CC - Resolution 2004-02 to designate a memorial state highway interchange in honor of Los Angeles county deputy Sherif David W. Marchi RESOLUTION NO. 2004 - 2 i. y -S i' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUPPORTING ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 142 TO DESIGNATE A MEMORIAL STATE HIGHWAY INTERCHANGE IN HONOR OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY DEPUTY SHERIFF DAVID W. MARCH WHEREAS, we are indebted every day to our peace officers, and we pay special tribute to their bravery and dedication and share in their pain when one of their members is killed in the line of duty; and WHEREAS, the men and women of law enforcement have the unenviable task of guaranteeing the public's safety, and it is as difficult and dangerous as it is important, as evidenced by the death of Deputy David W. March of the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, who was killed in the line of duty on April 29, 2002, while conducting a "routine" traffic stop; and WHEREAS, Deputy March faithfully served the residents within the Temple Station patrol area which includes the community of Rosemead; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize the hazardous work, serious responsibility, and strong commitment that Deputy March willingly accepted during his seven years as a law enforcement officer; and WHEREAS, California Assemblyman Edward Chavez has introduced Assembly Concurrent Resolution 142 to designate the interchange of State Highway Route 605 and State Highway Route 210 as the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rosemead does hereby support Assembly Concurrent Resolution 142 and urges the California State Senate and Assembly to approve said resolution designating the interchange of State Highway Route 605 and State Highway Route 210 as the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. MAYOR Attest: CITY CLERK COUNIUL i Gc- °~a<, JAN 2 7 2004 ITEM Ro. I ACR 142 Assembly Concurrent Resolution - History COMPLETE BILL HISTORY BILL NUMBER A.C.R. No. 142 AUTHOR Chavez TOPIC Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. TYPE OF BILL : Active Non-Urgency Majority Vote Required Fiscal Non-Tax Levy BILL HISTORY 2004 Jan. 8 Referred to Com. on TRANS. Jan. 6 From printer. Jan. 5 Introduced. To print. Page 1 of 1 http://www.l egi nfo.ca. gov/pub/bill/asmlab_0101-0150/acr_ 142_bill_20040108_Iiistory.htinl 1/20/2004 ACR 142 Assembly Bill - Status CURRENT BILL STATUS MEASURE : A.C.R. No. 142 AUTHOR(S) Chavez (Coauthor: Senator Margett). TOPIC Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. HOUSE LOCATION ASM TYPE OF BILL Active Non-Urgency Majority Vote Required Fiscal Non-Tax Levy LAST HIST. ACT. DATE: 01/08/2004 LAST HIST. ACTION Referred to Com. on TRANS. TITLE Relative to the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. Page 1 of 1 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub[bill/asm/ab_0101-0150/acr_142_bill_20040108_status.html 1/20/2004 CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE-2003-04 REGULAR SESSION Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 142 Introduced by Assembly Member Chavez (Coauthor: Senator Margett) January 5, 2004 Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 142-Relative to the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEUS DIGEST ACR 142, as introduced, Chavez. Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. This measure would designate the interchange of State Highway Route 605 and State Highway Route 210 as the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. The measure would request the Department of Transportation to determine the cost of appropriate plaques and markers showing the special designation and upon receiving donations from nonstate sources sufficient to cover the cost, to erect appropriate plaques and markers. Fiscal committee: yes. 1 WHEREAS, Of all the promises that America offers, none is 2 more precious or illusive than the right to be free from crime and 3 violence; and 4 WHEREAS, Californians are indebted every day to our peace 5 officers, and we pay special tribute to their bravery and dedication 6 and share in their pain when one of their members is killed in the 7 line of duty; and 99 ACR 142 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 O 99 -2- WHEREAS, The men and women of law enforcement have the unenviable task of guaranteeing the public's safety, and it is as difficult and dangerous as it is important, as evidenced by the death, at the age of 33, of Deputy David W. March of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department who was killed in the line of duty on April 29, 2002, in Irwindale while conducting a "routine" traffic stop; and WHEREAS, Deputy March faithfully -served the residents within the Temple Station patrol area; and WHEREAS, He was a longtime resident of Santa Clarita Valley and a 1988 graduate of Canyon High School where he played football and baseball; and WHEREAS, It is appropriate to recognize the hazardous work, serious responsibility, and strong convnitment that Deputy March willingly accepted during his seven years as a law enforcement officer; and WHEREAS, Deputy March is remembered as a passionate husband to his wife, Teri; a loving son to his parents, John and Barbara March; a caring father to his stepdaughter, Kayla; a thoughtful sibling to his sister, Erin Hildreth, and brother, John Russell March; and a man who committed his life, religious beliefs, and his career to Los Angeles County and the safety of its residents; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the interchange of State Highway Route 605 and State Highway Route 210 be officially designated as the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange; and be it further Resolved, That the Department of Transportation is requested to determine the cost of appropriate plaques and markers, consistent with the signing requirements for the state highway system, showing this special designation, and upon receiving donations from nonstate sources sufficient to cover that cost, to erect those plaques and markers; and be it further Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the Department of Transportation and to the author for appropriate distribution. 9. fwy 0. -T.., 64"17 January 16, 2004 Monterey Park, California 91754-2169 (626) 285-7171 Mr. Bill Crowe, City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Dear Mr. Crowe: 0 On April 29; 2002, Los Angeles County Sheriff s Deputy David W. March assigned to Temple Station was tragically shot and killed in the line of duty during the course of a traffic stop he made in the city of Irwindale. In an effort to memorialize the ultimate sacrifice made by Deputy March for the citizens of Los Angeles County we are attempting to have the interchange of State Highway Route 605 and State Highway Route 210 designated at the "Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange." California State Assemblyman Edward Chavez has introduced Assembly Concurrent Resolution 142 (ACR 142) Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. Passage of this resolution by both the California State Senate and Assembly is needed for this designation to become a reality. Should this occur a fund raising effort will occur to collect sufficient donations to cover the cost to erect plaques and markers by the California Department of Transportation. On behalf of the Deputy March's family and coworkers at Temple Station we would like to respectfully ask that your city council pass a resolution in support of ACR 142. If a resolution of support is approved it should be forwarded to: The Honorable Edward Chavez California State Assembly State Capitol, Room 5150 Sacramento, California 95814 County of Los Angeles Sheriff's Department Headquarters 4700 Ramona Boulevard 9 `7radrlron of cSerorce cSrnce 1950 Mr. Bill Crowe -2- January 16, 2004 They have also asked that the resolution be faxed to their offices at (916) 319-2157. This honor would be a fitting tribute to the memory of Deputy March. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. If you or your staff have any questions please feel free to contact me at (626) 292-3300. Sincerely. LEROY D. BACA, SHERIFF ~ is ~ Richard Shaw, Captain Commander, Temple Station CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE-2003-04 REGULAR SESSION Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 142 Introduced by Assembly Member Chavez (Coauthor: Senator Margett) January 5, 2004 Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 142-Relative to the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST ACR 142, as introduced, Chavez. Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. This measure would designate the interchange of State Highway Route 605 and State Highway Route 210 as the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange. The measure would request the Department of Transportation to determine the cost of appropriate plaques and markers showing the special designation and upon receiving donations from nonstate sources sufficient to cover the cost, to erect appropriate plaques and markers. Fiscal committee: yes. WHEREAS, Of all the promises that America offers, none is more precious or illusive than the right to be free from crime and violence; and WHEREAS, Californians are indebted every day to our peace officers, and we pay special tribute to their bravery and dedication and share in their pain when one of their members is killed in the line of duty; and 99 ACR 142 8 9 ',0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 O 99 -2- WHEREAS, The men and women of law enforcement have the unenviable task of guaranteeing the public's safety, and it is as difficult and dangerous as it is important, as evidenced by the death, at the age of 33, of Deputy David W. March of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department who was killed in the line of duty on April 29, 2002, in Irwindale while conducting a "routine" traffic stop; and WHEREAS, Deputy March faithfully served the residents within the Temple Station patrol area; and WHEREAS, He was a longtime resident of Santa Clarita Valley and a 1988 graduate of Canyon High School where he played football and baseball; and WHEREAS, It is appropriate to recognize the hazardous work, serious responsibility, and strong commitment that Deputy March willingly accepted during his seven years as a law enforcement officer; and WHEREAS, Deputy March is remembered as a passionate husband to his wife, Teri; a loving son to his parents, John and Barbara March; a caring father to his stepdaughter, Kayla; a thoughtful sibling to his sister, Erin Hildreth, and brother, John Russell March; and a man who committed his life, religious beliefs, and his career to Los Angeles County and the safety of its residents; now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the interchange of State Highway Route 605 and State Highway Route 210 be officially designated as the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff David W. March Memorial Interchange; and be it further Resolved, That the Department of Transportation is requested to determine the cost of appropriate plaques and markers, consistent with the signing requirements for the state highway system, showing this special designation, and upon receiving donations from nonstate sources sufficient to cover that cost, to erect those plaques and markers; and be it further Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the Department of Transportation and to the author for appropriate distribution. F