CC - Item 4H - Authorization to attend Leage of California Legislative conferenceTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMQ,EEAAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 6, 2004 RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ATTEND LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGISLATIVE ACTION DAYS, MAY 12-13,2004, SACRAMENTO Attached for your consideration is information concerning the aforementioned event. It is critical that cities participate in order to let the elected officials in Sacramento know that we are united in our efforts to protect our local revenues. Members of the Legislature, the Administration and the State Controller, Steve Westly, are scheduled to speak. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the attendance of any Council Member, City Attorney, City Manager and staff designees. COUNCIL A€ E!,,'C; APR 13 2004 ITEM No. e~- Leaque d California Cities Better Cities-A Better Life TO: Mayors, Council Members City Managers, Police Chiefs, Fire Chiefs, Fiscal Officers, Intergovernmental Relations Officers, Department Heads FROM: Chris McKenzie, Executive Director March 15, 2004 RE: Legislative Action Days Wednesday, & Thursday, May 12-13 Sacramento Sheraton Grand Hotel 1400 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814 916.658.8200 FAX 916.658.8240 w ..cacities.org The League, in conjunction with our partners in LOCAL (Leave Our Community Assets Local), is holding our Legislative Action Days as noted above. Given the condition of the State budget and our efforts to protect local revenues, your attendance at this year's Legislative Action Days is more important than ever. „ We must make a strong showing of unity and strength in numbers as we convey our message to our lawmakers and the Administration. It is important that every city send a delegation in elected officials, top management, public safety leaders, and community leaders to impress on the Legislature the broad and deep base of support for the LOCAL cause. Attached is the program announcement and program outline, with registration in formation. The is no registration fee, but we must ask that you sign up in advance so we can prepare for you. You can make your hotel reservations directly with the Sheraton as indicated. Because we want to coordinate dinner appointments with legislators so we have maximum contact and effect, please work with your Regional Representative to set up such meetings. , ADDED BONUS: The League's Latino Caucus will be holding several workshops at the Sheraton Grand Sacramento the morning of May 12 prior to the Legislative Action Days program. Caucus registration opens at 8:00 a.m., and the opening session is at 8:30 a.m. The panel on "Making Workers Compensation Work for You" is at 9:00 a.m., and the panel on "PERS: A Costly Investment" is at 10:30 a.m. For registration information contact the Latino Caucus at CalLatinoCaucus(cr7.aol.com, or John Arriaga at 916-669-1340. T LEAVE OUR COMMUNITY ASSETS LOCAL 40 Dedicated to Protecting Funding for Police, Fire, Health and other Essential LOCAL Services www.caiocai.org You Are In vited Join Hundreds of California's Community Leaders at LOCAL Legislative Action Days Wednesday & Thursday May 12-13, 2004 Sheraton Grand Hotel Sacramento, CA Register today on-line at www.calocal.org The LOCAL Coalition urges you to be part of its third annual Legislative Action Days at the state Capitol. Join hundreds of local elected officials, public safety, health, labor and business groups from around the state and urge Legislators to protect our local services. Also, get an update on the Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act - a November '04 ballot measure being sponsored by key members of LOCAL that would require voter approval before the state could take local government funds in the future. Bring your elected leaders, public safety leaders, business leaders, and community leaders to demonstrate the broad support for protecting funding for locally delivered programs and services. Help get the public attention needed to preserve local services by being part of a giant press conference on the steps of the Capitol and one-on-one meetings with legislators in their Capitol offices. Tentative Schedule Wednesday, May 12 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. - 5:30p.m. 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 13 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m 11:30 a.m. Registration Opening Remarks Remarks from Controller Steve Westly Discussion of Current Budget Issues and Strategies Visits with Legislators (LOCAL will arrange) Legislative Reception at the Sheraton Continental Breakfast Session Key Note Speakers: Members of Administration and Legislature Press Conference and Rally on the Capitol Steps Adjourn There is NO REGISTRATION FEE FOR THIS PROGRAM, but PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE so we can help coordinate meetings with your legislators, and prepare materials for you. Register on-line today at www.calocal.ora or use the attached registration form. Hotel Reservations A block of rooms has been reserved at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Sacramento at a discounted rate for LOCAL Legislative Action Days participants. Please book your room by contacting the hotel directly at (800) 325-3535 and identifying yourself as part of the LOCAL meeting. You must reserve your room by April 9`" to receive this discounted rate. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LATINO CAUCUS 13th Annual Legislative -Conference May 12, 2004 Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel 1230 J.Street Sacramento, CA Featured Panels ";.,,akin ,g> 1N"o~rkerr's; CompJe:nsalt~iom WN0.rik, Fox-Yom' 4. A,Costjy/ 11 Mestem,entr1'° The 13th Annual Legislative Conference will coincide with LOCAL Legislative Action Days that joins hundreds of local elected officials, public safety, health, labor and business groups from around the state and urges Legislators to protect our local services. - Honorary Co-Chairs (Invited) Senator Richard Alarcon Senator Gil Cedillo Senator Denise Ducheny Senator Martha Escutia Senator Liz Figueroa Senator Dean Florez Senator Deborah Ortiz Senator Gloria Romero Senator Nell Soto Assembly Member Rudy Bermudez Assembly Member Ron Calderon Assembly Member Ed Chavez Assembly Member Lou Correa Assembly Member Manny Diaz Assembly Member Marco Firebaugh Assembly Member Dario Frommer Assembly Member Bonnie Garcia Assembly Member Abel Maldonado Assembly Member Gloria McLeod Assembly Member Cindy Montaiiez Assembly Member Fabian Nunez Assembly Member Jenny Oropeza Assembly Member Robert Pacheco Assembly Member Nicole Parra Assembly Member Sarah Reyes Assembly Member Simon Salinas Assembly Member Juan Vargas 8:00 am- REGISTRATION/CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8:30 am- Welcome/Opening Session 9:oo am- "Making Worker's Compensation Work For You" Panel discussion with the California State Insurance Commissioner, a California State Assembly Member and a City Manager about program caps, cost containment and bow to retain aid and grow business in your community. 10:30 am- "PERS. A Costly Investment" Panel discussion with PERS board members and others about the rising cost of pensions and investment portfolios, the rise of health benefits, and the lack of plan flexibility. Invited speakers include PERS Board President Sean Harrigan, Chief Actuary Ron Seeling, Division Chief of Acturial & Employers Services Division Ken Marzion, Human Resources Director of San Leandro Justinian Caire, PERS Board Member Priya Mathur, and Lobbyist Brian Hatch. 12:oo noon- Lunch with Members of Legislature's Latino Caucus Register Now! Name . Title Organization Street City, State Zip Fax _ Check enclosed for individual/s ($25 for each registrant). Fee includes continental breakfast and luncheon. MAIL REGISTRATION FORM AND PAYMENT TO: LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES-LATINO CAUCUS 770 L Street, Suite 1030, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 669-1343 (phone) * (916) 669.1339 (fax) 0 Tax Id: 94-6000835 Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received in writing before May 7, 2004 will receive a full refund. Cancellations received after May 7, 2004 are not eligible for a refund. People who have registered but have not paid, and do not participate in the conference, will be billed for attendance. All cancellations must be in writing. 1" AT- A