CC - Purchase Traffic Enforcment Radar Equipment - Box 067$1~ TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS KFNK EAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 20, 1992 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT RADAR EQUIPMENT FOR ADDITIONAL SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT Attached is a quote from Kustom Signals, Inc. for a traffic enforcement radar unit to be utilized by the Sheriff's Department traffic car authorized by the City Council this fiscal year. The Sheriff's Department is requesting that the City purchase a Kustom Pro 1000 radar unit with dual antennas. This unit is considered to be the "state of the art" enforcement tool due to its capability of tracking vehicles which are in front or behind the traffic car. The price quotation attached places the cost of the unit at $2,540. The Sheriff's Department and staff sought additional quotes, but discovered that Kustom Signals has only one authorized dealer in this area. However, because the unit is widely regarded as the best, it is recommended that the City Council authorize its purchase for use in Rosemead. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council appropriate the funds ' necessary to purchase one (1) Kustom Pro 1000 radar unit for use by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Traffic Enforcement car in Rosemead. FGT:nv Attachment A:022592N:5 COUNCIL AGENDA FEB 2 5 1992 ITEM No. _CC-C- -