CC - Resolution 88-44 - General Plan Amendment for 2746 Muscatel Ave - Box 066I~ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: AUGUST 16, 1988 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 88-44 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2746 MUSCATEL AVENUE (GPA 88-1) Pursuant to Section 65356 of the California Government Code, staff has attached for Council's consideration City Council Resolution No. 88-44. Resolution No. 88-44 amends the Landuse Element of the Rosemead General Plan from Medium Density Residential to Industrial/Commercial designation for the property located at 2746 Muscatel Avenue, Rosemead. On August 9, 1988, the Rosemead City Council approved Zone Change Case No. 88-157 for the above mentioned property. RECOMMENDATION It. would be appropriate at this time to adopt Council Resolution No. 88-44. CDC: op CC-8-23:3 COUNCIL AGENDA AUG 2 3 1988 ITEM No. I "