YC - Item 2A - Youth Committee Minutes 01-14-10 Minutes of the REGULAR AD HOC COMMITTEE MEETING January 14, 2010 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Teen AD HOC committee was called to order by Chair Roxanne Tuong in the Rosemead Community Center located at 8301 Garvey Ave, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Committee Member Amezcua OFFICIALS PRESENT: Chair Tuong, Vice-chair Chen, Committee Member Amezcua, Committee Member Dao, Committee Member Loc, Committee Member Quezada, Committee Member Hallinan. ABSENT: None 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM AUDIENCE None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A) Minutes Committee Member Amezcua made a motion, seconded by Committee Member Chen to accept minutes. Vote resulted in: Yes: Tuong, Dao, Hallinan, Loc, Quezada and Amezcua No: None Abstain: None Absent: None. 3. MATTERS FROM STAFF A) Upcoming Events of Interest 1) “Totally Teens” a program for students in grades 7-12. It will be held at RCRC every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. 2) San Gabriel Recycling Program. 3) Lunar New Year celebration. Committee was informed of event and encouraged to participate. 4) SGV Youth Summit 2/20/10 4. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION-COMMITTEE MEMBERS A) Youth in Government Program Sub-committee presented ideas and agreed to have a formal proposal written up and presented at the next scheduled regular meeting B) Extended Events at Rosemead and Garvey Pool Sub-committee presented ideas and agreed to have a formal proposal written up and presented at the next scheduled regular meeting C) Location of Next Meeting Committee member Chen made a motion, seconded by Committee member Hallinan to hold the next regular scheduled meeting at Rosemead Park located at 4343 Encinita Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770. Vote Resulted in: Yes: Committee Chair Tuong, Vice-chair Chen, Member Amezcua, Member Dao, Member Hallinan, Member Loc, Member Quezada No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 5. Items for Next Agenda A) City Scholarship Committee Member Dao asked that this item be put on the agenda.