CC - Request for red curb at intersection of Valley Blvd and Gerner StreetTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: JANUARY 7, 2004 RE: REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT THE INTERSECTION OF VALLEY BOULEVARD AND GERNERT STREET Staff received a request for the installation of red curb at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Gernert Street. Vehicles have been parking adjacent to the intersection making it difficult to turn into and out of Gernert Street. Based on field observations, staff recommended and the Commission concurred, that the installation of 16 feet of red curb on Valley Boulevard is warranted. Attached is the Traffic Commission staff report and a copy of the minutes from the December 4, 2003 meeting. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install 16 feet of red curb on Valley Boulevard. GDUNCn. AG- JAN 13 2004 de--F N10. Staff Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSSION FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: November 24, 2003 RE: Request for Red Curb at the Intersection of Valley Boulevard and Gernert Street REQUEST Staff has received a request for the installation of red curb at the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Gernert Street. The red curb has been requested due to vehicles parking adjacent to the intersection making it difficult to turn into and out of Gernert Street. CONDITIONS Gernert Street is a 36-foot wide north/south residential street. There are no stripes on Gernert Street. Gernert Street is stop controlled at its "T" intersection at Valley Boulevard. The prima facia speed limit on Gernert Street is 25 mph. Valley Boulevard is a major arterial in the City. There are two lanes of traffic in each direction generally separated by a two-way left turn lane. The eastbound curb lane is 20 feet wide allowing for on-street parking. Exhibit A depicts conditions in the vicinity of Gernert Street and Valley Boulevard including existing red curb locations. This Exhibit will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting. DISCUSSION Field observations of the intersection of Gernert Street and Valley Boulevard were conducted in the morning. The business on the southeast corner of the intersection, "Mr. Baguette", was open. Vehicles were parked directly in front of this business. On the southwest corner, red curb exists on Valley Boulevard from Gernert Street west to the driveway of the business. Red curb also exists on the east side of Gernert Street south of Valley Boulevard. Mr. Baguette has approximately 10 parking spaces on site. During field observations 7 to 10 of the parking spaces were used. There are also 3 parking spaces in front of Mr. Baguette. It appeared that the vehicles parked in front of December 4, 2003 Traffic Commission Meeting Request for Red Curb at the Intersection of Valley Boulevard and Gernert Street Mr. Baguette's were customers of the business. These vehicles stayed less than 10 minutes. In observing vehicles turning right from Gernert Street onto Valley Boulevard, some were observed turning "wide" to avoid vehicles parked in front of Mr. Baguette's. With these wide turns, vehicles were sometimes pushed into the number 1 lane of traffic. In most cases, there was no conflict with vehicles in the number 1 or curb lane of traffic. RECOMMENDATION Based on field observations of vehicles turning right from Gernert Street onto Valley Boulevard, the installation of red curb is recommended on the south side of Valley Boulevard from Gernert Street to 16 feet easterly. This provides for 2 parking spaces in front of Mr. Baguette. This recommendation is shown on Exhibit A. It is further recommended that the existing red curb in the vicinity of this intersection be repainted. Attachment ( FILENAME \p ) NO SCALE VALLEY BLVD CrF r-el l cucb. (`ecl Cu A0. 1e' STOP ~.Q- f1 ui cad CuC6. rY W Ex4 i B rr A C. REQUEST FOR RED CURB AT THE INTERSECITON OF VALLEY . BOULEVARD AND GERNERT STREET Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report. Recommendation: Based on field observations of vehicles turning right from Gernert Street onto Valley Boulevard, the installation of red curb is recommended on the south side of Valley Boulevard from Gernert Street to 16 feet easterly. This provides for 2 parking spaces in front of Mr. Baguette. It is further recommended that the existing red curb in the vicinity of this intersection be re-painted. It was moved by Commissioner Matsdorf, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS Joanne Itagaki stated that the City Council approved and passed the Red Curb on Emerson; the Red Curb on the Bridge and the Red Curb on Angelus and Rush Street. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Matsdorf wished everyone a,safe holiday season. VII. ADTOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m., with 9 people in the audience.