. Councilman Vasquez indicated that all agencies should work together; that this should be a grass roots beginning. Boardmember Flores welcomed the chance to meet and indicated his positive feelings about the meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Bruesch was enlightened about the programs at Rosemead and indicated a true willingness to work together. Mayor Clark said she enjoyed the evening and hoped to meet again sometime in the future. President Mahoney expressed a desire to meet again and voiced her appreciation for the attendance of everyone present. VII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None VIII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS - None There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for December 8, 1992, at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: ty Clerk MAYOR ADS CC 12-7-92 Page #5