CC - Agenda 07-27-04AGENDA REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL CQUNC14 CHAMBERS ROSEMEA , CALIFORNIA .JULY 27, 2004, AT 8:00 P.M. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: 8:00 P.M. ' ro PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: MAYOR CLARK INVOCATION: COUNCILMAN ALARCON ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: COUNCILMEMBERS ALARCON, TAYLOR, VASQUEZ, MAYOR PRO TEM IMPERIAL, MAYOR CLARK APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JULY 13, 2004 - REGULAR MEETING OF INTEREST TO CITIZENS WISHING TO PARTICIPATE 1) Those wishing to speak on any Agenda Item, including public hearing, should have their Speaker Request Form submitted to the City Clerk no later than the time immediately following Oral Communications. 2) Immediately after approval of the minutes and again at the end of the meeting, there is a period of time set aside for those persons wishing to address the Council on matters not listed on the Agenda entitled: ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE (please complete the Speaker Request Form stating your preference to speak either at the beginning or at the end of the meeting). 3) Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the City Clerk's office at 626/569-2171 at least 48 hours before the meeting, if possible. PRESENTATIONS: 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE H. PUBLIC HEARING A. PUBLIC HEARING - APPROVAL OF PARTNERSHIP WITH THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR USE OF HOMEFUNDS Staff proposes a commitment of HOME funds for use by the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation to fund a multi-family housing rehabilitation program for multi-family rental units located at Langford Place in the Zapopan Target Area. Recommendation: Approve the commitment of $500,000 HOME funds to the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation; authorize the City Attorney to finalize the commitment agreement and related documents; and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all agreements. - . CDCAGENDA:7-27-04 Pagc4I III LEGISLATIVE A. 7 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-26 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS (FY 2003-04) Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2004-26, for payment of City expenditures. B. 511ESOLUTION NO. 2004-27 - CLAIMS AND DEMANDS (FY 2004-05) Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2004-27, for payment of City expenditures. V`./ CONSENT CALENDAR-RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL V CC-A ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES EXTENDING THE DATE BY ONE YEAR FOR EFFECTIVENESS AND RECEIPT OF TAX INCREMENT FOR PROJECT AREA NO. I AND PROJECT AREA NO. 2 Ordinances No. 832 and No. 833 were introduced at the regular Council meeting of July 13, 2004. Recommendation: Adopt Ordinances No. 832 and No. 833. A.1. ORDINANCE NO. 832 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING PART 6 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA NUMBER I IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 33333.6(e)(2)(C) OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW - ADOPT A.2. ORDINANCE NO. 833 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING SECTIONS 530 AND 610 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR PROJECT AREA NUMBER 2 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 33333.2(c) OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW - ADOPT EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT - STREET TREE MAINTENANCE The City's agreement with Evan's Tree Service for street tree maintenance is scheduled for renewal. The contractor has indicated that lie would like to continue as the City's street tree contractor without an increase in fees. Recommendation: Approve the Extension of Agreement and authorize its execution by the Mayor. CC-C EXTENSION OF LIGHTING AGREEMENT - QRS LIGHTING SERVICE The City's agreement with QRS for maintenance of park facility lights is scheduled for renewal. The contractor has indicated that he would like to extend the Agreement for another year without an increase in monthly fees. Recommendation: Approve the Extension of Agreement and authorize its execution by the Mayor. CC-D AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND 90rn ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION - OCTOBER 17-20, 2004, SAN DIEGO, CA CDCAGENDA:747-04 Page#2 This year's conference includes sessions on Citizen Surveys, Building a Better Relationship with your Elected Officials, Successful Project Management for Smaller Communities and other sessions on economic development and redevelopment projects. /--.,Recommendation: Authorize the attendance of the City Manager. CC-E PROVAL OF PARTNERSHIP WITH EAST LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY CORPORATION (ELACC) FOR USE OF HOME CHDO SET-ASIDE FUNDS ELACC is a designated Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDO) that develops affordable housing throughout the East Los Angeles region. The. City recently funded ELACC for construction of affordable units that have since been completed. The City has uncommitted CHDO funds in the amount of $160,000, of which $8,100 must be committed by July 31,'2004, or be subject to recapture by the Federal Government. Recommendation: Approve the partnership with the East Los Angeles Community Corporation; and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all agreements. SELECTION OF CONSULTANT FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) AND HOME PROGRAM SERVICES In 2001, the City selected Willdan to provide CDBG and HOME services. This agreement provided for two one-year extensions through June 30, 2004. The City received only one response to its Request for Proposals (RFP) from Willdan, and consequently extended the application deadline to July 15, 2004. By the expiration time, the City did not receive additional proposals. Willdan currently provides program services and their proposed service offering is within the City's approved budget. Recommendation: Approve selection of Willdan as the City's consultant for CDBG and HOME program services for FY 2004-2005, renewable for up to two (2) additional years, with annual increase tied to increase in the CPI, and that the Council authorize the City Manager to execute all agreements. V. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION AND ACTION VI. STATUS REPORTS r✓~ VII. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS VIII. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE IX. ADJOURNMENT THE NEXT REGULAR MELTING IS SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 10, 2004, AT 8:00 P.M. Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting at the City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; the L.A. County Library, Rosemead Branch, 8800 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; and other locations pursuant to RMC Sec. 1.08.020. CDCAGENDA:7-27-04 PageO