CC - Agenda - 11-09-04AGENDA REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 9, 2004, AT 8:00 P.M. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: INVOCATION: 8:00 P.M. MAYOR CLARK MAYOR PRO TEM IMPERIAL ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: COUNCILMEMBERS ALARCON, TAYLOR, VASQUEZ, MAYOR PRO TEM IMPERIAL, MAYOR CLARK APPROVAL OF MINUTES: NONE OF INTEREST TO CITIZENS WISHING TO PARTICIPATE 1) Those wishing to speak on any Agenda Item, including public hearing, should have their Speaker Request Form submitted to the City Clerk no later than the time immediately following Oral Communications. 2) Immediately after approval of the minutes and again at the end of the meeting, there is a period of time set aside for those persons wishing to address the Council on matters not listed on the Agenda entitled: ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE (please complete the Speaker Request Form stating your preference to speak either at the beginning or at the end of the meeting). 3) Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or ~ accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the City Clerk's office at 626/569-2171 at least 48 }tours before the meeting, if possible. PRESENTATIONS: 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE H. PUBLIC HEARINGS -NONE III. LEGISLATIVE A. RESOLUTION NO. 2004-49 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2004-49, for payment of City expenditures. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR-RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL CC-A APPROVAL OF FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAIDLAW TRANSIT SERVICES, INC., AND THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD The City received a request from Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc., to extend its current contract to provide dial-a-ride and fixed route transit service through June 30, 2005. CCAGENDA:11-09-04 Page 91 Recommendation: Approve the fourth amendment to the agreement, authorizing a one-year extension, a 3% CPI adjustment for Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc., effective December 1 2004, and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement. CC-B APPROVAL OF UNDERTAKING AGREEMENT FOR PARCEL MAP 60159 - 4623 EARLE AVENUE The Undertaking Agreement was executed to guarantee the construction of sewer lateral, parkway drain, driveway and survey monuments subsequent to the recordation of the parcel map. A cash deposit in the amount of $10,650 has been submitted to the City. Recommendation: Approve the Undertaking Agreement for the installation of the improvements. CC-C APPROVAL OF COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND . THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF HELLMAN AVENUE BRIDGE OVER ALHAMBRA WASH This project involves the removal and reconstruction of the Hellman Avenue Bridge over the Alhambra Wash, including removal and reconstruction of roadway pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk and retaining walls. Recommendation: Approve the cooperative agreement. CC-D ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT DEED FOR STORM DRAIN PURPOSES - 9509 VALLEY BOULEVARD This item provides for the dedication of a storm drain easement along the west side of the McGill property at 9509 Valley Boulevard. This dedication will allow for the construction of a storm drain lateral from the alley north of Valley Boulevard, east of Rio Hondo Avenue, to the existing storm drain in Valley Boulevard. Recommendation: Accept the deed and direct the City Clerk to record the deeds together with the Certification of Acceptance. CC-E ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT DEED FOR STORM DRAIN PURPOSES - 3232 DEL MAR AVENUE This item provides for the dedication of a storm drain easement along the northerly property line of 3232 Del Mar Avenue. This dedication will allow for the construction of a storm drain lateral from the alley east of Del Mar Avenue, south of Dorothy Street, to the existing storm drain in Del Mar Avenue. Recommendation: Accept the deed and direct the City Clerk to record the deeds together with the Certification of Acceptance. CC-F AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND CALIFORNIA CONTRACT CITIES . ASSOCIATION SACRAMENTO LEGISLATIVE ORIENTATION TOUR, JANUARY 10-12,2005 This year's program will focus upon the passage of Proposition IA. Recommendation: Authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, City Attorney, City Manager and staff as designated by the City Manager. CCAGENDA:I 1-09-04 Page a2 CC-G AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 2005 MAYORS AND COUNCILMEMBERS ACADEMY LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE - JANUARY 12-14, 2005 - SACRAMENTO This year's program will include sessions on fiscal oversight, Council staff .relations, effective advocacy, land use affairs and intergovernmental affairs. Recommendation: Authorize the attendance of any Councilmember, City Attorney, City Manager and staff as designated by the City Manager. CC-H AUTHORIZATION TO REJECT CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY FROM NANCY DAVIDO The claim is for damage to the claimant's vehicle that occurred when a limb fell from a tree. Recommendation: Approve rejection of this claim and authorize that a letter of rejection be sent to the claimant. CC-I AUTHORIZATION TO REJECT CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY FROM FLORINTINO YBARRA The claim is for damage to the claimant's vehicle that occurred when a limb fell from a tree. Recommendation: Approve rejection of this claim and authorize that a letter of rejection be sent to the claimant. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION VI. STATUS REPORTS VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE IX. ADJOURNMENT THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 23, 2004, AT 8:00 P.M. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, and other locations pursuant to RMC Sec. 1.08.020. CCAGENDA:11-09-04 Page #3