CC - Reso - 99-09 - Opposing Prop 224 - Gov Cost savings and Taxpayer Protection - Box 067V TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: FRANK G. TRIPEPI, CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 18, 1998 RE: RESOLUTION 98-09 - OPPOSING PROPOSITION 224, THE "GOVERNMENT COST SAVINGS AND TAXPAYER PROTECTION AMENDMENT" Earlier this year, a group called the Professional Engineers of California Government (PECG) qualified a measure for the June ballot with the inappropriate title of "Government Cost Savings and Taxpayer Protection Amendment." The measure is an attempt by engineers employed by the State of California to ensure that all projects, public or private, that are funded wholly or partially with State funds will be reviewed by the State Controller's office to determine whether it would be more cost efficient to allow state employees to complete the design and engineering work required for the project. The flaws in the initiative are apparent. First, there is no way to verify the actual cost estimates for the work submitted by the State for the work; second, the initiative would place an undue burden on the State Controller's office to review projects submitted by local governments, thus resulting in additional delays; third, the initiative would force local government employees to work with Caltrans on a regular basis for most public works projects involving State funds, thus resulting in even more unreasonable delays. Proposition 224 is quite clearly an attempted guarantee of continued employment for State engineers. It is impractical and ill-conceived. Thus, staff recommends that the City Council approve Resolution No. 98-09 opposing the ballot measure. A copy of the language of the ballot measure, with liner notes prepared by opponents of the measure has been attached of the Council's review. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution 98-09. mmemo eS980910 COUNCIL AGENDA MAR 2 41. 1998 ITEM No. =