CC - Introduce Ordiannce 758 - Box 065t~.- TO: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER FROM: ALFONSO RODRIGUEZ, CITY ENGINEER DATE: JUNE 20, 1995 RE: ORDINANCE NO. 758 -WATER QUALITY ORDINANCE REQUIRED FOR NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT IMPLEMENTATION AGREEMENT COMPLIANCE Attached for City Council's review and introduction is Ordinance No. 758 required for compliance with the NPDES Permit Implementation Agreement (attached) which was approved by the City Council on August 24, 1993. Approval of the agreement resulted in the City of Rosemead becoming a Co-permittee in the county-wide NPDES permit issued in conformance with national EPA regulations. Section B.4. of the Permit Implementation Agreement requires each permittee to adopt a water pollution control ordinance. The ordinance must prohibit all discharges to the storm drain system which are in violation of Federal and/or State laws and regulations. Additionally, the ordinance must provide for its enforcement and specify that violators may be subject to penalties including fines and termination of the activity causing the violation. Failure to adopt an ordinance which complies with the NPDES permit regulations will result in termination of the City's Co-permittee status, which would require the City to obtain a separate NPDES permit from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. By having a separate permit, the City would still be required to adopt a water pollution control ordinance in addition to monitoring its own drainage runoff water quality at a substantial cost. COUNCIL AGE~g'a0~ JUN 2.7.1995 ITEM No. 7L• B. June 20, 1995 Page 2 Also attached are proposed City of Rosemead STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM STANDARDS for new development and significant redevelopment. The standards, required by the federal regulations, will ensure that new projects constructed within the City comply with the NPDES permit requirements. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council introduce Ordinance No. 758 and set it for adoption at the City Council meeting of July 10, 1995. It is further recommended that the City Council approve the Storm Water Management Program Standards for new development and significant redevelopment. Attachments AR:fw npdes\npdesordJnt