CC - Item 4D - Request for parking restrictions on Earle Avenue North of GarveyTO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS ROSEMEEAAD CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL CROWE, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 20, 2004 RE: REQUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON EARLE AVENUE NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE This item was placed on the Traffic Commission Agenda at the request of Traffic Commission Chairman Holly Knapp. Ms. Knapp requested staff to review parking on Earle Avenue north of Garvey Avenue, as parked vans apparently from Dollar Rent-a- Car hinder traffic flow on Earle Avenue. Recent field observations made during the mid-morning period noted that three vans that appeared to be from Dollar Rent-a-Car were parked on Earle Avenue in the immediate vicinity of Garvey Avenue. These vans hindered traffic flow such that vehicles had to slow to pass and keep an eye on opposing traffic. To provide a clearer travel path on Earle Avenue north of Garvey Avenue, the Traffic Commission recommended installing the red curb at the locations shown on the attached exhibit. RECOMMENDATION Approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation to install red curb on Earle Avenue north of Garvey Avenue. Attachment C,0IJt-,!CLL. hvan'dLr''i"O' OCT 2 5 2004 ~ ~C ITEM 'No. Sfax Report Rosemead Traffic Commission TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS FROM:. JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: September 29, 2004 SUBJECT: ~iiequestfor Parking Restrictions on Earle Avenue North of Garvey Avenue RE UEST - Chairman Knapp requested staff to review Earle Avenue north of Garvey Avenue. She indicated that there are vans parked from the Dollar Rent•a-Car facility that hinder traffic flow on Earle Avenue. She has requested parking - restrictions on Earle Avenue. CONDITIONS Exhibit 1 depicts conditions on Earle Avenue north of Garvey Avenue. Earle Avenue is 34 feet wide. Southbound Earle Avenue is stop controlled at Garvey Avenue. There is no striping on Earle Avenue at Garvey Avenue. There are street sweeping parking restrictions on Earle Avenue., DISCUSSION Feld observation of the location was made during the mid-moming period. There were 3 vans parked on Earle Avenue in the Immediate vicinity of Garvey Avenue. They were all similar in appearance and look as if they are part of the Dollar Rent-a-Car facility. These vans did hinder traffic flow such that vehicles had to slow to pass them and keep an eye on opposing traffic. On Earle Avenue further north, there is not a high concentration of parking. This is a residential area with few vehicles parking on the street. As shown in Exhibit 1, there are 2 fire hydrants on the east side of Earle Avenue. 'i nis limits parking on-ihe tlast side to approximately one parking-space. -0111ha west side, there are no parking restrictions. October 7, 2004 'traffic Commission Meeting Request for Parking Restrictions on Earle Avenue North of Garvey Avenue Page 2 of 2,,, RECOMMENDATION The installation of red curb as shown on Exhibit 1 is recommended. Though we do not like to paint red curb at fire hydrants because enforcement of this parking restriction can be made without red curb, we behove this will better direct vehicles to park in appropriate locations, It will also provide a clearer travel path immediately north of Garvey Avenue on Earle Avenue. ` Attachment P-.toe.lWJII\ tSDt200a agendw 6 DowmeMSWet-Earle B Garvey Pkg rastrlCW=.dW ~Y t s ~ I s LIj ~ II ~ ~ I ~ . ' . t ~ 1.- 4 A a e Y ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2004 A regular meetirg,of `the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Vice- Chairperson Matsdorf at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead. ROLL CALL Present: Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf, Commissioner Quintanilla, Commissioner Baffo & Commissioner Benjamin Absent: Chairperson Knapp Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Baffo Invocation: Commissioner Benjamin 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Tuly 8, 2004 It was moved by Commissioner Baffo, seconded by Commissioner Benjamin and carried unanimously to approve the minutes for July 8; 2004. It was moved by Commissioner Benjamin, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla to approve the minutes for August 5, 2004 Vote results: Yes: Vice-Chairperson Matsdorf, Commissioner Quintanilla and Commissioner Benjamin Noes: None Absent: Chairperson Knapp Abstain: Commissioner Baffo II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE - None III. OLD BUSINESS - None IV. fib~ NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR RED CURB IN FRONT OF 3303 DEL MAR AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report Recommendation: The installation of red curb in front of 3303 Del Mar Avenue was recommended. This red curb will provide additional sight distance for motorists existing the property. It will not significantly affect the neighboring businesses. It was moved by Commissioner Benjamin, seconded by Commissioner Baffo, and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. B. REQUEST FOR PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON EARLE AVENUE NORTH OF GARVEY AVENUE Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki presented the staff report Recommendation: The installation of red curb was recommended. Though we do not like to paint red curb on fire hydrants because enforcement of this parking restriction can be made without red curb, we believe this will better direct vehicles to park in appropriate locations. It will also provide a clearer travel path immediately north of Garvey Avenue on Earle Avenue. Speaking before the Commission was:. Mr. Smally (Dollar Rent-a-Car) Mr. Smally stated that after hearing the Traffic Engineer's recommendation and looking at the exhibit, he realized that he misunderstood where the red curb was to be installed, and therefore, had no problem with the Engineer's recommendation. It was moved by Commissioner Baffo, seconded by Commissioner Benjamin and carried unanimously to approve the Traffic Engineer's recommendation. V. STAFF REPORTS Deputy Traffic Engineer Itagaki stated that the last two Traffic Commission items that went before the City Council were approved. Assistant City Manager asked if any of the Commissioners were interested in attending the "2004 Traffic Commissioner's Workshop". Commissioners Baffo and Commissioner Benjamin expressed their interest in going. The rest will notify us later. VI. COMMISSIONER REPORTS -None VII. -ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m., with 5 people in the audience. The next regular meeting of the Traffic Commission is set for November 4, 2004.