CC - Item 4G - Acceptance of Deeds for Street Purposes 3362 Kelburn Avenue 3369 Lafayette StreetTO: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER FROM: KEN RUKAVINA; CITY ENGINEERI(J'00' DATE: JUNE 15, 2004 RE: ACCEPTANCE OF DEEDS FOR STREET PURPOSES 3362 KELBURN AVENUE AND 3369 LAFAYETTE STREET In conjunction with the future widening of Hellman Avenue Bridge over the Alhambra Wash between Kelburn Avenue and Lafayette Street, new curb ramps will be constructed on the northwest corner of Kelburn Avenue and northeast corner of Lafayette Street. Staff has obtained the necessary road right-of-way dedications from the respective property owners to accommodate the ramps. The curb ramps will improve pedestrian access on Hellman Avenue. Attached is a copy of the road deed dedications. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Accept the deeds; and 2. Direct the City Clerk to record the deeds together with the certification of acceptance. Attachment COUNCIL AGENDA JUN 2 2 2004 t rem No. ~ C- copy RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of Rosemead WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 (Government Code Section 27383) Space above use Documentary Transfer Tax: Exempt Assessors Parcel No. 5287-022-08 ❑AII (Revenue and Taxation Code Section 11922) (W Portion ROAD EASEMENT For A Valuable Consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, OSCAR G. GARCIA and MINDY CHHU GARCIA, husband and wife as joint tenants Name of Grantor / Ownar of Record / Vesting Do(es) hereby grant to the City of Rosemead an easement for public use and road purposes, and all uses incident thereto, in, upon, over and across the real property located in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California, described as: See Attached Legal Description and Map Exhibits 'A' and "B" Typed Name & Title Date Signature Typed Name & Title //L/oaf z Date o z 0 a c z 6 0 *0 j N z i ~ ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Califon' 1 j SS. County of / JJ On C=;)"- /l - a rG before me, cli,~G ~ct.tl~ 10.A1T] MMAR) personally appeared ❑ personally known tome - OR GANG DONG Commission # 1757909 NotW Public - Cofforrda Los Angeles Count My Comm. rakes Apra, 7004 roved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/®subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/&q executed the same in his/her 46;x' authorized capacity(ies). and that by his/her e' signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my handAnd official OPTIONAL INFORMATION The information below is not required by law. However, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this acknowl- edgment to an unauthorized document. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER (PRINCIPAL) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER 1111.1 ❑ PARTNER(S) ❑ .ATIORNEY-IN-PACT ❑ TRt1S"rrns) ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSLRVATOR ❑ OTIIFR: SIGNER IS REPRESEV'fl\G: SAW (A PPR]u\~ UR I' 11M111 S, TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT NUMBER OF PAGES D.\rE OF DOCUMENT" OIIILR RIGIII "rliUMBPR1.\I OF E SIGNER :N\ W; VAI.I.I.Y-SIERRA..14Y) k n 7 !J ; EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR STREET WIDENING PORTION A.P.N. 5287-022-008 That portion of Lot 129 of Tract No. 7353, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 99, Pages 27 and 28 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of said Lot 129; thence along the westerly line of said Lot, 10.45 feet; thence northeasterly in a direct line to the northerly line of said Lot distant easterly 9.70 feet from said northwesterly corner; thence westerly along said northerly line, 9.70 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 51 square feet, more or less As shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof Prepared under my supervision: Q V • Il,~'~ 12 - 3-~3 (Or David O. Knell PLS 5301 Date S. 5301 -07 C1wpd«sVo mead\hellmw.doc TExp. 12-3 December 1, 2003 9 EXHIBIT "B" N HELLMAN AVENUE 0 10.45 W m > i~ 129 11 N a ~ ~ a 3 NI 50' J i 130 z a oc oc m .j LLI 0 a N 131 ' a Willden WILLDAN SCALE i"=30' DATE JUN 16. 2004 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY ~/j~/ ENGINEERS PLANNERS DflAMN BY D.BEYERBACH 008.PLG \ / / 17191 CROSSROADS PARKWAY NORTH. SUITE 905 R EMEAD/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION / `u~ ixousTRr. CA. 91146-7497 (562) 908-9200 CHECKED BY D.KNELL US HELLMAN BRIDGE COPY RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of Rosemead WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF ROSEMEAD 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CA 91770 (Government Code Section,27383) Documentary Transfer Tax: Exempt (Revenue and Taxation Code Section 11922) use Assessors Parcel No. 5287-022-038 ROAD EASEMENT For A Valuable Consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, JUAN FRANCISCO SANCHEZ Na" of Grantor/ Owner of Remrd / Vestlng ❑AII IN Portion Do(es) hereby grant to the City of Rosemead an easement for public use and road purposes, and all uses incident thereto, in, upon, over and across the real property located in the City of Rosemead, County ofLos Angeles, State of California, described as: See Attached Legal Description and Map Exhibits 'A' and "B" n 1 i✓G,-0ct0 c- Z' gnature T ~ ) --RAVeiseo 5lbve / ~ev Typed Name & Title Signature Typed Name & Title Date Date ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California), County of V_i b0 J On V before me, ai r0.Vlir rNm:ARI'1 personally appeared Ct-+e-a 5MNlRISI ❑ personally known to me - OR - N Gpp G~~ 0 GA MI MA geles CO des Apr 3 2M4 roved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) ' jsWare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that'/she/they executed the same in lil~t ber/their authorized capacity(ies), and that byC Q*her/their signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNES d official seal NGrARI"SSIGNAMRB OPTIONAL INFORMATION The information below is not required by law. However, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this acknowl- edgmem to an unauthorized document. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER (PRINCIPAL) DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFFICER TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ❑ PAR"rNFR(SI ❑ ATTORNEY-IN-FACT ❑ TRUS-IEE(S) ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSFRVAIOR ❑ OT"HFR: NUMBER OF PAGES D. rE OF DOCUMENT SIGNER IS REPRESEN"[-IN(;: \ ~N11, UI 1.1-ku r\n. Uk I~_N 111 II ~r OLHER - - RIGIll I-HUMBPRINT - OF E SIGNER - .-\N\ SAKI VALLEY-SIERRA, VU ',6'-ljbY EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR STREET WIDENING PORTION A.P.N. 5287-022-038 That portion of Lot 159 of Tract No. 7353, in the City of Rosemead, County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 99, Pages 27 and 28 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of said Lot 159; thence along the easterly line of said Lot, 11.39 feet; thence northwesterly in a direct line to the northerly line of said Lot distant westerly 10.57 feet from said northeasterly comer; thence easterly along said northerly line, 10.57 feet to the Point of Beginning. Contains 60 square feet, more or less As shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof Prepared under my supervision: o s. David O. Knell PLS 5301 Date rrL:04jroe-AL S. 530 1 1 CAwpdocsVo eadVx[ImmAm December I, 2003 ,K Exp. 12-31-07 EXHIBIT "B" N L HELLMAN AVENUE 0 5 11 .39' i W N U) 1159 c`y w 3 iy 50' J 1~8 H cc W to rl ~ Q a U U. [E-1 ~ a ' a Wil] an WILLDAN SCALE 1'=30' DATE NOV 4. 2003 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY ~ ~ ENGINEERS • PLANTERS DRAIN BY D.BEYERBACH 038.PLG { ~ SUITE 407 17191 CROSSROADS p1NAWA1 IMM ROSEIEAD/ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ] \ \ -34 IIOO562) slT467~sz (scn 908 oe~zoo ANELL CHECKED BY D. KNELL BRIDGE