CC - Approving Ordinance 801 - Box 065r',6 3 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: November 9, 1999 RE: ORDINANCE NO. 801 REGULATING STUDENT LOADING & UNLOADING At your meeting last month, you instructed staff to redouble efforts to improve traffic and student safety enforcement near school sites. Sheriffs Department personnel continue to focus on traffic violations while supplementing city parking control teams with parking enforcement. Some of the most troublesome examples of unsafe practices being reported by Sheriff, city and school site personnel are the loading and unloading of pupils from private vehicles. Children crossing streets unattended without a crosswalk or signal, and darting out from behind parked or double-parked vehicles is of particular concern. Other cities report similar unsafe practices. Efforts to address this unsafe condition are hampered by lack of a specific vehicle code reference against which to cite. The Sheriff's Department took the initiative to find a solution. They reported that the City of West Covina took action to address this perceived gap. West Covina adopted an amendment to its municipal code regulating the loading and unloading of children in school zones, thereby allowing traffic officers to more aggressively enforce this unsafe practice. At my request, the City Attorney has prepared an ordinance regulating loading and unloading of students for the City Council's consideration. The proposed ordinance, modeled after West Covina's, will assist in promoting improved student and traffic safety, and provide the Sheriff's Department specific enforcement authority to cite violators who endanger students and other motorists. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council introduce Ordinance No. 801 on first reading, adding a new section to the Municipal Code establishing regulations for the loading and unloading of student passengers, and schedule for second reading at November 23, 1999 City Council meeting. COUNCIL kr ccmemoschcrossord(gt QV - 91999 e- ITEM No.