CC - Item 4A - Resolution 2004-08 - Supporting AB 712 Provides representation on the gold line constructionTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ` ROSEMEADY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CRO CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 24, 2004 RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2004-08 - ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUPPORTING AB 712 (LIU) THAT PROVIDES REPRESENTATION ON THE GOLD LINE CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY GOVERNING BOARD FOR THE CITIES ALONG THE GOLD LINE CORRIDOR - PHASE 11 The Governing Board of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments has requested that every SGVCOG member City Council consider adopting a resolution of support for AB 712 (Liu). In 1998, former State Senator Adam Schiff authored SB 1847 to establish the Los Angeles to Pasadena Metro Blue Line Construction Authority (PUC Section 132400 et seq.) The single purpose construction authority was given all necessary authority to plan, design, and construct a light rail project from downtown Los Angeles to Claremont. The project was renamed by the MTA from the Blue Line to the Gold Line last year. This past summer, Phase I of the Gold Line opened under budget and on schedule. The focus of the Phase II planning of the Gold Line from Pasadena to Claremont has been underway for over two years. Phase II of the Gold Line will traverse 10 San Gabriel Valley cities along an existing right of way. These cities would like a voice in overseeing Phase II of the project, as was given the cities in Phase I, since each city will host a Gold Line station. While the projects as defined in the law is the entire project to Claremont, the make-up of the Governing Board included only Phase I members (committed funding was only available for Phase I when the legislation was enacted). The current five board members are: the City of Los Angeles, the City of Pasadena, the City of South Pasadena, the MTA and the SGVCOG. Additionally, the Governor appoints one non-voting member. 01 - 00UNCII. h rnyJL1 FEB 2 Ax.~2004 ITEM .No. ~ZL'L -,Q AB 712 (LIU) clarifies existing legislation as follows: (1) Adds representatives to the governing board from the cities of Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, Irwindale, Azusa, Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, and Claremont as voting members; (2) Replaces the SGVCOG representative with the San Bernardino Associated Governments as a voting member pending the execution of an MOU regarding the project extension to Montclair plaza; (3) Changes the name of the Authority to the Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority; and (4) Clarifies that a member appointed to serve on the Board by their City Councils can be removed and replaced by a majority vote of their City Council. AB 712 (Liu) is co-authored by Senator Jack Scott, Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy and Senator Margett. The bill passed the Assembly and was held in Senate Transportation by Senator Murray. Attached for your information are copies of the bill, a bill analysis, bill history and status. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 2004-08 supporting AB 712 (Liu). RESOLUTION NO. 2004-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUPPORTING AB 712 (LIU) THAT PROVIDE REPRESENTATION ON THE GOLD LINE CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY GOVERNING BOARD FOR THE CITIES ALONG THE GOLD LINE CORRIDOR - PHASE H WHEREAS, SB 1847 (Schiff) was enacted in 1998 by the legislature and created a single purpose construction authority to plan, design and construct the light rail line from downtown Los Angeles to Claremont. Phase I of the "Gold Line" between Los Angeles and Pasadena opened successfully last summer, and WHEREAS, San Gabriel Valley cities have been working with the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) and the construction authority for the last two years on Phase II of the project and it is in the best interest of the San Gabriel Valley cities to seek legislative clarification regarding governance of the authority for completion of Phase H of the Gold Line, and WHEREAS, AB 712 would increase the composition of the construction authority from 5 members to 15 members by adding a board member representative from the City Councils of the cities of Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, Irwindale, Azusa, Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, and Claremont; and WHEREAS, existing law establishes one member from the SGVCOG, AB 712 would replace the SGVCOG representative with the appointment of one member representing the San Bernardino Associated of Governments since the SGVCOG cities would be directly represented as noted above; and WHEREAS, existing law originally established the authority as the "Los Angeles to Pasadena Metro Blue Line Construction Authority," which was subsequently changed by the MTA from the Blue Line to the Gold Line, AB 712 would clarify the name of the construction authority to the Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of.Rosemead does hereby support the passage of AB 712 by the California Legislature. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 24th day of February 2004. Mayor Attest: City Clerk AB 712 Assembly Bill - AMENDED BILL NUMBER: AB 712 AMENDED BILL TEXT AMENDED IN SENATE SEPTEMBER 11, 2003 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY MAY 1, 2003 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY APRIL 21, 2003 INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member.. Liu (Coauthor: Assembly Member Mountjoy) (Coauthors: Senators Margett and Scott) FEBRUARY 19, 2003 19999 22 l.. L 4_4_R An act to amend Sections 132400, 132410, and 132415 of, and to amend the heading of Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 132400) of Division 12.7 of, the Public Utilities Code, relating to transportation. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST AB 712, as amended, Gii~ Liu . > , Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority . Eii4m6t~~! law qL..I:..hRR 4i~e T' iijel e Rty Met~ej9 Li}ye , R .J ~ t 4 t1. ;,as T l g t `I ....l tl"e'-q' state'aR4at.e E4 q!e _l Existing law establishes the Pasadena Metro Blue Line Construction Authority for the purpose of awarding and overseeing all design and construction contracts for the Los Angeles-Pasadena Metro Blue Line light rail project. Existing law provides that the construction authority is currently comprised of 3 members who are appointed by the City Councils of the Cities of Los Angeles, Pasadena, and South Pasadena, one member who is appointed by President of the Governing Board of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, one member who is appointed by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and the nonvoting member who is appointed by the Governor. This bill would change the name of the construction authority to the Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority. The bill would increase the composition of the construction authority to 15 members by adding members from the City Councils of the Cities of Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, Irwindale, Azusa, Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, and Claremont. The bill would also provide for the appointment of one member representing the San Bernardino Associated Government instead of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, and would delete the authority of the board to temporarily fill vacancies on the board. The bill would authorize a voting member of Page 1 of 5 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_070.../ab_712_bill_20030911_amended_sen.htm 2/12/2004 AB 712 Assembly Bill - AMENDED the authority to be removed and replaced at any time by the appointing entity. By requiring appointment of 10 additional members to the construction authority, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement, including the creation of a State Mandates Claims Fund to pay the costs of mandates that do not exceed $1,000,000 statewide and other procedures for claims whose statewide costs exceed $1,000,000. This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to these statutory provisions. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: yes. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The heading of Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 132400) of Division 12.7 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: CHAPTER 6. -ter METRO -2L99 Foothills GOLD LINE CONSTRUCTION AUTHORITY SEC. 2. Section 132400 of the Public Utilities Code is amended tc read: 132400. For purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings: (a) The "authority" is the Pasa4eFia Metro 9 Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority created under this chapter. (b) The "board" is the governing board of the authority. (c) The "commission" is the California Transportation Commission. (d) The "LACMTA" is the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. (e) The "project" is the Metro 91~e Foothills Gold Line light rail project extending from Union Station in the City of Los Angeles to Sierra Madre Villa Boulevard in the City of Pasadena and any mass transit guideway that may be planned east of Sierra Madre Villa Boulevard along the rail right-of-way extending to the City of Claremont. SEC. 3. Section 132410 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 132410. (a) The authority has all of the powers necessary for planning, acquiring, leasing, developing, jointly developing, owning, controlling, using, jointly using, disposing of, designing, procuring, and building the project, including, but not limited to, all of the following: (1) Acceptance of grants, fees, and allocations from the state, local agencies, and private entities. (2) Acquiring, through purchase or through eminent domain proceedings, any property necessary for, incidental to, or convenient for, the exercise of the powers of the authority. Page 2 of 5 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_070.../ab_712_bill_20030911_amended_sen.htm 2/12/2004 AB 712 Assembly Bill - AMENDED (3) Incurring indebtedness, secured by pledges of revenue available for project completion. (4) Contracting with public and private entities for the planning, design, and construction of the project. These contracts may be assigned separately or may be combined to include any or all tasks necessary for completion of the project. (5) Entering into cooperative or joint development agreements with local governments or private entities. These agreements may be entered into for the purpose of sharing costs, selling or leasing land, air, or development rights, providing for the transferring of passengers, making pooling arrangements, or for any other purpose that is necessary for, incidental to, or convenient for the full exercise of the powers granted the authority. For purposes of this paragraph, "joint development" includes, but is not limited to, an agreement with any person, firm, corporation, association, or organization for the operation of facilities or development of projects adjacent to, or physically or functionally related to, the project. (6) Relocation of utilities, as necessary for completion of the project. (b) The duties of the authority include, but are not limited to, all of the following: (1) Conducting the financial studies and the planning and engineering necessary for completion of the project. (2) (A) Adoption of an administrative code, not later than 60 days after establishment of the authority, for administration of the authority in accordance with any applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the Ralph M. Brown Act (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 54950) of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code), contracting and procurement laws, laws relating to contracting goals for minority and women business participation, and the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Title 9 (commencing with Section 81000) of the Government Code). (B) (i) The administrative code adopted under subparagraph (A) shall include a code of conduct for employees and board members that is consistent with Sections 84308 and 87103 of the Government Code and prohibits board members and staff from accepting gifts valued at ten dollars ($10) or more from contractors, potential contractors, or their subcontractors. (ii) The code shall require the disclosure, on the record, of the proceedings by the officer of the agency who receives a contribution within the preceding 24 months in an amount of more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) from a party or participant to a proceeding, and the disclosure by the party or participant. (iii) The code shall provide that no officer of the agency shall make, participate in making, or in any way attempt to use his or her official position to influence the decision in a proceeding, as described in Section 84308 of the Government Code, if the officer has willfully or knowingly received a contribution in the amount of more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) within the preceding 24 months from a party or his or her agent, or from any participant or his or her agent if the participant has a financial interest in the decision. (iv) Any officer deemed ineligible to participate in a proceeding due to the provisions of this code of conduct may be replaced for the purposes of that proceeding by an appointee chosen by the appropriate appointing authority. (v) Under the code of conduct, board members shall be deemed to have a financial interest in a decision within the meaning of Section 87100 of the Government Code if the decision involves the donor of, or intermediary or agent for a donor of, a gift or gifts aggregating ten dollars ($10) or more in value within the 12 months prior to the time the decision was made. Page 3 of 5 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_070.../ab_712_bill_20030911_amended_sen.htm 2/12/2004 AB 712 Assembly Bill - AMENDED gwR ,'a ges4^ ^a ^F tke et `ti"° iffipased ^4"a 1999 State TT SEC. 4 ^+Section 132415 of the Public Utilities Code is amended to read: 132415. (a) The authority shall be governed by a board consisting of fifteen voting members and one nonvoting member who shall be appointed as follows: (1) T-`, ee Thirteen members shall be appointed by the City Councils of the Cities of Los Angeles, Pasadena, aR4- South Pasadena, Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, Irwindale, Azusa, Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, and Claremont, with each city council appointing one member by a majority vote of the membership of that city council. (2) One member shall be appointed by the President of the Governing Board of the San gaigi Valley 9R;-;Fiei4- R4: Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) subject to confirmation by that board and approval of a memorandum of understanding between the authority and SANBAG regarding the project extension to Montclair. (3) One member shall be appointed by the LACMTA. (4) The nonvoting member shall be appointed by the Governor. (b) All members shall serve a term of not more than four years, with no limit on the number of terms that may be served by any person. However, a member appointed by a city, SANBAG, or LACMTA may be removed and replaced at any time by the appointing entity. (e) f _ _ t ..l-...1: (a) -(d) Members of the board are subject to the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Title 9 (commencing with Section 81000) of the Government Code). Fed=,'•,~~- (d) Eight members of the board shall constitute a quorum. I lF, (e) The board shall elect a chairperson and vice chairperson from among the membership of the board. ~j)- (f) Each member of the board may be compensated at a rate of not more than one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per day spent attending to the business of the authority. Compensation, if paid, shall not exceed six hundred dollars ($600) per month, plus expenses directly related to the performance of duties imposed by the authority, including, but not limited to, travel and personal expenses. SEC. 5. Nothing in this act is intended to affect local, state, or federal funding priorities. SEC. 6. Notwithstanding Section 17610 of the Government Code, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Government Code. If the statewide cost of the claim for reimbursement does not exceed one million dollars ($1,000,000), reimbursement shall be made from the State Mandates Claims Fund. !;Q95;'22, es Ga pgetrs.,^, ; 4 :.J 4 F "e P~iUPSSe F g'-e}eets e3g}~~eesne~t~eenn `tie Page 4 of 5 http://",ww.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_070.../ab_712_bill_20030911_amended_sen.htm 2/12/2004 AB 712 Assembly Bill - AMENDED at .lt a4 l _4t F all the f..l l.. th eted b b t the e area e y a :.J'est' _ B th ti . - s id hi h are sieve , As (Q e e 1 g se l ! h l - l prep insent !?Re _ .r envies ace W eeI the RIRAwam a€ le aRQQ e€ 67 WA be (a) a s l . L.,..l. i Mat stead ht d i j q _ e Raise a e y g e s a We ~ -Q ene -Ka pealed, WE Raise ..b l.-0l Ti reside ill t p e prejee w i state -e'-h Wiesmines €ha - _ aw € €hJa ae1= een€Kne s;l ss R e ..A_ ...J L. .nh. as ! ti e t t eReias ...-0 sea! a e s a s, s y sea g th l-rCnnl ,.F pivisien n c m;fl^ tat ;be he statewide ease e€ €he e~a~m €e~ 10pp wellan eW PRO *Q W t as 1 P99 99 es ne eme - , , Page 5 of 5 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_070.../ab_712_bill_20030911_amended_sen.htm 2/12/2004 AB 712 Assembly Bill - Bill Analysis SENATE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE SENATOR KEVIN MURRAY, CHAIRMAN Analysis by: Steve Schnaidt SUBJECT: BILL NO: ab 712 AUTHOR: chu VERSION: 5/1/03 FISCAL: yes Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority: soundwall projects. DESCRIPTION: This bill would require the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA), when identifying priorities for the purpose of programming funds for locally-funded soundwall projects, to declare projects meeting specified conditions and criteria as eligible for inclusion in the region's soundwall project list. BACKGROUND: Existing law provides that State Highway Account funds be expended according to specified priorities that include maintenance, rehabilitation, local assistance, safety, capacity enhancement, etc. Funds remaining after allocations to those priorities are available for capital projects, with 758 for regional improvement (local) programs and 258 for interregional improvement (state) projects, both of which are programmed in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Existing law authorizes the programming and use of the regional improvement program funds for, among other things, soundwalls. Existing law requires the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to develop and implement a system of priorities for ranking the need for soundwalls along existing freeways and expressways and requires Caltrans to include a program to construct these state-funded soundwalls in the proposed STIP. AB 712 (CHU) Page 2 Page 1 of 5 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab.../ab_712_cfa_20030707_135539_sen_comm.htm 2/12/2004 AB 712 Assembly Bill - Bill Analysis SB 300 (Kopp, 1989) enacted the Transportation Blueprint for the 21st Century, including the establishment of several categorical programs to be funded at specific levels or amounts over the ensuing 10-year life of the Blueprint. Included in these programs was the Retrofit Soundwall Program, a list of 219 specific soundwalls to be constructed throughout the state. The so-called 1989 soundwall list was provided $150 million in the Blueprint legislation, but funds were exhausted before the list could be completed. A substantial number of the unconstructed soundwalls were located in Los Angeles County. In 1997, the Legislature enacted SB 45 (Kopp), which revised the state's transportation planning and programming process and repealed most of the categorical programs created by the Blueprint legislation. The uncompleted Retrofit Soundwall Program was also repealed. The 1997 legislation gave regional planning agencies primary responsibility for establishing project priorities and programming transportation projects, including soundwalls, in their jurisdictions. Therefore, if a region wishes to construct a soundwall or any other project, it has to identify and program the necessary funds from its county programming share. In Los Angeles County, the MTA currently maintains a formal policy that it uses to establish priorities for the funding of soundwall projects in the region. The end product is a priority list known as the Post 1989 List. Residential communities that seek funding for a project or inclusion of those projects on this list must meet specific requirements: the LACMTA must find that: a) the project has noise measurements exceeding the minimum standard of 67 decibels; and, b) the project will provide a minimum noise reduction of 5 decibels. In addition, LACMTA policy grants a significant level of consideration to commercial properties that may be negatively affected by implementation of proposed soundwall projects, especially if they are considered "first-line" commercial properties and their business viability greatly depends on their visibility from an adjacent highway. ANALYSIS: This bill would require the Los Angeles County Metropolitan AB 712 (CHU) Page 3 Transportation Authority, when identifying priorities for the purpose of programming funds for highway soundwalls, to declare certain projects as eligible for inclusion on the MTA's priority list (Post 1989 List) if the following factors exist: Both the residential homes and highway are above grade and the front-line commercial properties are located below grade. Page 2 of 5 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab.../ab_712_cfa_20030707_135539_sen_comm.htm 2/12/2004 AB 712 Assembly Bill - Bill Analysis 2.The noise attenuation project serves to reduce noise levels affecting residential homes and schools within one mile of a freeway. 3.Noise measurements exceed the minimum standard of 67 decibels, which is a weighted equivalent steady state noise level over a one-hour period, for noise impact. 4.The project will provide a minimum noise reduction of five decibels. COMMENTS: According to the author, the bill was prompted by a particular soundwall proposal in the City of Monterey Park. The city has been attempting (unsuccessfully) for several years to get Caltrans, and then, post SB 45, convince the LACMTA to program funds for a soundwall project in that community. The author asserts that the city has faced significant resistance from first the state and now the LACMTA. A residential community and nearby school that are situated adjacent to State Highway 60 (the Pomona Freeway) experience measured noise levels above the 67 decibel threshold. Both the highway and residential community are situated above grade, directly facing the highway, while the commercial properties are located at grade, below plain view of the highway. The author contends that construction of a soundwall project would be desirable, even if it potentially obstructs the direct view of a few commercial properties along the freeway. The LACMTA, however, notes opposition from there members of the local business community. City officials and the author believe that topographical factors surrounding any particular highway should also be considered by the LACMTA when prioritizing soundwall AS 712 (CHU) Page 4 projects, especially when residential areas and schools located within one mile of the highway are negatively affected by noise measurements exceeding the minimum standard. 2.Issues for the Committee a) Project bill: As far as can be determined, only one soundwall project in Greater Los Angeles would be eligible to be added to the LACMTA's soundwali list under the criteria and conditions established in the bill: the Monterey Park soundwall project. This fact makes the bill a local project bill, advancing the fortunes of a single project within the transportation programming process within Los Angeles County relative to other projects. b) Project competition: By making the Monterey Park soundwall project eligible for local funding, the Page 3 of 5 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab.../ab_712_cfa_20030707_135539_sen_comm.htm 2/12/2004 AB 712 Assembly Bill - Bill Analysis project would compete with existing eligible projects for funding, potentially displacing, disadvantaging or superceding the existing projects. c) State versus local decisionmaking: The bill essentially would have the state intervene in a decision-making process that is, by law, a local responsibility. 3.Committee's policy on project bills The Committee has in place a formal and longstanding policy against project bills, specifically that it will not approve bills which advantage-financially or programmatically-a project subject to the project selection and funding process for the State Transportation Improvement Program. The project proposal being advanced in the current bill, to the extent that any regional share of STIP funds are being used to fund the local soundwall program, makes the bill a project bill. Absent the involvement of any regional STIP funds, the bill would still appear to be in conflict with the spirit of the Committee's policy against project bills. 4.The Committee earlier approved SB 314 (Murray), which would authorize voters in Los Angeles County to vote on a proposed % sales tax increase for transportation projects. Projects authorized for funding from the AB 712 (CHU) Page 5 proceeds of the bill would include soundwall projects on the LACMTA's regional priority list. Assembly Votes: Floor: 58-17 Appr: 19-4 Trans: 16-3 POSITIONS: (Communicated to the Committee before noon on Wednesday, July 2, 2003.) SUPPORT: City of Monterey Park 270 individual letters or petition signatures OPPOSED: None received. Page 4 of 5 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab.../ab_712_cfa_20030707_li5539_sen_comm.htm 2/12/2004 AB 712 Assembly Bill - Bill Analysis Page 5 of 5 http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab.../ab_712_cfa_20030707_135539_sen_comm.htm 2/12/2004 AB 712 Assembly Bill - History Page 1 of 1 COMPLETE BILL HISTORY BILL NUMBER : A.B. No. 712 AUTHOR Liu TOPIC Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority. TYPE OF BILL : BILL HISTORY 2003 Active Non-Urgency Non-Appropriations Majority Vote Required State-Mandated Local Program Fiscal Non-Tax Levy Sept. 11 From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on TRANS. June 25 In committee: Hearing postponed by committee. June 5 Referred to Com. on TRANS. May 23 In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment. May 23 Read third time, passed, and to Senate. (Ayes 58. Noes 17. Page 1878.) May 19 Read second time. To third reading. May 15 From committee: Do pass. (Ayes 19. Noes 4.) (May 14). May 5 Re-referred to Com. on APPR. May 1 Read second time and amended. Apr. 30 From committee: Amend, do pass as amended, and re-refer to Com. on APPR. (Ayes 16. Noes 3.) (April 28). Apr. 23 In committee: Set, second hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author. Apr. 22 Re-referred to Com. on TRANS. Apr. 21 From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to Com. on TRANS. Read second time and amended. Apr. 7 In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author. Feb. 27 Referred to Com. on TRANS. Feb. 20 From printer. May be heard in committee March 22. Feb. 19 Read first time. To print. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_0701-0750/ab_712_bill_20030911 _history.html 2/12/2004 AB 712 Assembly Bill - Status CURRENT BILL STATUS MEASURE : A.B. No. 712 AUTHOR(S) Liu (Coauthor: Mountjoy) (Coauthors: Senators Margett and Scott). TOPIC Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority. HOUSE LOCATION SEN +LAST AMENDED DATE 09/11/2003 TYPE OF BILL : Active Non-Urgency Non-Appropriations Majority Vote Required State-Mandated Local Program Fiscal Non-Tax Levy Page 1 of 1 LAST HIST. ACT. DATE: 09/11/2003 LAST HIST. ACTION From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on TRANS. COMM. LOCATION SEN TRANSPORTATION TITLE An act to amend Sections 132400, 132410, and 132415 of, and to amend the heading of Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 132400) of Division 12.7 of, the Public Utilities Code, relating to transportation. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_0701-0750/ab_712_bill_20030911 _status.html 2/12/2004 San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments 3871 East Colorado Blvd Suite 101, Pasadena California 911073970 Phone: (626) 5649702 FAX: (626) 564 1116 E-Mail SGV@sgvcog.org DATE: November 25, 2003 TO: Mayor, Councilmembers City Manager FROM: Nicholas T. Conway Executive Director RE: Resolution of Support for AB 712 (Liu) At the November 20, 2003 San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments meeting, the Governing Board requested that every City Council consider adopting a resolution of support for AB 712 (Liu) at the earliest possible date. Attached please find a sample staff report and resolution for your review and use. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (626) 564-9702. ke San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments 3871 East Colorado Btvd., Suite 101, Pasadena, California 91107-3970 Phones (626) 564-9702 FAX: (626) 5641116 E-Mail SGV@sgveog.org DATE: November 24, 2003 MEMO TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: AB 712 (Liu) - Support of Gold Line Phase II Legislation RECOMMENDATION Adopt the attached resolution supporting AB 712 (Liu), which provides increased representation on the Governing Board of the Los Angeles to Pasadena Metro'Blu Authority. N 1 BACKGROUND In 1998, Senator Adam Schiff authored SB Construction Authority (PUC Section 1324 necessary authority to plan, design; and otc Claremont. The project was renamed~by tb summer, Phase I of the -Gold Li opened i the Gold Line from Pasadena to Claremont traverse 10 San Gabri6 Valle)~cities along overseeing Phase II of-thc'pr jcct asiwasl g station. ( n J 47"to'establigh thelLos Angeles tb Pasadena Metro Blue Line et seq~ The single purpose construction authority was given all net a light rail project from downtown Los Angeles to IT~ Gomithe Blue brielto the Gold Line last year. This :r budget and on,schedule. The focus of the Phase 11 planning of been underway for two years. Phase 11 of the Gold Line will e4istrng right of way_%fhese cities would like a voice in n-the cities in Phase 1, since each city will host a Gold Line While the projectsas,defrned iii the law is the entire project to Claremont, the make-up of the Governing Board includes` only Phase I members (committed funding was available for Phase I when the legislation was enacted. The current five board members are: the City of LA, the City of Pasadena, the City of South Pasadena, the MTA and the SGVCOG. The Governor appoints one non-voting member. AB 712 (LIU) clarifies existing legislation as follows: 1. Adds representatives to the governing board from the cities of Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, Irwindale, Azusa, Glendora, San Dimas, La Veme, Pomona, and Claremont as voting members; 2. Replaces the SGVCOG representative with the San Bernardino Associated Governments as a voting member pending the execution of an MOU regarding the project extension to Montclair plaza; 3. Changes the name of the Authority to the Metro Foothills Gold Line Construction Authority; and 4. Clarifies that a member appointed to serve on the Board by their City Councils can be removed and replaced by a majority vote of their City Council. Status of Legislation: AB 712 (Liu) is co-authored by Senator Jack Scott, Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy and Senator Margett. The bill has passed the Assembly and was held in Senate Transportation by Senator Murrav. The author and elected officials will work with the San Gabriel Valley legislative caucus to seek its passage when they reconvene in January. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS (SGVCOG) SUPPORTING AB 712 (LIU) WHICH PROVIDES REPRESENTATION ON THE GOVERNING BOARD FOR THE CITIES ALONG THE PHASE II CORRIDOR WHEREAS, SB 1847 (Schiff) was enacted in 1998 by the legislature and created a single purpose construction authority to plan, design and construct the Gold Line from downtown Los Angeles to Claremont. Phase I of the Gold Line between Los Angeles and Pasadena opened successfully this summer on schedule and below budget. The San Gabriel Valley cities have been working with the SGVCOG and the Authority for the last two years on Phase II of the project as defined in state law. It is in the best interest of the San Gabriel Valley cities to seek legislative clarification regarding governance of the completion of Phase 11 of the Gold Line. WHEREAS. AB 712 would increase the composition of the constr members to 15 members by adding a board member representative from Cities of Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, Irwindale, Azusa, Glendora, Pomona, and Claremont; and WHEREAS, existing law establishes one member from the SGVCOG, ABI712 Would "replace the SGVCOG representative with the appointment of one member representing7Q San Bernardino Associated of Governments sin e4he SGVCO i citi0) lld be directly represented as noted above; and U-J WHEREAS, existing law established l~e Lds Angeles Ito~Pasadena Metro Blue Line Construction Authority` and subsequently IIthe MTA changed the name of the project from the Blue Line to the-Gold Line CAB 712 vJoulB clarify the name of the construction authority to the Metro Foothills Gold,Line,Constmciion Authority; and I~ SGVCOG supports AB 712; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Governing Board of the San Gabriel Valley Council ofGovemn&ts as,follows: SECTION 1. The Governing Board of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments hereby supports the adoption of AB 712 by the California Legislature. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 24th day of November 2003. SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS By Bart Doyle, President Attest: Nicholas Conway, Executive Director