CC - Item 4H - Approval of plans ans Specification and Authorization to seek bids for Street Improvements on san Gabriel Blvd.TO: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER FROM: KEN RUKAVINA, CITY ENGINEER DATE: APRIL 20, 2004 RE: APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK BIDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Attached for the City's consideration for approval and authorization to advertise for bids, are the plans and specifications for the San Gabriel Boulevard Improvement project. The project includes an asphalt-rubber overlay, signing and striping, new street trees, sidewalk, driveways, and access curb ramps on San Gabriel Boulevard from Hellman Avenue to Rush Street. In addition, the project includes installation and upgrade of streets lights on San Gabriel Boulevard between Newmark Avenue and Rush Street. The proposed schedule for construction is as follows: Receive Bids May 27, 2004 Award contract June 8, 2004 Begin Work July 6, 2004 Complete Work November 12, 2004 The specifications have been reviewed and are acceptable to the City Engineer. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $1,795,000. Construction of the project is funded by the Transportation Equity Act for the 215` Century (TEA 21), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and Community Development Commission funds. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids by the City Clerk. Attachments COUNOL AGENDA APR 2 7 2004 ITEN 10o. 7' ec ff