CC - Item 4F - Request to modify curb zones and to install no u turn signs in front of Williams Elementary School on Del Mar AvenueTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMAjD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CEE, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 RE: REQUEST TO MODIFY CURB ZONES AND TO INSTALL "NO U TURN" SIGNS IN FRONT OF WILLIAMS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ON DEL MAR AVENUE This item was placed on the Traffic Commission Agenda at the request of the principal of Williams School on Del Mar Avenue. The initial request was to remove existing red curb adjacent to the school's northerly parking lot to provide additional parking. The principal was informed that due to pedestrian safety, it would not be prudent to remove the red curb. Thus, the request was modified to repaint the existing yellow curb in front of the school's northerly parking lot green with "20-minute" stenciled on the curb to allow for parking. Also it was requested that "No U Turn" signs be installed for southbound Del Mar Avenue at the driveway entrances to the school. The Traffic Commission voted to recommend repainting existing yellow curb in front of the school parking lot green (with a 20 minute time limit) and repainting other portions of existing yellow curb in front of the school white to be consistent with other school loading zones. After testimony by an adjacent property owner whose tenants make u-turns in order to park in front of her property, the Traffic Commission recommended only to install "No U Turn" signs for southbound traffic at the southerly driveway to the school (at Highcliff Avenue). RECOMMENDATION Approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to repaint existing yellow curb in front of the school's northerly parking lot green with a 20 minute stenciled on the curb, to repaint portions of existing yellow curb in front of the school white, and to install "No U Turn" signs for southbound Del Mar Avenue at the southerly driveway to the school. Attachment SEP 2 8 200# ITEFwi N . Ce - F LEGEND . ® EXISTING RED CURB ® EXISTING YELLOW C, EXISTING WHITE CUf --a-m=~ o u' W' 7s' , III I eCov„mn~cQa'4-~on~ o'~ T~'i+tc Co.~w<<~loh CITY OF ROSEMEAD i M.H. SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN CKFD BY J.. DEL MAR AVENUE E D. '04 AT 50' WILLIAMS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EXHIBIT 1 SHY. I OF 93' "NO STOPPING" "BUS ZONE" Jui•. 26'2004 07:46 - 94004 r.VU41VV1 Staff ReROrt Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: July 27, 2004 ~l RE: Request to Modify Curb Zones and Install "No U Turn" Signs in Front of Williams Elementary School on Del Mar Avenue REQUEST Ms. Silva, Principal of Williams Elementary School, has request the City to re- evaluate the curb zones in front of the school. Ms. Silva has indicated that the curbs are in need of repainting. Ms. Silva has also requested the installation of 'No U Turn" signs for southbound. Del Mar Avenue traffic at the driveway entrances to the school. Ms. Silva has indicated that vehicles executing this turn often cause congestion and delay at the driveways. CONDITIONS Williams School is located on the eastside of Del Mar Avenue north of Graves Avenue. Del Mar Avenue is 64 feet wide with two lanes of traffic in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline. The posted speed limit on Del Mar Avenue is 35 mph. During school begin/release periods, however, the speed limit is posted at 25 mph with a flashing yellow beacon for both directions of traffic. There is a yellow crosswalk on the south leg of Del Mar Avenue at Highcliff Street. A crossing guard assists pedestrians crossing at this location. . Exhibit t depicts existing conditions in front of Williams School. DISCUSSION Field observation of the painted curbs in front of Williams School indicates a need to repaint the entire area, Also, the Traffic Commission had previously made recommendations regarding the curbs in front of Williams School in April of 2002. At that time the Commission recommended changing the yellow curb to white to be consistent with other school loading zones in the City. Apparently, the curbs were not repainted as recommended since there continues to be yellow curb. JuL.2E'?D04 01:46 $9 bb9 P.VU~/uul August 5, 2003 rnaf4ic Commission Meeting Request to Modify Curb Zones and install -No U Turn Signs In Front of Williams Elementary School on Del Mar Avenue Page 2 of 2 Due to summer school schedule and a lower attendance, field observations of the concern regarding U. turns were not observed. However, experience at other school locations would indicate the possibility of U turns being made at inappropriate times especially during school slarttrelease times. Parking and loading areas in front of schools is always very difficult to control. Parents will park in red zones if that is the most convenient for them. At Williams School, we have provided loading zones to accommodate the most vehicles possible.. Due to the lane striping on Del Mar Avenue, additional loading zones are not possible south of the school. The School has requested the yellow zone in front of the parking lot be changed to green with "20 Minute" stenciled on the curb to accommodate visitors to the school. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the curb zones in front of Williams School on Del Mar Avenue be repainted wnh the changes proposed on Exhibit 1.. These changes include painting over (or removing) the existing yellow curbs. The yellow curb in front of the school will become white to be consistent with other school loading zones. The yellow curb in front of the school's parking lot will become green with "20 Minute" stenciled on the curb. It is further recommended that "No U Turn" signs be installed for southbound traffic. These signs are to be posted at the driveways to the parking lot of the school. All these recommendations are depicted on Exhibit 1. Attachment P.-\O8.18UJ11XR9D\2004 Agendas d DOOU M151AulFW 111Oms SOhool Curb zonal 8 No U turn sign4.doe 84044 Y.Vu4/uvl ~Ia 0 o - O ~ t v_ r •W ~ O + ~ ~ F1 C V O J W ~ yC C o J u z ~ ^ T a b V # O_ ~ N ~ > O 4 6 V Z G X m U m ~ O W ¢ W ~ W o 1J ` € W W R d 8{ f C 6 K 6 d 2 2 o oa o o o m u m V 3 o J 6 ~ W Q U } U 3 V - N x W F N x W F N R W ,\t ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 5, 2004 A regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chairperson Knapp at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Knapp, Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf, Commisioner Quintanilla & Commissioner Benjamin Absent Commissioner Baffo Pledge of Allegiance: Chairperson Matsdorf Invocation: Commissioner Knapp L APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Tuly 8, 2004 The July minutes were deferred to a later date. IL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR MODIFY CURB ZONES AND INSTALL "NO U-TURN" SIGNS IN FRONT OF WILLIAMS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ON DEL MAR AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: It was recommended the curb zones in front of Williams School on Del Mar Avenue be repainted with the changes proposed in Exhibit 1. These changes include painting over (or removing) the existing yellow curbs. The yellow curbs in front of the school will become white to be consistent with other school loading zones. The yellow curb in front of the school's parking lot will become' green with "20 Minute" stenciled on the curb. It was further recommended that "No U-Turn" signs be installed for southbound traffic. These signs are to be posted at the driveways to the parking lot of the school. Speaking before the Commission was: Joyce Kiley 1149 Sunset Briar Glendale, California Ms. Kiley is the owner of the property at 2464 Del Mar Avenue in Rosemead. She is opposed to the "No U-Turn" sign in front of her property, because her tenants make U-turns in order to park in front of her property. Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki recommended that the "No U-Turn" sign be installed at Highcliff. It was moved by Commissioner Benjamin, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, and carried unanimously to install a "No U-Turn" sign on Highcliff Street. B. REQUEST TO INSTALL RED CURB AT 2482 NEW AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. RECOMMENDATION: The installation of 13 feet of red curb between 2482 and 2476 New Avenue was recommended. Speaking before the Commission was: Mr. Ken Heng 2482 New Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 Mr. Heng stated that he is in favor of the red curb because people continue to block his driveway. It was moved by Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORT - None VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Quintanilla asked what took place on the south side of town regarding the Wal-Mart. Assistant City Manager Don Wagner stated that several opponents of Wal-Mart showed up at the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisor's Meeting and indicated that they were opposed to the future Wal-Mart The Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for August 161h, at the Rosemead High School Auditorium and the City Council will also meet at the High School on September 71h. Chairperson Knapp stated that the timing of the signal at Walnut Grove and Valley Boulevard is off. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned.