CC - Item 3B - Cosideration of ordinances extending the date by oe year for effectiveness and receipt of tax increment for project area no. 1 and 2TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: ktu-L CROWE, CITY MANAGE DATE: July 3, 2004 RE: CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES EXTENDING THE DATE BY ONE YEAR FOR EFFECTIVENESS AND RECEIPT OF TAX INCREMENT FOR PROJECT AREA NO. 1 AND PROJECT AREA NO. 2. Last year, to compensate Redevelopment. Agencies for the ERAF payments they were forced to make, the legislature enacted SB 1045 which authorizes amendments to redevelopment plans to extend, by one year, the time limits on effectiveness and receipt of tax increment. These amendments may be enacted by ordinance without having to go through the formalities normally required for a plan amendment. Project Area No. 1 is currently effective through June 27, 2012 and the Agency may receive tax increment until June 27, 2022. - Ordinance No. 832 extends the effectiveness of Project Area No. 1 through June 27, 2013, and extends receipt of tax increment to June 27, 2023. Project Area No. 2 is currently effective through June 27, 2030 and the Agency may receive tax increment until June 27, 2045. Ordinance No. 833 extends the effectiveness of Project Area No. I through June 27, 2031, and extends receipt of tax increment to June 27, 2046. RECOMMENDATION: That the Council introduce Ordinances No.832 and 833. COUNCIL AGEA',1IJa>, JUL 13 2004 ITEM No.~.