CC - Consideration of Request from LA County ot Adopt Resolution 2004-06 Opposing the closure or relocation of the LA Air Force BaseTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSE CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRR WE, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 2, 2004 RE: CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FROM LOS ANGELES COUNTY TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2004-06 OPPOSING THE CLOSURE OR RELOCATION OF THE LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE Attached for your consideration is Resolution No. 2004-06 opposing the closure or relocation of the Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors went on record at their December 2, 2003 meeting as opposing the closure or relocation of the Los Angeles Air Force Base. They are requesting that each of the 88 cities in Los Angeles County adopt a resolution taking a similar position. Attached is Resolution No. 2004-06 and a letter from the County Chief Administrative Officer making the request. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2004-06 and direct the City Clerk to send a copy to the appropriate agencies. C-110UNC11. A07-: DA FEB 10 2004 ITEFA No. 7Lr- eA--A RESOLUTION NO. 2004-06 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. ROSEMEAD OPPOSING THE CLOSURE OR RELOCATION OF THE LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE WHEREAS, since the inception of the Defense Department's downsizing in 1988, California has undergone four rounds of military base closures or realignments; and . WHEREAS, California was the state hardest hit by spending reductions, with military downsizing resulting in an economic loss of $9.6 billion annually and almost 100,000 jobs, representing 60 percent of all Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC) related job losses nationally, despite housing only 15 percent of the Nation's military personnel at the beginning of the BRAC process; and WHEREAS, the Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB), is ideally located in the City of El Segundo, in Los Angeles County; and _ WHEREAS, LAAFB is not a traditional military base, but a group of office buildings housing military and civilian employees responsible for managing the development and construction of the Nation's military space and missile systems, including many new systems being used for Homeland Security, and WHEREAS, the projects overseen by LAAFB currently total $60 billion in value, with $8.5 billion in new contracts being awarded annually; and WHEREAS, about 70 percent of this work is performed by 350 aerospace companies and their suppliers in the Los Angeles region, generating employment for more than'67,000 persons, with the vast majority holding high-paying engineering and research positions; and WHEREAS, the LAAFB is dependent on the close proximity of these companies and employees, as well as the universities and other resources in the Los Angeles region; and WHEREAS, relocating the LAAFB would not only be extremely distruptive to the Los Angeles region, but it would result in unnecessary Federal costs, estimated at $750 million, for relocation; and WHEREAS, it was not the intent of Congress to force the wholesale relocation of a major component of a region's economy, as would happen if LAAFB were moved; and WHEREAS, the BRAC process was not intended to enable the Congressionally supported relocation of critical military facilities from one state to another; and WHEREAS, the County of Los Angeles, in coalition with the cities surrounding LAAFB and the business community, have developed a creative plan to redevelop the area surrounding LAAFB, as well as to build all new facilities for LAAFB, thus reducing the construction and ongoing maintenance costs for the Federal Government. - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, that the President and Congress of the United States of America be respectfully requested to support the continued operation and maintenance of LAAFB at its current location in Los Angeles County, California. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED THIS IOT° DAY OF FEBRUARY 2004. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk County of Los Angeles CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 713 KENNETH HAHN HALL OF ADMINISTRATION • LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 (213) 974-1101 http://cao.co.1a.ca.us DAVID E. JANSSEN Board of Supervisors Chief Administrative Officer GLORIA MOLINA, First District 2004 January 16 YVONNE BRATHWAITE BURKE , Second District ZEV YAROSLAVSKY Third District DON KNABE Fourth District The Honorable Joe Vasquez MICHAEL D. ANTONOVICH Fifth District Mavor, Citv of Rosemead P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Dear Mayor Vasquez: OPPOSITION TO CLOSURE OR RELOCATION OF THE LOS ANGELES AIR FORCE BASE On December 2, 2003, the Board of Supervisors directed my office to write to the governmental officials of the 88 cities in the County, requesting that each city consider adoptirfg:a:formal resolution'of opposition to.the`closure or relocation:of the'Los'Angeles Air Force Basel(LAAFB) in the` upcoming 12005"Base Realigns eht-and Closure,(BRAC) process. A copy of=the Board's action is attached. The LAAFB is unique in its responsibility for managing the progress and construction of the Nation's military space and missile systems and the economic and fiscal scope of its research and development.. The projects overseen by the LAAFB currently total $60 billion in value, with $8.5 billion in new contracts awarded annually. About 70% of this work goes to 350 aerospace companies and their suppliers in the Los Angeles region, generatina employment for more than 67,000 persons, with the vast majority holding high-paying engineering and research positions. These companies and employees reside in all 88 of"the County's cities. While the next round of the BRAC process is not due to begin formally until 2005, at least three other states are already lobbying for the relocation of the LAAFB to installations in their states. As a consequence, the Board of Supervisors believes that we must take action now to ensure that this valuable resource is not lost. It would be very much. appreciated if we could receive your City's resolution by the end of February so that. all ofAhe~;resolutions.can'te"forwarded-'to key 'congressioriali members, the Administration;'and=the Department,of. Defense:officials who Will :be'involved: in the, Base closure issue `To Enrich Lives Through Effective And Caring Service" Honorable Joe Vasquez January 16, 2004 Page 2 If there are any questions regarding this matter, please contact Dean Smith, in the Intergovernmental Relations Branch of my office, at (213) 893-2086. Thank you for your leadership and support on this very important issue. Sincerely, DAVID E. JANSSEN Chief Administrative DEJ:GK MAL:DRS:Im Attachment Letters/la air force 011604 city mayors merged J ATTACHMENT AGN. NO. MOTION BY SUPERVISORS KNABE AND BURKE December 2, 2003 On Tuesday, November 25, 2003 the Board of Supervisors adopted a motion to oppose the merger or closure of the Los Angeles Air Force Base in the upcoming 2005 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process. Since adopting this position, we need to build further consensus in the region on this issue that impacts almost 350 aerospace/defense prime and subcontractors with more than 67,000 employees who reside in almost every city and supervisorial district in the Los Angeles County (County). WE, THEREFORE MOVE, THAT the Board of Supervisors instruct the Chief Administrative Officer to send correspondence to the government officials of the 88 cities in the County, urging that they fake similar action and adopt a formal resolution of opposition to the closure of this important military institution and return it to the County by mid-January 2004. Once the cities' resolutions have been received, County advocates in Washington, D.C. can distribute a packet to key Congressional members, the Administration and the Department of Defense officials, who will be involved in this base closure issue. TM:cy MOTION MOLINA BURKE YAROSLAVSKY ANTONOVICH KNABE