CC - Purchase of ZAP Mailer Equipment -Box 067TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY DATE: DECEMBER 4, 1986 MANAGER RE: PURCHASE OF ZAP MAILER EQUIPMENT The City has been notified that Federal Express will discontinue Zap Mailer service February 1, 1987. Federal Express is offering their customers an opportunity to purchase the equipment for the cost of an upgrade kit in the amount of $1,500.00. This will allow the Zap Mailer to communicate with facsimile machines and other upgraded Zap Mailers. They are also providing a guaranteed service option, parts and labor for three years at a cost of $600.00 per year. The only cost to the City will ' be the charges to the City from the phone company for the use of the phone line that is already in place. These charges will be much less than the current fees of $200.00 plus per month. Willdan Associates and the City Attorney's office are purchasing their Zap Mailer equipment. It is recommended that the City Council authorize the purchase of the equipment and authorize the transfer of the necessary funds. FGT:js COUNCIL AGENDA DEC 9 1986 ITEM No. CC- G